What are your 2024 GT7 goals?

  • Thread starter Pesselles
New years resolutions are interesting. One one hand they're helpful, on the other accepting that things take longer than the self-imposed deadline..is often nessecary

New years resolution? to get it working with my wheel. That's about it, oh and to be around when the 70s charger shows up in Legendary or Used. Only car that I really want left
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Hi everyone :)

This period of the year is the perfect time to set new personal objectives and decide for new resolutions.

Maybe you've already won (almost) everything in GT7, maybe you're coming from Alpha Centauri, but if you read that message on that forum, there's might a chance that - like me - you still looking for new challenges, you still need to improve your driving skills, etc. Why not define your GT7 objectives for 2024 and share with us?

Here are my 5 GT7 objectives for 2024 :dopey:

- Improving my Driver Rating to A.
Currently C (20% to gain to be B) with some room for improvement. I will not participate to every Gr.3 / Gr.4 daily races but only thoses on the circuits where I'm more comfortable.

- Getting gold at every TT (if possible close or below 10.000th).
This is my most ambitious objective, as some 2023 TTs were really tough to gold for me. But if I want to improve my driving skills, I must work and learn more, and this forum and the TTs are the best place for that.

- Completing my car collection.
Still need to buy 8 cars for approx. 80 millions. Should be doable with the gains on TTs, the CEs rewards, and if I finaly receive that damned Citroen invitation.

- Getting gold to all the Circuits Experiences.
Still 7 sectors and 23 lap attacks to gold. But with motivation, dedication and patience, nothing is impossible.

- Being more sociable.
I accept friend requests and I plan to help others players/drivers with appropriate and helpful answers on the forum and with shares in the game.

Oh, I still have some missions to gold (beside stupids drifts and idiots cones) and I'm probably sure not to gold rush for the latest master S licences but, who knows...

I don't know if these objectives are realistic, playing in AT mode on DualSense but I'll try this way.

Can't wait to read your GT7 objectives for 2024!
I need to get through all of these except for the last one, since I'm already too social for my beliking.

Nice thread idea.

  1. Complete the game: gold every event and license, win every race (currently: completed the main menu books with many 2nd and 3rd places, only A license, about 5 CEs; possible, but not sure how time consuming this really is)
  2. Gold all TTs I participate in (currently: golded the first three I did, but only silver at the one ending tomorrow and not sure how much time I will have)
  3. Start and regularly participate in daily races and GTWS and learn how to be a consistently clean driver; not sure how long it takes to actually reach the various DR levels, would be very surprised if I ever get A+ but I hope that A is possible
  4. Get the platinum trophy (yeah I'm that kind of gamer)
Not bad! We're pretty similar haha
This is a good thread.

I want to complete S-10 and the annoying rally licence too so that I can finally get a licence gold trophy on a GT game.
I might then try to get a gold on one of the Time trials.

I also want to buy more McLaren Mp4/4's so that I can do a full grid 1988 F1 championship and enough Honda RA272's to do a 1965 F1 championship too.

It's worth me trying to gold more CE's too.

Stupid S10, I hate it so much. That’s my only 2024 goal, to beat that test and never drive the evil Porsche ever again.
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Stupid S10, I hate it so much. That’s my only 2024 goal, to beat that test and never drive the evil Porsche ever again.
Oh yeah you're right, thanks for the reminder, I've almost forgot to gold 3 "normal" super licence tests.

I've golded Deep Forest with the Nissan GT5000 today and I still need to get gold on Laguna Seca with the F1 (hate that combo) before jumping in the Porsche. Yeah, the 917 is evil, especially on a wet track like Spa. It's very very tricky.

We all wait to celebrate your platinum trophy very soon :cheers:
2024 goals?

Well, I could always chase more speed...a bit more technique, strategy, awareness...perhaps it's more about patience...

But as I ponder your question, one thing that keeps popping up is, to find respectful drivers that are looking to polish their craft. So many dirty drivers in GT...and the sad truth is, they enjoy being deviant. These guys should not dictate how we enjoy GT, and in 2024, my goal is to help change this.
Hi everyone :)

This period of the year is the perfect time to set new personal objectives and decide for new resolutions.

Maybe you've already won (almost) everything in GT7, maybe you're coming from Alpha Centauri, but if you read that message on that forum, there's might a chance that - like me - you still looking for new challenges, you still need to improve your driving skills, etc. Why not define your GT7 objectives for 2024 and share with us?

Here are my 5 GT7 objectives for 2024 :dopey:

- Improving my Driver Rating to A.
Currently C (20% to gain to be B) with some room for improvement. I will not participate to every Gr.3 / Gr.4 daily races but only thoses on the circuits where I'm more comfortable.

