Your daily workout gift

  • Thread starter mazda787
Finally got something decent last night for the first time ever! Every car was a race car so knew whichever I got would be good, ended up with the Renault RS.01 GT3 :D!
Finally got something decent last night for the first time ever! Every car was a race car so knew whichever I got would be good, ended up with the Renault RS.01 GT3 :D!

Got that one double. I also have three Hyundai Genesis Gr.4 :lol:
Can you get more than 1 car on the daily workout gift? Any of you ever receiver multiple daily workout gift cars? And if yes, how many miles do you have to drive to get in order to receive multiple daily gift cars?
I’ve got 3 S-FR, 3 RC-F and 3 Chargers. I guess it’s the holy trinity. Three relatively boring cars to race at Nords.

And no you can’t get two in one day from mileage alone.
Yesterday and today, respectively.
I was doing very well until the last few all I am getting is duplicates! 62 cars in the garage and I have the following duplicate cars:

BMW M4 Coupe '14
GT by Citroen GR.4
VW Scirocco GR.4
Nissan GT-R GR.4
Renault Sport R.S.01 '16 GR.X
Audi TTS Coupe 2014

Today my gift car was not a duplicate...but a Honda Civic Type R (FK2) '15 :lol:
I like the Renault