Three Hundred Miles Per Hour

  • Thread starter Dark Elite
heh, looks like fasteddie is gonna make that nardo go a bit faster before i can, i knew i was on to something altering that 5th gear though, see this is what it should be about, people helping others to get into the club, i dont mind though, cuz workin on a secret little project behind the scenes....ill let ya'll know if it works...iv mange to get it to 285 already....still mo tweekin to go, good luck eddie im anxious to see if you can do it...i now hand over the reaigns of the :sly: nardo, and hope it can do the 300 so that the effort was not wasted....

:EDIT:scratch that, i can onlky get my secret project up to 288.55, it will still remain a secret for now...i may mess with it later....on to find a new car, i do love a challenge...
man, im dissapointed, in all my efforts, it seems i cant make anything that no one else has tried go 300mph, i cant even get the nardo past appears that at this rate....i will not make it into the club....this dissapoints me skills, and abilitys have been maxed....i have tried fast eddies settings...and still cant seem to make it top 295....i doubt my skill now...but none the less, i may still try and get in....on a more positive note...i have managed to make the minolta go an incredible 307.99..... :indiff: but i still cant get my pride and joyed, tested and trued narda up to par :banghead: this isnt cool....
Fasteddie, I have just one thing to say about your comment to Toronado - that speed is without nitrous!!! The reason he's spending so much time on that car is because it's the only one that will ever do 300 without the bottle, so you can correct whoever quoted 280 with 297!

This Nardo battle is fantastic, we've never had such competition! Keep it up everyone, and if you do get 300 you'll wanna post quick so nobody beats you to it :D

xdrag, that is quite true. However, we already have a determined ultimate car in that sense, the 88C-V has acceleration from 260mph to 320mph in less than ten seconds. How's that for speed and acceleration?

Fasteddie again (this deserved another comment), I feel thy pain... My 787B would get up to 298.5x, then I'd fiddle some more and got 299.4x and thought I had it made. Then, 299.84mph. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! *follows spurt of incoherent curse words*. Then, I got it to 300.03 :D. I think I know how to make the Nardo do 300, however. PM me your suspension settings (I won't try them until you do 300), and I reckon I can find your much-needed speed margin.

lowizle, don't go giving up because nobody has yet tried the Saleen S7, which I think could do it. Give that a shot. And the Nardo shall do 300mph at the hands of somebody in this club! I don't want it to be me, but if nobody else manages it in the next week or so I'm going for it. Then, I'll quite possibly ruin my winning streak but post my settings anyway so you can do it too!
Oh yeah, and your secret project? Bet I've been spying on it :sly:, 'cause I have a mental list of capable cars that no-one's tried yet in case we run dry! Fancy letting us know?

Nardo vs Nardo: a never ending story of betrayal, revenge and ALL OUT, NITROUS-FUELLED SPEED

And so it continues: our intrepid heroes battle deep into the night. Mile after mile of thumb-numbing speed at speeds of over, sorry, under 300mph, in their highly tuned and very masculine orange (orange??? I suppose it works for the Dutch...) super cars. On and on they go, pushing the boundaries of endurance, seeking out the last joules of energy required to push their steeds over the more or less random barrier of 482.7km/h. Until, suddenly.... they feel a bit tired and decide to go to bed. :guilty:

Well, that was how it was last night. Highest run was 299.66mph, grubby little b#strd of a car, get your bloody finger out. :mad:

And so here I am today, waiting for news of a RL job that looks as though it's not going to come off after all (I'm a courier), twiddling my thumbs in front of the TV as usual (laundry? garden? pah, I'll pretend I was out all day ;) ).

I start to check my technique, and begin pushing the button earlier and earlier on the banking. Occasionally I see the smallest flicker of 300 on the digital speedo, but it doesn't register at the end of the run :yuck: Until, at last, (cue triumphant music ) it happens: 300 mph steady on the screen for a couple of seconds, and then, at the end of the back straight, the words "session record: 300.17mph". Marvellous. done it. :cool:

But now the real problems start. You see I'm a technical dunce :dunce: . My phone can send piccies, but I've no idea how. You can download them onto the PC using black magic or mirrors or something, but it beats me every time. People talk to me about TSB ports and stuff but it's just way over my head :confused: . I'm not stupid, it's just that I've always found PCs to be hopelessly frustrating in every way and I don't have the patience to figure my way through other people's crappy slipshod programming :irked: . In fact I think that computer software engineers should be put onto a spaceship with the telephone sanitation engineers and the marketing executives, and sent off "in advance" to colonise some far off planet....(only joking).

