Things that confuse/annoy you

  • Thread starter UnkaD
I'm partial to using a derivation of the phrase that invokes the folliculated crevice located in a particular member of the rodent family's posterior region, beneath its semi-prehensile tail.



asshole maybe?
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What the hell is the point of creating playlists on youtube when the app stops after every second video to ask if you want it to keep playing? Nah, I just make a playlist of music videos to listen to them individually. Of course you should keep playing! I'm having a crap time cleaning up the back yard around all of my brother's endless piles of car parts and the only thing keeping me from throwing **** is the chillstep I got going.

Needless to say, stuff became projectiles.
What the hell is the point of creating playlists on youtube when the app stops after every second video to ask if you want it to keep playing? Nah, I just make a playlist of music videos to listen to them individually. Of course you should keep playing! I'm having a crap time cleaning up the back yard around all of my brother's endless piles of car parts and the only thing keeping me from throwing **** is the chillstep I got going.

Needless to say, stuff became projectiles.
Do you pay for YouTube Plus/Music (I forget what it's called)?

If not, then this is clearly a design to get you to...
Do you pay for YouTube Plus/Music (I forget what it's called)?

If not, then this is clearly a design to get you to...
Yeah, I know it's for that incentive. The thing is I've seen a few discussions where paid subscribers say it still does it, so it seems it's just a crappy design choice.

I only turn to youtube sometimes because google play doesn't always have the music I look for. I feel like there are no truly good places for which to turn save for buying every song or album individually, but with the amount of music I listen to I could never afford that.
Yeah, I know it's for that incentive. The thing is I've seen a few discussions where paid subscribers say it still does it, so it seems it's just a crappy design choice.

I only turn to youtube sometimes because google play doesn't always have the music I look for. I feel like there are no truly good places for which to turn save for buying every song or album individually, but with the amount of music I listen to I could never afford that.
I use Spotify and although it's a subscription, you can download songs/albums/custom playlist to play when not streaming. I guess it's not really what you're looking for but I must say it's perfect for me. I listen to quite a variety of music and it's instant to what I'm in the mood for and great for discovering new music.

A friend of mine uses YT Music (pays for it) and we never have issues with it at parties. No ads or interruptions whatsoever. Not sure if there are multiple subscription levels that offer better features or not, but it sounds to me that those who pay for it and don't receive the benefits and have interupted music likely have a glitch going on and need to report it and get it fixed.

EDIT: Holy run-on sentences. :lol:
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Inusually don't check this thread so apologies for the delayed reply.

From the sound of it, they're likely not the kind of people to care but it does violate Spotify's terms and conditions.

That said, even if they moved to a different platform, that wouldn't necessarily help with the content. That will likely only change if enough customers complained.

A late reply to this as well. As I've heard from the same people who pick spotify for their showroom, they've told me BMW has rules for what is played in the showroom. I was told that BMW has their own playlist/radio for their showroom. Why they don't just follow that, I don't understand...
A late reply to this as well. As I've heard from the same people who pick spotify for their showroom, they've told me BMW has rules for what is played in the showroom. I was told that BMW has their own playlist/radio for their showroom. Why they don't just follow that, I don't understand...
It would be a shame if they were somehow anonymously reported to BMW. :mischievous:
At work, most of my org's clients have left old addresses all over most of their records and the cheques we have to send them are coming out with what's on record rather than the requisition address. 'But don't you love spending eleventy million hours correcting the addresses by hand?' I hear you ask.

'Yeah', I answer, as I search for a frying pan to go and give them a good hiding with.
When you get knee deep into a good song and then someone changes the station.
Given my displeasure for people constantly changing radio stations I posted about earlier, it’s no surprise I have a problem with this too. I was in town a few weeks ago and was enjoying a good song I rarely hear anymore and when it got to the last 30 seconds, which happens to be really good, my dad turns it to another station! :mad: Not going to lie, it triggered me a lot more than it probably should have. It don’t help he had already been getting under my skin all day that day and just when I thought I was on the verge of calming down, he does this. :rolleyes: It’s made even worse considering the station he turned it to was playing a song by an artist (namely Luke Combs) who I hear multiple times every hour and have grown tired of hearing as a result.

