Where have you been having your fun?

  • Thread starter crowhop
With Indy Cars at Road America.

Last couple of weekends I have been doing a extremely difficult event there with two friends (raeggee and @GTP_RPREGO ). A long race with the AI being both skilled and aggressive, lapping at about the same pace as we humans.

After many, many tries, finally one human (that would be me :D ) won one race yesterday. I'm sharing here the last 8 minutes of that race (splash&dash, left the pits in 7th and had 4 laps to flag). Quite proud of the achievement (almost binned it in the penultimate lap though ... ). Have to say that these cars have a "boost" button - you have 10 boosts for the entirety of the race - and I had saved mine for this ocasion, that's why you'll see me gaining on them in the long straights.

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With Indy Cars at Road America.

Last couple of weekends I have been doing a extremely difficult event there with two friends (raeggee and @GTP_RPREGO ). A long race with the AI being both skilled and aggressive, lapping at about the same pace as we humans.

After many, many tries, finally one human (that would be me :D ) won one race yesterday. I'm sharing here the last 8 minutes of that race (splash&dash, left the pits in 7th and had 4 laps to flag). Quite proud of the achievement (almost binned it in the penultimate lap though ... ). Have to say that these cars have a "boost" button - you have 10 boosts for the entirety of the race - and I had saved mine for this ocasion, that's why you'll see me gaining on them in the long straights.

The AI has super grip around that long right hander before the straight through the tree's
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I’m still finding online the only place you get convincing opponent behavior. Admittedly, outside of PC racing games, nobody else seems to get it right, either, especially that critical first lap, where the AI has problems running two wide at speed in most every console sim. ACC’s isn’t too bad, but I’m not really a GT3/GT4 fixated racer.

But lately things have been getting quiet online, so I’ve been back to career and one offs. To fix the AI I have started to prefer starting at the back, and treating the first real lap as a formation lap. By the end of lap1 most of the real hinky AI behavior stuff is gone, and you can go after the car in front without feeling like you’re clubbing baby seals!
I’m still finding online the only place you get convincing opponent behavior. Admittedly, outside of PC racing games, nobody else seems to get it right, either, especially that critical first lap, where the AI has problems running two wide at speed in most every console sim. ACC’s isn’t too bad, but I’m not really a GT3/GT4 fixated racer.

But lately things have been getting quiet online, so I’ve been back to career and one offs. To fix the AI I have started to prefer starting at the back, and treating the first real lap as a formation lap. By the end of lap1 most of the real hinky AI behavior stuff is gone, and you can go after the car in front without feeling like you’re clubbing baby seals!
Have you actually set the formation lap option on followed by rolling start?

I do agree though, the AI is slow on the first lap. But using AI at 100/70 rolling starts definitely helps them to be a little better than standing starts.
Have you actually set the formation lap option on followed by rolling start?

I do agree though, the AI is slow on the first lap. But using AI at 100/70 rolling starts definitely helps them to be a little better than standing starts.
It’s better than standing starts, but it’s still clubbing baby seals for the first lap. Until the pack thins out and goes single file, they are incredibly vulnerable. You rarely see any form of defensive line, they stick slavishly to the racing line and you can throw it up the inside without a trace of defensive covering of the apex.

I still find sitting at the rear until lap 2 gets me a better race without that guilty feeling of taking advantage of poor coding…
It’s better than standing starts, but it’s still clubbing baby seals for the first lap. Until the pack thins out and goes single file, they are incredibly vulnerable. You rarely see any form of defensive line, they stick slavishly to the racing line and you can throw it up the inside without a trace of defensive covering of the apex.

I still find sitting at the rear until lap 2 gets me a better race without that guilty feeling of taking advantage of poor coding…
You could play the defence game instead, I've mentioned it here a few times.

Just to change things up a bit start at the front of the grid, set AI to maximum but keep aggression at a reasonable level so they don't punt you off, then it's a matter of seeing how many positions you don't lose instead of how many you gain.

