Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR
I spent an upgrade token on the Falken, it has begun its way to level 7. I basically already afford levels 7 and 8, and by that time it should be pretty handy against SOLG.
Been playing every day since the random plane drops started at least 3 times per day and 11 one day thanks to lucky timing of the extra supplied fuel challenge. So far 1 idolplane to show for it, and that came on one of the 2 stocked fuel sorties for I did for that challenge. I've gotten 30 supply tickets I don't want from gold boxes 5 or 6 times along the way though. Somehow I don't think I'm going to get all 14 of them(and of course probably not the couple I do want :) ). Though I suppose I did manage to get all of the emblems and one of the "hidden" ones so there's that. Not sure how often I'd fly them if I did get them, I don't use special planes much and less so the gaudy ones. But I seem to get a laugh out of the idolm@ster stuff for some reason.

Also it seems I'm not likely to make enough credits to buy both the Rafale and the SU-37(with the 2 parts before it) by the end of the month so I'll have to choose between those challenges. Not that any alternate skin for any plane vs a nickname I'll never use is that tough of a choice. It just seems to be illustrating however that I'm probably reaching the point that playing the way I play is about to become almost too much of a grind to continue any progression - what with saving up for 100-500,000 credit items 3-10k at a time 3-5 times per day.

Maybe I'll burn some of my 50 fuel this weekend, maybe not. Top 5,000 is probably out of my reach but you never know. Most of the ranking events don't have any rewards worth anything beyond a few credits unless you are willing to spend fuel by the dozens, but I don't mind playing extra now and then just for the fun of it. Will probably just play whatever missions I feel like anyway if I do play extra. It seems like to move anywhere in the ranking you just have to get S ranks and largely ignore your own score, so playing endless repetitions of the unpleasant B7R mission with 7 people who are better than me usually works the best and that just isn't much fun.


I suppose I'm probably due for some good luck soon, such is Ace Combat Infinity. I did get a #1 score and 2 #1+MVPs in my last 3 missions at least, though none were S ranks. Now if I could only get a few Special raid II or IIIs when forced sorties are on and I'm not in 4-person rooms with a couple beginners I'd be all set. :D

Prototype/Experimental Aircraft Tourney on the way after Gryphus event. What planes do you guys have for this? :D
@Morgoth_666 I know what you're talking about! I sortie 5 times/day, I was doing sorties 8 times/day during the replenish supplied fuel challenge by way of the TDM event. I've only gotten one Idolmaster jet drop so far and it was the F-22, which may come in handy for a challenge some day, you never know. Still, I thought with so many of them there'd be plenty dropping.

@Louie_Schumii I have the YF-23 on level 10 with level 5 HVAA for this tournament! Not really the greatest option I realise, but it's better than nothing! I wonder what the prize is, I'm going out on a limb and predicting it will be the ATD-0 Experimental we saw in those Chinese screenshots.
12 days of tournament but I'm super-equipped.
Stripes and Experimental on LVL7, Black Hornet LVL 8 and Y13 LVL 9.
I'll go for the top 1'000K, always liked those striped variant and the X-29 with this paint scheme was one of my favourite back in HAWX, good memories.
It's not the ATD-0, but I'll see how it's going near the end. Jet specific tournaments tend to be a little easier to place in, and top 1000 is never impossible.

Edit: You know I've been absolutely killing it in my F-35 lately, taking down guys in the 2100's MR, my MR has soared to the 2060's. Then I did two sorties at Dubai in my YF-23 for the challenge and flat-out sucked. Scored just over 30k each time in a 4 player lobby (mind you the victors were only getting in the 40k's, not a lot of points to go around). It really annoys me when the other team starts on the "good" side. Has anyone else noticed this? At Dubai, you quite often get one side with a bunch of low level ground targets while the other side has the same ground targets plus a bunch of enemy jets to take down. At Pipeline the right hand side gets all those factories grouped together. At Moscow, the right hand side often gets most of the enemy fighters and closer proximity to ground targets.

Does anybody know if the HARD missions can be used for challenges? If it asks you to sortie in the Dubai mission, can you also play Dubai HARD?

Edit 2: Maybe I was just tired yesterday in the YF-23, did much better today where I scored 50k and kept pace with a 2200's MR player.
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These ~2 week long tournaments are murder. It really makes the month feel a lot longer than it should. I wonder if forced sorties will remain active after the weekend.

Anyone been enjoying the Fighter @ Dubai and Multirole @ Alps challenges? They're quite nice since you get a pretty good payout on top of the regular match rewards. Best done on a 4 player room since you'd be able to finish them within ~3 sorties if you score well on each round.

