Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR
@Paulie I started with 387, I finished with 121, considering I got some dropped in the meanwhile. 101st with 25k points more than 200th.
Lexell is SOLG III (Gold), as already known from trailer.

Judging by that then I won't make it to the top 200 on "just" 204 stocked fuels!
Judging by that then I won't make it to the top 200 on "just" 204 stocked fuels!

Depends... Maybe ppl waiting now Mobius or Markov, or didn't buy again after Razgriz or bought but used for Scarface... I may say to wait 'till Saturday morning to decide, in 2 days you should be able to burn everything in case...
Has anyone got the Distant Thunder drop yet? It ends in 2 days I think, annoyingly haven't seen it yet.
I seem to be sucking a lot lately, sure I'm still getting 60k+ in 4 player lobbies, but the other guys are consistently beating me.
Has anyone got the Distant Thunder drop yet? It ends in 2 days I think, annoyingly haven't seen it yet.

I got it on the first day. Honestly, I don't care about it concerning I already have the vanilla A-10 at lvl 5 and I'm currently using fighters most of the time now. If only we have a trade feature in this game...
uhhg those are gaudy. The only good looking one to me is of course the Typhoon. (Hey the black looks sweet, just doesn't need the girl) And since they are going to be drops with increased stats they could be cool?
It looks cool, sure, but...I'll keep my Typhoon (now pretty much retired, I'm using the Mickey Simon and 6AAMs just to change a bit and make it more challenging!
Next event, first of post-patch, will be a TDM with F-5E -Pisces- as prize reward.
Probably this time will be a pure TDM, not NTDM.
Got the Distant Thunder, you never know when it might come in handy for a challenge. Still not sure about the tournament, but I'm doubting it. It'd take me like ~64 stocked fuels to catch up to 200th place, then that'd leave me with 140 stocked fuels to build a gap big enough to last the entire weekend (and that's as it stands now, much less when I wake up in the morning). I don't like my chances, and I could end up wasting months and months of saved stocked fuel for failure.

Edit: It just goes to show how good the A-10 can be with FAEB, not to mention how important it is to be the guy in the role nobody else is filling. I was using the A-10 Distant Thunder for the Attacker challenge for $50k, it's level 1 with level 1 FAEB. First sortie I got pwned so bad, there were guys in FB-22s and high level A-10s zipping around clearing the map before my eyes. So bad was it I didn't even reach 20k points before quitting at the end so as not to waste a fuel unit. The very next sortie my team mate was a Wyvern with 6AAM, I scored 55k points! I've had MVP against a high level Wyvern using a level 1 A-10 Distant Thunder. The thing has impeccable ability to wipe out huge numbers of targets at once and score big with those FAEB. At level 10, I could see why so many players still use A-10s and dominate top tier jets.
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Got back on because I still haven't acquired the YF-23. Looking through the tree it seems it would take me around a month or longer to get to it. No idea how long it would take after that just to buy it. Gettting the T-50 took me an eternity but I guess that's my fault for going all over the tree. Decided it probably means I'll never touch the game again. Really a shame, it was great in its first 2 months but then really showed the free to play tendencies later on.
I lost 3 fuel units thanks to the server issues this morning and only got compensated for one.👎
The Falken takes a very long time to upgrade, but I think I may get to level 6 just before the servers shut for maintenance/updates tomorrow if I'm lucky.
Has there been any word on what this update will include if anything? CFA-44 perhaps?
Managed to get one last batch of sorties in before the servers went down and so glad I did! I had another Lv.5-Lv.6 upgrade token drop in a random box. I now have two, and assuming there is nothing super-fun-happy-mega-awesome in the update, I'll use at least one on the ADF-01 Falken for which research in to level 6 is complete and ready to go.:) I'm planning on making the Falken a special raid machine, damage upgrades for the 4AAM and standard missiles, and load capacity/reload speed upgrades for the 4AAM.

According to the post-mission ranking table I've got rank 280. I hope it is true, because that is one of the "Lucky Numbers".

Dayum, how much fuel you spend on this tournament?
According to the post-mission ranking table I've got rank 280. I hope it is true, because that is one of the "Lucky Numbers".