It's a whole new ball game when you're the one being hunted & you got to defend all the racing lines, especially if you throw in some variable time/weather changes.
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Still working my way through career. Had an absolute blast in the group C cars. First the American and International with Nissan GTP and then the European and International championship with the Sauber. Probably my favorite class so far.

Then I went on to the LMP3 which was fun but to be honest a bit of a anti climax after the group C monsters. I think they got the orders of the tiers wrong in the career. I did Formula Rookie > Radicals > Group C > LMP3. It wouldve made more sense if it was Formula Rookie > LMP3 > Radicals > Group C. The LMP3 are actually the slowest of the bunch.. still fun though and a very different driving style to the Group C so at least it's diverse.
You could play the defence game instead, I've mentioned it here a few times.

Just to change things up a bit start at the front of the grid, set AI to maximum but keep aggression at a reasonable level so they don't punt you off, then it's a matter of seeing how many positions you don't lose instead of how many you gain.

It's a whole new ball game when you're the one being hunted & you got to defend all the racing lines, especially if you throw in some variable time/weather changes.
Unfortunately, quite a few car classes, 120 on the AI doesn’t really push me except at the odd track. And rain turns them into idiot snails, variable weather confuses them badly when to pit, and of course there’s the old fuel bug where they often ignore low fuel lights (one presumes they got one!) and run themselves dry.

I wish there were a simple solution, but if the only way to get a good race is to nerf your car (or over-power the AI), it’s a poor substitute for an actual competitive race…

It’s a shame Bandai didn’t get out an Ultimate Edition disk with all the DLC (like AC did) because quite a few YouTube console simmers are starting to realize how good (despite the flaws!) PC2 actually is now that ACC only offers two classes nd few tracks, and GT7 is a punt-fest online…
I agree about the AI being very frustrating and the worst part of what's otherwise a great game, though. Especially on oval tracks. The AI on 90-100 gives me all I can handle and I've never seen them run out of fuel in many long races. I have seen them retire if mechanical damage is on. But good grief, the AI on oval tracks, this is gonna be a long one...

After a long summer off, saved my favourite and best part of the career for last, set AI to 100 and laps to realistic lengths, and accepted at the outset that I'd accept the results as they came- meaning win, place, or crash, where I finish is what I get. Started out lucky at Daytona, typical of an oval race in PC2, the AI is just BAD. Fast enough to be sure, but they make terrible moves at terrible times and in the end there were fewer than 10 cars left running. Long Beach I won handily with surprisingly little drama. Indy GP won, and it was actually a really good race. And then we get to the Indy 500... Oh boy, here we go.

For context, I have won the 500 in game more than once. I have about 8000 miles on Indy, it's my most driven track. So, race starts, mostly uneventful, have a pretty decent race for the most part, everything's going smoothly. Get to lap 197 in the lead, think there were four cars behind on the lead lap and only a few had crashed out. heading into T3, two AI cars make contact, enough to slow but not stop. I go around the first on the outside, am about to pass the second when it turns up into me. I now have damage but only have to limp it through T4 and into my stall when, the car that just hit me, passes me AND PARKS IN MY PIT BOX!!!! This literally CAN'T happen in IndyCar. My crew waves me off! So, figuring the car is still drivable albeit with a top of about 150mph and a nasty pull to the left, I attempt to run the laps out thinking I should finish around 4-6. Get to the back straight, staying way of the racing line and get rammed again. Hard. Somehow land on my wheels but am now being pinned to the wall by an AI car. Keep going at like 15 mph, break free, cross the line after first has finished and get 8th... Those last few laps went from about 22 cars on track to about a dozen left running. One crash breeds more.

On to Road America, another good race and another win. And then Texas... Oh boy here we go again. Disaster after disaster. Re-started several times despite my prior commitment not to. I just wanted to make the first scheduled pit stop. Finally actually pulled that off. Lap 55, came up on a massive pileup with a bunch of slowed cars and no clear path through, guess what, get taken out by a following car. Again. This time, catapulted way up in the air, land right side up with the back end gone and Ben Collins telling me to sit tight, help is on the way. Retired in 18th.

