Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Is here anyone who plays Squad Rush, likes tactics and lives in Europe?

[Edit]: Anyone?

Probably my favorite mode when I have a mic.
Problem is that I'm in the US. :/

PSN is gogatrs if you want to add me anyways.
Blah keep getting disconnects. Sorry Mike cujos and gators.

I'm gonna try again a little later. Now I can't get back on.
Meh, you're not missing much.

Was annoyed we kept on getting B2K maps :grumpy: Hate Karkand. The highlights were few, apart from getting my sniper on to exact vengeance on a camper sniper opposite A. Oh yea, Canals was good too - had a decent run in a tank there, but in the other maps, I was getting a lot of:

*shoots enemy first with pump action shotgun at 5 yards*
*dies from M4A1*
*enemy runs away with 100%*
*shoots enemy first with pump action shotgun at 5 yards*
*dies from M4A1*
*enemy runs away with 100%*

I'm noticing alot of that lately. For me, it's Saiga buckshot to an enemys face point blank(noshar) gun jams, I'm killed by FAMAS, enemy does the 100% run off. Along with what seems as enemies popping up from nowhere and killing me, showing them directly in front of me in the kill cam, but they weren't on my screen when it happened, otherwise I would've saw them and at least let off a round or something. I laugh it off, but it's puzzling.

Hopefully DICE fixes all of these issues

-My recticle for the PKS-Holo disappearing.

-Enemy icon (the one that shows up on top of them with the color orange) not popping up when close to me, until it's too late

-Not being able to drop ammo in the support class and having to switch back and forth between my guns just to drop ammo.

-Dying and then getting revived under a different class.
I think I may have a reason for you getting revived with a different class. For example if you're playing Assault and you die, your squad mate playing Support could swap out your kit so he can revive you. You'll get revived as a Support instead of Assault 👍
Ah, last night was horrible for my win/loss ratio, I think we won about 3 out of 10. I quit a lot, so many lobbies where it was 3 well organised teams against us with about only 8 players and about 2 with wings.

Some fun though with VEXD. I'm finding the M320 Buck very deadly, just a shame, it's fire-reload-fire-reload. Doesn't work too well!
Tried that too (though not for long), it's pretty good, but not quite up to the other shotguns, though I spose it is an add-on for the Assault class.
I'm sorry, but the multiplayer is terribly overrated.

I gave it some time like you guys said I should before judging the game, but I find absolutely no joy or fun in the multiplayer at all. I find it hard to distinguish this game from the CoD franchise. It's just the same, you can just fly some jets around.

The completely random spawn points just kill the experience for me. At least let me spawn at a point where there is no enemy, so I actually have a chance at moving around. Oh wait, I can't choose a point except for the ones we actually own, so a sniper can just basically camp my spawn point as long as he likes.

Maybe I should just go and get myself the first CoD again, since it's pretty much the only online shooter I actually hugely enjoyed. This game is just frustrating, and that's not the point of a game.

Money well spent I guess :indiff:
I personally can’t wait for the patch. The MI-28 Havoc won’t handle like a brick anymore (I presume), the USAS is being nerfed and the Famas is becoming even more inaccurate. There just the things I’m most happy about. :)
I personally can’t wait for the patch. The MI-28 Havoc won’t handle like a brick anymore (I presume), the USAS is being nerfed and the Famas is becoming even more inaccurate. There just the things I’m most happy about. :)

It's really hard to fathom what will be nerfed. The buckshot and flechette is having 12 pellets reduced to 9 across all shotguns, but its a tighter cone. Is that a nerf? I don't know.

The USAS is getting more recoil and slower ROF, but the Frag rounds don't seem to be getting nerfed.

The FAMAS isn't getting nerfed, besides the effect of Foregrip and Heavy Barrel, but then those changes are across the board as it pertains to accessories.

In other lag related news, I was in a CQ metro match last night. I can't remember the result, but I assume we lost as that was the story of my weekend. I was hiding near A, in the ground floor of the building by the white van. I had set a claymore on the one approach route and then covered the only other entry point to room with the USAS.

I could hear an enemy looking for me, but he didn't know where I was. Eventually, he popped into the doorway and I shot him in the chest with a two shot burst.

And then he climbed into the room. So I shot him 3 more times. Now he panicked and started scrambling to aim at me, so I unloaded the remaining 6 rounds straight into him.

The last round eventually killed him.

Then I quit as I'd had enough of lag for one day.
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I'm sorry, but the multiplayer is terribly overrated.

I gave it some time like you guys said I should before judging the game, but I find absolutely no joy or fun in the multiplayer at all. I find it hard to distinguish this game from the CoD franchise. It's just the same, you can just fly some jets around.

The completely random spawn points just kill the experience for me. At least let me spawn at a point where there is no enemy, so I actually have a chance at moving around. Oh wait, I can't choose a point except for the ones we actually own, so a sniper can just basically camp my spawn point as long as he likes.

Maybe I should just go and get myself the first CoD again, since it's pretty much the only online shooter I actually hugely enjoyed. This game is just frustrating, and that's not the point of a game.

