Tunes from "The Wizard" (Now with my "CHEATING" 111r)

  • Thread starter Voodoovaj
London, Ontario

500PP, 392hp, 1381kg

Installed parts
Full weight reduction
Racing brakes
Semi racing exhaust (I like the sound)
Carbon Driveshaft
Triple Plate Clutch

Racing Brakes 1/1
Ride Height 111/109
Springs 12.19/9.5
Dampers (Comp) 2/3
Damper (Ext) 4/3
Anti-roll Bars 4/3
Camber 0.7/0.5
Toe -0.1/-0.15

initial torque 19
Acceleration 10
Braking 5


Set the final drive to 2.525 then set the top speed to 290kph (180mph)
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Ill run this side by side in comparison to my current settings to check it out..
there's already a few stats that I'm curious about on it. For one, I know I put something into cam/toe, and this build has gone neutral, ill be interested to see the difference. ^^

If I'm going to pimp the wizard, I don't think it's fair to fiddle with it's output (for better or worse). I can't modify it's output and then support the idea of using math over trial and error, even though I never intended the output numbers to a final result.
I personally use both math and trial and error.

Take height and springs for example. "In my theory", every car has a spot that it like the most. And the car keeps getting better and better, grip and more grip, until it hits that spot, then whoosh, 5 points too low and the whole things junk.
I believe that much, we all kind of believe to be true.
As far as math goes, I start out at 75% height, and test 25%_50%_75% springs on it.
Then depending on the average of those 3, try either 65% or 80% height! with the three springs.
When I find the height I like the most, I try the three springs yet again, only 9 configs. (25%f/25%b, 25%f/50%b, 25%f/75%b, 50%f/50%b, 50%f/25%b, 50%f/75%b, 75%f/25%b, 75%f/50%b, 75%f,75%b)
That part is tedious. But the math is exact.
This isn't how I started out doing it, this is what I've come to. This is what I've found to work best, out of all the methods I've read and tried, in what, a month since Christmas when I got the game, lol?

All this, understand, I don't even touch anything on that section of the car, until after I have the 'initial' LSD settings done.
I run the LSD tests first when the car is stock. Make my changes, THEN I do the height and all that, then I revisit the LSD when I'm done.

But I am under the philosophy, that my method works for me, but not everyone. And the game is so new, that there is a lot we all don't know yet. So yeah, I'm very interested on how others do this. I'm forever learning and growing, or try to be anyway.
Can you please list the CTR's PP? Unless I completely missed it, I don't see it.
I want to redo that tune for 550. I added weight to get it into the FITT competition and I know that, with minimum weight, that thing is surprising fast. I was actually accused of cheating with it by telling the room it was a 500PP room, but setting it higher :). Room settings don't lie though ;)

Funny thing, it takes longer for me to put together a post about about the tune, then it takes to make the tune :crazy:
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(This is an OLD tune. It needs updating)
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That is an awesome picture ^^
But me too, I can't exactly tell what it is, lol.
You forgot the title in the post, you only have it in the title of the whole thread.
Wait, sorry but is this the 86 GT 15th A.E.?

Yes, sorry I neglected to stick that in the post.

I'll toss some more up today. I'll also take requests and I don't discriminate on the car (well, the Wizard doesn't) ;)
Just spent little over an hour trying to get the Evora '09 from over steering on entering a turn. This is the first car the wizard was not spot on. You want a request, well how about this Evora at apx. 525pp . Look forward to your tune and maybe I can figure out what I did wrong.
Just spent little over an hour trying to get the Evora '09 from over steering on entering a turn. This is the first car the wizard was not spot on. You want a request, well how about this Evora at apx. 525pp . Look forward to your tune and maybe I can figure out what I did wrong.

I'll put it together after the Superbowl. I was going to post up the M5 tune as well.

In the mean time, enter a higher weight for the front weight distribution. The Evora is 39/61, so enter 43/57. That should make it rotate less.
The lotus. Thank you for the tune. What an improvement driving your tune. The over steer when entering the corner is a distance memory. i compared the two settings and i have learned a few things. Thank you. I was using harder springs along with all settings one or two notches higher. Your LSD setting works very well. With what i learned I ended up tweaking your settings a few clicks to suit my driving style.

Greatly appreciate your time and energy. I will be sure to tell all who play this game about your "wizard"
Voodoo - what are the Brake settings for the BMW M5 '08 and the LOTUS EVORA?

I use 3 front and back. I've spoken to so many people about brakes and the settings are all over the map. One of the fastest guys I know often uses 0 in the front. I find that 4 or higher causes understeer on corner entry, but that could just be me.

500pp BTR

I finally got around to updating this and adding a bunch of new tunes. Enjoy.

Weight 1136kg - Full weight reduction, then add 91kg of ballast at -35%

Stiffen the chassis and add a rear wing. I chose the custom rear wing for a nice low profile. Set the down force to 20.

No power added, just turned down a little to 98%

Diff 25/8/15


Ride Height 90/93
Springs 8.52/10.25
Compression 3/2
Extension 2/3
ARB 3/3
Camber 0.3/0.7
Toe -0.13/0.25

Brakes (racing upgrade) 2/2

Set the final drive to 3.543, then set the top speed to 300kph.


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Oil change and default down force (2540/450), no chassis stiffening.

Ride height 78/72
Springs 12.33/12.87
Comp Damper 2/3
Ext Dampers 4/4
ARB 4/4
Camber 0.9/0.4
Toe -0.14/-0.17

Final drive 4.144, then set top speed to 380kph (230-240mph)


Diff 16/9/6
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I've been working on ways to include more information in the wizard to make it even more useful. I've been focusing my attentions on the limited slip differential and 4 wheel drive cars to try and find a method of predicting the best set up in those cases.

I am happy to say that I have now included LSD prediction for all drive trains AND I have reimplemented the 4WD wizard!

I know, you're probably saying, you can't determine these settings with the info you have. However, I had this crazy hunch and I went with it. The results are pretty good.

Now, the disclaimer I have with everything regarding this wizard is that it attempts to PREDICT the proper set up. It does not DETERMINE the proper set up. In the vast majority of cases, it is VERY close, but there is always a few edge cases where a tweak here or there can help your car even more.

Give it a try and I hope it works for you!!
holly molly !!

your wizard was allready amazing to help and gain time degrossing the picture; but WOW for the LSD part ; it just made life so much faster... onec the setings in ; a few laps; a little personal retweak and wow ... ( i tested it on a 559PP BTR... the thing was a pig ... ( never took the time to finish it up .. ) used it on it; and with my gear box setup the thing would putt the 630+hp on the track... just wow .... ( it finished first on ascari in a 560pp street car race ... and i hate rear engine 911 ....)

people having problemes tuning cars should definitly have a try at your setups and wizrd.. it might help them start tweaking and learning ...

ever thought of making it an android app ? im sure it would be a killer on the market ;)
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Sorry, I f'd up on the column width and the new LSD was hidden. It's fixed now.

I've started the Android app and I want to do an iOS app as well. Ironically enough, even though it's going to be relatively simple to put it together, I don't have the time to finish it myself. I have too much of my own contract work to take care of so I'm talking to other contractors.