Of course it don’t stop there. Just yesterday we went out to town again, the same song comes on and unsurprisingly, he does it again at roughly the same place he did before! For peats sake, the song had been playing for 3 minutes already, if you didn’t care for it, why didn’t you turn it sooner?! :banghead: If you’re going to turn it to something else, either do it when it’s barely begun or don’t do it at all. (I prefer the latter) Don’t let me get knee deep into it if you’re just going to turn it later! :grumpy:

Fortunately, it’s not a frequent occurrence, but it still bugs me if it happens at all.
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Listening to radio in a digital age is your problem there.
These days when I drive I put in my ear phones and run my Deftones or AiC records and my wife plays whatever ever it is she listens to on the stereo. No arguments.
Listening to radio in a digital age is your problem there.
These days when I drive I put in my ear phones and run my Deftones or AiC records and my wife plays whatever ever it is she listens to on the stereo. No arguments.
I'd beg to say the person who changes the station is the problem. The radio is not changing itself.
I'd beg to say the person who changes the station is the problem. The radio is not changing itself.

Touché. However, personal music has been available for some decades now. Choosing to share a radio station with others is asking for trouble.
I'll never understand why words intended to directly replace expletives are acceptable in that context. I don't subscribe to the notion that profanity is bad anyway, but if those profane words--which are just words that may or may not bear offensive meaning--are bad, why is any word meant to convey the same message tolerable?
I'll never understand why words intended to directly replace expletives are acceptable in that context. I don't subscribe to the notion that profanity is bad anyway, but if those profane words--which are just words that may or may not bear offensive meaning--are bad, why is any word meant to convey the same message tolerable?
I've had a similar feeling for a long time.

Why are certain expletives even offensive at all? Why does the f-bomb have such a negative connotation? Who decided that?

Poop and the s-word mean literally the exact same thing. I don't care which word is used.

The idea of words having extreme connotations is out of my comprehension.
I've had a similar feeling for a long time.

Why are certain expletives even offensive at all? Why does the f-bomb have such a negative connotation? Who decided that?

Poop and the s-word mean literally the exact same thing. I don't care which word is used.

The idea of words having extreme connotations is out of my comprehension.
While I don't know with absolute certainty, I think it's a safe bet that your standard fare profanity, of which the f-word is certainly a part, has been deemed bad by religious types.

Words having extreme connotations, though, isn't so far over my head. Words with innocuous meanings have frequently been co-opted to convey hatred, often because their users identify correlation between the straight meaning and that which they want to highlight and/or attack about individuals or members of a particular group.

Language is a living thing.
These days when I drive I put in my ear phones
I wouldn’t want anyone to put earphones in while driving because they’d be even less likely to hear important things such as police sirens or people warning you about something. Plus I think I read somewhere it is illegal in some areas, no idea if that’s the case for you though.

I got to thinking last night, that annoyance I posted about isn’t just limited to radio, it can be anything that plays music really.
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Driving with earbuds in or headphones on would be maximum anxiety for me.
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I love it. Since I’m hypermiling (about 50mpg the last few days) it’s a relatively simple solution to the music issue. Wifey doesn’t want to listen to Slipknot and I don’t want to listen to Amy Winehouse. It’s not like I’m listening for engine knocks, I drive a Fit, hardly likely to cause any issues.
A lot of people on here had a Fit as their first car.

It’s not a bad little car. Had one as a rental once.

Could be worse. Talk about annoyance, my first was a ‘99 Chrysler Town and Country. Not at all a “Shaggin’ Wagon”.
Catching YouTube ads at the tail end of videos just before the last 30-60 seconds; annoying, but admittedly clever bastards.
Apparently YouTube has decided to double down on annoying me.

