Wheel Drift: Impossible

  • Thread starter Mr_Nubinz
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Tried a few high-powered cars, then went back to my 86 and threw a turbo at it. Funny how it got like 80% better. Compared to GT5 seems GT6 need a lot more hp or tq to hold a slide. No more low hp drifting I guess. Car is still very prone to spin out when I try to get more angle.
Mess with your suspension setup, it's not like gt5. In this game you actually need a close to real life setup.
I wouldn't call myself a good drifter, but (in GT5) I was still able to drift full laps, somewhat being able to position my car while not spinning out. I'm using a G27 btw.

Tried drifting in GT6 today and felt like a bloody amateur all over again. I started slow - S13, added 100 HP + CH's. Somehow it still feels like GT5, but the car just randomly spins out for no apparent reason. No matter what I did (Sport Suspension, Locked Diff, More Power) it just kept getting worse.

In a way I like the challenge and won't call drifting in GT6 bad after just one day. I just hope I'll be able to reach the same level as in GT5.
Very short clip of all I can really manage in GT6 so far, really need to practice, it feels so much better than GT5 though and the weight transfer is awesome!

G25 with full size 350mm wheel.

I'm really digging the brake system, it's a lot more effective for me. I usually run a 8 - 3 no ABS setup since I trail brake, and lock up all fours to maintain a line:)
I wouldn't call myself a good drifter, but (in GT5) I was still able to drift full laps, somewhat being able to position my car while not spinning out. I'm using a G27 btw.

Tried drifting in GT6 today and felt like a bloody amateur all over again. I started slow - S13, added 100 HP + CH's. Somehow it still feels like GT5, but the car just randomly spins out for no apparent reason. No matter what I did (Sport Suspension, Locked Diff, More Power) it just kept getting worse.

In a way I like the challenge and won't call drifting in GT6 bad after just one day. I just hope I'll be able to reach the same level as in GT5.

Focus on your line. It's not as forgiving as 5. Momentum is key as well. Keep at it.

Second time driving my 437bhp FC.

The set-up is a generic tune from GT5 and I seem to be getting a feel for the new physics. The suspension will surely need some tweaking.

The track is new to me but it feels awesome, people are complaining that drifting is impossible on GT6, this is to prove them wrong. The GT6 drift scene will be awesome when people start to get the hang of it.
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It's only been 2 days, everyone is still getting a feel for it. Learning curve is always going to be different for people, just stick at it like all the other GT games.

It is much less forgiving then GT5 for sure. I for one am enjoying what GT6 has to offer over GT5 so far... :)

Second time driving my 437bhp FC.

The set-up is a generic tune from GT5 and I seem to be getting a feel for the new physics. The suspension will surely need some tweaking.

The track is new to me but it feels awesome, people are complaining that drifting is impossible on GT6, this is to prove them wrong. The GT6 drift scene will be awesome when people start to get the hang of it.

Would you mind posting your settings for this so I can see whether it's me or the settings :) I have a similar FC to use them on. Also what Force Feedback setting are you on - full sim no aids too?
Tried a few high-powered cars, then went back to my 86 and threw a turbo at it. Funny how it got like 80% better. Compared to GT5 seems GT6 need a lot more hp or tq to hold a slide. No more low hp drifting I guess. Car is still very prone to spin out when I try to get more angle.
Aww no drifting im my, yet to buy, fiat 500r.
Would you mind posting your settings for this so I can see whether it's me or the settings :) I have a similar FC to use them on. Also what Force Feedback setting are you on - full sim no aids too?

The setup is pretty much what I ran generically on all my gt5 cars, with a couple of things altered for the new scales of the sliders.

Comfort Hards

All power + weight mods with. Mid-range turbo.

85 85_________ 5_____10-0
8.00 9.31______60_____abs off
4 4___________60
4 4
3 3
0.9 1.5
0.00 0.00

From my experience watching and being a passenger with real world low and higher power drifting, I can confidently say that GT6 is a massive jump towards how real drifting feels, although it is damn tricky. There's a lot for us to learn, but I love the new physics! People just need to stick with it, play with your settings and practice!!!
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Thought I'd post some tip for those still struggling.

