What games are you playing now?

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Over the last few months and on the Nintendo Switch, I have been playing some Animal Crossing and Breath of the Wild off and on. I have been playing a bit of Battlefield 4 and 5 over the same time period, but on the PC.
Beat Halo(Reach, 1,2,3,4,5). Why Bungie-era games get so much praise and 343-era games so hated in community? 4 and 5 soooo much prettier and much more fun than previous games. Storytelling is on par in both eras.
Hell Let Loose, it’s free for PS+ members right now. It’s a really interesting fps but not my cup of tea, a little too hardcore for me.

Still working on my second playthrough of Death Stranding. I’m playing on hard but it’s still pretty easy.
I am very late to it, but I finished wrapping up Horizon: Zero Dawn (and the DLC) last week. Absolutely fantastic game, really glad it popped up as a PS Plus freebie, as it wasn't on my list to pick up. I see there is a sequel out soon, I won't be waiting long to try that.

Just started playing through Last of Us Remastered; I previously played through the PS3 version of the game (around five years ago), so I wanted to play the original again before getting stuck into LoU2. Aside from the graphical polish I haven't noticed any major differences yet, been long enough to forget just how slick the first game is though.
Apparently I've started Machinarium, again. I've never finished it but have started it at least five times, it's one of the first games I ever bought on Steam (back in 2010, as part of an indie game bundle that included And Yet It Moves, Osmos and something else) and yet I've just never seen it through to the end. This time though I'm playing it on my Vita and I think the pick up and play-ness of it being on a handheld this time might mean I finally finish it, maybe.

Other than that, I'm still stuck on chapter 10 of Yakuza 0, I want to finish the Kamurocho Real Estate Royale substory before I move on. I may have screwed myself for the second half of the game though because I have very few Kiryu substories left, because I went and completed most of them while waiting for the payment timers to run out so I could go and upgrade and buy more businesses. I probably only have two or three rounds left before the last couple of businesses hit S rank and then I'll be ready to continue.

Edit: just finished Machinarium. It was OK. Maybe a little too much backtracking, puzzles that made little sense (thankfully the built in solutions book was very useful, although I would've liked something between the vague hint and "here's exactly what to do") and a story that didn't really go anywhere, but there was at least some variety, it was nice to look at and it's the perfect length for what it is.
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I am very late to it, but I finished wrapping up Horizon: Zero Dawn (and the DLC) last week. Absolutely fantastic game, really glad it popped up as a PS Plus freebie, as it wasn't on my list to pick up. I see there is a sequel out soon, I won't be waiting long to try that.

Just started playing through Last of Us Remastered; I previously played through the PS3 version of the game (around five years ago), so I wanted to play the original again before getting stuck into LoU2. Aside from the graphical polish I haven't noticed any major differences yet, been long enough to forget just how slick the first game is though.
When was HZD + DLC on PS plus? I bought the game when it came out but never got around to actually play the dlc.

Talking about playing a game for the second time, I’ve paid for the PS5 Directors Cut of Death Stranding and I’ve been playing that now. Looks (even more) amazing on the PS5!
When was HZD + DLC on PS plus? I bought the game when it came out but never got around to actually play the dlc.
Earlier this year, March or April maybe? Was quite surprised it was the complete edition, as I thought they'd leave the lure of paid DLC in there!

I played the main game through before tackling the DLC, then ran through and tied up all the loose ends. Some pretty decent weapons (and a bit more backstory) in the DLC, so a good addition to the game I'd say.

I have also been dipping in and out of Streets of Rage 4 between other games over the last few months. Pretty excellent retro game/tribute to one of the 16 bit greats, really captured the feel of the first two (the best!) games.
I installed PES 2020 onto my Series X for the first time and there was an 8gb update on top of the disc install. It turns out it was a native 4K update, most likely because they had already done so for the 21 Season Update built on the same code.

Nice bit of fan service from Konami.
I have also been dipping in and out of Streets of Rage 4 between other games over the last few months. Pretty excellent retro game/tribute to one of the 16 bit greats, really captured the feel of the first two (the best!) games.
I played the heck of out Streets of Rage 2 on my Mega Drive, back in the day, and loved Streets of Rage 4. It was one of the first games I installed on my Series X and it's still there for the occasional brawling.


