TV and Movie - Pet Peeves.

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When English Dubbers skip portions of the Anime

Yes, I like to watch the Dub of a Anime when I get the chance, it is impossible for me to Multitask with Sub Anime. Though what is worst than when they Censor things or get bad English Voices is when they entirely skip portions (not just singular episodes).

Some Yugioh fans still don't know there was a 4th Season of GX, or 1 more Arc in 5D's. Cardfight Vanguard completely skips the final Arc in the original Series and went straight to the G Series, I'm pretty sure other Anime Series that got dubbed had portions completely removed.
The plot of having a character do something that ends up getting them humiliated. I've seen this plot so many times in various cartoons and I can see it coming from a mile away. It's such a huge cringefest and makes the episode hard to bare.
Missing Family Member

This is the most easiest and cheapest way for people to make the main character likeable. The only shows I've seen this trope not happen is in Comedy Shows like Simpsons and Family Guy.

Sometimes the Family member is dead, other times the member is just missing other times they just don't mention the family member at all.

I can hardly feel sympathetic for the MC when they are missing a family member when 90% of the time, other characters suffer the same fate. Seems like a common occurrence in the TV world.
Footage of a character and event show as memory

I never remember something I've done in third-person. I have seen very few exceptions to this, and first-person memory scenes work far better in conveying the scene as well as sense of drama...yet still films and TV shows insist on repeating the scene with a filter to denote memory.
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Undefeated Protagonist

Too me, when I see a Protagonist not lose a fight or a match, it makes me think of him as a Mary Sue character. He never truly learns anything since all he does is win (sometimes even without trying), even worse is when he beats all of the more experienced fighters/players and then goes off and tutors them :mad:
Protagonist / antagonist has their rival at gun point, but carries on talking instead of shooting them

The line from Austin Powers sums it up perfectly.
For me, it's pretty much most scenes in general when someone has a chance to do something but doesn't. (Like the one you mentioned)
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Showing you that Winning in games is not all important by: Winning?!?!

This always puzzled me as it is very bipolar when the children's or young teenager show's message is about having fun and not winning, yet their ultimate goal is to win or the character that is wrong gets the message by losing???

It actually makes the Antagonists point seem more correct.
Hallucinating dreams.... I mean, even in house of cards there are "dream-like" scenes. I have lived a pretty hard life so far, but never did I have hallucinating dreams to keep me going or give me guidence.
The character is dead, until the Villain is defeated (or other Methods).

This totally ruins some of the most darkest and saddest moments in shows if the Side Characters or even the main Hero arises from the dead.

Dragon Ball Z and Yugioh Zexal are the biggest offenders. The Dragon Balls bringing back the death pretty much means Death has no meaning (I know you can't wish someone back to life twice with the same set of Dragon Balls, however that hasn't stopped Goku from being re-birthed twice due to Main Character logic) in the show and when the Balls are gone, they are brought later anyway.

Zexal during the final arc was relatively dark for a show about 🤬 Card Games. When the Fight started to end the war between Barian World and Astral World, only 3 of the main cast are left, the rest (which there was a lot due to filler) died in relatively saddening ways, however after the war was over and Yuma defeated Astral in a Ceremonial Duel Rip Off, everyone was revived due to Astral having the ability to control reality and change it at will (which causes Plot Holes too).

The Shadow Realm makes more sense than Death in these instances IMO.
Overly dramatic music.
I mostly find this in TV shows, but I can't stand it when the editors decide to use the most ridiculous music in certain scenes. For example, in a game show where the winner is about to be revealed, and this completely over the top music is playing in the background, building up for an hour and a half whist the presenter just kind of stares at everyone, and they just stare back, and he's finally about to say something and then it just cuts to an add break anyway. Or in a scene where someone is telling a really sad story, and you genuinely feel for the person, and then the editors ruin it by putting the soppiest song they could possibly find in the background, turning the sad moment into a comedic one.
Jumpscares in horror movies, they just plain annoy me. I can see this trope coming from a mile away. There will be a scene in the darkness where its quite where a character will call out "hello" or something. Just then, I know that a jumpscare will occur and it happens.
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Boss Rush

This always happens before the final showdown between the main antagonist and the main protagonist where all the important protagonists have to fight the main antagonists henchmen one last time before they reach the main guy.

This usually take over 5 episodes to complete and completely slows down the pace of the story, especially when at this point nobody cares about the henchmen stories anymore when the main villain is right there who is far more interesting.
Villain has the power to make the weapon he wants - makes it have limitations.

Why don't you just make it super broken if you want to use it for your purpose. Don't give it a weakness that your rival can exploit or don't make it so long to use. I can understand this is the actual making process has some limitations but choosing to have limitations on something you create is stupid.
The plot of a TV show where the main character is jealous and mean to the "perfect" character when he/she is nice to them.
Protagonists that aren't very likable.