Biggest thing I've noticed is you never wana go less than half throttle other wise you shift to much weight to the front and spin. It's all about the weight control in this game (which is awesome fun)

Speaking of throttle control, be careful of redlining. As the rpms bounce the power becomes inconsistent (since its raising and falling on the power curve) try to maintain consistent rpms.

Also let the wheel do the work, if your throwing it about your most likely putting to much input in and it will snap. Very rarely will you need to flick the wheel.

Finally with the physics difference online, stiffer= more control.

Stiffer front= more steering feedback and control
Stiffer rear= more oversteer and less snappiness when making throttle adjustments
LOL! Not laughing at you, but you reminded me of the new guys who come to the track, and do nothing but fight the wheel the whole time. You would think there is a swarm of bees in the car with them, from the way their arms and hands are being flung about. That's how I pictured you, but in the comfort in your home.

Try letting the car steer itself and you add little touches here and there to guide it. If you want to fully control the wheel, you will have to steer with your foot and be precise. Youtube Taniguchi's incar footage and you'll see what I mean by full wheel control. He is boring to watch, but he can handle a car.

it steers itself? technology these days...
One thing I've noticed: Don't use too stiff stabilizers!
Let that new improved body roll do what it's for, usually you already have pretty stiff springs, so keep the stabilizer value low. It'll make the body more agile and give you a better feedback.
One thing I've noticed: Don't use too stiff stabilizers!
Let that new improved body roll do what it's for, usually you already have pretty stiff springs, so keep the stabilizer value low. It'll make the body more agile and give you a better feedback.

I use a low value in the front, but my rear is always very stiff. Also: The more weight a car has, the more aggressive the weight shift will be. When my cars get heavier I will run harder springs (not hard, but harder), than my lightweight cars. To be able to manage the weightshift better.
I use a low value in the front, but my rear is always very stiff. Also: The more weight a car has, the more aggressive the weight shift will be. When my cars get heavier I will run harder springs (not hard, but harder), than my lightweight cars. To be able to manage the weightshift better.

Why are you stating the obvious in car weight distribution?.. I think everyone knows that which you have pointed out. And making cars that are already too heaver even heaver will make you powerslide instead of drift which in turn can slam you against a corner wall. Light cars should be made slightly heaver, it is the opposite for heavier cars. Do you even read what you post?
Why are you stating the obvious in car weight distribution?.. I think everyone knows that which you have pointed out. And making cars that are already too heaver even heaver will make you powerslide instead of drift which in turn can slam you against a corner wall. Light cars should be made slightly heaver, it is the opposite for heavier cars.

Read and think first, before you write.

I stated the obvious because (and it's quite obvious), it contradicts what he said. I never said anything about making cars heavier, I said: When my cars get heavier. This is a passive sentence, which means that it's not my action correct?

What I meant was (quite obviously) when I switch from a light to a moderate or heavy car, my springs will stiffen accordingly.
What I meant was (quite obviously) when I switch from a light to a moderate or heavy car, my springs will stiffen accordingly.

You don't need to stiffen heavy cars, you need to stiffen lighter ones, that's the point I'm making.
You don't need to stiffen heavy cars, you need to stiffen lighter ones, that's the point I'm making.

You never said anything about spring rates or stabilizers, so no... That's not the point you are making.

Besides, you're completely off base. Stiffen heavy cars, loosen lighter ones.
Stiffen heavy cars, loosen lighter ones.

Oh really?
We talking about Grand Theft Auto cars here? So what you are saying is you are going to stiffen heavy cars so they bounce all over the place on every bump and then soften already light vehicles?... That makes sense to you?
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@Mr_Nubinz I can see why you were having trouble drifting on the wheel. My friend Sauk brought over his wheel last night and he was drifting fine with the G27. Have you tried setting up your car differently? Not the same way you would set it in GT5, that may be your trouble.
@Mr_Nubinz I can see why you were having trouble drifting on the wheel. My friend Sauk brought over his wheel last night and he was drifting fine with the G27. Have you tried setting up your car differently? Not the same way you would set it in GT5, that may be your trouble.

