2024 US Presidential Election Thread

  • Thread starter ryzno
I didn't state anything it that post
and totally not reading all you guys post here, especially in links.
That's a shame, you'd make fewer inane claims if you did.
Relax. Man knows about Pakistan existence and, even, respects his audience enough to mention it in his brave prognosis. Didn't expect this from far right Rep. Even less reasons to call him idiot 🤣
It's every reason to call him an idiot, and I can assure you that's now pretty much the view of him in the UK and I suspect Europe now.
The simple fact is that the United Kingdom is a de jure theocracy but a Protestant one; the head of state is literally the Supreme Governor of the Church of England, an established state religion, and the upper chamber of its legislature contains 26 unelected Bishops who have a hand in passing laws.

As much as people want to push the Londonstan narrative, it's an embarrassing swing and a miss.
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that's now pretty much the view of him in the UK and I suspect Europe now.
Good for him that's he is US politician.
you'd make fewer inane claims if you did
Yeah, but its more of a language practice for me, than really important subject to discuss. I am not all that interested in new Vice, at least not to the point of reading Guardian.
As much as people want to push the Londonstan narrative, it's an embarrassing swing and a miss.
Guess, everyone here understands this concept to a degree. Problem is, Vance didn't talk to anyone here, but his electorate.
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Almost immediately after the assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump at his campaign rally in western Pennsylvania on Saturday, some in the crowd told reporters that they had tried to alert law enforcement that a suspicious man was on a nearby roof. Now, a newly surfaced video backs up those accounts of warnings, showing a chaotic scene in which bystanders started calling out to police nearly a minute and a half before the shots rang out.

The footage, posted to social media late Sunday, shows several witnesses yelling and directing at least one police officer toward the roof of a neighboring business. Authorities say that 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks shot at Trump and attendees from the roof before he was killed by law enforcement.

In the new video, one man shouts “Officer! Officer!” as others point toward the building. “He’s on the roof!” a woman says. The video also shows a police officer in a black uniform looking up toward the top of the building.

Growing evidence that law enforcement were made aware of Crooks before he opened fire has put the Secret Service under pressure to explain what analysts have described as a major security failure. After Crooks fired on the rally, Trump was wounded, two members of the audience were injured and one was dead.
The Secret Service did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle sent a memo to her agents Sunday praising their fast efforts to move Trump to safety after shots were fired. Also Sunday, President Biden said he had ordered an “independent review” of security at the rally. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Monday echoed that call for an independent investigation, calling the attempted assassination a security “failure.”

Crooks began firing two minutes and two seconds after the starting point of the newly published video, which begins with a man’s voice saying that people were pointing toward the roof, according to a Washington Post analysis of footage from the event. The shots began 86 seconds after the first audible attempts to alert police, according to the analysis, which synchronized several clips based on the sound of Trump’s voice over the public address system as he addressed supporters at a farm show grounds in Butler County, Pa.

The new video supports previously reported statements from other witnesses, who said in interviews with The Post and other media that they warned police that a man had climbed onto the roof of the business, Agr International, which makes industrial equipment.

The Agr building was not inside the secure area guarded by the Secret Service, which required members of the public to pass through a metal detector before entering.

While Secret Service officers monitored the event inside the secure area, police officers from local township and county departments were assigned to secure the outer perimeter, The Post has reported. Officials said it was typical for the Secret Service to assign local police this responsibility, but that plans for securing the perimeter are structured and signed off by the Secret Service and are ultimately part of the overall Secret Service security plan for the event.

The uniform and department emblem worn by the police officer in the new video appears to match those of the Butler Township Police Department. The department, which had personnel at the event according to local and county officials, did not respond to questions from The Post.

Ben Maser, who was watching the event from just outside the security perimeter, told The Post that he reported to a police officer twice in the span of two minutes that he had seen a suspicious-looking man on the building roof. Maser, who confirmed that he is visible in the newly surfaced video clip, said he first warned the officer an estimated 30 seconds before the time period captured in the video.

The police officer “didn’t say anything” to Maser in response to either alert, he said. On the first occasion, when Maser saw the man on the roof moving forward in a crouched position, the officer looked in the direction of the building, according to Maser. On the second, when the man was lying down, Maser said that he advised the officer to move to a spot where he would be able to see the man.

