Ace Combat 7PS4 

  • Thread starter Akira AC
TVC doesn't really cause a loss of speed per-say. It's high AoA that does. You would use extreme low speed TVC for a snap shot to make a certain kill. It doesn't actually make the plane turn any better in a low speed dogfight, except maybe quickening the initial pitch response.

TVC has advantages in high speed flight, which is why it's used on the F-22. The F-22 can trim the surfaces for minimum drag and let the thrust keep the plane level. This increases speed and supersonic agility while slightly harming low speed performance.

Thanks for further clarifying that. I knew it was related somehow!
I really hope the game will feature a comprehensive photomode. It's something I've always wanted in the franchise, and I think it fits the subject material really well.
Not to be offensive or anything, but photomode in Ace Combat is rather ... useless.

AC6 had a kind-of-photo mode that no one ever used, for me core features and gameplay take top priority, the most important thing on this ace combat game is to create the classic experience.

Photomode echoes the whole helicopters and bombers introduction business from Assault Horizon, which frankly is one of the things that cheapen the game for the sake of introducing these assets. Non functional gameplay elements should be removed or be abstained if they are too much of a hassle to convein, I understand that is a big deal for Gran Turismo games because part of the game itself is built upon more specialized goals coherent with the photo mode feature, however this is not applicable for Ace Combat games as their graphical fidelity is built upon player experience, and NOT player appreciation), but for Ace Combat games is not necessary such feature, just a good gameplay experience.

Requests like this, bombers and helicopters is what made Assault Horizon the conceptual mess that resulted in mass appeal but poor execution. Priorities go to create a solid experience, and not additional non-conceptual elements.
Completely disagree with @Akira AC

Considering that photo-mode has been patched in to a few games after the fact (Infamous Second Son comes to mind), I fail to see the issue at all.

I also don't see how photo-mode compares to Assault Horizon in regards to what you described. Everything you mentioned including (but not limited to) bombers, helicopters, and that horrid "CRA" was forced on the player.

I am not an expert on the workings of the PS4, but since taking screen shots is done via click of a button on the DS4 (I use it all the time on Fallout 4), implementing that feature shouldn't take anything from the core experience.

You don't like it. Don't use it.👍
I don't really understand your point of view @Akira AC

Photemode would be entirely optional, and wouldn't require anywhere near the amount of work and labor that adding helicopters did. While I want the game to stay true to the PS2 era, I think it'd be a shame to not include any new features. I also think many who play Ace Combat has an appreciation for the aircraft in it, and as such, a photomode would be a great way for players to experience the fighter jets in a different way.

I can totally see myself spending hours on photo shoots, just as I did in Gran Turismo, and now do in Driveclub.

But to each their own ;)
For the customisation, none of that generic "replace the main wing actuator to make the plane more agile" or "shove a generic new engine to make the plane faster". Don't put thrust vectoring in every aircraft, ignoring all the structural limitations of each aircraft.
If you want thrust vectoring on a F-5, then they should give us a new version of the aircraft itself (let's call it F-5 Vista). Other than that, just don't do it, I don't want to see overpowered Mig-21 with stealth, thrust vectoring and laser weapons. Complete nonsense.
People speaking about balancing the aircraft: would you like to play gran turismo where the performance of all cars was even? Each aircraft has to have it's strong points and weak points, if it's not that way, we are playing with the same aircraft with just different skin. An A-6 Intruder is supposed to feel heavier, less agile and slower than an F-16.

For aircraft customisation, I would propose this:
F-16A Block 1 > Block 5 > Block 10 > Block 15 > Block 15 MLU (used by many european air forces)

F-16C Block 30 > Block 40 > Block 50 > Block 50+

F-16E Block 60 > F-16V (the new/future variant)

Special versions: F-16 Vista, F-16XL
Each "evolution" would give the aircraft the ability to use new weapons such as the 4AAM (Aim-120 Amraam in this example), that is not available in the first versions of the F-16 (available on the MLU), better radar (which could be seen in terms of the range that you are able to detect the enemy, and/or the lock on range for radar guided weapons). Faster lock ons for standard missiles.

