800PP High Speed Ring - xx:00 / :20 / :40

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My turn to leave. Great racing tonight. Very, very fast, hard to keep up! Too many to mention, just thank you all! 👍
Nice race Ravenmaven, shame about our penalties but they evened up for a close finish. It's hard with the GTLM on the final corner, if you under brake you'll understeer into a wall, and if you over brake you'll understeer into a wall, stupid MR cars.:P I got disconnected from the xx:12 before it even started :crazy: hope to be at the xx:24 race.
My turn to leave. Great racing tonight. Very, very fast, hard to keep up! Too many to mention, just thank you all! 👍

Yep good racing tonight, & no punters, hope to have the same tomorrow.

And thanks to nd 4 holden spd & ravenmaven, your fast in you GTs
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fewww ... packed race! Ravenmaven, welcome, it's always nice to have someone from the NTSC world! :)

Thanks. :) I've been on PAL for a couple of weeks. But with the 6 hour difference it's hard to meet up. I've been working nights as well.

Nice race Ravenmaven, shame about our penalties but they evened up for a close finish. It's hard with the GTLM on the final corner, if you under brake you'll understeer into a wall, and if you over brake you'll understeer into a wall, stupid MR cars.:P I got disconnected from the xx:12 before it even started :crazy: hope to be at the xx:24 race.

I was good for about 2 laps then RBE kicked in hard. Looks like you got the wheel thing figured out. very fast. 👍

Yep good racing tonight, & no punters, hope to have the same tomorrow.

And thanks to nd 4 holden spd & racenmaven, your fast in you GTs

My apology to anyone i clipped today .. RAVENMAVEN included

I got banged and pushed around by a couple GTP'ers. Difficult to remember any particular incident. No problem. It's not life and death.
I was good for about 2 laps then RBE kicked in hard. Looks like you got the wheel thing figured out. very fast. 👍

RBE is what's making me crash I think, the GT LM is a delicate balance between understeer and oversteer, when you change the physics it messes with that balance.
Wow, no one is online on GTP today. Well, for those who are here, I'm heading to HSR again to get in some more practice- you know Showdown and all.
Thankyou RAVENMAVEN for same amazing fast clean racing. Look forward for same more great racing. 👍👍👍

Yes, great racing indeed. :cheers:

Do you know OzOldtimer? He was a lot of fun to race. Always great racing with the Aussies. 👍
Yes, great racing indeed. :cheers:

Do you know OzOldtimer? He was a lot of fun to race. Always great racing with the Aussies. 👍

OzOldTimer is a member here.

Sorry I didn't make that last race, I had the wrong NAT so had to turn it off and on again. At xx:00?
Yes, great racing indeed.

Do you know OzOldtimer? He was a lot of fun to race. Always great racing with the Aussies.

I think you guys have got me beat. :nervous:

lol Thanks for the great racing guys. It was good fun.
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:censored:ing punters, :censored:ing RBE, :censored:ing lag and damn dirty feet sticking to the pedals and I can't use them right. Sorry Ravenmaven, maybe I should have a shower or something first and hope the connection improves. Then again, I risk getting my feet dirty before the Showdown, I'll have to soldier on. Plus we have a storm coming, hope I don't lose power.:nervous:
Whenever I start this race I find myself at Fuji instead of HSR, is that my machine or a generally known failure?
Sorry if this was mentioned before :scared:
:censored:ing punters, :censored:ing RBE, :censored:ing lag and damn dirty feet sticking to the pedals and I can't use them right. Sorry Ravenmaven, maybe I should have a shower or something first and hope the connection improves. Then again, I risk getting my feet dirty before the Showdown, I'll have to soldier on. Plus we have a storm coming, hope I don't lose power.:nervous:

Hay mate, i get:censored: with the punters. you should create a punters thread, so we all know who thay are.
Lime green S2000 is getting warmed up.

Will be there at xx:12

I wonder If I should go for 800pp or 799pp... 800 is funner but you do get held up... otherwise 799 you stay at the top and get bored lol

anyways ;)
It was :) but I keep starting in the last place, or next to it. I'm going to have lunch now, I'll be back later! See you, Sven
yeah good one, but too few good racers for the moment, i guess L2PK or something with the elise also got a hard time, he's usually quite quick to the front but i didn't see him in the races i did.
lunch sounds great, that's what i'll do too.

maybe i'll be on later, else tomorrow after work (yes, sad isn't it? having to work on sunday)
Thanks for the 4 races I attended :)

1st in two of them yay and now Im off to bed. G'night and sorrt for the contact if any...

Great racing from all GTP'ers
In a couple of hours of racing this arvo I don't think I lost a single one until the punters came out and ruined my last one. Thanks to GTP_ENERGIYA, OzOldTimer and Womble64, those were some intense races today, I was shocked to see I could keep that GTLM smooth in battles now, the wheel is really awesome fun.:D
I know OzOldTimer seen it when I got really sideways in the tunnel, sliding from one side of the track to the other and back again :scared: Sideways in the GTLM is really dangerous stuff but for once I managed to hold it and got straight back in the battle.:)

By the way, how good is a 7'29 race time?

Thanks GTP_nd4holdenspd & Ozoldtimer for the epic battles today. See you guys again soon.👍👍

You're welcome, hope to get some more races like that again in the near future.