“When I turned to go back to that spot is when I heard the gunshots, and then it was just chaos,” said Maser, a 41-year-old welder who lives near the event site.
Maser said he never saw a gun with the man on the roof, and no gun can be seen in the newly surfaced video.

Another witness, Greg Smith, told BBC News that he and other attendees outside the secure perimeter tried for “two or three minutes” to alert police to Crooks, after they saw him crawl on the Agr roof carrying a rifle. Smith said he was dismayed that Trump was not removed from the stage before shots rang out.
“The police are down there running around on the ground,” Smith said. “We’re like, ‘Hey man, there’s a guy on the roof with a rifle.’ And the police were like ‘Huh? What?’ like they didn’t know what was going on.”

Smith did not respond to requests for comment from The Post.

Butler County Sheriff Michael T. Slupe told The Post that one local police officer did confront Crooks before the shooting. It was not immediately clear whether that officer was the one seen examining the building in the newly surfaced video footage.
The officer hoisted himself up on the roof to check on reports of a suspicious man, Slupe said. But the officer, who was not able to access a gun because he was gripping the edge of the roof, had to drop down when the shooter aimed his weapon at him, the sheriff said.
“He lets go because he doesn’t want to get killed,” Slupe said. The shooter then began firing at the rally site, the sheriff said.

An executive at Agr International, which manufactures quality control equipment for the bottle industry, told The Post that the company had worked with local police before the event on security matters. Police blocked off public access to the company’s parking lot and that space was available for law enforcement use, said William Bellis, the firm’s chief financial officer.

Bellis said there was no easy way to access the roof of Agr’s building. “If they were on the roof they’d need a ladder,” he said soon after the shooting Saturday. Aerial video footage from after the event showed a ladder propped against the building that evening. It is not clear when it was placed there.
The simple fact is that the United Kingdom is a de jure theocracy but a Protestant one; the head of state is literally the Supreme Governor of the Church of England, an established state religion, and the upper chamber of its legislature contains 21 unelected Bishops who have a hand in passing laws.

As much as people want to push the Londonstan narrative, it's an embarrassing swing and a miss.

Also anyone with any kind of nounce about them could just look at our census to get a better idea before the idiots make such false claims.


Clear from that those devious Muslims are out to get us in the UK and take over. /s
Good for him that's he is US politician.
If you don't think him speaking as potentially the next US VP has impact outside the US then your further out of your depth than I originally thought.
Yeah, but its more of a language practice for me, than really important subject to discuss. I am not all that interested in new Vice, at least not to the point of reading Guardian.
Your interested enough to repeatedly post on it.
Guess, everyone here understands this concept to a degree. Problem is, Vance didn't talk to anyone here, but his electorate.
Nope he spoke well past that audience, as the potential next US VP that fact is inescapable.
If you don't think him speaking as potentially the next US VP has impact outside the US then your further out of your depth than I originally thought.
He making statements for his electorate, which for the most part not fanclub of Labour party (more like opposite). Its not good for UKxUS relationship, but who cares at this point? Definitely not Trump.

Look, 0 reasons to explain me that those guys are irresponsible. Does it make them idiots? Don't think so, its part of their plan to be edgy and radical. And its working, ratings are high.
He making statements for his electorate, which for the most part not fanclub of Labour party (more like opposite). Its not good for UKxUS relationship, but who cares at this point? Definitely not Trump.

Look, 0 reasons to explain me that those guys are irresponsible. Does it make them idiots? Don't think so, its part of their plan to be edgy and radical. And its working, ratings are high.
Well he's either dumb or acting in bad faith. Which do you think is a better attribute for the VPOTUS?

Trump's VP pick seems to have garnered significant attention among crypto advocates, although the article is too optimistic for my taste:

Every article written about crypto is too optimistic for my taste.
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Trump's VP pick seems to have garnered significant attention among crypto advocates, although the article is too optimistic for my taste:

I hope "new era for crypto" means "record bankruptcies for techbros".
better attribute for the VPOTUS
Neither. But he isn't Vice yet. It could be good for elections.
I hope you're in Paris right now, because you are a gold medal russian gymnast.
My Kremlin overlords against sending their best asset into lair of sin, sorry. Also, they don't burn "witches" for 200y, not sure why you want me in France.
doping he could get away with
You don't know about our new winning tactics? RF now participate in our own "olympics" with our bros from NK. In most disciplines there are only our athletes and we don't need any doping anymore.
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Neither. But he isn't Vice yet. It could be good for elections.