In the case of other fighters which don't have so many variants, you could "evolve" the aircraft through it's main versions (F-15A to C), and then new unlockable variants such as the Silent Eagle, the Strike Eagle and S/MTD.

On the Typhoon side, you could see upgrades by the tranches and respective blocks, with the latest version being more capable than the tranche 1 version.
The other aircrafts would get the same system of course.

For weapon customisation, they could do the same, real life improved versions of each weapon, but this would be problematic, since, for example, the first versions of the Aim-9 Sidewinder weren't that good, and would prove to be kind of worthless.
Instead, just give each aircraft the ability to use weapons that they are able to use in real life, I want an F-16 using a AGM-88 Harm, ECM pods, JSOW, SDB, etc.
And, if possible, the ability to use more than one special weapon. Using different weapon combinations, such as 2 Aim-9 (standard missiles), 2 Aim-120 Amraam and 2 JDAM, on an F-16 for example.

Oh, and also, I would like the F-16 to handle properly statisticaly speaking. In previous games it was pretty much on of the less agile fighters in the game, sometimes being even with tha A-10... Which is not really accurate, since it's almos two times mor agile than a Phantom...
The purpose of the MLU (Mid Life Upgrade) program was to bring the F-16 up to later standards. If memory serves, the MLU's in service with various European air forces are all Block 15 or earlier variants, brought up to Block 30/32 standard, with some Block 50/52 features. The only difference between 30 and 32 is the engine. Same goes for 50 and 52.

I'm very much in favor of more realistic flight handling. It's not an easy thing to do, but having planes that actually perfom like their real world counterparts in the different speed segments would bring a lot of diversity to the game. I'd also love some more historic jet aircraft. We've never had an F-104 Starfighter in Ace Combat. Make it happen!

And if they're going to include planes that don't actually have machine cannons on them, then stay true to the actual plane design. No more F-117's with a 20mm Vulcan and the ability to fire Sidewinders...
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And, if possible, the ability to use more than one special weapon. Using different weapon combinations, such as 2 Aim-9 (standard missiles), 2 Aim-120 Amraam and 2 JDAM, on an F-16 for example....

I am just going to comment on this because of how much I agree with this statement. For example, a player should be able to put virtually every single weapon system in the US arsenal on an American warplane.

An F-22 is quite capable of carrying 4 AAM's and GPB at the same time.

About the MLU, I know what they "are". They are pretty much similar to a C/D versions, except engine (atleast compared to the Block 50/52) and radar, which in the MLU's case, is an upgraded version of the original AN/APG-66.
I just mentioned the MLU as an example of what would be the top tier in the evolution line of the A/B versions... Instead you could replace it with the Block 20, but those I believe were made in very few quantity and only used by one country.

As for the rest, my only problem with the way it's balanced, is how very agile fighters (Mig-21, F-16, etc) were made so weak in that regard, to the point that are outmaneuvered by not only all their competition, but also by weaker fighters on that department.

Yeah, I would also love some classics, such as the F-104, F-86 Sabre... Oh man, that would be so nice.
And the F-117 with air-to-air capabilities is kind of... meh. It should be in the category of bombers, not attackers. Campaign wise, it could be used for a specific mission, some night precision bombardment.