@Paulie I'd imagine Dubai hard will progress the challenge the same as regular Dubai since there's nothing on the challenge screen saying it won't. Don't take my word for it though since I tend to avoid those hard missions in favor of getting a virtually assured S rank on all the other maps.
These ~2 week long tournaments are murder. It really makes the month feel a lot longer than it should. I wonder if forced sorties will remain active after the weekend.

Anyone been enjoying the Fighter @ Dubai and Multirole @ Alps challenges? They're quite nice since you get a pretty good payout on top of the regular match rewards. Best done on a 4 player room since you'd be able to finish them within ~3 sorties if you score well on each round.

@Paulie I'd imagine Dubai hard will progress the challenge the same as regular Dubai since there's nothing on the challenge screen saying it won't. Don't take my word for it though since I tend to avoid those hard missions in favor of getting a virtually assured S rank on all the other maps.

I've been doing nothing but those challenges, I've finished the Alps in a Multirole in just two sorties twice now by virtue of scoring 90k on a couple occasions.
Not sure if I want to try the Dubai HARD, on one hand it's not a guaranteed S rank, and I noticed for some bizarre reason the ranking points for HARD missions are less. On the other hand there's more targets to kill which potentially means more points to score and finish the challenge faster.

Edit: Now I've done the Multirole challenge in two sorties three times.:dopey: My F-35 has been figuratively on FIRE lately! As opposed to real F-35s which are just plain on fire.:lol:
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Is there a clear list of all the planes available for use in the proto tournament? Trying to decide if my YF-23 is a good choice or if I should level up something else. Tournament choices aside, ASF-X Shinden was next on my list.
Is there a clear list of all the planes available for use in the proto tournament? Trying to decide if my YF-23 is a good choice or if I should level up something else. Tournament choices aside, ASF-X Shinden was next on my list.

On the main menu, click on the event info for that tournament.

Edit: Why do level 1 raids keep popping up? :odd: They're not worth a stocked fuel, and most of the time I have a more valuable challenge running than to do a level 1 raid. Looks like I may need some stocked fuel for this tournament though, amazingly I'm barely holding on to the top 5000, there must be heaps of players going for this one.
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Sorry for the double post, but nobody's posted here in almost a week!
I just had to share my jubilee at the fact I had a SOLG II pop up tonight, so I activated a Merc contract and we S ranked it pretty easily in a 6 player lobby. Later on a SOLG III popped up while I was in an 8 player lobby!:D We kicked its teeth in with around 1.5mins still remaining so I got a very nice payout (I've already forgotten what that was, though I've got no reimbursed credits happening atm). I'm now sitting pretty on around $1.5mil. Level 9 research on the Falken is still a little way off yet. I will be able to afford it and the Max Speed LL upgrade once they're finished, still having a few hundred G's left to start saving with for level 10 on the Falken.
I had some good luck as well, with 2 SOLG IIs recently that we got S on with triple fuel. I don't think I'd be much use against SOLG III with my 1,050 cost F-14A, so I'd need help from the big boys to get that one. I also apparently decided (because I want to sortie anyway and blue smoke so why not?) to try for top 5,000 in the tourney and with burning through fuel and locking down research and then discovering that the SU-37 costs half what I expected I can accomplish the goals I thought impossible and maybe even compete a little in the Prototype tournament(I wasn't expecting my old Block 1 Morgan I've only used once to be much help). Still only 3 of the wrong Idolpl@nes of course. :)
I supposed I'd better not forget to burn a small amount of fuel tomorrow just to be sure I get in the top 5000, I want the Southern Cross emblem being an Aussie. Currently sitting inside the top 4000, and I've had a decent number of Idolm@aster planes drop now.
@Paulie you have the Falken at 8?!? That's commitment! I've held off buying that plane no thanks to the challenges that need specific planes (A-10, F-15E, Rafale, F-117) so I've been leveling those instead. Research goes pretty slow when you're only using supplied until the occasional level 2+ raid pops up.

How many iM@s planes do you have now? They're not dropping often enough for me but will probably be in the ticket store before the end of the year. Best looking one is the Typhoon imo. Everything else is just...I have no words for the other planes :lol: (but the special F-117 isn't so bad).

This two week tourney is a drag. I'll probably just aim for a lucky number between 5,000 to 10,000 during the prototype tourney since commitments i.r.l. > research reports. Everyone will think it will be easy to get top 1k for the X-29 but I bet it will need at least 50 stocked along with sortieing everyday to even have a chance.

Oh and has anyone played a user called 'Sir_Veric' or something along those lines? He's got an XFA-27 already and seems to be able to type out the radio messages instead of being stuck with pre-written ones in the game. Possible hacker perhaps?
Not sure how many girl planes I have, it must be at least 5 or more though, I have the most interesting ones (F-22, Typhoon, B-2).
Can't say I've ever encountered your XFA-27 pilot, but 100% sounds like a hacker, unless he's Scamco staff which I doubt.