Watkins Glen, more boneheaded AI, although I will have to own this one, just being too aggressive, I was following a bit too close coming into T9 when the car in front of me just stops. FFS. Had to pit that lap anyway, lost a bit of time to repair but nothing too bad, about five laps later, the same thing happens. You'd think I'd have learned not to stay too close to AI cars by now. Anyway, Rossi in second was on pace to have one more stop than me, so this just pulled me level in pit stops and about 50 seconds back after losing over a minute for repairs for the second time. Caught back up, made my pass, made a boneheaded move on my own. STILL managed to catch back up with five laps to go coming out of the esses. Bus stop, P1 bangs wheels with a lapper, lapper loses front wing. Get to the carousel, I dive inside and lapper turns down on me. Much swearing. Finished P4.

So, last race, Sonoma to go. Got a few practice laps in, put it on pole. Will attempt to get this done tomorrow or Monday. Little bittersweet, hope to have a good race with not too much drama but Sonoma usually features quite a bit.
This is my first time lapping Road America in any sim. Sadly, my best lap is nowhere near the real-life pole time from the 2016 or 2017 IndyCar season (couldn’t really ride any of the kerbs on this track in the game), but it’s still mighty fun, and I believe it’s currently the quickest lap on default setup for IndyCar on the PC2 PlayStation leaderboard. I actually set my best lap twice with identical times (video below is from the 2nd run).

I still wasn't happy with my wheel settings in PC2, so I went online again looking for more suggestions. This time I came across Super GT’s video on wheel settings for PC2 and decided to give his settings a try, even though he had a Thrustmaster TX at the time, and I have a Logitech G923. I was still messing around with the new settings and just trying to get used to them by lapping Road America in the IndyCar again when I set a 1:44.2xx lap pretty much straight away (my previous record was 1:44.640). I was really surprised to say the least, because I didn’t expect wheel settings would make that much of a difference. After a while, I switched back to my old wheel settings to compare and just couldn’t lap as fast (or at least it seemed harder to lap as fast). I’ve since made further adjustments to the settings more to my liking (still wasn’t happy with Super GT’s settings TBH) and was finally able to break into 1:43.xxx, with my best lap of 1:43.779, which is nearly a second quicker than before (but still wasn’t entirely happy with the lap).

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I agree about the AI being very frustrating and the worst part of what's otherwise a great game, though. Especially on oval tracks. The AI on 90-100 gives me all I can handle and I've never seen them run out of fuel in many long races. I have seen them retire if mechanical damage is on. But good grief, the AI on oval tracks, this is gonna be a long one...

AI is crazy sometimes but it's not the worst part if the game because at least they have some pace compared to Gran Turismo.

I've been doing multiclass races in the carreer now and have learned to NEVER drive behind a car in a slower class as they will just step on the brakes midcorner.. I'm getting used to them though and now have far fewer incidents.
AI is crazy sometimes but it's not the worst part if the game because at least they have some pace compared to Gran Turismo.

I've been doing multiclass races in the carreer now and have learned to NEVER drive behind a car in a slower class as they will just step on the brakes midcorner.. I'm getting used to them though and now have far fewer incidents.
I've had some really great battles with the AI over the years. And then I've had them run me off the road, brake check, and out and out ram me (all of which happened today in the final Indycar race at Sonoma). So, while still pretty good overall, they're maddeningly inconsistent and my least favourite part.


Project CARS 2-2023_11_05-16-18-30.pngProject CARS 2-2023_11_05-16_18_59.png
Dang, bro. Nice!