- Getting gold at every TT (if possible close or below 10.000th).
This is my most ambitious objective, as some 2023 TTs were really tough to gold for me. But if I want to improve my driving skills, I must work and learn more, and this forum and the TTs are the best place for that.

- Completing my car collection.
Still need to buy 8 cars for approx. 80 millions. Should be doable with the gains on TTs, the CEs rewards, and if I finaly receive that damned Citroen invitation.

- Getting gold to all the Circuits Experiences.
Still 7 sectors and 23 lap attacks to gold. But with motivation, dedication and patience, nothing is impossible.

- Being more sociable.
I accept friend requests and I plan to help others players/drivers with appropriate and helpful answers on the forum and with shares in the game.

Oh, I still have some missions to gold (beside stupids drifts and idiots cones) and I'm probably sure not to gold rush for the latest master S licences but, who knows...

I don't know if these objectives are realistic, playing in AT mode on DualSense but I'll try this way.

Can't wait to read your GT7 objectives for 2024!
Ok I am going to be like Edward Norton in the movie "The Italian Job" and tell you I will take one of each of your goals (except the be more social one - you can keep that one).

  • Improving my Driver Rating to high C\low B.
  • Getting silver at most Time trials.
  • Completing my car collection.
  • Getting gold to all the Circuits Experiences.

Good luck in 2024.
I will not participate to every Gr.3 / Gr.4 daily races but only thoses on the circuits where I'm more comfortable

But if I want to improve my driving skills, I must work and learn more
These two ideas seem to be in conflict. I understand what you mean, though.

My recommendation would be to create a 2nd account that you can use for the race combos that you're not comfortable with.
You won't have to worry about your finishing position or driver rating. It will help you get comfortable with more cars and tracks.
Also, it will ultimately help you when you try to get gold at the TTs. 👍
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These two ideas seem to be in conflict. I understand what you mean though.

My recommendation would be to create a 2nd account that you can use for the race combos that you're not comfortable with.
You won't have to worry about your finishing position or driver rating. It will help you get comfortable with more cars and tracks.
Also, it will ultimately help you when you try to get gold at the TTs. 👍
Thnaks for this great idea, I'll seriously think about it (but next year) :)
Awesome thread and you guys all have great goals to work towards. Here are a few of mine:
1. Maintain driver rating A through GTSport and Manu/Nations cup races
2. Finish the year with more golds than silvers in the TTs. Currently sitting at equal with 31 or 32 a piece.
3. Fewer penalty points/incident reports in the SNAIL racing league through improving my on-track sportsmanship. (This mostly comes down to practicing patience and not taking myself so seriously on Sunday evenings 😅)
4. Work on my photo mode skills. My pictures never get a lot of attention in-game and I'd like to figure out what works to get noticed more.
I picked up GT7 a month ago together with a wheel and playseat. I left GTS with an A DR rating and I dropped back to B after a couple of races in GT7. Or I got pretty rusty or the competition got allot better! However my goal is to regain the pace again and keeping steady and DR A. Also would love to join a race league.
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Fun thread! I’m eager to dial in the balance on my custom grids and create an accessible, shareable spreadsheet template for them. I’ve been making a bunch of replica series (imsa, nascar, dtm, f1, new/old, etc.), getting into livery creation and race photography along the way while also learning a ton about motorsports and enjoying some great racing! Lots of fun finishing midpack against the AI, once you figure out how to give them a fair shot…it’s going to take a lot of 2024 testing/tuning to get a solid stable of competitively balanced grids. Then it’s just rinse and repeat to buy the last couple (expensive) cars to complete the collection. Looking forward to a great year :)
- complete all Cafe menus
- complete all Race Events
- complete Master Licenses

Maybe Gold missing Circuit Experience (Tokyo, Fishermans Ranch and St Croix)
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Stupid S10, I hate it so much. That’s my only 2024 goal, to beat that test and never drive the evil Porsche ever again.
LOL - this was my 2023 goal and I got it accomplished in April. It was the best feeling in the world to get it. I must have invested close to 2,000 km into it but got it and the Platinum that came along with it.

It’s funny because I felt myself getting close and although I can’t remember the exact time, when I got it it was by a decent size margin. Never driven the car since.
Good luck.
No real goals for me. I really only have a hand full of CE to complete and even then they aren't important for me to do. I'm working on my 2nd account to get it to Collector level 50 with spending the least amount of credits possible. So far I'm level 38 with spending less than 4M credits. Maybe my only goal is to get to Collector Level 50 on my 2nd account. But I have no intention of taking that account any further. I already have completed everything in my original account and own every car, so there is no need for me to grind and buy a bunch of cars that I already own on another account.
Not long ago I was into this mindset of getting a full 100% on the game. Meaning, completing the CE's, the driving missions, the so called career events all with gold. And also buying all cars.

