This time I envy 360-owners

  • Thread starter Palleraa
OP here... How can you speak so boldly about Forza vs. GT5? I was referring to Forza 3, which isn't out yet. And no one really knows anything about GT5. I hope you are right since I now own a PS3, but nothing is fore sure. Thats for sure.

So if no one has info about how FULL GT5 will be and how FULL Forza3 will be... why Start whole thread and ENVY the Xbox players? What if Forza3 fails to deliver? what if GT5 fails to deliver? :crazy: I would start thread like that once Both games are really really close to release dates and have lots of info on them. Or when Both games are released.
So if no one has info about how FULL GT5 will be and how FULL Forza3 will be... why Start whole thread and ENVY the Xbox players? What if Forza3 fails to deliver? what if GT5 fails to deliver? :crazy: I would start thread like that once Both games are really really close to release dates and have lots of info on them. Or when Both games are released.

Maybe we should open new thread called Forza4 vs. GTP6? :sly:
It's a sad day that console fanboyism has spread to the gtplanet forums, it's the one place I thought would always be safe from the monkey poop fight at the zoo.
It's a sad day that console fanboyism has spread to the gtplanet forums, it's the one place I thought would always be safe from the monkey poop fight at the zoo.

I agree. I dont understand why people cant accept the opinion of others instead of bashing each other.
OP here... How can you speak so boldly about Forza vs. GT5? I was referring to Forza 3, which isn't out yet. And no one really knows anything about GT5. I hope you are right since I now own a PS3, but nothing is fore sure. Thats for sure.
What tha!?!?!?!? :dunce:

Why do you post an edited video of Forza 2, and then compare two games that are not out and you know absolutely nothing about?

I've never played Forza 2, so I can't tell how good/bad the physics are. But I think the physics in Gran Turismo are really good. Believe it or not, but I have actualy become a better driver in real life thanks to this game.

I don't see why you're so worried... I mean, if Forza 3 is gonna be close to what Gran Turismo 5 will be, it will take just as long to get Forza 3 finished. Quality takes a long time to accomplish. Is it so hard to understand?
What tha!?!?!?!? :dunce:

Why do you post an edited video of Forza 2, and then compare two games that are not out and you know absolutely nothing about?

I've never played Forza 2, so I can't tell how good/bad the physics are. But I think the physics in Gran Turismo are really good. Believe it or not, but I have actualy become a better driver in real life thanks to this game.

I don't see why you're so worried... I mean, if Forza 3 is gonna be close to what Gran Turismo 5 will be, it will take just as long to get Forza 3 finished. Quality takes a long time to accomplish. Is it so hard to understand?
He wasnt comparing them. He just said it makes him wonder which will be better after looking at our Forza 2 vid.:dunce:
What tha!?!?!?!?
Believe it or not, but I have actualy become a better driver in real life thanks to this game.

Me too!!!

So guys... I know GT5 full game will surprise us with SOMETHING IN it, either weather system, damage, better online experience or all of the above...

So what would make GT5 game FAIL to deliver?
I think if it did not had either at least one of the options I just listed above.
Me too!!!

So guys... I know GT5 full game will surprise us with SOMETHING IN it, either weather system, damage, better online experience or all of the above...

So what would make GT5 game FAIL to deliver?
I think if it did not had either at least one of the options I just listed above.

You know this how?
but I remember in Forza 1 the cars (even the 333SP) would let their rear wheels slip with even the slightest amount of throttle. I would go around the Nurburgring and a lap later it would be covered in skid marks because the car didn't grip. The car would stay fairly straight, but the rear wheels didn't know when to quit.

It's fine in Forza 2 unless you're driving a 600bhp monster and giving it full beans :lol:
You know this how?

What do you mean. I know KAZ himself says that there will (or may) be damage, weather system, and better online experience like private rooms. That what PD promises for over a year now. Whether we get these features or not is still unknown. I am assuming that we will get at least one of the three major things. But for sure we will get better online experience with private rooms.

My question is.. what if we do not get weather system, better online, and damage.. will GT5 fail to deliver?
What do you mean. I know KAZ himself says that there will (or may) be damage, weather system, and better online experience like private rooms. That what PD promises for over a year now. Whether we get these features or not is still unknown. I am assuming that we will get at least one of the three major things. But for sure we will get better online experience with private rooms.

My question is.. what if we do not get weather system, better online, and damage.. will GT5 fail to deliver?

Heck yes it will fail to deliver if it does not come with at least one of those features. I'm much to big of a racing game fan to wait for a review, I'll own it( and FM3) on launch day. GT is starting to go down a wayward path though. The lackluster retread that was GT4 was overly disappointing after a few weeks. I played GT3 from launch until GT4, but put down GT4 after a few months, and only played it occasionally when FM1 would get tiring. I can only hope somehow that PD knows that it is going the wrong direction, but since there is no official forum that the PD developers participate in, it hard to tell if they are getting the point. A huge dip in sales may be the only way to get through to them. 💡
I can only hope somehow that PD knows that it is going the wrong direction, but since there is no official forum that the PD developers participate in, it hard to tell if they are getting the point.
How do you know it's going the wrong direction!? You haven't seen the game yet for **** sake.