My Kremlin overlords against sending their best asset into lair of sin, sorry. Also, they don't burn "witches" for 200y, not sure why you want me in France.

You don't know about our new winning tactics? RF now participate in our own "olympics" with our bros from NK. In most disciplines there are only our athletes and we don't need any doping anymore.
The evasive cynicism is strong with this one.
My Kremlin overlords against sending their best asset into lair of sin, sorry. Also, they don't burn "witches" for 200y, not sure why you want me in France.
You'll probably easily convince the IOC that you're "one of the good ones, honestly" as long as you don't show off those GTP posts where the mask slips and you start going off on a rant about "Ukrainian war crimes".
You'll probably easily convince the IOC that you're "one of the good ones, honestly" as long as you don't show off those GTP posts where the mask slips and you start going off on a rant about "Ukrainian war crimes".
Let's be honest; it's the IOC; he could just bribe his way to being one of the good ones.
The evasive cynicism is strong with this one.
Man, I live in county that buying their citizens lifes for ****ing Ladas and our glorious divorced leader with bunch of bastard kids telling about traditional values. Speaker of our parliament is known gay and he pushed ban for any LGBT activity in county. You either cynical or hypocritical if you live here.

Zero evidences that I am evasive here - I never stated that Trump or Vance or any other radical politician is good for US. I just don't think they are devastating or worse than grandpa with dementia and his drug addicted son. I think you making mistake by thinking that Far Right leaders are idiots. They are smart and cynical. Respect your enemies.
start going off on a rant about "Ukrainian war crimes".
Its not warcrime if good guys doing it or what?
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I never stated that Trump or Vance or any other radical politician is good for US. I just don't think they are devastating or worse than grandpa with dementia and his drug addicted son.
You can't be serious with that. Have you read up on Project 2025? Do you actually think that stuff is good for ALL Americans? Do you think fixing it so only Republicans can win elections is a good thing? Wait a minute, I forgot who I was talking to. Of course you think no opposition is a good thing.
Man, I live in county that buying their citizens lifes for ****ing Ladas and our glorious divorced leader with bunch of bastard kids telling about traditional values. Speaker of our parliament is known gay and he pushed ban for any LGBT activity in county. You either cynical or hypocritical if you live here.

Zero evidences that I am evasive here - I never stated that Trump or Vance or any other radical politician is good for US. I just don't think they are devastating or worse than grandpa with dementia and his drug addicted son. I think you making mistake by thinking that Far Right leaders are idiots. They are smart and cynical. Respect your enemies.

Its not warcrime if good guys doing it or what?
The term your searching for is, cunning
You can't be serious with that.
I believe in US institutions, which is really funny considering I am Russian and you Americans.
Have you read up on Project 2025
Why would I read 1000 pages of far right sweat fantasies? Its same league as "UK is next islamic state with nukes".
I forgot who I was talking to. Of course you think no opposition is a good thing.
As @Famine succinctly put it, then both major party candidates are disqualified.
Trump seems confident, especially after assassination attempt. Biden is clearly driven by his family, on the other hand.
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Why would I read 1000 pages of far right sweat fantasies? Its same league as "UK is next islamic state with nukes".

Because you said you didn't think Trump or Vance would be devastating for the US. If they are elected Project 2025 is the game plan they are going to follow. If you don't want to read it I can assure you that none of that is good for ALL Americans. Therefore, yes Trump and Vance ARE devastating for the US.



When is the last time Putin had to worry about losing an election?
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Man, I live in county that buying their citizens lifes for ****ing Ladas and our glorious divorced leader with bunch of bastard kids telling about traditional values. Speaker of our parliament is known gay and he pushed ban for any LGBT activity in county. You either cynical or hypocritical if you live here.

Zero evidences that I am evasive here - I never stated that Trump or Vance or any other radical politician is good for US. I just don't think they are devastating or worse than grandpa with dementia and his drug addicted son. I think you making mistake by thinking that Far Right leaders are idiots. They are smart and cynical. Respect your enemies.

Its not warcrime if good guys doing it or what?
I can hear your winks from here.
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