- 875
- United States
Ok.. so i asked who you would have preferred, not why you hated warren.I wouldn't have preferred any Democrat, but especially not Warren, because:
In general, Warren is a dyed-in-the-wool, big-government, tax-and-spend Social Democrat. About the only place I agree with her even a little bit is on foreign policy.
- She has a ridiculous list of entitlement programs, such as "free" child care, "free" college, "free" healthcare, etc
- She proposes Draconian anti-trust policies
- Many (but not all) of her law-enforcement and criminal-justice policies would increase violent crime; though I do support decriminalization of many non-violent, victimless crimes
- She's a huge proponent of highly centrally-planned economies, which never work as intended
- She's a huge proponent of social engineering through massive subsidy, which also never works as intended
- She's anti-2A
Biden is not fine because he is demonstrably in cognitive decline. He's been a lifelong stutterer; that is not the issue. But he clearly doesn't have very resilient grasp of what's going on around him. That aside - if Biden were magically, say, 20 years younger, he still wouldn't be fine because:
In general, Biden is also a dyed-in-the-wool, big-government, tax-and-spend Social Democrat. Except he's also got a fair bit of Big Brother in him.
- He threw buckets of gasoline on the inflationary fire started by the Republicans in 2020
- While a senator, he was a major force behind a huge criminal-justice effort that led to vastly increased incarceration rates, even for non-violent crimes
- He was a major force behind the "War On Drugs", which has demonstrably failed miserably, at huge cost - financially, criminally, socially, and individually
- He not only supports the Patriot Act, he wrote a very similar bill even before 9/11 that would have radically increased domestic surveillance
And i should have been more specific about Biden. The question was more, in this moment, what would prevent you from voting against the disaster, which is the republican party, given the stakes.
Policy debates are fun and all..but this ain’t the time.
That said, im more of an ownership society type person. I find the move toward 401k’s and effects of this shareholder paradigm we find ourselves presently…to be more like the short bus to being commies, rather than a healthy, well managed and regulated, capitalism. Succinctly, we have a whale problem. But to get to things like that we need to get through this. Feeding the hysteria the media’s generating with the omg old guy, with stutter, flubs stuff..! He’s not going to sink the ship.. which is what the other guy and his party desperately want to do. The sooner the republicans suffer a rout and can purge the trumper mentality the better.
Oh and as far as congress moving towards the presidency. The most simple way to state it is this: congress people have influence, privilege, and a cushy existence, with very little actual responsibility.
Now a president, much like a governor, or mayor, has to be an actual shot caller making tons of decisions on a daily basis. You must(should) stay informed and understand and appreciate the costs and ramifications of each of your decisions financially, as well as their influence on present society.
See how ones a lot of pressure and work, the other…much less so.