What games are you playing now?

  • Thread starter F1 fan
Question: what are the FAR CRY games like? I saw a collection of four games in one release the other day, but aside from being open-world games, I don't know much about them.

Far Cry is a bit dated, but still... Meh, I'm not a big fan. It's open world manshooting, but then something else happens and it all gets a bit silly, and not in a good Just Cause 2 way.

Far Cry 2 is pretty cool, it's a Heart Of Darkness/Apocalypse Now-like story set in a civil war-torn central African state. I'd recommend trying it, but beware of bugs, the worst voice acting known to man - like seriously, seriously bad - and some annoying gameplay quirks such as insta-resetting enemy camps. If you clear a checkpoint, drive down the road maybe 20 metres then decide to go back to pick up some ammo, they'll all be back again, and that's annoying.

Far Cry 3 is a dudebro story that thought it was clever but really wasn't. It's definitely worth playing for the non-mission bits, if a bit stupid - Can you honestly not make a big wallet out of anything but the hide of the biggest, baddest shark in the world? - but it's some good fun.

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, though... This you have to play if you like Terminator, Robocop, Aliens, Predator and/or any other typical 80's/90's sci-fi action film. It's Far Cry 3 lite but with a story that doesn't make you want to stop playing, it may only take about 6 hours to finish but I think it's fairly priced.

So basically, if you want something vaguely realistic or immersive, Far Cry 2 is pretty good. If you want that but a bit sillier, you'll want Far Cry 3. If you want out-and-out stupid in a good way, Blood Dragon, and if you want out-and-out stupid in a bad way, Far Cry. I really don't think there's any reason to play Far Cry now. I mean just look at this mess:

The game doesn't really improve from here.
I thoroughly enjoy open-world games. I've always found a thrill in going around the next corner and finding something new. Especially the parts of world that you could pass by without ever seeing.

That said, I am a little sick of the core gameplay mechanic: drive to this corner of the map, complete this mission, get a bit more of story exposition and rinse, later, repeat. From the looks of things, FAR CRY has that exploratory quality that I like, where exploring is its own reward.
Maybe play the 3rd with realism mods. I quite enjoyed it, but I had to be extremely dedicated to ignoring the fact that I was playing the role of a complete knob, in an attempt to save friends who were also complete knobs. Focus on the right things and it's great though.

I've got Blood Dragon but am yet to get to it properly. I know enough to know that it's going to crack me up though. I just have to remember to act as if I love all the 80's stuff in a purely post modern kitsch fashion, like all the cool kids do.
Can't be any worse than Connor Kenway of ASSASSIN'S CREED III fame. He had no real motivation outside revenge, showed no real emotion, and was a complete wanker at times. I particularly like the way he condemned the villains for their convictions, and then ignored their justifications because it was inconvenient. You know you have badly mangled your main character when everyone who wants to kill him is more likeable, more relatable, and more convincing in their arguments.
Well, I like 3.

I kinda of feel ashamed now. Thanks Neema. :boggled:

I liked 3 as a whole, but the story was something I had to get through to unlock the second island. I finished it anyway, just to see if it did redeem itself at the last minute, but... Pssh. It's a marmite game from what I've heard, some people love it, some people just don't. It's a shame Far Cry 3 doesn't have proper mod support, I'm sure someone could make a pretty compelling survival game from it, like a tropical version of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
I'm playing The Amazing Spiderman 2 and Child of Light on the PC. I'd definitely recommend Child of Light to you guys, it is such a beautiful game.
How big is the map, compared to, say GTA V or ASSASSIN'S CREED IV?

It's been over a year since I played FC3 (which seems crazy to me, I thought it was newer than that) and I haven't played ACIV (I gave up on AC after AC2's ALIENS, remember?), but the Rook Islands map - FC3's world - isn't the biggest environment ever. I think it's probably comparable in size to GTAIV, actually, but I'm just guessing based on old memories.

However, they are easily big enough to be a pain to navigate solely on foot, but the modes of transport you have available to you are such that they're not too fast as to make the world seem small, but at the same time they're not frustratingly slow. There's so much detail to the world, too, and none of it - buildings aside - is copy/pasted (unlike, say, Just Cause 2), so I never felt like I wanted the world to be bigger. I don't know how you feel about open world games, but I personally find that as long as there's enough detail, stuff to do and you can't traverse the map in a few seconds (good thing FC3 doesn't have any planes...), bigger isn't always better.
Like I said, if there's stuff to do and places to explore, then I'm interested. I'm the kind of player who likes to scour game worlds - I found all of GTA V's letter scraps and most of the UFO parts without the help of a guide - but I can be picky. Exploration is, often as not, its own reward, but I'm not a fan of it when the developers pad the areas out to justify their inclusion, if that makes sense.
Like I said, if there's stuff to do and places to explore, then I'm interested. I'm the kind of player who likes to scour game worlds - I found all of GTA V's letter scraps and most of the UFO parts without the help of a guide - but I can be picky. Exploration is, often as not, its own reward, but I'm not a fan of it when the developers pad the areas out to justify their inclusion, if that makes sense.

Yeah, you'll probably like FC3 then, and FC2. In both you can scout enemy camps (in fact, Ground Zeroes kind of borrowed from FC2 and 3) and decide on the best approach; do you creep in and use knives to kill sentries before going crazy with a light machinegun, or do you cover a jeep in C4, charge at the camp, hop out and hope the explosion takes out a few and... go crazy with a light machinegun? You're quite fragile in both games, though, and I have over-simplified the process a little, but in some ways it's like a first-person Just Cause without the grappling hook. There are parachutes, though.