Money well spent I guess :indiff:

Bram, this game is Cod if you play alone.
Only worse.
More frustrating.
Downright infuriating.

The only time that Battlefield shines is when you are in a squad, with your mates, with Mics, playing the objective alongside an entire side doing the same, with enough experience to be flying that jet effectively, piloting that chopper with some serious death rain, man handling a tank around and taking out everything you see, while some guy you know from some town near you is running up behind you, repairing it when you get shot.
At moments like that, Cod is a distant memory for me.
But BF3 is not for everyone 👍
Alongside the really stand-out moments, there are of course entire weex of agonising frustration as you can't get into the same lobby as your friends, or the same squad, or they all decided to play Skyrim that evening or whatever.
Team up with Blitz187 and Dzidza, and go do some chopper ownage, or reign supreme in a tank, or even just follow them around and revive when they get taken out.
Being part of the team is Battlefield.
Doing everything yourself, and INEVITABLY dying a lot; is COD.

If you want space and the opportunity to run around and get your head around things, play as Recon, and go to a map edge and spot/snipe.
Plant your spawn beacon somewhere safe, and you will not have to worry about spawning and being killed instantly.
Well, not as much anyway.

This game is designed completely around the concept of FOUR people playing as FOUR different classes, being in radio contact and being organised, like an army should be.
Though in real life, there may be more than FOUR people in your army.
No offence to the army of The Maldives.....

I had a LOL moment last night with Chef, when I was driving a tank over at Wake.
Some guy sees me heading for the bridge so I can join the fight.
He starts running at me with C4 in his hand.
I reverse.
He deploys C4, which lands on the floor, rather than my tanx nose.
In his haste; he detonates it.
He goes flying.

Otherwise, I had a night of 800 pointers.......

Operation Firestorm:

-Match begins, I'm in one of the warehouses and move out slowly towards the crates with squad.

-I'm killed, by a sniper on the roof of one of the warehouses. But I know what warehouse, so I grin.

-I reach the warehouse and climb the ladder to reach the roof and sure enough the sniper is still there picking off my teammates. But he is not alone, 3 of his buddies are up there with him watching the same area for some reason and have no idea I'm behind them.

-I knife the sniper, pull out the Saiga 12K with frag rounds and proceed to lay waste to the snipers remaining 2 friends.

-The warehouse roof is clear, I then plant 2 claymores, 1 at the top of each ladder to access the roof for when those murdered try for revenge. Then get off the roof to rejoin my squad.

-2 more kills from the claymores in a matter of minutes, I laugh and think those guys must really want to take me out now hahaha!
I'm sorry, but the multiplayer is terribly overrated.

I gave it some time like you guys said I should before judging the game, but I find absolutely no joy or fun in the multiplayer at all. I find it hard to distinguish this game from the CoD franchise. It's just the same, you can just fly some jets around.

The completely random spawn points just kill the experience for me. At least let me spawn at a point where there is no enemy, so I actually have a chance at moving around. Oh wait, I can't choose a point except for the ones we actually own, so a sniper can just basically camp my spawn point as long as he likes.

Maybe I should just go and get myself the first CoD again, since it's pretty much the only online shooter I actually hugely enjoyed. This game is just frustrating, and that's not the point of a game.

Money well spent I guess :indiff:

1. Give it more than an hour.
2. Adjust your sensitivity.
3. Don't play TDM.
4. Press O on loading screen and then manually join squad with the highest ranked people, proceed to learn from them/ride shotgun in their vehicles/supply them with ammo/health packs
5. When you are very low rank take kits from fallen enemies.
6. Learn recoil and bullet drop for guns, grenade and rocket launchers.
7. Snipers/recons are the lowest threat on the battlefield because of scope glare and very slow rate of fire.
8. Spot with select and then spot some more.
9. Play the objective (destroy/defend mcoms in rush, capture flags in conquest).
10. Your best friend on the battlefield is the map. Remember that.
11. If you still have problems, finish co-op missions on normal level where you can find your best settings (mainly sensitivity that you like), learn the game physics and graphics, familiar yourself with spotting enemies and get your feet wet with choppers.
12. COD and Battlefield are completely different games and comparing them is like comparing apples and oranges (I won't say which is better because everyone has different taste ;) ).

Anyway, some nice guns I recently found to be very useful:

1. SKS + 4x PKA scope (or no scope attachment whatsoever) + foregrip + suppression perk -> great for aggressive recon (21 bullets in cartridge) , very efficient in CQC and mid range due to no reoil even when firing from the hip. Suppressive power of that gun is incredible with "suppr" perk. Plus 4x scope has no scope glare so you won't be easily spotted.
Achieved my sniper medal/dog tag with it (btw that dog tag is really cool :) ).