Damn so lucky :P

Managed to get one last batch of sorties in before the servers went down and so glad I did! I had another Lv.5-Lv.6 upgrade token drop in a random box. I now have two, and assuming there is nothing super-fun-happy-mega-awesome in the update, I'll use at least one on the ADF-01 Falken for which research in to level 6 is complete and ready to go.:) I'm planning on making the Falken a special raid machine, damage upgrades for the 4AAM and standard missiles, and load capacity/reload speed upgrades for the 4AAM.

You lucky too. I had to upgrade to level 7 last week (Scarface tournament) 5 planes and had to upgrade them without the non-standard contract, spent a lot of credits just to upgrade them from level 5 to level 6.

Let's hope something good coming with the patch...
From FB page, it was viable only for few minutes before get deleted:


-27 new aircraft (2 standard and 25 special aircraft) will be added to the game.
The standard aircraft will be obtainable by progressing through the game and unlocking the aircraft on the aircraft tree.
Standard aircraft include the R-101 Delphinus #1 and the XFA-27.
Special aircraft will be made available via ranking events, drop events etc.

- Added a limited time special raid mission (Avalon Dam Invasion) in Online Co-Op Missions.

- Added the "Dubai Night Assault (HARD)" mission in Online Co-Op Missions.

- Added new challenges to Challenges Mode.

- Added some new aircraft, parts, emblems and other items.

- Added Free Flight Mode which allows all playable areas to be flown around freely.
*The functions of Free Flight Mode can be unlocked by purchasing the Free Flight Ticket.
The areas that can be flown around in Free Flight Mode are as follows.

San Diego
West Indies
South-West Russia
Central Turkey
Avalon Dam
Area B7R
Adriatic Sea
Troia Route

- Added a function to change the number of players while still inside a room.
 Also added the line "I want to change the number of players" to the sentences available in room chat.

- Change made to allow Supplied Fuel and Stocked Fuel to be used together during a Forced Sortie.

- Change made to allow you to select to invite a player to your team or to your room when sending a room invite.

- Added a function to check information relating to the Rental Aircraft Sets that can be used in Online Co-Op Missions and Team Deathmatch.

- Added a function to preview aircraft and skins shown on the Special Supply Items Catalogue screen.

- Added a filtering function to the Aircraft Set Selection screen.
Sets can be filtered using the categories [All], [Fighter], [Multirole], [Attacker] and [Bomber].

- Adjusted the zoom on attack targets when using the HUD view.
 Press the triangle button lightly to just focus on your attack target, and press it firmly to zoom in on it.

- The method for calculating Ranking Points has been changed for Team Deathmatch.

- Added "Participating in challenges" and "Aiming for a spot in the rankings" to room policies.

- Added some Instant Radio Messages.

- The maximum level for the following aircraft has been increased.

  From Lv.10 to Lv.15:

Su-37 Terminator
Su-35 Flanker-E
ASF-X Shinden II
F-35B Lightning II
F-22A Raptor
YF-23 Black Widow II
FB-22 Strike Raptor
Su-47 Berkut

 From Lv.5 to Lv.10:

B-2A Spirit
B-1B Lancer

- Changed the names of certain emblems.

(Old) Scarface → (New) Scarface (Emblem)
(Old) Grabacr → (New) Grabacr (Emblem)

 *Only the names have been changed; appearance and capabilities have not been changed.

- Added an effect to the "Nagase" emblem which changes missile smoke color to "orange".

- Adjusted enemy NPC behavior towards aircraft with stealth abilities.

- Increased the limit for the maximum amount of credits.

- Added new player ranks.

*Bug Fixes

- Fixed a bug whereby the mission would not progress even when all enemies are destroyed in "Tokyo Martial Law" Online Co-Op Mission.
- Fixed a bug whereby the mission would not progress even when all enemies are destroyed in "Tokyo Martial Law (HARD)" Online Co-Op Mission.
- Fixed a bug which caused the ADF-01 FALKEN skin, "ADF-01 Event Skin #01" to be displayed incorrectly on other players' (wingmen's) screens.
- Performed fixes for other detailed issues.

The game update will be released on Wednesday, March 4, 2015 at 09:00 (UTC).
However, please note that you will be able to play the game from Thursday, March 5, 2015 at 01:59 (UTC) after server maintenance is completed.


The 2 new planes must be XFA-27 and a Delphinus, looking at a private video on youtube (can see only the preview as it is private).

Other things... Meh...

I hope that, apart of XFA-27 and some few other things, this above is a fake...
Oh and this is the video, reuploaded from another user.