Yeah I have. I'm just adjusting to the difference now.
Oh really?
We talking about Grand Theft Auto cars here? So what you are saying is you are going to stiffen heavy cars so they bounce all over the place on every bump and then soften already light vehicles?... That makes sense to you?

Stiffening a heavy car will restrict how much the weight is thrown around forwards, backwards and side to side, it wouldn't completely lock the car in place. By stiffening a heavy car, you can prevent the momentum of a transfer being completely un-recoverable. A soft tuned heavy car could be thrown in sideways, and then be difficult to straighten out or transfer the other way if all the weight is over one point of the car.

Lighter cars have less mass to transfer on initiation, therefore loosening the car would amplify the effectiveness of using the weight that is there.

This was present in GT5 also.
Stiffening a heavy car will restrict how much the weight is thrown around forwards, backwards and side to side, it wouldn't completely lock the car in place. By stiffening a heavy car, you can prevent the momentum of a transfer being completely un-recoverable. A soft tuned heavy car could be thrown in sideways, and then be difficult to straighten out or transfer the other way if all the weight is over one point of the car.

Lighter cars have less mass to transfer on initiation, therefore loosening the car would amplify the effectiveness of using the weight that is there.

This was present in GT5 also.
I always thought you stiffened light cars and loosen heavy ones, now I'm confused.
By stiffening a heavy car, you can prevent the momentum of a transfer being completely un-recoverable.

The point is to have the car thrown side ways, keep it side ways in the turn, and then trying to recover it when you are almost out of the curb. You should be already recovering the car half way into the curb, not when you are already out. If you try to do this when you are already out of the curb... Then yeah, have fun trying to recover the car cus now you got your weight distribution all over the place.

I always thought you stiffened light cars and loosen heavy ones, now I'm confused.

You are correct, that is how it is down:
Heavies go light.
Lights go stiff.

All you have to do is recover the car before you get out of the curb again.
And if you can throw the car to the side before you even get the curb... That's even more styling.
The point is to have the car thrown side ways, keep it side ways in the turn, and then trying to recover it when you are almost out of the curb. You should be already recovering the car half way into the curb, not when you are already out. If you try to do this when you are already out of the curb... Then yeah, have fun trying to recover the car cus now you got your weight distribution all over the place.

Why talk about curbs? The only curbs drifting meets are short touches of clipping points. (definitely considering GT6 doesn't like us using curbs...)

You are correct, that is how it is down:
Heavies go light.
Lights go stiff.

All you have to do is recover the car before you get out of the curb again.
And if you can throw the car to the side before you even get the curb... That's even more styling.

Godfrey said all there is need to be said on the topic. He is 100% correct.
Why talk about curbs? The only curbs drifting meets are short touches of clipping points. (definitely considering GT6 doesn't like us using curbs...)

You serious?
There you go off with another of your opinions.

Godfrey said all there is need to be said on the topic. He is 100% correct.

Yeah, he is correct to those who knows thisclose to nothing.
I use a low value in the front, but my rear is always very stiff. Also: The more weight a car has, the more aggressive the weight shift will be. When my cars get heavier I will run harder springs (not hard, but harder), than my lightweight cars. To be able to manage the weightshift better.

You do realise that's not a real setup? Run 70-80% stiff upfront and around 50-65% still on the rear. Your setup suits a FWD car but will make a RWD understeer?
You do realise that's not a real setup? Run 70-80% stiff upfront and around 50-65% still on the rear. Your setup suits a FWD car but will make a RWD understeer?

Everyone drifts diferently mate.

I personally use a very balanced setup technique, but I can see how dom's would work, giving good control in the rear wheels.

+ you don't use a wheel :P, everythings very different!
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