Edit: I just used 4 stocked fuels, ranked around 3800th. I'm really hoping I can stay in the top 5000. I haven't been dropping much in the rankings the last couple of days. Research in to level 9 is about one sortie away for the Falken, which I'll be able to afford right away. The XFA-27 is likewise about one sortie away to finish research (only researching it because I bought the LL engine speed part which is now on my F-35). I don't think 4AAM missile level 4 research could be more than a sortie or two away either. Point being, once I buy level 9 on the Falken I should be getting some decent reimbursed credits, with any luck I'll be able to afford level 10 once it's ready.
Aside from finishing the 4AAM up to level 5, I'm not sure what I'll do after that. Might go back to trying to fill out as much of the tree as possible. If the whole tree is purchased, I can focus on expensive stuff like the B-2 and maybe some extra levels on my F-35 and YF-23.
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aww =(

aand I'm one part away from Falken! ^_^

Planes to buy:
F-15J Eagle- 112.500 (research completed)
F-16XL Falcon- 171.000 (research completed)
Su-37 Flanker- 226.000
F-15 S/MTD Eagle- 248.000
X-29A- 283.190 (research completed)
YF-23 Black Widow- 315.000
Su-47 Firkin- 315.000
Eurofighter Typhoon- 453.000
F-35 Lightning II- 557.000
Su-34 Fullback- 571.000
F-22 Raptor- 673.000
FA-22 Strike Raptor- 673.000
ATD-0- 673.000
Wivern- 698.000
Falken- 810.000
B-2 Spirit- 3.000.000
XFA-27- 4.500.000
Dolphinus- 4.500.000
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@unit-one it sucks when people quite on you or get disconnected.

I had a mixed bag of sorties tonight I'll tell you! First sortie I stumbled in to a SOLG II, 4 player lobby. I activated a Merc contract and we S ranked, think I got something like $380k, stocked fuel x3, one research panel open. Cool. Next 3 sorties were regular missions and I lost the battle every time!:crazy: With the Merc contract on I still got $20k every time though. Then just when I finished the last sortie a SOLG III popped up!:dopey: The host wisely increased the players to 6, all guys in the 1900-2000's MR. I got MVP, stocked fuel x3, still the one research panel open, $635k.:D After tonight I bought level 4 for the 4AAM and can already afford level 10 on the Falken, it just has to finish researching which may be a while (currently 49%).
A special raid, 3 losses in a row with a Merc contract on, then a really good special raid. High-low-high alright, but definitely a major positive. I think I've had SOLG III twice in the last week, SOLG I has been popping up excessively but I never do it, they're not worth it. Special Raids seem to have a high probability of late.

Oh, and I did finish in the top 5000 of the tournament. Still waiting for my "closest to anything Australian I'll get" Southern Cross emblem.
I actually had a guy beat my team solo once after his two teammates got disconnected early. That wasn't embarrassing or anything. :lol:

I finally got one of the planes I was hoping for, the F-14D. First one I received that wasn't a part of the Increased Rate events. Well technically the game hadn't told me yet about the last event when I got the F-117, but it happened right before that started so I probably just hadn't seen the notification yet.

Between my using about 20 net fuel in the last event, keeping research locked up and several SOLG IIs I've amassed almost 2.5 million now in a bit over 2 weeks. Locking research makes more of a difference than I had remembered... half of the time I made more money from the research refund than I did from the actual sorties. Of course with two planes to buy and probably not being able to resist bumping my F-14A to level 10 I'll burn through most of it in no time. :)
My ADF-01 Falken will reach level 10 tomorrow! That will leave me with around $150k to start saving for the 4AAM level 5 upgrade when it finishes researching.:) Then I'll go back to trying to get as much of the tree unlocked as possible, especially the Attacker branch.

Prototype/Experimental Aircraft Tourney on the way after Gryphus event. What planes do you guys have for this? :D
Got the f-16 XL and the Tigershark (Tiger did good tonight @ area87). Gonna be content with those two. Can't let myself buy the burk when a handful of planes are screaming for an upgrade.
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Would rather get more cool skins than umpteen of special aircrafts I'm not going to upgrade anyways.

Got the idolmaster B2, F-22, Su-33, Mirage and the F-15 by flying standard fuel. Maybe two of them will get to Lvl5.
One SOLG II MVP later and I almost have enough cash to buy the just finished level 5 research on 4AAM. It will happen tomorrow! Looking forward to resuming my quest to fill out the research tree. Once I've done that I can spend cash on more guilty pleasures like upgrading the Super Hornet some more and what have you.