How do you know it's going the wrong direction!? You haven't seen the game yet for **** sake.


HAHA exacly. I think So far is going in RIGHT direction. Game has new GAME ENGINE. Great looking cars. And realism is closer to life then ever before. It beats all it's competition.. oh yeah GT has no competition to begin with.. am I write?
HAHA exacly. I think So far is going in RIGHT direction. Game has new GAME ENGINE. Great looking cars. And realism is closer to life then ever before. It beats all it's competition.. oh yeah GT has no competition to begin with.. am I write?

Yeah the game has a Good game engine Great looking cars and realistic handling but without properly working online playability, damage, more tracks, a solid release date some time soon, better setup options I would say that it is heading in the wrong direction.

In a way you are right that GT5P has no competition but not in a good never entered the competition in the first place, to me it's a fun diversion from Forza from time to time but when I play GT5P I still hanker for the great racing online and offline that is on Forza2

It looks like next month the XBox will have the only racing sim worth having for any console with the release of RACE Pro so to veer slightly back on topic, if I didn't have an XBox I would be envious of 360 owners too.
Yeah the game has a Good game engine Great looking cars and realistic handling but without properly working online playability, damage, more tracks, a solid release date some time soon, better setup options I would say that it is heading in the wrong direction.
You don't know what "Prologue" in Gran Turismo 5 Prologue means, do you?
Yeah the game has a Good game engine Great looking cars and realistic handling but without properly working online playability, damage, more tracks, a solid release date some time soon, better setup options I would say that it is heading in the wrong direction.

In a way you are right that GT5P has no competition but not in a good never entered the competition in the first place, to me it's a fun diversion from Forza from time to time but when I play GT5P I still hanker for the great racing online and offline that is on Forza2

It looks like next month the XBox will have the only racing sim worth having for any console with the release of RACE Pro so to veer slightly back on topic, if I didn't have an XBox I would be envious of 360 owners too.

I agree with Patric. It's a PROLOGUE! what does that mean? Pretty much a sneak peak, a preview. In preview you can't get everything because then we would call it a FULL game now would we?

What I mean GT has no competion means that GT really, RULES THEM all on consoles. Just because RACE PRO is coming out does not mean it will be a sim. Did you see videos, it looks like a washed out video from PC version.. That is my assumption.. But until FULL game comes out then I would enforce my statement. So why are you writing Xbox will be worthy for SIM racer?
HAHA exacly. I think So far is going in RIGHT direction. Game has new GAME ENGINE. Great looking cars. And realism is closer to life then ever before. It beats all it's competition.. oh yeah GT has no competition to begin with.. am I write?
How can you be taken seriously when you put "write" instead of "right".

I agree with Patric. It's a PROLOGUE! what does that mean? Pretty much a sneak peak, a preview. In preview you can't get everything because then we would call it a FULL game now would we?

What I mean GT has no competion means that GT really, RULES THEM all on consoles. Just because RACE PRO is coming out does not mean it will be a sim. Did you see videos, it looks like a washed out video from PC version.. That is my assumption.. But until FULL game comes out then I would enforce my statement. So why are you writing Xbox will be worthy for SIM racer?
Sounds to me like you are being a fanboy. Have you played Forza 2 to even know?
I have played both GT5P/Forza 2 and they both are great. I love drifting in GT5p with my G25 wheel and having the amazing graphics. Then I also love Forza 2 for the online experience and painting of the cars. I hope when PS3 Home comes out that they step up the online with the PS3, cause right now the 360 is winning the online.
the 360 online is a joke since the NXE update, everyone is party chat which ruins shooting games and the dashboard has some problems.

Forza has a huge problem with saves that T10 wont fix were your save corrupts itself so you loose your money, cars, tunes and paints which is a lot to loose.
Doesn't Xbox Live cost money? That's a big effin minus in my book. I do agree the online in GT5P sucks though.
the 360 online is a joke since the NXE update, everyone is party chat which ruins shooting games and the dashboard has some problems.

Forza has a huge problem with saves that T10 wont fix were your save corrupts itself so you loose your money, cars, tunes and paints which is a lot to loose.

Try finding some friends, make your own party. 👍

I rather pay $59.99 PER YEAR, Yes, a whole $0.16 per day, expensive, i know, but it has its benefits. Online parties, I can actually invite my friends to games, and the overall experience is great.

As opposed to having a half decent time online on the PSN.
I rather pay $59.99 PER YEAR, Yes, a whole $0.16 per day, expensive, i know, but it has its benefits. Online parties, I can actually invite my friends to games, and the overall experience is great.
Hate to be a fanboy, but when Home finally comes to PS3 it'll kick butt, and be free of charge.