Oh and the first time you see a tiger encounter some patrolling enemies while you're out hunting for a radio tower or artefact or whatever, you will love it. Oh and there's nothing quite like stalking through vegetated areas, planning an attack on some enemies only to hear a tiger growl behind you, forcing you to 'go loud' and get in a massive fight you were hoping to avoid. These were Far Cry 3's biggest strengths, for sure.
I bought Red Dead Redemption GOTY for 20,-Euros
RDR is very enjoyable. Unlike some Rockstar games - I found GTA IV to be particularly guilty of this - it never really feels like you're doing missions for someone with no idea why they have to do with the grand scheme things.
RDR is also one of the most impressive games as far as atmoshpere goes, imho.

Everyone loves GTA so much, but RDR is probably the best game Rockstar made. And yeah, I know that that's a bit of a stretch...
I think that's a fair assessment. The GTA series hadn't really tried anything new between VICE CITY and GTA IV. V was unique for the multiple protagonists that allowed Rockstar to address some of the narrative problems that have plagued the series, but RDR - or, as I like to think of it, GRAND THEFT EQUINE - has a lot of atmosphere that is missing from some of the GTA series.
Yup I like La Noire as well, bought that one new for 7,50 Euro :D Really like it's style. For RDR I made a good choice I think. Will start this adventure today or early this week 👍
The only things that let me down for LA Noire were the car physics (I'd hoped they'd be the same as GTA IV) and the lack of a free roam online mode.
I didn't know where else to put this, but here's an awful run of @G.T.Ace's awesome Petersberg Hill Climb mod in a 1937 Mercedes W125, possibly the most difficult car I've ever driven, hence why the run is so bad:

Wow, YouTube's compression ruined the quality of that video, Shadowplay isn't perfect but it's not that bad.
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For RDR I made a good choice I think. Will start this adventure today or early this week 👍
RDR works best when you let the story open up the world for you. For example, you could probably go straight to the town of Tumbleweed straight away, but it works best when you discover it during the missions. Likewise Torquemada and El Presidio.

And if it's open-world gameplay that you like, I strongly recommend ASSASSIN'S CREED IV: BLACK FLAG. Even if you're a newcomer to the franchise, it's an open-world pirate game, and that is awesome (and it's a very pretty game).
I didn't know where else to put this, but here's an awful run of @G.T.Ace's awesome Petersberg Hill Climb mod in a 1937 Mercedes W125, possibly the most difficult car I've ever driven, hence why the run is so bad:

Wow, YouTube's compression ruined the quality of that video, Shadowplay isn't perfect but it's not that bad.

That's far from an aweful run, the car is hard to drive and the tight corners are clearly not made for old GP cars.

By the way, upload your videos from here: https://www.youtube.com/upload
The video quality is better when you use the secure connection for some reason.
That's far from an aweful run, the car is hard to drive and the tight corners are clearly not made for old GP cars.

By the way, upload your videos from here: https://www.youtube.com/upload
The video quality is better when you use the secure connection for some reason.

I think that's how I did it, but thanks for the tip, I'll see about re-uploading tonight as this quality is really awful. It only took 6 hours to upload this 2:30 clip, it being a straight 1080p60 50MB/s Shadowplay grab (I have no editing or re-encoding software, you see).

I had a run in a GT300 car as well but it bugged out near the end and showed my car just plowing straight through a barrier, some trees and then a hill, which clearly didn't happen when I actually drove it! I've had so much fun trying to drive increasingly unsuitable cars up this hill, I might try it in this beast later:


I've also got some racing trucks and Ford Transits waiting their turn.
I didn't know where else to put this, but here's an awful run of @G.T.Ace's awesome Petersberg Hill Climb mod in a 1937 Mercedes W125, possibly the most difficult car I've ever driven, hence why the run is so bad:

Wow, YouTube's compression ruined the quality of that video, Shadowplay isn't perfect but it's not that bad.

Where did you dl that car? Link please.
Dark Souls II has grinded to a halt, at the moment. Don't know why, but I'm growing tired of running the same character and playing a different character in addition to my first is a bit of a daunting task. Don't feel like making my way through half the game again right now. So, instead, I've been playing a bit more HearthStone. Build myself a new Deck that's actually quite fun. Makes the game feel so much better.

This also makes for some nice background music:

For the PC, I started playing TORCS and Speed Dreams a few weeks ago. I've known of TORCS for the longest, but never cared to download or play it. Both games are pretty cool. My current PC has been pretty substandard playing the Beta to Speed Dreams 2.0, so what I did was download and play Version 1.4.0 of Speed Dreams. I like how almost everything is customizable- even down to the physics engine! I've been doing a bit more of Speed Dreams than TORCS. The TRB1 class features the most fun-to-drive and fastest cars. The '36 Grand Prix and LS1 classes are damn near undrivable. The seemingly "novice" Supercars in Speed Dreams are terribly unforgiving. I've been wanting to mention playing these two games for some time.
MLB: The Show '14 - RTTS Centerfielder with Chicago Cubs AA team
GT6 - working on last trophies, Autobarmy and platinum. At 5,000 miles currently so 2,900 to go.
Don't Starve: Console Edition - pick up and play here and there. Waiting for Reign of Giants and Don't Starve Together:)