Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
Well I guess if they stick to the heavily scripted approach it's a good idea to hire an actual actor to replace the terrible "acting" Hammond did.

I think it could work though, for the entertainment segments, but I really can't imagine him road testing a Fiat Panda.
Matt LeBlanc. The only thing I know about him is that he was, I think, one of the stars in a reasonably priced car. Apparently he's kind of famous? Either way I don't really care that much.
I did not see this one coming!

Matt has been great on Episodes and maybe that has given him a taste of working with Brits :lol:

He and Couthard would have been a funny thing to see!
Didn't LeBlanc already host some random meaningless Top Gear "best of 'something' show".

I think I've seen an advert for one, unless I'm mistaken.
As soon as he hosted that best of whatever he was bound to be a host of the new show. I'm surprised people are saying they didn't see it coming, unless they hadn't seen what he had been doing.
...Last thing I remember seeing Matt in was... I can't remember. Was it that god-awful Lost in Space reboot? Or was it in some guest spot in a TV show?

Anyway, I wish him the best.
Didn't LeBlanc already host some random meaningless Top Gear "best of 'something' show".

I haven't seen this programme, did this also air in the UK? Or is this the A/Z of Top Gear thing we saw hosted by John Bishop?
Hopefully this means less UK centric jokes that nobody living outside the UK understands.

edit: rumor of Eddie Jordan being a part. Please god no.
Hopefully this means less UK centric jokes that nobody living outside the UK understands.
I'm going to petition the British Broadcasting Corporation on your behalf to make sure that the British Broadcasting Corporation will only make references that a bloke in Egypt will understand, but the majority of Brits won't.

That'll work.

edit: rumor of Eddie Jordan being a prat.
Fixed for you.

Although you probably don't get that...
In case anyone missed it, Harris' involvement has finally been confirmed on the DL;

I'm going to petition the British Broadcasting Corporation on your behalf to make sure that the British Broadcasting Corporation will only make references that a bloke in Egypt will understand, but the majority of Brits won't.

That'll work.

Catering to the audience and what not, Top Gear is very much an international show now (or was atleast), they've lessened those in the past few seasons though, but having an international host will be welcomed in my opinion.
...I wonder, will they bombard the viewers with the culture-clash jokes? With a Yank on a Brit show, I can see more than a few of those flying in pretty thick. Personally, I'm not too keen on that however...