These console battles are pointless...
Try finding some friends, make your own party. 👍

I rather pay $59.99 PER YEAR, Yes, a whole $0.16 per day, expensive, i know, but it has its benefits. Online parties, I can actually invite my friends to games, and the overall experience is great.

As opposed to having a half decent time online on the PSN.

I'm with you, and I think its only $50 a year isn't it?

And Nox/ Patrick, I know its a Prologue. What I'm saying is PD is going the wrong direction as to fan relations/online/overall closed mind/ with no one to please but KAz attitude. Turn10 has a great site with tons of Forums and sub forums. During FM2 development we got weekly reports about various thing. PD could open up a lot, and make its fans feel included and know that they are getting heard. It worked for FM2's PI system ( PP in GT), it was much more balanced in FM2 than in FM1. This is PDs main problem, they are not willing to look at other games to find what already works exceptionally well, instead are trying everything from scratch ( a lot like the PSN) and only going to have the same shortcomings that others had and fixed years ago. I do hope I'm wrong and your guy's blind faith is correct, I threw out my blind faith after GT4.:yuck:
Doesn't Xbox Live cost money? That's a big effin minus in my book. I do agree the online in GT5P sucks though.

the 360 online is a joke since the NXE update, everyone is party chat which ruins shooting games and the dashboard has some problems.

Forza has a huge problem with saves that T10 wont fix were your save corrupts itself so you loose your money, cars, tunes and paints which is a lot to loose.

So those are your problems against XBL? Come on the PS3 is considered to me to be in the Xbox 1 days online wise. GT5P doesnt have chat ingame and the other games have horrible chat voices. I would pay Sony for a better online.👍
How can you be taken seriously when you put "write" instead of "right".

Sounds to me like you are being a fanboy. Have you played Forza 2 to even know?
I have played both GT5P/Forza 2 and they both are great. I love drifting in GT5p with my G25 wheel and having the amazing graphics. Then I also love Forza 2 for the online experience and painting of the cars. I hope when PS3 Home comes out that they step up the online with the PS3, cause right now the 360 is winning the online.

Sorry about my spelling.. don't really have to point it out.. Just because I live in the states does not mean I speak 100% English.
And yes I play Both games.

Besides.. I do not listen to NEW members that start calling people fanboys..
Sorry about my spelling.. don't really have to point it out.. Just because I live in the states does not mean I speak 100% English.
And yes I play Both games.

Besides.. I do not listen to NEW members that start calling people fanboys..

It looks like you just replied to my post so you read it, you don't listen to it?:dunce:
I'm with you, and I think its only $50 a year isn't it?

And Nox/ Patrick, I know its a Prologue. What I'm saying is PD is going the wrong direction as to fan relations/online/overall closed mind/ with no one to please but KAz attitude. Turn10 has a great site with tons of Forums and sub forums. During FM2 development we got weekly reports about various thing. PD could open up a lot, and make its fans feel included and know that they are getting heard. It worked for FM2's PI system ( PP in GT), it was much more balanced in FM2 than in FM1. This is PDs main problem, they are not willing to look at other games to find what already works exceptionally well, instead are trying everything from scratch ( a lot like the PSN) and only going to have the same shortcomings that others had and fixed years ago. I do hope I'm wrong and your guy's blind faith is correct, I threw out my blind faith after GT4.:yuck:

I love Forza i play it everyday but i think everyone on FM2 forums would agree the the PI system is totally unbalanced compared compared to GT5P, muscle cars rule that game and they can even win on handling tracks like lagun seca.

SLAPHAPPYFRANKY: Why are you here?
It looks like you just replied to my post so you read it, you don't listen to it?:dunce:

I believe he is implying you are a troll that just signed up here to cause trouble. Of course you are not, I share you views and confirm they are accurate. Nox is on my PS3 friends list, but I don't know if he is a heavy online gamer.
That seems to be who has issue with the PSN/ GT5p online the most, guys like me and you that play many online games on XBL. We are used to a proper online set-up, voice chat, and minimal lag. We are not use to fiddling with router setting, opening game specific ports, painfully slow downloads for updates, and barley having an online experience on par with the Sega Dreamcast.
But here at GTP everyone seems to be respectful and treat each accordingly, but also people get emotional when you insult their favorite game. Welcome Slaphappy and good luck, see you on XBL/PSN.👍
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I love Forza i play it everyday but i think everyone on FM2 forums would agree the the PI system is totally unbalanced compared compared to GT5P, muscle cars rule that game and they can even win on handling tracks like lagun seca.

SLAPHAPPYFRANKY: Why are you here?

Its more balanced than FM1, I was able to get top 1000 places with cars everyone was not using, and usually saw at least 2 cars models at the top 100. GT5P is unbalanced with its P.I. apparently not knowing that AWD gives huge benefits in grip when forced to use crap tires, such as our current online events, when 2 cars ( A Z06, and GT-r) can have 10 sec lap differences but the same PP, it is also unbalanced.

I do agree that FM2 still had exploitable cars, many for TT leaderboards, but usually couldn't race with others and win.:guilty: