Weekly Race Series, Week 48

  • Thread starter boombexus
the deadline is passed. why not post times, or are you hoping boom will allow extra time?
I'll take that as a compliment GoKents. ;)

Though I have'nt won anything just yet and a lot can happen in the last sector of any lap. Espically with a car like this one.
Hey, glad you can take it as a compliment.
It's not meant as anything personal to you, but more of a s.o.p. for all racing.

You see, when people start posting times like mr.p... well... they have just got to back them up. Thats why boom says "Save your replays." (Thats why I got a sharkport from deralta once I started racing at my current level... I had to back it up... there just comes a point where times posted are possible, but hard to get.)
Even for people with a sharkport there are ways to back up your times, specifically, the analyzer data or maybe even a digital camera recording.

Like I said, it's not about offending you, rather, it's just about covering the facts. Like you said, you've never won one of the races, so I guess this week will be an interesting one for you. :D
btw, where did you start your online racing at... The gtp?

Good luck to all... I look forward to seeing all of the final times. (especially those with t times similar to my own.)
Damn p, those are some nice results on the licenses.

I still haven't gotten the chance to see or play gt pro. but I figure it will all come in time.

However, I wanted to mention. Nothing special from you still pretty much means you can take second behind odp.
btw, odp's 43.5 is still the best marked t2.

Once again, good luck racers. :D
Originally posted by GoKents
Damn p, those are some nice results on the licenses.

Cheers mate.... it's great fun too! test 1 record has been exchanged between myself and Honeycar about 10 times in the last 4 days :D i'm going back there now to give him some more work ;)

However, I wanted to mention. Nothing special from you still pretty much means you can take second behind odp.
btw, odp's 43.5 is still the best marked t2.

Not this week for me .... seriously i left loads on the track, I expect ODP about .7 ahead of me at least ! not a nice car

I'll be back when the combo is right :mischievous:

cya mate 👍
In that case, maybe all of us will luck out this week and end up fighting over the podium spots behind odp. (that is, unless odp's 43.5 isn't as good as it could be :mischievous: :yeahright!: )

Anyway, good luck again racers... Although, that phrase is getting a bit old now. lol.

What do you guys say we all just hope boom is ok.

You know, when we go 48 weeks with someone, and they are pretty damned consistant about appeasing the masses of racers, just one week w/ an odd happening makes us all worry.

Although we care about the results being posted, we care about boom actually being ok more.

Im sure boom is fine, and so, Im just gonna be patient. Till the results, or some sort of conversation pops up...
We'll, I'm very selective when I race, so I guess I could be a back up during some weeks.
Very true.. I havent been here for all 48 weeks, i'd say only for about 5-6 weeks, but I appreciate what he does. I used to run a GT3 Challenge on another board (SHO) and it was sort of a pain.. And there was only about 20 total racers.. Puts my level of repsect for Boom that much higher.

Ok... What was everyone's worst part on the track this week? For me, it was either the first turn, or the very last. On the first, it was only hard to time the brakes so that I only lost a certain amount of speed.. and for the last, I would wait too long to brake (when i was aheadof my ghost), so I would always get wheel spin for most of 3rd gear..

Anyways.. Congrats to all that turned in a time & i'll see you when the results are up.
the hardest part for me was definitely the section between the back straightaway and before the T2 mark...to get a 43 the key was to get that section at full throttle, tough but I could manage to do it once or twice :)

I did a 44.4 once but blew it up at the last corner braking too much :(
Nah, I doubt 50 will be the special week... Im thinking it will be 52. :D

Yeah, 1 full year of the weekly, shoot, thats probably some sort of record at the moment for longest current & constant running racing series.

Hey, actually, now that I think of it... let's all start thinking of some ideas to suggest for week 52... gotta make it a good one. :mischievous:

Talk to you guys later.
Originally posted by GoKents

Hey, actually, now that I think of it... let's all start thinking of some ideas to suggest for week 52... gotta make it a good one. :mischievous:

Talk to you guys later.

Hmmm.... Now you have me thinking :mischievous:
Originally posted by oxygenuk
i thought the results where suppose to be posted last night :confused:
Usually it's LATE Monday, or sometime Tuesday..
Give him a minute... he'll put them up when he has time
Sorry about the delay. I'm getting my arse kicked at work at the moment. I'll get the results up as soon as I get home.

Originally posted by boombexus
Sorry about the delay. I'm getting my arse kicked at work at the moment. I'll get the results up as soon as I get home.

Good to see that everything's alright with ya Boom.. 👍
*Eagerly awaits results*
Was'nt offended by the way, figured that that keeping an eye on me was a double edge, one that my times may be getting faster and that someone may ask that I provide proof of the time.

I started racing on this board, I had noticed them before but never was that intrested as of course it is technically not online. I joined this board because I wanted to see how competative I was against people who took the game seriously as to be better prepared for GT4's online option. (If I can afford to setup my PS2 online that is) Gaming wise, I've been into GT since it's inception.
Originally posted by unified
Good to see that everything's alright with ya Boom.. 👍
*Eagerly awaits results*

I hear that, and second it.

Glad your ok boom, but I gotta admit...

Go back two or so pages, then look at what I said...
This is the last time I will ask the group to collectively pray that the results go up soon. ;)

Looking forward to the results.
Originally posted by GoKents
Yeah, 1 full year of the weekly, shoot, thats probably some sort of record at the moment for longest current & constant running racing series.

Hey, actually, now that I think of it... let's all start thinking of some ideas to suggest for week 52... gotta make it a good one. :mischievous:
The spot race at the "Numbers" is up to LVIII now (58 for those who don't speak Latin), and has been running since July '02. But there the last place finisher has to admin the next race, so the burden has not been all on one person.

Maybe for the 52nd week we could redo week 1, and see how the present crew stacks up against the originals, and how much some current members have improved over the year. Arcade Tom's Supra at Trial Mountain, in case you're wondering.
Originally posted by Talentless
What's the fastest each of you took the first turn? Mine was 139/140 mph.

Nothing quite that fast, around the 210-215 km/h mark (131-134mph)
Originally posted by HareTurtle
Maybe for the 52nd week we could redo week 1, and see how the present crew stacks up against the originals, and how much some current members have improved over the year. Arcade Tom's Supra at Deep Forest II, in case you're wondering.

...Or try something completely out of left field;)
I noticed the edits in the post about the first race repeating. bollocks has a qoute using deepforest as the suggested track, and the original is edited to have trail mtn. no biggie.

Anyway, Im gonna be thinking about my suggestion for week 52, so I will get back with those thoughts sometime.

Talk to you guys when I get back from school, maybe then we can also rant about the race with final times included. :D
Originally posted by boombexus
Sorry about the delay. I'm getting my arse kicked at work at the moment. I'll get the results up as soon as I get home.

everything ok?
I regularaly get my ass kicked at work....
"ving, you are spending too much time on the net again!!"
