Weekly Race Series, Week 51

  • Thread starter boombexus


Staff Emeritus
The Car: BMW 328ci OR Toyota Alteeza RS200
Cars Power to Weight Ratio set at 2.6

The Track: Trial Mountain II (REVERSE!!!)

The Race: Hot Lap. Get your fastest lap time.

The Rules:

1. You may run your car anyway you see fit, but the PWR may not exceed the 2.6 PWR limit at the time you record your final time.
2. Keep 2 tires on the track at all times.
3. The rumble strips are considered part of the track.
4. No short cutting.
5. No wall touching, bumping or riding.
6. You may use your choice of tires.
7. No hybrids.
8. No cheating of any kind.

Time Discussion: All "T" times.

The Deadline: Monday at Midnight, Mountain Standard Time, USA. The 9th of February. Which is also the same time as 0700 the 10th of February, Greenwich Mean Time.

Please make sure to include what Division you are in along with your final time.
Just so there are replies for when I get in and try this, how do I view the cars p to w ratio ?

or better still has there been another p to w ratio battle in previous weeks that I can look at instead of having to go all through it again ?
👍 eggman !

So the lower it is the better then. Does it change by vast amounts when you are driving the car (putting miles on it) ?

Im just concerned that it'll be OK when I start racing but over when I finish - thus not knowing which laps are legal ? I suppose in that instance though the whole run would be illegal !

I'll just have a play around with it and see what happens ! and play GT3 too !!!
whats the best car to use out those 2 do u guys reckon?
and i still dont properly understand that PWR rule either :lol: :mad:
I assume this is done in the free run/racing mode right?!?! But we use the car from our garage.

This could be VERY interesting!

I've never driven the BMW and only used the Toyota to complete the beginner league alteeza race, I usually opt for the alteeza race car....
To find out the car's pwr go to the garage, select the car and select specs. It's at the bottom.

The pwr goes lower the more powerful and lighter the car gets. It does not change a lot with breakin miles, but it does change some.
In real life we already know the winner for this one... now let's just see how realistic GT3 was made...
It should be interesting dealing with the break-in period of this one. You will have to wach that closely, especially if you mod the car to the n'th degree.

"car's PW/R may not exceed 2.6"? Meaning it can't go below 2.6, correct. Just had to ask to confirm.
Especially the comment by t13r...
Who does win this in real life? (duh! I just looked at t13r's avatar, I think I know what he would say now. :D )

I would think an M3 could handle an alteeza, but I could be wrong I guess.

Anyway, Im in, hopefully I will get the time I need and the interest I want.

I will check back in later with an update...
Catch you all then.
bye. :D
Originally posted by HeinrichII
Japanese are better than europeans...so....
Hmm, that's a very strong statement. Please clarify if you are talking about GT3 or real life, as I believe there is a huge bias on japanese cars in GT3... that's why I want to see how these two cars stack up. I will try to participate as much as possible for this race. I hope to not be disappointed.
oh sorry, was talking in real life, I don't dig that much european cars, I like the cool tuning you can make to a japanese one :D
also there are some europeans(Jetta on fast and the furious) who can be made cool customized too, but my passion is on the japanese ones, konichiwa!:D
Konnichiwa means "good morning". Mind you, I have no idea what time it is for you there... :D

"Kombanwa" is more appropriate in the afternoon.

Anyway, interesting combination - and I won't get drawn into a slanging match over which car will win between a 2.8 litre BMW and a 2.0 litre Toyota/Lexus :D
O-genki desu ka.

(How are you?)

Genki desu = I'm fine
Amari genki dewa arimasen = I'm not fine
Zenzen genki dewa arimasen = I appear to have the plague.

Tell me you don't go in for tripe like this:

woah that's a cool ride, and those spoilers and bumpers reminds me that I have to customize all my cars again on NFSU because somehow all of them got deleted :(
You ARE joking?

That's a bog standard 1st gen Hyundai Coupe. That's a 2.0 with a 10s 60mph time. Someone has cut two holes in the bonnet - presumably to let rainwater in to rust the engine - and a hood scoop for a non-existant turbo. They've mounted the radiator lower, prentending it's an intercooler and making it vulnerable to stone chips - although it's unlikely he'll reach a high enough speed for any to hit it. And he failed to mount it squarely.

Then he stuck the biggest spoiler he could find, without worrying about complementing the existing style of the car, on the boot. Of a FRONT-WHEEL DRIVE car.

And vinyl? Let's not even go there...

Aaaaanyway - this isn't the thread to discuss it. But I can't believe you like it...
I like it because of the design, but the performance could change my mind and that's a whole different story...

Back to the topic, so far testing both cars, I still need to modify them a bit and have a final decision.
Originally posted by Famine
You ARE joking?

That's a bog standard 1st gen Hyundai Coupe. That's a 2.0 with a 10s 60mph time. Someone has cut two holes in the bonnet - presumably to let rainwater in to rust the engine - and a hood scoop for a non-existant turbo. They've mounted the radiator lower, prentending it's an intercooler and making it vulnerable to stone chips - although it's unlikely he'll reach a high enough speed for any to hit it. And he failed to mount it squarely.

Then he stuck the biggest spoiler he could find, without worrying about complementing the existing style of the car, on the boot. Of a FRONT-WHEEL DRIVE car.

And vinyl? Let's not even go there...

Aaaaanyway - this isn't the thread to discuss it. But I can't believe you like it...
I didn't mind the body mods in terms of asthetics, but I'd have to kick my own ass driving something looking like that with no performance mods. Also, wouldn't all the extra weight of the body kit actually make performace worse than stock?
Toyota Altezza RS200
Maximum Weight: 1340kg; Maximum Power: 515hp
LW Stage 1: 1246kg; Maximum Power: 479hp
LW Stage 2: 1192kg; Maximum Power: 458hp
LW Stage 3: 1139kg; Maximum Power: 438hp

BMW 328ci
Maximum Weight: 1465kg; Maximum Power: 563hp
LW Stage 1: 1362kg; Maximum Power: 523hp
LW Stage 2: 1303kg; Maximum Power: 501hp
LW Stage 3: 1245kg; Maximum Power: 478hp
Don't ask me. I'm just posting the maximum permissible power for each weight of the cars, so that people don't have to repeatedly go back to the car's stats screen in the garage... :D
I am thinking the rs200 will be the shot for me. but I am biased too.
this is if I get a chance to run it :/
Originally posted by Famine
Toyota Altezza RS200
Maximum Weight: 1340kg; Maximum Power: 515hp
LW Stage 1: 1246kg; Maximum Power: 479hp
LW Stage 2: 1192kg; Maximum Power: 458hp
LW Stage 3: 1139kg; Maximum Power: 438hp

BMW 328ci
Maximum Weight: 1465kg; Maximum Power: 563hp
LW Stage 1: 1362kg; Maximum Power: 523hp
LW Stage 2: 1303kg; Maximum Power: 501hp
LW Stage 3: 1245kg; Maximum Power: 478hp

Famine, shouldn't it say Minimum Weight, not Maximum?

Anyways, finally a combo that I can race with. I'll try hard to race this week!
Well... 1465kg is the maximum weight of the BMW 328ci... So no.
Well, I gave almost my 100% today to have this lap, I think it's a good(yes clean!) one, and I won't be able to race till the weekend because studies are gonna get in my top priority(tests on thursday and friday). Anyways here they are:


Till then...