Taiga | 2.12 | The Final Act

  • Thread starter Taiga
FishyJuice: Thanks. I've always thought I'd set the camber way too high on this car. Guess not. :)

: Thanks, mate. I like how the camber shows on the last shot.
Fantastic update slzk, I'm loving the interesting DoF. Second to last is incredible. :drool:đź‘Ť

About the camber though, IMO I think its set way too high. I prefer it when my cars are flush with the fender, or sometimes have teeny bit of a angle. Different strokes for different folks, eh? :)
The pony looks really cute, though.

Cute? Dash would attack you if you said that to her face. :P

Beautiful focus points in this update. I don't know why but not being able to understand what half of the things in an image makes it great. Strange world. :P đź‘Ť :drool:
SVX: Thanks, mate! Haha, I guess it's all up to preference.

20832: Cheers, mate! Thanks for the constant support. :cheers:

Skython: But isn't she? She's the best amongst them all. :lol: A strange world it is, indeed.

jus1029: Sala-, er, thanks, Jus!

Die Another Day

My name is Bond, James Bond.
He shall not pass on this treacherous piece of road.
I will not falter.
He, is Justin Young. (Thanks jus!)

This set is well, obviously inspired by the bond films and specifically, Die Another Day.
That's my favourite bond film and had the best car chase, that I felt, in the whole of the car-movie world. Here's a little homage to Mr. Bond. He'll die another day.

Next set sneak peek!
Little about it:

It's one of the 3 sets me and Justin did together.
This coming set made me really happy, the mood that it was set in.
This is set made me grin throughout the replay.
I really, really liked doing this set. And I think it's my best set so far.

Mhm.... the British Update is okay.
Usual splendid work from you, but just nothing too spectacular. Just not the usual update that makes me go wild.

Looking forward to the next set though. Better not 🤬 this one up. Because NSX.
:drool:đź‘Ť Gotta love the 007 set!

Looking forward to the NSX set!

P.S. If you want to add my signature, check out the my gallery OP to lead you to a download link to it. :)
20832: Thanks! Fear not, Sir Nurburgring, the next set shall deliver. :)

: Thanks, Jus!

: Thanks, mate!

: Cheers! :cheers:
Brilliant update, the angles and DoF are fantastic, yet again. :drool:đź‘Ť


1920x1080 | HD

1920x1080 | HD

1920x1080 | HD

Spin Doctor

Spin Doctor.
Well, actually, it was Justin who suggested the name.
I decided to go with it after the shoot.
I love the mood in this set.
It's so... warm and calming.
This set has no funky toning done to it, only curves and a few others.
The only real color filter on this set is a tiny warm filter to emphasize the warmness that I felt shooting this.

I had a tiny headache and my head was spinning prior to shooting this set.
But after shooting it, I felt really, really happy. And my 'headspin' was gone.
This is my doctor.
This is my favourite set I've done.
It may just as well be the most beautiful as well.

Stay tuned for part 2!
Thanks Justin, for being the orange NSX.

Great set again, I agree that the tunnel shots are fantastic (you seem to be liking the Eiger tunnel atm ;)) That's not a bad thing at all btw. :)
Nato_777: Thanks! Yeah, I've noticed. Well, that place is magical.

jus1029: Thanks, Justin, for the support and for helping me make the set.

Gran Turismo 6 Concept Art​
So yeah, I totally have the confirmed car list for Gran Turismo 6. And here's 6 of the best in that list.
Guess that's what you get for being friends with Yamauchi.
These are just some of the MANY, many cars I wish was in Gran Turismo 6.
There are many cars that I would love to see in Gran Turismo 6, and these 6 just came off the top of my mind.
These 6 cars, for Gran Turismo 6.

Viva la Gran Turismo!