I could drive round with my memory card... Which continent do you live on? No, what I'll probably do is go round to my mate's and get him to sort it out. But that'll have to wait to this evening, and if this job does come off I'll be heading to London this afternoon...

Problems, problems, problems.

300.17. Hah! :) :cheers:
well, im a little hesistent to give up the name of my secret project, in likelyness that someone would beat me to the punch if at all possible, but, hey, i guess if worse came to worse i could get admitted in with my succes with the minolta....but i prefer a chanlenging way in....but seeing as ive only gotten it up to 279.04, i see no problem with letting everyone know why i am struggling....all this time i have been workin with the Honda NSX-R prototype LM road car...i will not list my settings at the moment due to obvioud concerns...but they will be posted in the future, also DE i would like to know this mental list of 300+mph possibilitys, so if you could PM it to me it would be appreciated..... i would also Like to congratulate FASTEDDIE on his astonishing difficultquest to 300 with the nardo and his admitince to the 300mph club, good job man, being as i was workin right with him, i understand how difficult it was, and it was a huge releif to know that the efforts between him and i and the time spent was not a waste so to say...thats all i have to say at this moment....but there will be some posts from me in the near future...wish me luck....i have a feeling this car will fight me all the way to 300....peace all :scared:
ok since my last post i have made some adjustments to my settings and have improved my speed, the first new setting i tried i was running 5th gear at .898, 6th at .764 and the final at 3.864, those settings yeilded me a 282.62 top speed, signifficantly better than my original....

the next set of settings i left 5th at .898, moved 6th to .792 and the final stayed where it was, this yeilded me a 285.62 and it maxed out....

so then i changed my gears yet again, left 5th and final where they were, and altered 6th to .770 this time turning in a 286.29 without maxing problem seems to be lack of room....i dunno...but anyway, thats where im at with the NSX-R LM road car :banghead:
You're a gentleman sir! Do you know, without the competition and the encouragement, I probably would have given up at 298? :) I seemed to be getting nowhere.

this time turning in a 286.29 without maxing problem seems to be lack of room....i dunno...but anyway, thats where im at with the NSX-R LM road car :banghead:

Lack of room? Damn that sounds familiar! Pay attention to your speed off the banking, and try to use the start finish straight for your run (you won't get cut off in your prime).

Hmm, seems a long way off at the moment though Good luck, buddy, and if I have any bright ideas, I'll let you know. NSX LM Road Car? Not sure I know that one! Good work, bud. 👍
:bowdown: :bowdown: Eddie, :bowdown: :bowdown: Congraaaatulations! You've just come out on top of the seemingly-hardest challenge we've yet seen, to get a VW to 300mph! Very well done to you. Thanks for PMing me your chassis settings, I will see if I can push her up higher still for you ;) !

Lowizle, that is a car I'd been considering! It's on my list as a possible, so maybe I'll go get my hands on one and we'll have a little competition for glory!

hello there. I have a new possible member to the 300 mph club. after some fiddling, I got Tommykaira ZZ-II running 473 km/h, which is 295 mph, more or less. I know, mere 5 mph between me and the the glory! but sometimes, 5 mph is enough to make the difference between loser and winner.. oh, it's sooo close.. :scared: I'm gonna keep fiddling around with the gear ratios till I get it right. you'll notice when and if I get there.. :nervous:
well.. currently it's running 297mph.. :banghead: damn it. I'm gonna push this japanese shoppingbag past 300 mph even though it would mean sleepless nights! :ouch: :crazy:
What's up, I've just started attempting this out of boredom, out of a prelim (not the car i'm gonna use, but I got the 83' Fairlady Z up to 268.something through just fiddling, so I'm going to attempt it with another car in my garage, a feezable one. lol. Btw what's up low.
DAAAAAAAAAMNN!! 284.5 Almost. Just lil bot more tweakage and It might just make the cut.

yo man, whats up bro, DE cinful is my bro, hes gonna try with the cien, little does he know that 284 is the easy part, but yo bro, instead of a bunch of little posts, try and summarize all efforts into a bigger post, such as me, Dark Elite, and fasteddie do......but anyway, good luck dawg 👍
DAAAAAAAAAMNN!! 284.5 Almost. Just lil bot more tweakage and It might just make the cut.

