Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
If he was being driven by Sabine in circles as much as Jeremy was, then I'd think it'd be understandable, but from the sounds of it, that wasn't the case.

I'm surprised no one has played the conspiracy card and noted that Jeremy writes for the The Sun and he could be influencing certain papers, like The Sun, to dig up all this information. Far fetched, I know, but given how much some people hate Jeremy (*cough*DailyMail*cough*), it's surprising they haven't gone to those lengths yet.

It's plausible but given that he and Evans are still friends, doubtful. Like I said earlier, it's just the press loving a good failure, or trying to fabricate one.

I mean, imagine if this didn't happen and everything went smoothly. You think The Sun would still buy the photos and print a positive "Sneak peak at Top Gear Filming: Evans getting into the swing of things"? No chance.
So it continues. Plenty of people get sick in the passenger seat when driven like that, it hardly makes him unfit for the job.

The news here is that we will see Sabine hoon the new R8, all the Yes from me.
Taped the Getaway Car on Saturday and watched it earlier, um....its ok I guess, only problem I have with it is the jackpot the couples can win is £10,000, now I'm not saying 10k isn't a lot of money because of course it is, i'd love to have 10 grand right now, to me it just seem a fairly small amount compared to other quiz shows and they fly the contestants all the way to South Africa, they take part in some car related games and the jackpot is only 10k, just doesn't seem worth it, should be at least double that..

...thought the show was ok but nothing special, and very forgettable.
Prime isn't that much people, especially when you see all the savings you get on shipping...

Honestly. It's almost a no brainier for me, I've had prime for almost 3 years now and it's the best money I've spent. And now I get to watch Clarkson, Hammond and May uncensored in 4k for FREE?
Taped the Getaway Car on Saturday and watched it earlier, um....its ok I guess, only problem I have with it is the jackpot the couples can win is £10,000, now I'm not saying 10k isn't a lot of money because of course it is, i'd love to have 10 grand right now, to me it just seem a fairly small amount compared to other quiz shows and they fly the contestants all the way to South Africa, they take part in some car related games and the jackpot is only 10k, just doesn't seem worth it, should be at least double that..

...thought the show was ok but nothing special, and very forgettable.

It was like Splash with petrol, a program I would have enjoyed so much more if I was 10.

Also could this not have been filmed in the UK? Sent all the way to South Africa to a car park with some road cones?
Chris Evans trouble even made it's way to the Swiss newspaper, there was a small article yesterday,sayimg how he had trouble with the new top gear series.
Man, new new Top Gear is already getting flak before it's even started airing. Personally I'd give it the benefit of the doubt. I mean, Sabine though. :embarrassed:
With all the flak being focused on Evans, maybe the new Top Gear could work better with just Sabine, Chris Harris and David Coulthard?
Apparently, Evans threatened to quit. Take with a pinch of salt.
Indeed. Primarily because:
The Mirror, Sun & Mail are talking about Top Gear's crisis 2 or 3 times a week and it's largely conjecture based on chuff all.
maybe the new Top Gear could work better with just Sabine, Chris Harris and David Coulthard?
While Coulthard was reported as a new TG presenter by the above outlets, he owns the company that Channel 4 has contracted to produce its F1 coverage next year. It's extremely unlikely that he'll have the time to film or present studio pieces for a series starting in May when he'll be knee deep in F1 5 days a week, three weeks a month from March to November.
Really enjoyed Cars Of The People last night, really interesting and informative and May is a great presenter, I was engrossed for the whole hour, more please! 👍
Really enjoyed Cars Of The People last night, really interesting and informative and May is a great presenter, I was engrossed for the whole hour, more please! 👍
Is that a repeat from about 2 years ago or a new one?
Its a new one mate, about how Germany and Japan rose from devastation in WWII to be become powerhouses in the world of cars.
Its a new one mate, about how Germany and Japan rose from devastation in WWII to be become powerhouses in the world of cars.
And how the UK and Americans despite winning the war ended up coming off worse in the world of cars.

We got too complacent and comfortable and when the strikes and oil crisis happened, our car industry got absolutely pulverised by the focused efforts from Japan and Germany.
It was on BBC Two on Sunday at 9 and it is on iPlayer now, two more episodes in this series, same time, same channel...
Second episode of Cars Of The People is tonight BBC Two at 9pm, and tonight its all about the 4WD car.
Matt LeBlanc is the new Richard Hammond





Happy Friends Day everybody!
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