Who do you miss? Formerly active gtp user who disappeared ...

  • Thread starter Monatsende
I recently noticed that @Scaff has been inactive for a few months, and his YT channel is also down. Seems odd since he was present pretty much daily, and then just dropped off. Hope he's doing alright.
Exactly this.

@daan messaged me this morning to check-in, and I wanted to just pop in to say I'm doing OK, just needed to remove distractions and focus on getting a new job.

Once all is settled I may well be back :D
Wouldn't say disappeared as it hasn't been that long but haven't seen @Joey D post for a little while especially in the Covid thread.
I....probably shouldn't have read some of that user's posts.

Frustrated Clint Eastwood GIF
Wouldn't say disappeared as it hasn't been that long but haven't seen @Joey D post for a little while especially in the Covid thread.
Still around, just dealing with some stuff at the moment. I still pop in every now and then, but the COVID thread was such a poop storm of garbage when I viewed it I felt like it was better to ignore it.

Where are you, Jakieboy.
I think our boy has been busy working for a luxury car dealership in the UK and playing with a new-to-him Corvette. I got curious about his whereabouts and he popped up on another, rather well-known site. He had posts mentioning the UK and traveling back to Pittsburgh which are the 2 locations I believe he talked about here.

He's active there, so at least he appears to be doing okay.
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@kikie ?

Its frequently himself posting on here about other members MIA. But looks like he's not been on in 3 weeks, which is odd for kikie.

edit Looks like he's had a spat with management and is taking a self imposed break from us all. 💅
I don’t believe he’s here under his PS ID. I’ve always known him as MoreNorthThanYou.
Where ya been bud? The crew misses you
I miss @Cano. It seems he hasn't been around for a while. He used to frequent the Hot wheels collectors thread and car drawing thread. Anyone still keep in contact with him?

I certainly miss @Cano as well as many of the other Hot Wheel collectors that used to frequent the (former) 'Hot Wheels' thread. I'm not sure what to put this down to - is there a pattern to it? Obviously the thread has undergone many changes to keep up with the styles of the new collectors and that might have put them off (like it did me) - or maybe they just 'grew old' like some people do and lost interest in the hobby? @DiabolicalWyvern is another of those collectors I don't see anymore . . .

As for my recent long absences from my favourite Forum - this I have to put down to a huge amount of changes in my life - for the last few years I have been engaged in attempting to finalise my move from where I live presently to a new home almost 5000 km away - a nightmare of logistics. Things are moving along smoothly now and I do get a moment sometimes - especially on the weekends - to drop in and play catchup with some old-time online bedfellows. :cheers: Good to be back!
Hey all,,wondering if anyone know or have news on @John Wells , i noticed he dissapeared from his daily ps4 gaming, a Train sim player.
I thought he moved on to ps5 maybe but also noticed no activities here pretty much since a couple of months too.

I dont know, just wonder and worry a little, guy always put likes on posts, and never bad comments.
Hope he's ok..
Looking at his page, it seems John stepped away from GTP to deal with some mental health issues. He'll be back once he's better.
I see, thanks, hope he'll be ok soon then.
Lot have a hard time with all these government overreach, restrictions, corrupt meddlings, and suspicious pandemic, and finance troubles.
Not easy,
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I really miss axletramp. The way he was so funny and stuff and slip in subtle innuendo to ram the point home. He was also devastatingly good looking and sexually attractive in an available and overly cuddly sort of way.
I vaguely remember him looking like a shaved chimp, and that he has a weird basement in his house.
Clearly you are mistaken. That’s not how I remember things at all!

Can I have ‘mildly sexually attractive’?
I really miss axletramp. The way he was so funny and stuff and slip in subtle innuendo to ram the point home. He was also devastatingly good looking and sexually attractive in an available and overly cuddly sort of way.
I understand he had an incident with a vacuum cleaner.