Hope you dont fall in a void now, lol
Me? Nah, I'm not going anywhere. TBH finishing it all up is kind of a relief. When I was chasing it and especially towards the end I felt compelled to only fire it up to run career, which is a bit of a problem when you're trying to run full length as much as plausible (24 hours of Spa and Le Mans live in the WEC section, not happening) and don't have like 2-4 hours to spare very often. Seeing as how even though I have a pretty good PC and a lot of titles, I prefer firing up my XBox, and PC2 is STILL the best racing game on console, I'll probably be on a fair bit more running some of my favourite cars and tracks. Might even see if I can sneak online if there's something interesting running, not a lot of action out there but there's some of us diehards left out there.
Me? Nah, I'm not going anywhere. TBH finishing it all up is kind of a relief. When I was chasing it and especially towards the end I felt compelled to only fire it up to run career, which is a bit of a problem when you're trying to run full length as much as plausible (24 hours of Spa and Le Mans live in the WEC section, not happening) and don't have like 2-4 hours to spare very often. Seeing as how even though I have a pretty good PC and a lot of titles, I prefer firing up my XBox, and PC2 is STILL the best racing game on console, I'll probably be on a fair bit more running some of my favourite cars and tracks. Might even see if I can sneak online if there's something interesting running, not a lot of action out there but there's some of us diehards left out there.
Which was your favorite championship?
Okay @Mr_D , you asked for it! My favourite overall was IndyCar. I've been a huge fan of the series since I was a little kid and still am an embarrassing amount of years later. They really did a good job with the car, and I believe they actually "got" the series better than most others. Favourite tin tops had to be the GT4's. Relatable enough and just a blast to drive. Just edgy enough and just fast enough. The series themselves, including the Cayman Cup were well judged and put together.

And nobody asked the rest, but here we go anyway:

I really liked almost all the entry level series- And the big surprise was Clio Cup, which I went in thinking wasn't going to be as good as it was. I found the Sportscar Lites a bit disappointing though. Which is odd but I didn't have much fun. The Ginetta GT5 were tops, they rank right with the GT4's in my go-to's, I'd race those anytime, anywhere.

The whole open-wheel ladder was really good, hard to believe thinking about it but Formula A was sort of oddly dull to drive. Formula X was properly crazy, and Formula Renault is probably overall the best of the non-Indy bunch, all things considered.

The sportscar ladder beyond the lites was pretty good. The last endurance series was a real highlight, did that in the RWD P30 car. Statistically that is my best class and car. I would like to do that again in the other two categories but it was awfully time consuming to do it properly. Nasty little surprise scripted in at Spa, btw...

Group A was good, liked the way the rallycross cars drove but the events got pretty repetitive. The Renault RS.0.1 cup car is better than the GT3's (more power helps) and the series was good. Touring cars are also good fun and the series were well put together, but it seemed a lot of series for the cars on offer. They could have switched something else in for one of them I think. Same with the GT3/E's, I don't know, they're just not my thing, and by the time I was into the PWC (itself a good set, to be fair) I was kind of over them. Still ran the PWC full length, though, and glad I did.

Would also like to point out, with all the arguing and consternation going around about career modes around the forum, that the whole "beater Civic driver to F1 star" thing is in reality completely a myth. This is probably as close as it gets to genuine, albeit with a couple of oddities. Even the invitationals work in the context of the one-offs many pro drivers do during and after their career.
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Okay @Mr_D , you asked for it! My favourite overall was IndyCar. I've been a huge fan of the series since I was a little kid and still am an ..
I did ask for it ;)
Havent gotten to Indycar yet, I'm about the complete my second run through the career, the first being the GT's and the second the WEC. I'm not sure what career I'm starting next. Might do the one with the Clio cup. I'm not so much into touring cars but maybe I'll just skip that part..

Funny you didnt enjoy Sports Cars Lite because I did like them a lot. It wasnt particularly close racing but coming from the Formula Rookies into these machines was a difference of night and day and pretty amazing the game can make you feel that difference so well.

The surprise in Spa, do you mean the WEC race? I did it recently and only remember some rain about 75 percent into the race and it didnt lead to too crazy puddles but maybe that was because I ran the 2hr version.

I also really liked the GT4's. They're fun to drive but mostly because they can give some incredibly close racing. It seems the faster the cars get the harder it is to find close racing. Hopefully that AI guide I recently found will help some.

