Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
The funniest thing happened, I found 2 other users that use Racing medium tires on their modded cars, I thought that I was the only one that liked using medium tires.
Reminds me of the time some kid threatened to report Nas in a Nascar lobby he made :P

I don't quite remember why he wanted to report him, but I'm pretty sure that kid was incredibly stupid from my foggy as Iceland memory.

I believe it was because he failed to slow down for the Caution Flag. He and his friends tried to gang up on me (the pacecar) needless to say, they were kicked and the race continued without a single caution. :)👍

"GUYS! GUYYYYS! Letz reprt nacer fan!"

I joined a Shuffle room for the first time. Had fun 'til someone came in; let's call this someone, “Bob". After a race, he asked if the room was supposed to be clean. Everyone says yes, the host says no. WTF!?!

So, we're on LeMans 2005, I'm in an Audi RS6. I'm feeling pretty confident. False start warning comes up. Green light, we're off. I immediately pull ahead.

Literally, after 20 seconds of racing, Bob flies past everyone in his CTR Yellowbird and catches up to me. 200 meters before the first corner, he pushed me into the sand. This is when I became a bull and focused my eyes on the ass of that Yellowbird.

This thing took off and I couldn't even catch it on the straight. I made several attempts, but I gave up. The host left and “Sam", took over. After I nearly killed Sam when I blocked him, I quit the game. I said “Better for me to kick myself than give Sam the pleasure of kicking me."
You called him Bob because he's stupid like B-Spec Bob right? :lol:

Anyway, my latest shuffle room was a mix of clean and dirty. Racers who had been there for quite some time (e.g. 1-2 hours) raced clean, while newcomers were dirty. After every race, the host had to kick someone. :ouch: About two and a half hours after I joined, the host left and I happened to be next in line for the host spot. I had some good races, kicked almost all dirty racers and I got a win. Very close race, I won by 0.462. Someone shoved me into the wall at the start, but I didn't see the dirty racers again. They weren't even classified.

Moral of the story:
  • Watch out for newcomers
  • Dirty racers are dirty because they can't drive
I'm going to sound noobish for asking this, but whatever. What does "&ldquo" mean?

The computer doesn't recognize it as a proper character, therefore when I enter the quotation marks from my phone, it displays the code for the quotation mark instead of displaying the actual symbol.

For example, a space, is written as %20, or _
The computer doesn't recognize it as a proper character, therefore when I enter the quotation marks from my phone, it displays the code for the quotation mark instead of displaying the actual symbol.

For example, a space, is written as %20, or _

oh, that's what it is. Okay, thanks.
GT5Power Short Stories Episode Infinity+1.

  1. I join racing room
  2. I wait for the race to end
  3. Race ends
  4. I enter track
  5. I get kicked a second later

I'm not going to be running out of stories anytime soon. :sly:

EDIT: I just left the crappiest room I've been in in months. Stories to come once someone posts.
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When I be driving behind a car about .200 seconds behind then spins out and says why you bumping me from behind? Your laggy. The person just gets under pressure when your so close behind their car but you don't hit them at all. You just wait for them to mess up.
I had a good run in a shuffle room called pp420,suzuka only. I got a decent bunch of cars, and I won 2 races (2 laps, 12-15 cars) from the back of the grid. Some people were thick though, because they thought that it was fine to ram me into the gravel and constantly tap me sideways, yet when I tried to do it back they threw a hissy fit. I congratulated the drivers who were clean and gave me a good race, and to anyone who hit me - "If you want respect on track, show it to others". I think this is what you need to tell the whiny crashers;)
My story, as I promised.

The room was labeled "welcome clean shuffle" and the race was held at Daytona Speedway. However, the host raced really dirty. He kept ramming me while yelling on his mic:"Come here Greek! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" After a while, I got fed up of him and typed: "what a crap room. and the host is the biggest jerk ever." Then I left. :sly:
This is from a while back, I was browsing the lobby menu on a Sunday afternoon, I decide to join a racing lobby at Top Gear hoping for some fun, actually it was a 1 make race, after winning 4 of 5 events I had entered in, the whole lobby decided to turn against me, trying to take me out, cursing and sending death threats to my inbox, I raced on and muted all the kids on the mics and continued to drive, won another race then left, the whole lobby sent me a very sweary messages, I blocked all of them and moved to another lobby some time later.
This is from a while back, I was browsing the lobby menu on a Sunday afternoon, I decide to join a racing lobby at Top Gear hoping for some fun, actually it was a 1 make race, after winning 4 of 5 events I had entered in, the whole lobby decided to turn against me, trying to take me out, cursing and sending death threats to my inbox, I raced on and muted all the kids on the mics and continued to drive, won another race then left, the whole lobby sent me a very sweary messages, I blocked all of them and moved to another lobby some time later.

This is from a while back, I was browsing the lobby menu on a Sunday afternoon, I decide to join a racing lobby at Top Gear hoping for some fun, actually it was a 1 make race, after winning 4 of 5 events I had entered in, the whole lobby decided to turn against me, trying to take me out, cursing and sending death threats to my inbox, I raced on and muted all the kids on the mics and continued to drive, won another race then left, the whole lobby sent me a very sweary messages, I blocked all of them and moved to another lobby some time later.

You showed those kids. :lol: One make race, definitely shows who's the better driver.
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Was just in a room with a host that apparently only speaks in caps and an :censored:hat.

He's our star. He's pretty much beating everyone in his 458, I don't have any appropiate machines for 596 so I use many machines, they all fail.

This guy who we'll call silky, will tell the host himself to clean up his driving when he's just as bad. After that he races my pink Enzo, I was battling him until he shunts me out on hairpin one. After the race he says I was all blkin (He talks like any dumb:censored: who can't use proper grammar on a keyboard), I call him out for shunting me out on hairpin one, he says u were al ovr the place. Poppycock senses kick in immediately and I tell him that holding my line into the chicane after T1 isn't blocking as I'm not gonna turn right off the track to satisfy his needs, I wanted to punch him in the face already but A-spec Andy's don't roll like that. After that the even more idiotic host starts the race and leaves us both out. The host wins his first race because neither of us were there.

We switch to Sarthe after near completely unintelligible Caps lock speak from the host, one dude from the room remarks on this by asking if he was sniffing glue.

We head to Sarthe, my ACR has terrible straight line speed, the Sarthe track limits under penalties are terrible so I come nearly last. The same buddy who remarked on the glue sniffing called out our buddy silky for his :censored:hattery.

Quote from our genius silky: U grab the bull by the hrns, u gonna get it. He has no idea of proper defensive racecraft so I want to punch him in the face and the southern part as well. I am determined, so ironically we both pull out a 458 and an Enzo respectively. Straight line speed still sucks but I manage to take him out when he tried to pull a classy move on me. I get Dc'ed by my brother turning off the wi-fi afterwards when I was battling the host in his ZR-1.

P.S. He only referred to me as 50001 :mad:
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I would of done the same thing.

I don't think that you can post other PSN's, but what are the chances that my dad just got done meeting the same person? :odd:
P.S. He only referred to me as 50001 :mad:
:lol: Convict 50001
Your dad plays GT5? My kind of dad :bowdown:

My dad plays/played also. We used to play anything. From competitive racing, to coop missions in COD, to dueling in airplanes.

.....then we both slowly stopped.

Well..... one of us did.