Currently playing: Knights and Bikes and Hades;
Finished: Katana Zero, Mighty Goose and Lost Words: Beyond the Page;
Gave up: Raji and Dodgeball Academia.
I'm nearing the end of Yakuza 0, I just finished chapter 16 tonight so I'll probably be done with it this weekend. I'll miss it, for all its flaws (and there are many) it is still a good all-round package and a fun game. I have no idea what to play next, I have just bought Transistor, Hades and Umurangi Generation in the Steam sale but Forza Horizon 5 is out very soon so I might pick that up instead.

I've also finally started VA-11 Hall-A on my Vita, the writing makes me cringe a bit - it's not as funny as it thinks it is, it also lingers on some talking points for far too long - so I'm not sure I'll survive the ~10 hours it supposedly takes but if I'm going to finish it, it would have to be on a handheld device like the Vita so I can just play in short bursts (so basically the same thing I said for Machinarium).
GTS as always
I've been playing a lot of Chivalry 2, great game if can get a little repetitive in a long session, but deeply, deeply funny at times.
Indulging in some Wreckfest too, had been ages since I played, a little like the above but with cars.

I guess I have something to work out 🤣
So I used to game a lot when I was a teenager and going up. But at some point a couple of circumstances came together and I was more or less forced to stop. But what made the final decision (it's probably something a lot might be able to relate to) was that somehow I cared about the criticism of usually parents basically of being behind a screen all the time and not going outside and make friends etc whatever.
I thought, maybe I should give it a shot. Maybe it's really a bad influence and I should find something else. At an already older age though, but still.

Long story short.
I never found it.

Worst of all, I couldn't even get it back at some point when I tried returning to it.
That took a lot of effort!

But it hás finally happened. That's the good thing about it.
And I used it to give Red Dead Redemption 2 a try on PS4.

Played through the whole thing, now just wondering when to quit lol.
The story is done. But yeah.
Should I care about the collectables? There are a bit too many of them IMO.

Apparently there are a couple of graves you can pay homage to, maybe I'll just do that and "call it a day".

I don't want to "betray" the game lol!
Omg that is so stupid hehe.
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I went back to Katamari Damacy to pass the time until Forza Horizon 5. I did miss a lot of collectables during my first playthrough, so I'm trying to get them all this time. Should be a pretty fun challenge!

I want to get Hot Wheels Unleashed so bad on Xbox, but I'm just not sure if I want to pay 67 CAD for it, when I have ton of other games to play at the moment as well. Just trying my best to be patient... :ouch:
I finished Yakuza 0 last night and was left a little disappointed, to be honest. There was a ton of stuff I never got around to doing because the game doesn't signpost your last opportunity to play as Majima, so I left loads of stuff unfinished in Sotenbori. Also, the ending is just a bit... Meh. Loads of fights one after another (but the combat system isn't the game's strongest feature) and loads of cutscenes, plus two unskippable credits, and you have no opportunity to save between starting the ending and then, well, the end of the game, which felt like 3 hours to me. The story was good though, even if it felt like the two biggest key bits weren't sufficiently explained ( How did framing Kiryu help Dojima's cause? Why was the empty lot so incredibly important?).

I started Umurangi Generation tonight and I have to say, it's not what I was expecting at all. I figured it'd at least be a small open world (kind of like Jet Set Radio) with quests and dialogue with other characters, but the fact that it isn't isn't a problem, it's still a good game.

On the Vita side, I put VA-11 Hall-A on hold for a minute to try VVVVVV again, that's a great game. Unbelievably difficult at times, but so rewarding when you do finally get past something you're stuck on. Definitely a good fit for the Vita since it's very simple to pick up and there's not much nuance to learn (so there's nothing to forget, thus allowing you to leave it alone for as long as you want), you can save anywhere and, possibly most importantly, you can yeet the thing when you finally get sick of dying.
Doing a Duke Nukem Forever run on the hardest difficulty as part of mopping up the last few Steam achievements I've got left (at 56/62), up to the last portion of the Duke Burger levels.

The less I say about the turret section in Crash Course the better.
Loads of fights one after another (but the combat system isn't the game's strongest feature) and loads of cutscenes, plus two unskippable credits, and you have no opportunity to save between starting the ending and then, well, the end of the game, which felt like 3 hours to me.
I remember going to bed at 2am the day I finished the game, exactly because of this.