The invitationals and one offs I skip completely unfortunately. For me the game shines when you really dig into one car and do an entire series with it, dialing in the FFB and driver position, finetuning your setup, and getting to grips with the car to the extent where you can actually feel 0.1 more toe in at the rear or tyre pressures increasing by .5 when the clouds disappear and the sun heats the track.. the one ways offs dont seem to work for me, also because there is often no qualifying.

Anyway I still have plenty of racing to do it seems

Edit: come to think of it, I think you mean the stuck wheelnut in Spa lol. Are those things scripted?
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Man o man, I just did the 2hr Le Mans race in the WEC for the 2nd time as I came 4th on my first attempt. I could see.my laptimes improve in my first try and I had an extra pitstop on the final lap so I figured I could nail it on my 2nd attempt without changing difficulty.

All went well untill right after the 1st pit a GT3 car just hit the brakes early on in the lap. Massive front wing damage and low topspeed. Losing 20s a lap. Wanted to pit straight away but "pit box was full" XD

2 laps with a plus 20s delta and an uncalculated pitstop later I was 7th. Didnt want to restart and just went for it. Pretty much driving on 99percent for 1,5 hrs straight. Got 4 seconds in penalties for overtaking a GT3 too close to the boarding on the Mulsanne.. and at one point had 1.5 mins gap to P1..

Wasnt an insane amount faster per lap and actually had to defend on the straights as my top speed was lower but I could outbrake them consistently. managed to creep up to P3 and overtook P2 and P1 quite agressively in the penultimate lap. 1 lap left, with P2 right on my tail and 4seconds in penalty. Didnt even look in my rear mirror the entire lap and just floored it. Crossed the finish line but the radio guy stayed quiet instead of congratulating me, had to wait untill P2 crossed the line in order to determine whether I won. It said 2.6 second gap to P2 and I had 4 seconds in penalties so I thought I lost. Turns out it was 2.6s after the 4s penalty was deducted and I won. A 2hr race with 5 pitstops total determined on 2.6 seconds.. and since this was my 2nd attempt I had invested 4hrs of racing up to that point. Took me about 10 minutes for my heartrate to return to normal lol
I did ask for it ;)
Havent gotten to Indycar yet, I'm about the complete my second run through the career, the first being the GT's and the second the WEC. I'm not sure what career I'm starting next. Might do the one with the Clio cup. I'm not so much into touring cars but maybe I'll just skip that part..

Funny you didnt enjoy Sports Cars Lite because I did like them a lot. It wasnt particularly close racing but coming from the Formula Rookies into these machines was a difference of night and day and pretty amazing the game can make you feel that difference so well.

The surprise in Spa, do you mean the WEC race? I did it recently and only remember some rain about 75 percent into the race and it didnt lead to too crazy puddles but maybe that was because I ran the 2hr version.

I also really liked the GT4's. They're fun to drive but mostly because they can give some incredibly close racing. It seems the faster the cars get the harder it is to find close racing. Hopefully that AI guide I recently found will help some.

The invitationals and one offs I skip completely unfortunately. For me the game shines when you really dig into one car and do an entire series with it, dialing in the FFB and driver position, finetuning your setup, and getting to grips with the car to the extent where you can actually feel 0.1 more toe in at the rear or tyre pressures increasing by .5 when the clouds disappear and the sun heats the track.. the one ways offs dont seem to work for me, also because there is often no qualifying.

Anyway I still have plenty of racing to do it seems

Edit: come to think of it, I think you mean the stuck wheelnut in Spa lol. Are those things scripted?

The Sportscar Lites were my own fault, really. I had previous experience with the Caterham with the Stoopid Challenges crew (at Bannochbrae of all places) and had fun with it so I took it, trouble was, with me driving and no heat in the tires it was like there was a magnet in the nose attracted to Armco. Due to a slight but fundamental misunderstanding I had, I started chasing the wrong things in setup to try and get some grip (which I did figure out eventually) but I ended up tightening the car up so much it turned into a chore to drive. Towards the end of the series I had it figured out. I should go revisit it now, bet it would go a lot better.

