Things that confuse/annoy you

  • Thread starter UnkaD
The "come take a look at this" crap people pull on you. I'd prefer to hear what the problem is, rather than playing the game of being asked "can you see what's wrong with this?"

If I made a mistake...TELL ME what it is. Tired of wasting time with people who will point out my mistake, but not tell me right away about what it was. Drives me mad worrying whether or not the person wants to point out something either good or bad. It is NOT helpful to someone who has anxiety issues. Of course, it's gotten to the point where I always expect the worst.... :banghead:

End up beating myself over the head with my mistake for the rest of the entire day, if not longer...
People who put their decaf soya coffee and chai seed orang utan ****ing friendly porridge on the counter in front of you when you're still being served. Grrrr...

Mainly the ones I work with and the fact it seems like they love to complain about the fact they never have any money, yet never seem to run out of cigarettes. Here a pack of smokes seems to be about $10 and going by how often they light up they have to be at least a pack a day (so roughly $3,600/year).
It's almost like part of the solution to their money problem is literally in their hands! 💡

Mainly the ones I work with and the fact it seems like they love to complain about the fact they never have any money, yet never seem to run out of cigarettes. Here a pack of smokes seems to be about $10 and going by how often they light up they have to be at least a pack a day (so roughly $3,600/year).
It's almost like part of the solution to their money problem is literally in their hands! 💡

It is an odd thing that smokers will always find a way to get smokes even when broke. I remember being young and having to choose between cat food and cigs or cat food and person food and would usually go with the former and just skip a meal.

These days, living where I do, I rarely pay over a dollar a pack and the lose tobacco I’ve been stuffing in my pipe for the last few months cost me about $3 in total and I’ve still got about a week’s worth left.
Just let Darwinism take its natural course.

I mean, who would do something so obviously detrimental to their health? Let's discuss it over a pint or two.
I don't smoke, I don't drink.

So, I don't have a life. :sly:
I don't smoke, I don't drink.

So, I don't have a life. :sly:
Don't drink? Don't smoke? What do you do?

It confuses me that people still smoke and are willing to undermine their health.

Because nicotine is harder to quit than heroin.

I don’t do it to undermine my health, I do it as a hobby, the detrimental health issues are a side effect of that.

I’d argue that I don’t understand why people eat junk and get fat. Obesity related illness cost the NHS (in the UK) 10 times more than smoking related illnesses.
You know what is confusing?

Driving two different cars and when I try to use the windshield wipers I always get it wrong. In one car I have to push upwards for activating the windshield wipers and in the other car I have to push downwards.
I don't change cars often but whenever I'm in a different one I can never remember which way to turn the wiper dial for faster repetitions or slower ones.
My previous car required me pushing up to use windshield wipers and now I just move a dial. It confused my mind at first, because moving the stick would activate the turn signals.
I'm currently using 2 different cars with very different levels of brake wear. That is annoying.
I predominantly drive my two cars - the Grand Voyager and the Porsche, so I've got used to them like slipping on a favourite pair of jeans. The other day I needed to borrow a colleague's Hyundai Kona... manual with a clutch pedal. Having only driven flappy paddles, tiptronics and autos for years, this threw me for a second. I was like, 'this is crazy, I've driven manuals since the 80s!'.

Luckily, I soon got back in the groove and didn't trash it.
Luckily, I soon got back in the groove and didn't trash it.

I had to borrow my mother-in-law’s Hilux a few weeks back to pick up (no pun intended) our new washing machine.

It’d years since I’d driven anything more than from the pub to home (short distance, designated driver occasions) with a clutch and I had a job of keeping the thing in the right gear as I forgot I had to shift myself.
Going from a manual to an automatic back and forth gives me the opportunity to experiment unconsciously with starting a manual in first gear without using the clutch. Luckily I had put my right foot on the brake.
I drive a manual 98 percent of the time. The only problem I seem to have when I rarely drive an automatic is that when I go to park I always try pushing the clutch in and trying to take it out of first gear. This usually leaves me stomping the floor and panicking with the break pedal in fear of killing the car. Its ridiculous and my hear rate goes through the roof :lol:
I used to drive manual about 98% of the time, which could result in some phantom clutch stomps in automatic cars, but by now I know I'm fully accustomed to driving automatic because the Outback and Legacy are generational siblings, yet I have no difficulty swapping between them. A bit unusual that it took me until my 30s to get there, as someone living in the U.S. :lol:

Nevertheless, driving automatic is a constant string of mild annoyances. I've realized that I think I'd be happier in an electric car than an automatic ICE car, because at least the EV won't creep forward automatically (depending on the model), slur its throttle response making it unnecessarily difficult to maintain a speed, shift at the wrong time, remain in a gear I wouldn't use, or awkwardly engage between D and R while making ugly noises, even if you baby it in such an instance. :irked:
You know what is getting disgustingly annoying on this damned earth?

The logic of both political sides. I've been watching some political shows lately and it's getting so frickin' boring that they call the opposite wing 'dictatoric' because it's not the same wing as them. But if I watch the other wing's show it's just the same.

Jeez, sometimes I wish I could avoid politics but everywhere I go it is present. :indiff:
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Video game steelbooks. Specifically selling them included with their respective game.

I'm not sure if it's a recent practice, but rather than putting the disc (and manual/DLC code sheet) inside the steelbook, you get the game in its standard packaging with the empty steelbook bundled with it.

I get that they're collectable items, but if you're buying the steelbook edition of a game, surely it would make more sense to have just the steelbook rather than having two cases for one game? :odd:
Video game steelbooks. Specifically selling them included with their respective game.

I'm not sure if it's a recent practice, but rather than putting the disc (and manual/DLC code sheet) inside the steelbook, you get the game in its standard packaging with the empty steelbook bundled with it.

I get that they're collectable items, but if you're buying the steelbook edition of a game, surely it would make more sense to have just the steelbook rather than having two cases for one game? :odd:
Probably cheaper than deviating from standard packaging practices just to include something extra on a limited basis.
I mean.

Yes those two words spoken or written together, so unless you don't say/write them you don't really mean it then?
My brain! My brain confuses me! It does things I don't agree with and I have to go along with it. :ouch:

Why can't we – my brain and I – agree on stuff we want to do and accomplish. :mad:
My brain! My brain confuses me! It does things I don't agree with and I have to go along with it. :ouch:

Why can't we – my brain and I – agree on stuff we want to do and accomplish. :mad:
'This was the note the police found at the first crime scene...'

I mean.

Yes those two words spoken or written together, so unless you don't say/write them you don't really mean it then?
It's a discourse marker; specifically a conversational particle, most often used in informal speech.

I'll admit that I probably use it in excess, particularly in writing, but then I tend to write in a manner that reflects the way I speak. I typically use it with an extended pause (in the form of an ellipsis)--"I mean..."--at the beginning of a statement, to indicate that I've given something additional consideration.