Edit: Bought level 5 on 4AAM and the Medium GPB enhanced range. Had enough Parts Research tokens to bring the Large machine gun range up to 100%, but it will be a couple days (unless some hectic special raids pop up) before I can afford it. Then it's on to the FB-22. I'm looking forward to see what the new month will bring in the Special Supply Items, though admittedly I'm not expecting much.
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Allright so I'm competing for the top 1000 and I need around 30 sorties to get inside it, I'm waiting for the second trance of forced sortie to do a full burn since I don't care about Idolm@ster drops, maybe we'll get something good point to burn now and we'll sure get forced again on weekend.
For now, I'm just stocking credits and avoid the temptation of upgrading stuffs or buy anything on the three, the Mirage EX is fantastic, despite SFFS require a perfect throttle control, I got wiped out by a LAGM user, probably had a lvl 15 Fullback, 100K pts in TOKYO normal...c'mon!
Not like it matters for me anyway since all I get is "Lost connection with host" :indiff:

Unless they finally bring more stuff for campaign mode, I'm more then likely done with this game.

Yep, I done with this. All the enthusiasm I had is basically gone. The disconnections and insane amount of time ( and if we're honest, Money) that is required to put into this game just isn't worth it for me as I have neither of those nor do I have the patience to keep getting repeated notices of me not "completing the session". As I said before, I'll only come back when they add some more stuff to campaign (which looks like it'll never happen) so thats it for me. All these limited time bonuses and whatever are meaningless to me since its at a difficulty I simply will never match. I thought GT6 was irritating when it came to online but nope, its this game. You guys have fun wasting your time with this crap.
I've actually found that I have a lot less problems with getting disconnected than I used to, very rarely happens now other than the occasional day when it barely even lets me log in. Guess it's not better for everyone. I do still see other people get kicked when a sortie is loading sometimes. Every now and then somebody leaves mid session but I never know if they are getting disconnected or just quitting. I can barely remember the last time I saw nearly a whole room drop out mid-match. For me it's just the infinite grinding that is getting really old.

It looks like top 1,000 and the bonus plane is an impossibility for me, but with using most of my fuel last weekend I should be able to stay in the top 3k at least. Too many people with too much fuel/money to burn must really want that X-29, or else they all just really like flying planes that happen to be eligible.

I got the big giant pink thing now but not even going to bother trying to do the bomber challenge with it. You'd need tons of help to get S ranks. I think that is the only special plane that they've released that is actually worse than the standard version(and by a lot). All I wanted was the Typhoon, F-16C and F-14D lol... 1 out of 3 ain't bad I guess. Back up to 2.5 million again since I'm not doing research right now.
Allright so I'm competing for the top 1000 and I need around 30 sorties to get inside it, I'm waiting for the second trance of forced sortie to do a full burn since I don't care about Idolm@ster drops, maybe we'll get something good point to burn now and we'll sure get forced again on weekend.
For now, I'm just stocking credits and avoid the temptation of upgrading stuffs or buy anything on the three, the Mirage EX is fantastic, despite SFFS require a perfect throttle control, I got wiped out by a LAGM user, probably had a lvl 15 Fullback, 100K pts in TOKYO normal...c'mon!

Good sortie with you over the weekend, pipped your Y13 by about one orange target at the end of B7R thanks to my Y13's 4AAspaM. 10/10 will sortie again :D.

Haven't played the game since due to the car club movie night that needs organising. Anything interesting in the game happen apart from PA's April Fools joke?
At least you guys can log in to Scam Combat Grindfinity, I've had the message "Failed to communicate with PSN" two nights in a row now, which is rubbish because PSN is working fine at the time. Now I've lost 6 fuel units!
Good sortie with you over the weekend, pipped your Y13 by about one orange target at the end of B7R thanks to my Y13's 4AAspaM. 10/10 will sortie again :D.

Haven't played the game since due to the car club movie night that needs organising. Anything interesting in the game happen apart from PA's April Fools joke?
Great sortie and finally we had a chance to play together! Very very close points, Yellow squadron dominance :lol:
Inside the ticket shop there's the F-15J Tiger, the F-16 Lybra and some new radio messages along with pixelated emblems, still stocking my tickets :lol:
New drops:F-22 Aries and Gripen C Griffon, finally we get a special variant of the Gripen C!
Good news about the SI radi mission 1, double credits an tournament pts, sounds good to me I have still fuel to burn,
282 units :scared: I bet I'll drop at 250 to get inside the top 1000 considering the law "the more fuel you burn, the more you drop".
MOBIUS pls...
Damn I get some mixed results with the YF-23, some MVPs, some pwned by everyone in the lobby.
Guess I'm saving up for the FB-22 now, I don't have a decent Attacker. I'd like to have a jet for every occasion, so I can choose basically the opposite of what my wingmen have for a balanced attack on behalf of our team (and so we aren't stealing each other's kills).