600PP Racing Car Super Lap: Apricot Hill Raceway

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MediaMarkt has confirmed a few minutes ago that the game has been delivered. So I hope to get my steelbook tonight when back from work.
I'm nervous :nervous: ... especially regarding driving with the DS4.
You.... nervous??? :crazy:

Don't be!! I golded all the Demo with both wheel and controller (separate accounts), so with your pace with a controller there is absolutely nothing for you to worry about 👍:cheers:

I get my Collector's Edition in about an hour when my wife gets home, Hope to see everyone on the track 👍

Edit: I should add that I did use plenty of aids for the controller :embarrassed:
Been going for an hour on the game after the d/load, going for tea now happy as instead of wanting to punch the crap out of the tv. the handling is unreal so if you're worried about getting the game my first impression is go for it. Mind you if you don't like it, I didn't say that.:D:tup:👍👍👍👍
Guess I have to lower my rear for another 2 points :D:lol:.
Seriously ... I just had to smile, congrats m8 👍.

Atm it's me who's tired. I stare at my screen, GTS 1.02 download is running, 67 min to go.
Would you buy me a beer :dopey: ?
Is this what you need?

download (1).jpg
Golded most (all) of the stuff in GT Sport for my youngest son on his PS4 last week and now doing the same with my new PS4.

I see we keep same friends (I think) as GT6. Anyone know if you have to pay up again to PlayStation Plus or does our PS3 account cover it?

Ha ha, never driven so many cars in my life with lousy brakes as in GT Sport. We may have been spoiled in GT6.