Vr suggestions

  • Thread starter Push_Pull
Looking to jump into the VR game with iracing so I’m looking for some suggestions on headsets.

Pc specs:
i7 8700k
Gtx 1080ti
16gb ram

I know we have the same amount of ram, but beyond that I’m not sure how our specs compared. I used an Oculus headset and was ultimately disappointed.

My first and main issue was my body just really didn’t adapt to vr well. After having it on for a bit I’d start to get hot and feel a little dizzy. It got better over time, but I always felt a little off after using it.

The second issue was hardware related, but I’m not sure the exact cause of it. The best way to describe it is I would be sitting completely still in the car, but everything I was looking at was moving in some way. I wish I still had a video cause it’s kind of hard to describe.

Above all else, make sure you know what the return policy is on it before getting it. I ended up having to sell mine to someone else.
Looking to jump into the VR game with iracing so I’m looking for some suggestions on headsets.

Pc specs:
i7 8700k
Gtx 1080ti
16gb ram

Whatever you end up doing, with your specs, you MUST install and configure OpenXR Toolkit to get the best performance out of iRacing VR.
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I've used the following for iRacing over the years (and just ordered an index):
  • Oculus Quest 2
  • Vive Pro (first gen with lens mod)
  • Reverb G2 v2
What I can tell you is that going the route of a single lighthouse and a wired headset is (BY FAR) the best solution for sim racing. Quest 2 does not lose tracking, but the resolution and consistency of the video feed is less than ideal for competitive racing of any kind. The Reverb G2 sure looked nice, but it lost tracking way too often (I sold it after about 5 months). The first (and currently being used) VR headset is still the best solution I've experienced (the Vive Pro). Don't go for high res wireless... Go for enough res and wired with outside-in tracking.

If you do go with something like the Vive Pro (I'll actually be selling mine in the next week or so), make sure you follow THESE directions to remove all latency with any SteamVR-based solution!

What's also nice with something like the Vive Pro is that it has a "select" button on the left side of the headset, allowing you to navigate all things VR, without using a controller of any kind.
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