What happened at Spa, and I assumed it was scripted but maybe not, was this: I had the time set to as close to 2.4 hours as I could get. Basically, my teammate and I were running 1-2 most of the way through the night, the only team that could run with us was one of the factory teams, might have been Toyota (can't remember), but they were pitting more often so we had pulled out a decent lead. Right at daybreak, I come in for a fresh set of tires and fuel, teammate had done so a few laps earlier, I come out in front. Next time around, just as I get past the pits, Ben Collins says something about it starting to drizzle, so I start getting the wet tire pit strategy loaded. Hit the "request pit" button. Sorry, box is full. Hit it again. Sorry, can't hear you. Apparently happened to my teammate as well. We ended up doing the entire stint on slicks vs other teams that had managed to pit. I was pulling on my teammate and watching these other teams pull us back in, ended up getting passed by both of whichever team it was that was fast, and they just walked away. I finally get called in to the pits, get wets on, and start reeling them back in. Teammate by that time had fallen way back, might have had an incident. Took me most of the day to get back to the lead, ended up with the top three finishers within about 20 seconds or so? It wasn't a comfortable margin, I'll tell you that. All of those endurance races ended up being pretty close for the length of them,alyhough it was usually the other RWD car behind.

Really good racing with the GT4's indeed. I'm going to have to revisit them. I just did a little project I had in mind for a while with the Cayman and had a good time doing it, I need to get some good races with them again. I might even try doing something online, although that's a ghost town nowadays. Although hopefully that means the griefers have finally moved on.

I hear you on the invitationals and there's some hit and miss there and some of the manufacture drives are just weird, but if there's one I think everyone should try it's the Ferrari 355 Challenge race at Mugello. Full length isn't an outrageous amount of time, you'll need to have wet and dry pit strategies ready, but it was truly an all-timer. With the length of the race you'll have plenty of time to make up postions and it was some of the best racing against the AI I've had, even in the wet.
Man o man, I just did the 2hr Le Mans race in the WEC for the 2nd time as I came 4th on my first attempt. I could see.my laptimes improve in my first try and I had an extra pitstop on the final lap so I figured I could nail it on my 2nd attempt without changing difficulty.

All went well untill right after the 1st pit a GT3 car just hit the brakes early on in the lap. Massive front wing damage and low topspeed. Losing 20s a lap. Wanted to pit straight away but "pit box was full" XD

2 laps with a plus 20s delta and an uncalculated pitstop later I was 7th. Didnt want to restart and just went for it. Pretty much driving on 99percent for 1,5 hrs straight. Got 4 seconds in penalties for overtaking a GT3 too close to the boarding on the Mulsanne.. and at one point had 1.5 mins gap to P1..

Wasnt an insane amount faster per lap and actually had to defend on the straights as my top speed was lower but I could outbrake them consistently. managed to creep up to P3 and overtook P2 and P1 quite agressively in the penultimate lap. 1 lap left, with P2 right on my tail and 4seconds in penalty. Didnt even look in my rear mirror the entire lap and just floored it. Crossed the finish line but the radio guy stayed quiet instead of congratulating me, had to wait untill P2 crossed the line in order to determine whether I won. It said 2.6 second gap to P2 and I had 4 seconds in penalties so I thought I lost. Turns out it was 2.6s after the 4s penalty was deducted and I won. A 2hr race with 5 pitstops total determined on 2.6 seconds.. and since this was my 2nd attempt I had invested 4hrs of racing up to that point. Took me about 10 minutes for my heartrate to return to normal lol
Pit stop trick, don't request one....

Just drive straight in & you'll get priority serviced.
Pit stop trick, don't request one....