2. AS VAL + RDS + laser -> for those familiar with BFBC2 that's basically VSS Vintorez in PDW form, what is funny is that I really didn't like VSS in BC2 but in BF3 that gun is just a headshot machine. Just remember when aiming down the sights to fire in 4-5 bullet bursts and you'll be fine. Also don't be mistaken by PDW class. This gun doesn't lose much of its power over range. So if you see that target far away, don't hesitate, go for the kill. In CQC, due to laser, just go full auto from the hip and you'll be fine. Only disadvantage is very small clip size (21 bullets now, but it'll be 31 after the patch and I just can't wait for that!!) so using it as a support is recommended.

Last but not least (#humblebrag alert), really great round of metro CQ with both teams going back and forth the whole time. When I joined we just lost B flag so I had to use USAS (I know , I know, but I took shower right after that round,ok? ;) ). When the screen went dark I had no idea how it ended until I saw the boxscore:

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I'm sorry, but the multiplayer is terribly overrated.

I gave it some time like you guys said I should before judging the game, but I find absolutely no joy or fun in the multiplayer at all. I find it hard to distinguish this game from the CoD franchise. It's just the same, you can just fly some jets around.

The completely random spawn points just kill the experience for me. At least let me spawn at a point where there is no enemy, so I actually have a chance at moving around. Oh wait, I can't choose a point except for the ones we actually own, so a sniper can just basically camp my spawn point as long as he likes.

Maybe I should just go and get myself the first CoD again, since it's pretty much the only online shooter I actually hugely enjoyed. This game is just frustrating, and that's not the point of a game.

Money well spent I guess :indiff:
Do you know you can download the “Physical Warfare” pack for free of PSN Store? It will give you the SKS mr_geez referred to as well as a level 38 automatic shotgun and some other stuff I cant remember.

Stay away from SDM and TDM, you don’t know the maps, so you are essentially running around like Rambo. And because you don’t know the maps and have basic weapons, you will get killed. A lot. As a newcomer, expect to be killed a lot in general. You’re up against guys with hundreds of hours down, with all the best unlocks. But as you start becoming more streetwise, you’ll be the one doing the killing and your enjoyment will increase too.

Start with Rush and Conquest to get your bearings. Mr_geez and VEXD and about the last 10 pages all contain the essentials for starting off. The reason why this game is more involving then COD is precisely why you are getting frustrated. It’s team squad and team oriented, not run and gun (unless you are in the same league as hollidog or Patrick or mr_geez etc who can run around with a waterpistol and spoon and still end up 30-7 at Bazaar).

If you are not like those guys, you are like me. That is, you PTO, try to kill guys who get in your way of PTO (or at least spot them so when they kill you people know), supply ammo and med packs to guys I mentioned above or take care of armour as much as you can.
Great game at Sharqi last night, managed to pull a win despite being 50-150 tickets down! Just kept running between A & B and covering C & D with a tank.

At the risk of tempting fate, I've had about 3-4 successive decent rounds at Firestorm.

They tried to take our chopper, jumped in the Pantsir and good night Havoc!!!!

Those are the nights that make the game so good.
I finally got the Rush medal last night so now I can start up Conquest again. I actually got on a good team twice in a row as the attackers on Seine Crossing.
Bram Turismo
I'm sorry, but the multiplayer is terribly overrated.

I gave it some time like you guys said I should before judging the game, but I find absolutely no joy or fun in the multiplayer at all. I find it hard to distinguish this game from the CoD franchise. It's just the same, you can just fly some jets around.

The completely random spawn points just kill the experience for me. At least let me spawn at a point where there is no enemy, so I actually have a chance at moving around. Oh wait, I can't choose a point except for the ones we actually own, so a sniper can just basically camp my spawn point as long as he likes.

Maybe I should just go and get myself the first CoD again, since it's pretty much the only online shooter I actually hugely enjoyed. This game is just frustrating, and that's not the point of a game.

Money well spent I guess :indiff:

Hardcore mode, its 10x better. Just don't join me or I'll snipe you ;)
One of the best/funniest thing ever is that someone kills you and your killer runs to your claymore that gives me a little laugh and huge smile!

[Edit]: Just reached rank 39 and got my MVP 2 medal.
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One of the best/funniest thing ever is that someone kills you and your killer runs to your claymore that gives me a little laugh and huge smile!

Indeed, that is hilarious! The animation and everything makes me laugh when that happens. 👍
One of the best/funniest thing ever is that someone kills you and your killer runs to your claymore that gives me a little laugh and huge smile!

[Edit]: Just reached rank 39 and got my MVP 2 medal.

What's better is when somebody gets out of a tank you disable and they kill you and then the tank blows up killing them.
What's better is when somebody gets out of a tank you disable and they kill you and then the tank blows up killing them.

Or when they jump out and you grab their tank and kill them, repair it and keep going :lol:
Some great fun tonight in the tank and IFV with VEXD and his boss. 3 in a tank, with one repairing if necessary is almost unstoppable. Had a very frustrating game at Seine, with us 3 running around taking objectives and the rest of the team not doing so.

Though credit to the other team, they were good opponents all night.

Who needs guns!

That round in particular was quite hard, about 8 easy kills taking down the little birds, but the infantry around us were quite intent on C4/RPG and VEXD was doing very well, lots of cover in that map, particularly around Containers and the other base on that "level" of the map.