Think about it, look at what's going on and figure it out. How much power you got?

Looks like we got 2 going with the ZZII att the moment as well!!

What about you, Low, taking it easy for a while? You deserve to be in, my man, so get going... :)
What about you, Low, taking it easy for a while? You deserve to be in, my man, so get going... :)

heh, yeah man you know it...that was one good race to 300 we had going there for a while....also, i decided to see how my bro might fair with his cien, in all honesty....i dont see it as possible to go past 290....but ya never know....but yeah fast eddie, i think ima hang back for a day or two and watch what goes on....congrats on gettin in though man... 👍
Has anyone experimented with a skyline in here. Road or race? I know there's gotta be one that can do it out of the 23 different skylines they have in this game! I'm going to start that when I get my memory card back, but lets all try to get one we think can do it so one us will at least hit 300 with one rather soon.
m5 dude, im sorry to say, but we have pretty much determined a skyline is not aerodynamic enough to do 300, its good for 270, but even 270 is i would have to say attempting 300 with a skyline is a waste of time... :(

:edit: by the way M5 dude, i see your from new orleans, how do you do throgh katrina? i got swamped pretty bad here in mobile...but not near as bad as new orleans got it
ok, ive had enough with the nsx-r...285 is my high, i am currently on a saleen s7 and have hit 290 in about 3 setting changes....pretty good i know....but it seems to be giving me the same fits the nardo did...which just isnt cool...but ill contenue to try...and i will post if i suceed
okies, as soon as my Stig stops driving mille miglia, I'll put my 297 mph settings for ZZ-II here.. i hope you guys can get some ideas how to get those missing 3 mph more..
Hey guys,
great work!! i have just read the entire post and have to say that i my have found another car that can do the 300mph. i have just tried on the free run and got 294/5 mph out of it running R5's no camber and full gearing with mods to 5 and 6th gears. need a little more help with some more suspension tweaks. oh yeah the car

DODGE VIPER but i dont think you mentioned this model
cheers guys again. :sly:
Hey all, sorry for the lack in posts lately on everyone's achievements in trying to become a member to the 300mph club. Well done to all! 👍

I've just recorded my latest video where I have smashed my previous GT Land Speed Record of 338mph and now have 347mph in the Minolta Toyota 88C-V Race Car '89.

The car was a little bumpy at the high speeds but with the maximum downforce settings on I still think it's official enough as there was no wheelie or turbo cheat used.

Video (8.9mb)

I wrote a massive reply to everyone who's posted so far but I lost my connection so I lost the post :grumpy:

But the gist of what I said was that

a) the only Skyline that could ever do 300mph is the 7-gear GT-R Concept racer
b) Here we go again with a great battle to the finishline at over 300mph, this time in the Tommykiara! Good luck to all.
c) Hello smuttneyspears, most Vipers have been tried but that one hasn't... or so I believe! Good luck dealing with it's annoying top-out and wasted power.
d)... Couttsey, good to see you're back.

What's not good is seeing that new record. I'm downloading the video now from the very slow server :irked: and I really hope I can detect some form of front-end change in order to disqualify it...


EDIT - I just watched the video in full and the setup (very similar to mine) I deduced from watching the run the car was not anywhere near wheelieing or using any other glitch. The only thing that seperates it from mine is that it's newer (*sets Bob on El Capitan*) and the gears and chassis (*checks powerband graphs*). But still, the run is 100% legit and verified. So,
The Gran Turismo World Land Speed Record goes to the Toyota 88C-V Race Car '89, piloted by couttsey21 with a recorded top speed of 347.49 miles per hour!
I've just recorded my latest video where I have smashed my previous GT Land Speed Record of 338mph and now have 347mph in the Minolta Toyota 88C-V Race Car '89.

The car was a little bumpy at the high speeds but with the maximum downforce settings on I still think it's official enough as there was no wheelie or turbo cheat used.

!Great Stuff Couttsey! :cheers:

Haven't had a chance to do any speed testing lately, but I've got a few ideas. Keep up the good work.