Tooned/Vectored Cars + Stuff

  • Thread starter donbenni
Well this is my second attempt at cartooning (1st one was a complete failure.... :guilty:) So I just hope I can improve on that. :) Right now, I'm probably 15-20% done, just need to do more detailing here and there and I'll probably start coloring the car after that.....

Not much from yesterday, but still am working on it. Finished doing most of the car, done the interior and the background. Now its time to whip out the paint and see what I can do from there........ :)


(looks more uglier now, but I'll promise the end result would look better...)
Looking good Musa, are you using the Pen tool in PS? 👍

Not really, I'm using the line tool instead (yeah, its a pain in the butt for me but I don't really know how to use the pen tool..... :dunce:) If you noticed, the lines and circles aren't entirely straight/ round. There are some parts which are obviously "out of shape" in that photo. :indiff: I really need to learn how to use the pen tool if i'm ever going to improve..... :(
Whoa, you did all that using the line tool. You sure are making it difficult for yourself. You should start using the pen tool buddy, you will only get better at using it with practice. 👍

I haven't done much vector work, but this would be my favourite of the stuff I have done. Made in Macromedia Freehand using the pen tool.

Pen tool is essential for any grapic work man, use it because it makes your life a LOT easier. That's if you understand tangents and how they work.

Need help on how to use the pen?

I dont know how many times i posted this, but Use it...

Bloody hell!!! :eek:
That is so simple I don't understand why I can't learn how to use it! :dunce: Anyways, thanks for the link a Trico Pro, I'll try to make you proud.... 👍 :D
Sorry for the bump....

Wow, I totally forgot about my work. Well I finally did some coloring and also correcting a few mistakes here and there, but I just hope (and I just HOPE) that I don't ruin my work with stupid mistakes. I have worked so hard on this...... :indiff:


Edit: a Trico Pro, if you think DonBenni and Dangeruss' work are amazing, you should check out Emre Husmen's work. His work beats both Dangeruss and DonBenni. He just got mad skillz..... 👍
Sorry for the bump....
Edit: a Trico Pro, if you think DonBenni and Dangeruss' work are amazing, you should check out Emre Husmen's work. His work beats both Dangeruss and DonBenni. He just got mad skillz..... 👍[/URL]

Donbenni and Dangeruss are graphic Artists, Emre is and outstanding Car Designer, i know this guy, i used the tutorial on Designertechniques, that's the first thing i did in photoshop, render a designed car. Which is why i advertised the page to any Pen tool Newbies, as the creator of the site is greatly admired as well.

Have you guys checked who started this thread? :P

Oh Dang, This thread is so old i only view the latest contents, but i didn't even know 'Donbenni' existed since like 5 months ago
nice guitar, i am going to be doing alot more vector now that i finally got a good PC. here`s one... (finished a last, not perfect, but i`ll get there)
i never liked Pure Vecotrs that much, simply because it looks like something done with MS Paint. Cell shading is nice

I like Vexels more :)
You're the one driving that Carbon Gray Mini around right...?

i should've figured out a way to show it was doing some hard braking...
It's more champagne or something but ya I have a Mini. I love CARtoon versions of any car, especially if it's one I'm driving.
Yeah I gotta make a Cartoon Elise now... haha Muzy's going to love it

:lol: What do you know.... :P Damn, had already given up on my 911. :guilty: Not to say I can't finish it, but I'm just too afraid what would the outcome of the work would turn up like. Oh well, just have to move on like everyone else. ;)
Yeah i know what you mean...

WIP Vexel Coming Up, SD Strike Gundam :dopey:


Don't click for Full Size
1-2 hours, 2B & Black Pen