Regarding the Empty Lot, wasn't its importance simply related with the fact that it was placed in the dead centre of the giant revitalization project, hence being essential to its construction?
I think this was explained right at the beginning and it's not a spoiler.
Regarding the Empty Lot, wasn't its importance simply related with the fact that it was placed in the dead centre of the giant revitalization project, hence being essential to its construction?
I think this was explained right at the beginning and it's not a spoiler.
I didn't explain what I meant very well, because yeah it was explained right at the start, the bit I didn't really get was why
people kept saying stuff like "the owner of the Empty Lot will make billions off the revitalisation of Kamurocho", like, surely the land has finite value (about 1 billion yen, I think they said?) and if the owner really doesn't want to sell then the revitalisation could just build around it? Like that house in China that's on an island in the middle of a highway... It just seems improbable that the powerful Tojo clan pretty much collapsed in on itself because of one tiny plot of land. Why didn't Dojima go "OK, fine, you keep your land and we'll just go around it and make almost as much money" instead of all the subterfuge and murder that totally backfired?
I didn't explain what I meant very well, because yeah it was explained right at the start, the bit I didn't really get was why
people kept saying stuff like "the owner of the Empty Lot will make billions off the revitalisation of Kamurocho", like, surely the land has finite value (about 1 billion yen, I think they said?) and if the owner really doesn't want to sell then the revitalisation could just build around it? Like that house in China that's on an island in the middle of a highway... It just seems improbable that the powerful Tojo clan pretty much collapsed in on itself because of one tiny plot of land. Why didn't Dojima go "OK, fine, you keep your land and we'll just go around it and make almost as much money" instead of all the subterfuge and murder that totally backfired?
I see. You're basically questioning the foundation of the whole game. :D
But yes, I can understand what you mean, and if you start digging I'm sure it's easy to find many details that wouldn't make sense.

Personally, I never placed much thought in that detail and wasn't expecting any big revelation or explanation. Not in a game in which one of the side stories is about ladies selling used underwear, anyway.
want to get Hot Wheels Unleashed so bad on Xbox, but I'm just not sure if I want to pay 67 CAD for it, when I have ton of other games to play at the moment as well. Just trying my best to be patient
Also wanna HWU, I am big fan of ReVolt and Hot Wheels FH3 DLC. Its ~25$ via Turkish MSstore, but most likely it will be at Game pass in near future. Better stick with Horizon 5 for now and wait.
I see. You're basically questioning the foundation of the whole game. :D
I suppose I am! It's fine though, understanding that stuff wasn't exactly key to my enjoyment of the game, I just thought it was kind of funny that they put so much effort into the story but didn't attempt to explain exactly why that 4m^2 patch of dirt was worth all that effort. It reminded me of the Star Destroyer gunner who didn't shoot the escape pod in Episode IV just because it was unmanned, it's not as if lasers cost money and he would've saved us all the misery of the prequel and sequel trilogies.

I "finished" Umurangi Generation, by which I mean I saw the credits but didn't complete all the bonus objectives in any level, so it's on my list of games to return to but I'm moving on for now. I've preordered the Premium Edition of FH5 (which is preloading now) so I'll be playing that after Friday, I just need to find something short to fill the gap, maybe Little Nightmares or Silent Age. Or maybe I'll just give my PC a rest and see if I can get through VVVVVV and VA-11 Hall-A before FH5 takes over.
I spent the last year and some wasting to much damn time and effort in Ark. Over 1200 hours invested in that time and I left the game with a bad taste. It was fun at first honestly. And maybe had I stuck to just the island and played only primitive plus, I might not have put as many hours in, but I wouldn't be mad at the game either. However, it seems the more into the game I got, the more game breaking bugs I found.
The quirks in building, trying to catch certain creatures like the managrmr that would just vanish, the game randomly crashing, and never at an opportune time. The Final straw was on the Extinction map. I finally made it through the damn ice cave and defeated the titan, only to have my character become completely immobile. I could move on my dino, but not off it. I wasnt over burdened, I wasn't nerfed. I just couldn't move, so the loot bags the titan dropped despawned. And that was the final straw of a complete **** show of a map and game for me. In fact, the experience has turned me off almost completely to video games. I almost put my computer up for sale.
Then I remembered, sim racing isn't video games. It's sim racing. So, the wheel is back out, Assetto Corsa installed and a server paid for. A few friends and I have started a league and all is good. As there are tons of cars and tracks to DL as well, well, I'll probably be sticking with it for a while.
Currently playing Control ultimate edition.
The story took a while to get going but really getting into it now, the gameplay is great fun and I love the setting. Hope there is a sequel one day.