Just drive straight in & you'll get priority serviced.
Cheers. Thats a good tip.
What happened at Spa, and I assumed it was scripted but maybe not, was this: I had the time set to as close to 2.4 hours as I could get. Basically, my teammate and I were running 1-2 most of the way through the night, the only team that could run with us was one of the factory teams, might have been Toyota (can't remember), but they were pitting more often so we had pulled out a decent lead. Right at daybreak, I come in for a fresh set of tires and fuel, teammate had done so a few laps earlier, I come out in front. Next time around, just as I get past the pits, Ben Collins says something about it starting to drizzle, so I start getting the wet tire pit strategy loaded. Hit the "request pit" button. Sorry, box is full. Hit it again. Sorry, can't hear you. Apparently happened to my teammate as well. We ended up doing the entire stint on slicks vs other teams that had managed to pit. I was pulling on my teammate and watching these other teams pull us back in, ended up getting passed by both of whichever team it was that was fast, and they just walked away. I finally get called in to the pits, get wets on, and start reeling them back in. Teammate by that time had fallen way back, might have had an incident. Took me most of the day to get back to the lead, ended up with the top three finishers within about 20 seconds or so? It wasn't a comfortable margin, I'll tell you that. All of those endurance races ended up being pretty close for the length of them,alyhough it was usually the other RWD car behind.
I dont think thats scripted but just buggy. I've had occupied pitboxes on several occasions in amd outside of career. The radio not working happens on some tracks if you are too far away from the pitbox.

I do think the longer pitstops for jammed wheelnuts and gearbox failures might be scripted though. I've had them on my 2nd pitstop at Le Mans om both attempts.

Today I started the Kart races in career. Does anyone have advice for FFB settings? Because my usual settings didnt work great. I lowered the volume (or tone?) allmost to zero and that at least got rid of the bumpy feeling (it was like steering through a cheese grater), but now there is allmost no center force and weight to the wheel.
It was really weird, I was hammering the request button like crazy. I'll have to try that just drive in trick myself.

Here's everything I know. Might have to turn the volume down as on the karts this was pretty strong. Embrace sterring with the rear!

It was really weird, I was hammering the request button like crazy. I'll have to try that just drive in trick myself.

Here's everything I know. Might have to turn the volume down as on the karts this was pretty strong. Embrace sterring with the rear!

View attachment 1319302View attachment 1319303View attachment 1319304View attachment 1319305
Thanks. Appreciated. The ffb settings look a bit like mine as I first had it, except the tone is a lot higher so that might make a difference.

The driving itself felt okay but I'll try a more rearwards bias and see how that works.
I presume you all use manual pit stop, not sure if the trick works with auto pit, can't see why it wouldn't though tbh.

But since I found this out I never request a pit stop anymore.

Yeah! Tried it this morning, actually! Works like you said! Thanks! Just one more thing in a long list of things I wish I'd known earlier 🤣
I vaguely remember having this issue when randomly pitting and then deciding to always request a pit stop. But this was probably before I used manual pitstops so that might've been the problem
19 identical RX Minis on a snow covered Bannochbrae.

Had to fiddle with car setup as it was very understeery even on loose but I eventually found something to help me go sideways.

Tricky but fun.
Keeping in theme with the weather outside, huh? ;)

Talking about fiddling with the setup. Tried the Formula C for the first time. Did a practice session in warm weather and got a decent baseline setup going. First race of the championship is freezing cold Brno and the grip is just nowhere to be found.

Spend literally 1,5 hr tuning the **** out of it. And not just 1 or 2 clicks here and there but like 5 clicks front ARB up and 6 clicks rear ARB down etc etc
Looked around on the interwebs and found I'm not the only struggling.. apparently you need the Sport tyres in colder temps instead.. loaded my baseline setup and fitted sport tyres, now it's actually understeery! Lmao.
This is what I love about this game, sitting down with a cup of tea & a weird car/track/weather combination pops in your head & you can just turn it on & get straight into messing about. You really can play this sim anyway you like, if you fancy setting up a quick arcade bash you can, if you want to setup an extremely serious sim session you can, straight out the box, I love it.

Before I done the above combination I was running the DBR1 on nords with my h shifter, after 2 laps my arms & legs were killing me, such a heavy steering car with so many gear shifts & having to heal & toe on down shifts so the rear end don't come around on you, especially when dropping to 2nd. But boy was it fun.
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