Zero Punctuation Game Reviews

  • Thread starter icelt

Should I keep adding links to post #1?

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I found the current one of Mercenaries 2 quite funny, especially the start which is soo true where we hang onto the big guns.
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Link posted and actually this turns out to be primarily a review of the Wii version. Regardless he pulls out some great SW humor.
I feel bad for how much he'll slate the Fable 2 AI. Going to watch now :)
Don't worry he doesn't disappoint.

You can kill your wife but not kids?

And while I haven't played Fable 2 (or 1) he sounds just like the thoughts in my head when my friend said he got a job as a blacksmith. I clearly remember going, uh what? Blacksmith? Job? I thought we were becoming bad guys and killing things.
Thats what I thought about Fable 2, I don't want to woodcut for hours then go have a child which gives me no more then a few achievements. Some of the sidequests give rewards like weapons and so on, but none are worth it as the magic is so ridiculously overpowered no weapon will ever match it and the story is to short and easy to warrant such things, as are every sidequest me and my friend did whilst I was there. He claimed he'd spend months on it, he's had it about 2 weeks and is trading it in to buy Gears 2 or COD W@W.
I really wish he would put out the vids faster (I know one a week is already a lot) but they are so damn funny I cant get enough of them. I wish he would do more car games (maybe undercover would be a good one :lol:) but I guess thats not his thing!

I liked the Deux Ex part at the end, especially after he said no one likes singing :lol:
So, is it just me or is he of the opinion that Rock Band should be the better game, but because Australia is constantly getting screwed over he'll never know?
:lol: The Mirror's Edge one is spot on, the way he says 'DUREAM' cracks me up.
And now video gaming in the year of our (insert preferred omnipotent being here) 2008 is capped off by Yahtzee with a cumulative review. Apparently he feels that Hideo Kojima has a bright future in politics.
ZP really doesn't like MGS4 does it? Obviously not a fan of the series, cus for a game to be awarded biggest Franchise Murdur, yet it's been posted numerous times in the Ps3 section as one of the games of the year and I've yet to find an unpleased MGS fan, I don't see how a franchise can be murdured for keeping it's existing audience happy whilst perhaps not attracting many new comers when a game like NFS:Undercover has completely put everybody off.
ZP really doesn't like MGS4 does it? Obviously not a fan of the series, cus for a game to be awarded biggest Franchise Murdur, yet it's been posted numerous times in the Ps3 section as one of the games of the year and I've yet to find an unpleased MGS fan, I don't see how a franchise can be murdured for keeping it's existing audience happy whilst perhaps not attracting many new comers when a game like NFS:Undercover has completely put everybody off.


I didn't think anyone actualy takes his reviews seriously, including Ben Croshaw. :)

Very entertaining though, especially for those who appreciate a little tongue-in-cheek humor mixed in with a serious dose of british wit! 👍

ZP, like Penny Arcade provides content/"reviews" made for entertainment. They make gross exaggerations for both comedic purpose as well as draw attention to themselves by those that find them offensive. Either way they win as it draws attention to their sites and makes them lots of money. :)
ZP, like Penny Arcade provides content/"reviews" made for entertainment. They make gross exaggerations for both comedic purpose as well as draw attention to themselves by those that find them offensive. Either way they win as it draws attention to their sites and makes them lots of money. :)
For the perfect example of this just watch his episode where he responds to viewer letters. Somehow he trashes their opinions without ever actually defending his own reviews.

And when it comes to MGS4 I learned early on that he isn't taking it seriously. His MGS4 review had details that actually sounded like MGS3 (infinite ammo tranq gun - MGS3 had the EZ gun on EZ mode, MGS4 just had a stun knife), which led me to believe he was blatantly not paying attention to facts. And it is likely he made that kind of goof on purpose in order to let the more level headed fans notice he was BSing. Then giving it this "award" after blatantly using MGS3 details to describe MGS4 I would say that he was once again making it kind of obvious.

That and he did basically sum it up with it getting the franchise killer award because it is supposed to be the end of the Solid story. Thus, the franchise is dead, or killed, if you will. I mean, you can't kill a franchise any quicker than concluding the main story and making it obvious that the main character is one pack of smokes away from falling over dead.

Well, unless you are Superman and Kryptonian robots can steal your body and regenerate it... Oh God, that is not too far-fetched for Kojima.
ZP really doesn't like MGS4 does it? Obviously not a fan of the series, cus for a game to be awarded biggest Franchise Murdur, yet it's been posted numerous times in the Ps3 section as one of the games of the year and I've yet to find an unpleased MGS fan, I don't see how a franchise can be murdured for keeping it's existing audience happy whilst perhaps not attracting many new comers when a game like NFS:Undercover has completely put everybody off.

Oh i'm aware he flames for entertainment, but NFS is like a dream come true for entertainment value reviews. Even the serious reviews are funny because of how bad it is.
Has anyone else started watching Unskippable? It's pretty much the stuff I would do if I ever played one of those games...make smartass remarks during the cutscenes. Very funny stuff if you like goofy humor.