XFA-27 Scarface showed at the end... Muh wallet crying, I will probably pass on this one :(
This is beginning to get all kinds of 🤬. They're pushing the free to play experience too hard, now only the gaming whales who spend real cash on the game will get anywhere or anything good. I mean I couldn't upgrade a F-4 to level 15, but now the previous top tier jets are level 15 capable? I can't afford that 🤬! I'm also rather bummed out that I just spent all that cash upgrading a Falken to level 5, the R-101 is a much better looking jet and presumably in the same performance range.
A little suss that the above video uses some different HUD graphics for the R-101 though. It doesn't even list a special weapon......
I hope that update is fake too, this game was getting hard enough to play free already, I already bought the campaign ticket and one aircraft slot expansion, damn.
This is beginning to get all kinds of 🤬. They're pushing the free to play experience too hard, now only the gaming whales who spend real cash on the game will get anywhere or anything good. I mean I couldn't upgrade a F-4 to level 15, but now the previous top tier jets are level 15 capable? I can't afford that 🤬! I'm also rather bummed out that I just spent all that cash upgrading a Falken to level 5, the R-101 is a much better looking jet and presumably in the same performance range.
A little suss that the above video uses some different HUD graphics for the R-101 though.
I hope that update is fake too, this game was getting hard enough to play free already, I already bought the campaign ticket and one aircraft slot expansion, damn.

Well, just think that to upgrade to level 15 the Su-47 you will need much much more credits than F-4. F-4 level 14-15 is 3.8m, Rafale M is 4.6, so I may say Su-47 is around 5m.
This page on seesaawiki is great for easily indentifying total upgrade costs. To get an F-4E from level 10 to level 15 it takes an insane $10.7m. For reference, to get from level 1 to level 15 it takes $12.7m.
To get a Typhoon or a Rafale M from level 10 to level 15 takes an absolutely insane $14.5m, a Su-34 cost $14.9m!
This one's even more laughable, to get a B-2 (including the hectic purchase price) to level 5 costs $16.4m. Can you imagine the cost of upgrading it to level 10?:lol:
It's probably reasonable to think that any of the jets in the list above will cost upwards of $15m to upgrade from level 10 to level 15.
I don't know about you guys, but that sounds like around 750 fuel units assuming I don't have any research panels open, or the better part of a year.

Edit: Alternatively, I can restrict myself to just the future fantasy top tier jets which will soon become the only thing that's competitive since nobody can afford present day jets.
Now the good idea would be to quit playing this game knowing that they have tons of plane models, cash in the bank, good game modes, solid game play that is ready to make the next game even better. That is why we should quit and make them see that a new game is the only way to continue making money. But will that happen? Not anytime soon anyway. Was was gonna burn fuel tonight, (the little I have saved up) to get the emblem in the latest tournament.

In another thought, there should be be more game modes/tournaments where you put limits on your jets/competition, ex. GT's performance points. (or ACI's CST) Then limit them to their top 20 scores.(use as much fuel as you want) That way we can have competitive matches showing who the real Ace's are Eh?
But will that happen? hahaha nope. I would still love it.
Now the good idea would be to quit playing this game knowing that they have tons of plane models, cash in the bank, good game modes, solid game play that is ready to make the next game even better. That is why we should quit and make them see that a new game is the only way to continue making money. But will that happen? Not anytime soon anyway. Was was gonna burn fuel tonight, (the little I have saved up) to get the emblem in the latest tournament.

In another thought, there should be be more game modes/tournaments where you put limits on your jets/competition, ex. GT's performance points. (or ACI's CST) Then limit them to their top 20 scores.(use as much fuel as you want) That way we can have competitive matches showing who the real Ace's are Eh?
But will that happen? hahaha nope. I would still love it.

Dream on m9.


A lot of free to play games are entering their 5th year or more. ACI has a good enough business model going with the free PlayStation Network on PS3.
Aww, don't deflate my fun ideas balloon so fast! You could add to it instead! :P
Well anyways, Avalon Dam is fun. A trickier one due to the large area, and lots of targets. Tough like Weapons base with no air targets. (minus helis) I haven't gotten to the point of having to go inside the dam, that'd be cool. (But I've gotten close enough to know it won't happen. You may actually need to use those radio messages like going left or right, and moving to different areas
Pfft, did the update and now the game is not working at the moment.👎 Definitely going to scrap the Falken and go for the R-101 instead.