
  • Thread starter Exorcet

Is there extraterrestrial life?

  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (non carbon based)

    Votes: 19 2.5%
  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (carbon based)

    Votes: 25 3.3%
  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (carbon and non carbon based)

    Votes: 82 10.8%
  • Yes, and they are humanoid creatures

    Votes: 39 5.1%
  • Yes, and they are those associated with abductions

    Votes: 19 2.5%
  • Yes, but I don't know what they'd be like

    Votes: 379 49.8%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 151 19.8%
  • No, they only exist in movies

    Votes: 47 6.2%

  • Total voters


What is this odd streak coming down from the clear sky into the eyewall of Katrina?

Doubts are good. But plasma discharges do occur at all scales, from below microscopic to above the galactic. Ordinary thunderclouds build up internal charge separation which can discharge as a gigantic jet, as shown in post #2127. As I documented above, there is a 30,000,000 volts/meter charge exchange taking place across the cell membranes in your body. We are electrical beings. Without electrical activity, we would be dead.

To recap:
I am hypothesizing that no, none, zero physical ET aliens exist, either here on Earth or far off in space, that are required to explain in a different and better way 100% of all sightings of UFOs or supposed aliens.

The first one looks the same as the cloud I saw. It's a fallstreak hole.


clouds can also refract light into rainbow colors


The second one looks like a scratch on the glass. Hard to see as it's too cropped.

The third one is a 100% lens flare.
See the same thing on the bottom of this photo:
The first one looks the same as the cloud I saw. It's a fallstreak hole.


clouds can also refract light into rainbow colors


The second one looks like a scratch on the glass. Hard to see as it's too cropped.

The third one is a 100% lens flare.
See the same thing on the bottom of this photo:
All good and plausible, supporting my thesis there are no aliens.

Greer: "Aliens are not bad."
DeLonge: "Aliens are not good."
Dotini: "Aliens are not."
One of several alternative hypotheses to the problem of unexplained UFO and alien sightings is the time machine from the human future.

A quick humorous, theoretical, speculative and justifiably skeptical peek:
Aliens: Us From A Future Time?

Nick RedfernMay 6, 2018

Just about everyone has heard of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), but what about Unidentified Future Objects? Alien encounters have been reported for decades. If there is one thing that the aliens are keen to tell us and have us believe, it’s that they originate on other worlds. But, are they being truthful with us? Might they really be time-travelers? In H.G. Wells’ classic novel of 1895, The Time Machine, an adventurous Londoner heads off into a dark future, where he clashes with cave-dwelling monsters, explores ruined cities and witnesses the final moments of life on Earth. In the 1968 movie, Planet of the Apes, Charlton Heston’s character, Taylor, an American astronaut, arrives on a nightmarish world run by a race of talking apes. Only at the film’s climax, as he stumbles upon the remains of the Statue of Liberty, does Taylor realize with horror that he has not set foot on some far-off planet, after all. Rather, he is home, 2,000 years in the future and after a worldwide holocaust has destroyed human civilization.

Then there is Michael J. Fox’s character, Marty McFly, who in the 1985 Hollywood comedy blockbuster, Back to the Future, travels through time to 1955. On doing so, he almost makes out with his then-teenage mom, comes perilously close to wiping out his own existence as a result of his time-traveling antics, and in single-handed fashion invents rock ‘n’ roll. And let’s not forget Bruce Willis in 1995’s 12 Monkeys. At least as far as mega-bucks movies and literary classics are concerned, the theme of time-travel is a spectacularly successful one. But what of the real world? Are time-travelers really among us? Is there a direct connection between the world of time-travel and that of UFOWhy is it that our “aliens” conveniently speak our languages? How is it that, with no trouble at all, they can they breathe our atmosphere? Why do they abduct us and use us in bizarre genetic experiments? Surely we are not physically and genetically compatible with creatures from faraway solar-systems? They assure us that we are indeed compatible. It all sounds far too convenient and carefully stage-managed. Maybe that’s because they are not from faraway worlds, after all. Perhaps, they are from right here, on Earth. Not our Earth (so to speak), but the Earth of the future; the distant future. An Earth that is in ruins and at a time when the Human Race is perilously close to extinction.

They travel into their distant past – our present – and engage in clandestine programs to reap DNA, cells, sperm and eggs as a means to try and save what is left of us, thousands of years from now. Keenly aware of the fact that the people of the 20th and 21st century held deep beliefs with regard to the concept of extraterrestrial life, they chose to adopt the guises of the alien things we believe in, as a means to camouflage their real identities. Could that be the shocking truth?


Formerly of the U.S. Air Force, and one of the key military players in the famous UFO encounter at Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, England in December 1980, Sergeant Jim Penniston – in 1994 – underwent hypnotic regression, as part of an attempt to try and recall deeply buried data relative to what occurred to him during one of Britain’s closest encounters. Very interestingly, and while under hypnosis, Penniston stated that our presumed aliens are, in reality, visitors from a far-flung future. That future, Penniston added, is very dark, in infinitely deep trouble, polluted and where the Human Race is overwhelmingly blighted by reproductive problems. The answer to those same, massive problems, Penniston was told by the entities he met in the woods, is that they travel into the distant past – to our present day – to secure sperm, eggs and chromosomes, all as part of an effort to try and ensure the continuation of the severely waning Human Race of tomorrow.