Makes no sense to me that I can't use the weapons that I want in my favourite fighters, when in real life they are available. I want to bomb something with my F-22 using SDB's. Go to air superiority missions with an F-16XL full of Amraams'. You name it, just give me the full payload to choose what I want. We should be able to go through the full campaign with the same aircraft just by choosing the most adequate weapons for each mission.
Speaking of aircraft, would love these to be included:

Dassault Mirage F1


If we're gonna have strange, lesser known variants of planes like the A-10, why not this along side the Mirage 2000Cs we usually get? Make the family tree abit bigger. Besides, its another excuse for me to shout "Tiger power!!!!" :lol:


Kfir (Which looks suspiciously abit...Mirage-y)

General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark (and its grummen tuned variation, the EF-111 Raven)

Vought A-7 Corsair (as someone who's seen this upclose multiple times, it would be awesome to finally have)


Mcdonnell Douglas A-4 Skyhawk
Makes no sense to me that I can't use the weapons that I want in my favourite fighters, when in real life they are available. I want to bomb something with my F-22 using SDB's. Go to air superiority missions with an F-16XL full of Amraams'. You name it, just give me the full payload to choose what I want. We should be able to go through the full campaign with the same aircraft just by choosing the most adequate weapons for each mission.

Yes. Another thing we should be able to do is upgrade our aircraft in the Single Player mode.
Speaking of aircraft, would love these to be included:

Dassault Mirage F1

View attachment 532659

If we're gonna have strange, lesser known variants of planes like the A-10, why not this along side the Mirage 2000Cs we usually get? Make the family tree abit bigger. Besides, its another excuse for me to shout "Tiger power!!!!" :lol:


Kfir (Which looks suspiciously abit...Mirage-y)
View attachment 532669

General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark (and its grummen tuned variation, the EF-111 Raven)
View attachment 532670

Vought A-7 Corsair (as someone who's seen this upclose multiple times, it would be awesome to finally have)

View attachment 532695

Mcdonnell Douglas A-4 Skyhawk
View attachment 532703
A-4 Skyhawk would be AMAZING. :drool: As would be an A-7.
And the F-117 with air-to-air capabilities is kind of... meh. It should be in the category of bombers, not attackers.

Let's remember that they actually put a cannon on the F-117 in AC:I. One of the most unstable aircraft designs ever, with a cannon. What could possibly go wrong?
And what about the F-8 Crusader, English Electric Lightning, the Kfir, Mitsubishi F-1, Saab 37 Viggen? So many that would be welcome additions.

I would rather have real all those classics shown above, and some more first and second generation jet fighters, than all those futuristic aircraft that we have... So much more nostalgic and would an honour to be able fly any of them.
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Let's remember that they actually put a cannon on the F-117 in AC:I. One of the most unstable aircraft designs ever, with a cannon. What could possibly go wrong?

I never had a problem with that actually, even back in AC04. As realistic as the Ace Combat is with the flight models it still is at heart, a video game.

That's a reputable NZ site taking pre-orders for the game.

Will wait to get excited until I hear something official.
EB Games has been taking pre-orders since July.
$130NZ for a standard edition of a game is a little steep, considering there's very little detail about the game out there.

The Mighty Ape pre-orders confirms that something is definitely in the works for 7.
I fully believed that Ace Combat Infinity would support the development of AC07 so I had no problem buying fuel for the game like I did. With that said, I have no problem waiting for AC07 to make sure it is the best it can be!
I fully believed that Ace Combat Infinity would support the development of AC07 so I had no problem buying fuel for the game like I did. With that said, I have no problem waiting for AC07 to make sure it is the best it can be!
True, I'm excited for an epic storyline back in Strangereal. :D
In light of the recent news, I think we all need to once again witness the absurdly awesome intro to the very first Ace Combat (or Air Combat, as it was called in some regions). Damn that guitar is cool!

YES! Finally! I've been hanging ever since that first trailer for some AC7 news.
Awesome news! All I want is the story from the AC04, AC05, and AC0 with a multiplayer system (without fuel restrictions) that is similar to AC Infinity and I will be set!
Awesome news! All I want is the story from the AC04, AC05, and AC0 with a multiplayer system (without fuel restrictions) that is similar to AC Infinity and I will be set!

Yeah I'm sick of the Infinity grind. Be interesting to see how much of that games features get carried over to 7.