Watching video, ad comes up, normal stuff. Ad goes away (on its own or by me skipping it), video comes back. 2 seconds, "Incoming ad". When did this start b/c it is far more annoying & happens more often than ads appearing at the end of a video. :banghead:
Apparently YouTube has decided to double down on annoying me.

Watching video, ad comes up, normal stuff. Ad goes away (on its own or by me skipping it), video comes back. 2 seconds, "Incoming ad". When did this start b/c it is far more annoying & happens more often than ads appearing at the end of a video. :banghead:
You made the mistake of complaining on the internet. You can be sure "they" saw your complaints and have decided to make it even worse so that you might start paying.
Looking up how-to's for just about anything on Google. Of course, I should probably recognize the fact that Google owns Youtube, but it always brings up YT videos FIRST instead of a decent article to read instead. I don't want to have to watch some youtuber's video with a lengthy intro and ramblings before getting to the actual step by step process. That and the horrible clickbait titles and thumbnails shoved in your face first. I probably should start using Bing or something else at this point....
Looking up how-to's for just about anything on Google. Of course, I should probably recognize the fact that Google owns Youtube, but it always brings up YT videos FIRST instead of a decent article to read instead. I don't want to have to watch some youtuber's video with a lengthy intro and ramblings before getting to the actual step by step process. That and the horrible clickbait titles and thumbnails shoved in your face first. I probably should start using Bing or something else at this point....

Use Bing or DuckDuckGo.

Apparently YouTube has decided to double down on annoying me.

Watching video, ad comes up, normal stuff. Ad goes away (on its own or by me skipping it), video comes back. 2 seconds, "Incoming ad". When did this start b/c it is far more annoying & happens more often than ads appearing at the end of a video. :banghead:

And now my Pi-Hole doesn't work anymore either. YouTube changed its ad system so that their videos are embedded with the ad in the base link itself.

If you block the ad, you block the video, which means you just get a blank video screen or it buffers endlessly. :ouch:
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Gosh, it seems like YouTube doesn't want people to weasel out of seeing ads. But then ad revenue is presumably a significant enough chunk of the business model that they're willing to explore methods of keeping it relevant and keeping the money coming in.

I don't understand the problem with ads. YouTube's implementation is possibly the least intrusive in that it functions much like commercials on television, instead of having screen-filling images (some of which include audio) that interrupt scrolling through webpages.
Venomous animals (i.e. snakes, jellyfish, wasps) being described as poisonous despite having very different methods of delivering toxins.
I feel you there. A teacher I used to have back in high school used to use poisonous and venomous interchangeably when she was helping me with my senior project. While I didn't quite know the difference between the two at the time, I did at the very least suspect they weren't the same and something about her referring to snakes as "poisonous" seemed off to me since they were referred to as venomous every time I searched for them.

However, I few months ago, my teacher at college mentioned the difference between the two and now that I know this, I have a feeling I am going to be mildly annoyed when I reread my senior project again. :lol:
Apparently YouTube has decided to double down on annoying me.

Watching video, ad comes up, normal stuff. Ad goes away (on its own or by me skipping it), video comes back. 2 seconds, "Incoming ad". When did this start b/c it is far more annoying & happens more often than ads appearing at the end of a video. :banghead:
I have had that happen before a few years ago and yea, it's pretty annoying. I think it was what motivated me to install an ad block extension on my browser. I don't know how frequent it happens anymore because I keep ad block on all the time.

On a related note, I expressed my displeasure for sponsors in Youtube videos earlier and not long after, I watched a video that had the same sponsor not once, but twice in the same video. Again, I get why they do it, but is mentioning it twice really necessary?
I'm a bit spun up from research I've been trying to do in the last week, from too many sources that are needlessly coy with critical details and seemingly cannot spell out ideas in a clear and readily comprehensible manner. :lol:

I intend to do something about that, in time. ;)
Well I wasn't suggesting it was a bad post, if anything I thought it was quite good, but also humorous. I can understand where you're coming from though.
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