I have watched Star Wars The Clone Wars for years and the chairman from the episode "Trespass" is one of the best examples of this. While he was brave, he was one of the most arrogant characters I have ever seen. He never seemed to listen to what anybody had to say and always wanted to do things the hard way. For example, one character made the argument that it wasn't the separatists since their weren't any dead droids or blast points. He then asks if she was an "expert on war" instead and then dismisses her opinion because she isn't one and because she was so young, when in truth it was very obvious she was right.

Thankfully, his personality was what lead to his downfall. I was glad when he got killed in the end because I never really liked him or his personality from the start, and this a protagonist for crying out loud. This guy would have been better off as a villain....
Cars appearing in shows/movies set before their release. It just distracts from the moment - I remember one scene in "Spotlight" where you can see a Mercedes SLK from at least the mid-2000s in the background.
This soo badly, This is more of a TV show issue then a Movie issue, as the budgets are higher, but even high budget shows like Narcos, they showed a BMW E39 5 series when the year was the early 90s, I mean the main Villian Pablo Escobar was dead before the car even came out, and this wasn't even a background car it was used by a character.

As a car guy this anoys me.
Just watched Charlie Bartlett, and while I overall rather enjoyed it, I did catch some minor wafts of pandering towards the teenage demographic... which made me think of a particular peeve I wanted to get off my chest.

I loathe pandering to a particular demographic, whether it's age, gender, or any others. It's a cheap way to get less critical members of the target demographic to eat it up, but it alienates those outside of that demographic. And if you're inside the target demographic but are more critical, it come across as if the film is talking down to you at best... and at worst, it feels like the writers fell for one of those "one weird trick" ads on the internet and are actually trying to use this "amazing" new trick of theirs on you to get you to like an otherwise garbage movie.
Here's one:
I usually see this one in cartoons; the plot where a nice person is accidently causing harm to others and looks like a bad guy. I've seen this done in at least 3 shows and I find it really annoying.
Ripped Children:

It goes to the realm of stupidity really fast, no matter how strong the child may be physically, seeing them ripped makes it hard to take them seriously or even comedic if meant to be played for laughs (they're going to have serious physcial problems when they get older):

Unexplained Parent missing from entire story.

This was a massive annoyance for me when watching Pokemon as a kid, infact the lack of fathers in General was very strange.

For Example Ash(Father), Misty(both Parents), Brock(Mother), Gary(both Parents) had missing Parents that at no time was ever explained, some people suggest there was some kind of war but even that isn't explained.

If someone is missing then fair enough but explain, it lacks depth in the characters especially in shows that last very long and still don't bother.

In basically every Pokemon game as well the father is missing.
Unexplained Parent missing from entire story.

This was a massive annoyance for me when watching Pokemon as a kid, infact the lack of fathers in General was very strange.

For Example Ash(Father), Misty(both Parents), Brock(Mother), Gary(both Parents) had missing Parents that at no time was ever explained, some people suggest there was some kind of war but even that isn't explained.

If someone is missing then fair enough but explain, it lacks depth in the characters especially in shows that last very long and still don't bother.

In basically every Pokemon game as well the father is missing.
Actually, Brocks Mother comes to the show in one of the Pokemon Chronicle special episodes. Though I really agree on this. They usually do it because a lack of a parent apparently makes it easier to connect to the main character, but IMO, unless they explain it, it doesn't work.

Kind a glad, Yugioh fixed it after the original series with Yugi's Dad. With other protagonist fathers, either dead due to the backstry of the plot of in case of ARC-V, went to fight a war on his own.
Clip shows, nothing infuriates me more than clip shows. They're just a poor excuse for a lack of ideas or money. The only time a clip show has been done right would be The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular which was kind of poking fun at the idea and they managed to throw in some great unseen footage in too.
Wrong firearm mechanics.

Protagonists shooting firearms with no sights installed, people not using the sights at all and shooting from the hip very accurately, 30 round magazines magically holding a 100 rounds, rifle bullets stopped by mere sheet metal (car doors), ever recycled gun sounds, actors not even faking recoil, actors flinching when firing blanks, weird ballistics.

For someone who has been shooting firearms 4 hours per week for the past 10 years this stuff sticks out like a sore thumb.
After days of conflict, adventure, stories and people to meet. It still hasn't been a year yet.

Ash is still 10.
Villain loses the fight due to losing all sense of logic.

"Haha, my arch enemy is weakened I shall finally kill you, after 10 minutes of a monologue which'll give you enough time to fight back."
When Career Criminals don't cover their tracks properly.

This happening in Criminal dramas is common place, whilst the latest ones do get better if it's a show about professional criminals I should expect them to cover tracks properly, hiding the goods in CCTV Camera known Hired Lockups is just poor writing, sure we aren't criminals and shouldn't expect to know all the secrets of the trade, but at least make it believable(This is based on what I've seen in season 1 of Animal Kingdom).