But! I realized it was way too much effort for not much of a achievement. (at least for me, to each their own. Respect)

So.... For now I'd say that for next year I'd like to:

- Buy the final cars I would like to have (only one tagpriced over 10M left)

- Complete the career events, CE, licenses and Missions as much as I can, knowing that there're some roadblocks here and there. The drift missions, and the dirt tracks (right now) they are a big no for me. I just can't do'em and I don't feel like putting the extra time on it. If memory serves me right, I have a gold only on one dirt track (can't remember which) and got stuck at Fisherman's ranch 1 lap trial. On the drift missions side I quit after speding a long tine on the Viper one and the Tskuba one with a Subaru. The final test license with the 917 at Spa I also put that on hold undefinetly. I got a silver for now.

- Engaging more on the Sport side of the game. Time trial (I'm a silver driver, casual gold) and online races.

- Having fun with the game.
Sorry to quote myself, but I wonder how is everybody's goals going on? Since we're already in March....

I've been a regular TT driver setting times in every TT in 2024 so far (minus the Genesis VGT one) and that has been fun.

Somehow I managed to gold the drift missions, but right now I don't feel the motivation to gold the rest of the missions or the master licenses.

I don't know, the same ephipany I had regarding quitting going 100% car collection I may have about it. Specially when the TTs and its social aspect has been super fun. And golding those missions are the opposite of fun sometimes....

Still waiting though to buy a BMW Mclaren '97 and maybe the Mclaren F1 road car and then it would be car collecting pretty much done. I mean, buying the cars I really want.
My goals?!? I want to know what's PD's goals for 2024 are lololol.

Joking (dead serious) aside, I'd like to gold the 1-lap Nurburing challenge. It's the only thing that eludes me still lolol.

Getting back to A after dropping to D when I got a wheel. Don't know if I have it in me, but I'll try.
You'll get there, it's an adjustment. Give yourself time to get acclimated to it, find an event that you're really good at and rep it to get your rating up. There's nothing more infuriating than trying to rank up in an event you're not prepared for.

Also, maybe consider creating a second acct. Have 1 acct for learning and experimenting and a second account that you only use when you're ready to compete at a high level.
If I can improve my best ever placement in Time Trials, that would be nice, currently P23
Sorry to quote myself, but I wonder how is everybody's goals going on? Since we're already in March....
Hmm 🤔 I see now that I wrote "in time trials" so "legally" I am a bit wrong, but still I was looking at it as I completed my new year resolution, by being "top 10 stars" in the world on Master S-5 license, even after 3 months since Spec 2 was released, but now when I see leaderboard I see someone managed to beat my time... I guess I will need to beat my time again then, challenge accepted, anyhow...
@Pesselles does this count as I completed my new year resolution?
Sorry to quote myself, but I wonder how is everybody's goals going on? Since we're already in March....

I've been a regular TT driver setting times in every TT in 2024 so far (minus the Genesis VGT one) and that has been fun.

Somehow I managed to gold the drift missions, but right now I don't feel the motivation to gold the rest of the missions or the master licenses.

I don't know, the same ephipany I had regarding quitting going 100% car collection I may have about it. Specially when the TTs and its social aspect has been super fun. And golding those missions are the opposite of fun sometimes....

Still waiting though to buy a BMW Mclaren '97 and maybe the Mclaren F1 road car and then it would be car collecting pretty much done. I mean, buying the cars I really want.
Obrigado my friend to up this topic :)

I was expecting to gold all the TTs with a ranking in the 10.000th players.
I've failed on Monza and MT (as far as I remember) but had a better ranking on Dragon Trails and Grand Valley (1200th).
Currently, i'm fighting on RBR to stay in under the 10.000th place.

So, it' not completly bad but more promissing as I'm in a positive trend on ranking.
Get and keep A+/S, continue to clear any new singleplayer content (hopefully there's more?), be competitive in the official series.
Obrigado my friend to up this topic :)

I was expecting to gold all the TTs with a ranking in the 10.000th players.
I've failed on Monza and MT (as far as I remember) but had a better ranking on Dragon Trails and Grand Valley (1200th).
Currently, i'm fighting on RBR to stay in under the 10.000th place.

So, it' not completly bad but more promissing as I'm in a positive trend on ranking.
Monsieur Pesselles, you've been building quite a reputation amongst the Time Trial drivers.

A nice and fast one if you ask me.
My goals are simple get a 330 , a Daytona coupe and a 2nd Enzo. Unfortunately getting a 2nd Enzo is harder than the other 2 combined because I can grind and now for certain if I have enough credits I can get them but there is no way I can get an Enzo unless I get an elusive Ferrari invite.
Hoping to assemble a good JGTC/Super Taikyu set from a collection of community made liveries... looking for an '80s/'90s mix and a 2000s grouping.

Here's what I have so far (modern era)