VC and SA Superjumps--instructions, pics, & discussion

  • Thread starter Spuds725
Im back :D

Well, i have sucessfully done a few jumps, some really good ones but not landed and some crappy ones. My best landed one so far is 15,000 odd degrees and 5 flips but i landed back in Phil's place and my best non-landed one has just this second happened; i just got shot out doing loads of spins and flips (like crazy) over to the first main island but i went too high and the game froze :(

O well, gunna restart the game now and try a few more

Added a phils place superjump clip and a lighthouse superjump clip on the front page of this thread (next to instructions).

I also posted these links in the GTA related clips thread.

Don't know what im doing wrong??
Every time i go to do a superjump i seem to just fall through grey hell. As in i fall through the floor, vice city is above me( but upside down) and its all grey underneath me.
I followed the steps i morphed to the bike, I went to phils place, I went behind the gate down that small gap, I flipped the bike, I backed up till the front wheel went half way into the ground then i floored it and everytime he will jiggle around then just fall into what i described above. When i land though ( always just outside phils place) it records some stats but its nothing near what u guys have been posting not even the mediocre ones.
I just can't get them to work, I haven't tried for ages but it would be cool to do. I really should try soem more.
Don't know what im doing wrong??
Every time i go to do a superjump i seem to just fall through grey hell. As in i fall through the floor, vice city is above me( but upside down) and its all grey underneath me.
I followed the steps i morphed to the bike, I went to phils place, I went behind the gate down that small gap, I flipped the bike, I backed up till the front wheel went half way into the ground then i floored it and everytime he will jiggle around then just fall into what i described above. When i land though ( always just outside phils place) it records some stats but its nothing near what u guys have been posting not even the mediocre ones.

More likely then not, you are backing up in the corner too far. Read the directions I posted carefully regarding this-- its better to back up too little then too much. If you back up too little you just don't get stuck and can retry right away, but if you back up too far, you get turned to the west (most of the time), fall through the ground, or get stuck in the wall.

When you back up, back up just a little and then gun it, if you aren't stuck, back up again but just a hair more (longer) and try again--it really is trial and error until you get the "feel" for it. Then you won't even think about it--you just do it--but even with lots of experience, you will still fall through the ground or get stuck some of the time. You have to be patient.

If I get a chance I will go ahead and post a vid of me getting in postion. It might help you guys.

Also, check out the link I posted on the first page where I learned to do superjumps from. There is a vid clip showing the whole process also--its called VC_pp_sj-- I can't remember the vid format (its either wmv or mpg I think--might be an avi)

They really are cool and when I first was able to do them, I did nothing else when I played vice city for about 2 weeks.
I tried alot a while back. Never could get it to work. Me and Blake have tried heaps before, we do all the right things, but they never work.
I did exactly what Spuds said and I have completed many successful superjumps! ;) Including: 718 meters distance, 457 meters height, and 34835 degrees rotation! :eek:
Hmmm, I must be doing something wrong. I don't get what I'm doing wrong though. I've read his instructions, watched his videos and gone by everything he's posted.
Not fair, we just CAN'T get them to work. Has anyone ever done this on the PAL version because I'm thinking it may just be an NTSC glitch...
Not fair, we just CAN'T get them to work. Has anyone ever done this on the PAL version because I'm thinking it may just be an NTSC glitch...

Kieran Murphy has but he’s in the UK--- of course you guys are south of the equator so maybe the borealis effect is keeping them from happening (you should spin counterclockwise down there). :lol:
LMAO, good theory:lol:

The Aussie games were edited to take out the sexual acts that hookers perform so maybe they removed something which causes that glitch to happen?
Yeah, maybe they removed a fair few glitches, because there has been some glitch talk that everyone seems to encounter fairly often, and we don't get them at all.
I was just wondering, can you morph with all six of the two-wheeled vehicles on vice city?
Also, can you do a superjump with all six of them? :confused:

I've only tried the PCJ 600 and the Pizza Boy and they both morph and superjump.
I've only suceeded with the PCJ. The only othe bike I've tried is the Sanchez @ phils place and it kept turning to the west.
I think I'll just stick with the PCJ. It's probably what's been used to get all the Superjump records.

By the way, It was hard to morph with the pizza boy! I had to be quite a ways away from the clothing icon in order for it to work properly! It made a pretty lousy superjump anyways. ;)
You can morph with any of the bikes, I didn't think of superjumping with other bikes, I might try that later.
Yeah, but I rmember someone posting along time ago (before your time Jimmy or Deli) that they found it easiuer to superjump with the angel, so maybe I'm approaching it the wrong way.
Superjumping is pretty easy with the PCJ. If you've tried and haven't succeded then I bet it's just not possible on your version of the game.

By the way, if you're still on here right now, what time is it in Australia?