What are you thankful for?

  • Thread starter Jordan
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First of all, happy Thanksgiving everyone! What are you thankful for this year?

I'm thankful for God, my family and friends, motorsports, and my website with all of it's wonderful members! :)
Originally posted by Jordan
First of all, happy Thanksgiving everyone! What are you thankful for this year?

I'm thankful for God, my family and friends, motorsports, and my website with all of it's wonderful members! :D

We did this last night at Bible study. It was actually pretty good. Maybe because it wasn't the standard family group, and "I'm thankful for Gramma and Grandpa" wasn't everyone's answer.

My standard answers:
God, Jesus, Holy Sprit, their love for their creation.
My Parents, and family.
My friends and the things we get to do together.
Our President and this great Nation that we get to live in.
Stone & Ward, my wonderful employeer

My additional answers ... (:
Women, they're so hot!
Fast cars and wide open roads.
Rock `N Roll
Computers and the Internet (even though ... CLICK ME)
Dr Pepper (though I don't drink carbinated drinks anymore, and I'm laying off the caffein)
Linux, it's good for the soul.
Cindy Crawford!!! (:

Life is good. My only complaints are my own problems. I'm working on it though (:

Originally posted by Jordan
First of all, happy Thanksgiving everyone! What are you thankful for this year?

I'm thankful for God, my family and friends, motorsports, and my website with all of it's wonderful members! :D

I am thankful for: My family,my friends,Jordan making a great site,food on my table everyday and last but not least MY LIFE. :D
I'm thankful for God, too... without him, I'd be ten times as screwed up as I am now.. hehe. For my mom, who is a great support to me, as well as my beautiful little girls. I'm thankful to have the best best friend a girl could have. For music.. I'd go crazy without it.. it's the only thing that makes me truly happy all the time.

I know there are other things, but I'm keeping my list short as not to bore you guys :)
I'm thankful for god, my family, my life, music, computers, the internet and video games. Without any of those I don't know what I would do. :cool:
I am thankful for God, Computer, PS2, my family and friends, my gamecube, and that my brother went safely through his surgery yesterday.
Being loved, Parents, siblings, friends, my accomplishments, the ownership of my truck, being born in The United States of America, this web site, and the ability to own PS2, and all the games that come along with it.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!
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