“Time travel is not theoretically possible, for if it was they’d already be here telling us about it,” British physicist Professor Stephen Hawking famously said. And even if time-travel did one day become a possibility, it would be beset by major problems, claimed Hawking: “Suppose it were possible to go off in a rocket ship, and come back before you set off. What would stop you blowing up the rocket on its launch pad, or otherwise preventing you from setting out in the first place?”

Not everyone agrees with Hawking. One possible way of traveling through time is via what are known in physics as wormholes, a term coined in 1957 by theoretical physicist John Wheeler. The wormhole is basically a shortcut through both space and time; and although firm evidence for the existence of these so-called “time-tunnels” has not yet been firmly proven, they do not fall outside of the boundaries presented in Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

Then, there is the matter of the sinister Men in Black. They are perceived by UFO researchers as human-looking alien creatures or government agents, whose secret role it is to silence UFO witnesses, something that history has shown they are very good at. Maybe, though, the MIB are not the bad guys, after all. Perhaps they are “time-cops,” working to ensure that UFO witnesses don’t get too close to the truth – namely, the time-travel angle. After all, just about everything about the MIB is out of time. They almost always wear 1950s-era black suits. Their mode of transport – old-time Cadillac cars – is out of time, too. They have even asked witnesses, on more than a few occasions: “What time is it?”

Maybe they’re actually asking what year they’re in. Or even which century. Perhaps, in the distant future, little is known of our time. Maybe we destroyed ourselves and, as a consequence, the people of the future are tasked with repairing the planet and doing their utmost to save what is left of our species. Possibly, they have limited knowledge of our culture and even our fashions, apart from what they know from the pages of aging, crumbling old magazines from the 1950s. So, they adopt the attire they assume will allow them to blend in with the people of the 21st century, when, in reality, it’s the exact opposite. The MIB stand out like a sore thumb. Or, like a man out of time.


Paranormal researcher Joshua P. Warren comments on this link between time-travel and the Men in Black: “It could be that the Men in Black follow all this UFO stuff around; that’s their job. Not that they are causing these things to happen, but they’re alerted to it when there’s a dangerous timeline issue that needs to be corrected. They’re not necessarily the bad-guys at all; they might be doing damage control, and maybe that includes warning and silencing witnesses to protect the time-travel secret. They might be weird, and they might look weird, but their overall mission may be just to keep order and protect the timelines.”

Of course, we need to remain grounded on all of this. So far, there is no definitive proof whatsoever that we have (or have ever had) time-travelers in our midst. And, there’s no evidence that UFOs are really time-machines. So, in other words, everything is very much theoretical and speculative – and just about nothing else. But, it doesn’t hurt to speculate!
One of several alternative hypotheses to the problem of unexplained UFO and alien sightings is the time machine from the human future.

A quick humorous, theoretical, speculative and justifiably skeptical peek:

Warning - lots of speculation, sci fi and assumptions incoming! :D

I've always thought that if the green or gray Aliens really existed and the descriptions about their appearance were halfway correct that they are humans from the far, far future. It would be an incredible coincidence to have another life-form visiting this distant place we call earth that has all the basic features humans have. Two eyes located at the exact same position as on humans, human fingers, a nose, the same amount of limbs with the exact same mechanical functions, upright walking - and apparently they also have no problems with earths conditions and gravity. They are described as small humanoids with large heads, pretty much how I'd imagine humans in the far future would look like. IF they really exist I'd say its more likely they are humans from the future - or somewhere else (close parallel universe) rather than another intelligent race.

The other thing though is, I think that any civilization that is advanced enough to do interstellar travel at those levels would not exist in biological form anymore. It makes no sense to be bound to a biological carrier with all its constraints. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that any civilization that reaches a certain point of technology will be replaced with an AI eventually that is vastly more capable - And I am not talking about scenarios like Terminator but an AI evolving out of the the digital collective mind of a race. I'm pretty sure there are other intelligent beings out there, but I bet most of them who have reached a certain technological limit are ''simply'' AI.

Wow thats lots of scifi talk here, my apologies. But its always nice to take a look over the edge, :dopey:
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Does matter derive from consciousness, or is it the other way around?
The very latest developments in the field of Ufology Phenomenology and Disclosure from Grant Cameron.
Does matter derive from consciousness, or is it the other way around?
The very latest developments in the field of Ufology Phenomenology and Disclosure from Grant Cameron.

I haven't watched the video yet but have you ever considered consciousness is not even a thing and now that we are making progress in neurology we are to find out that consciousness is a placeholder we use for brainfunctions we have yet to discover/understand?

This is merely a hypothesis so there is no evidence but I do like this path.
you ever considered consciousness is not even a thing and now that we are making progress in neurology we are to find out that consciousness is a placeholder we use for brainfunctions we have yet to discover/understand?

Yes; Daniel Dennett and others say that consciousness doesn't exist, and is merely an illusion. In the postmodern context, there is no problem with people holding wildly contradictory positions, as everyone gets to have their own reality, their own truth as it suits them.
I hope I'm reading the above wrongly and we aren't all soulless automatons programmed to behave in certain ways as I would find that literally dispiriting, even if I'm just following lines of code which cause me to feel that way.
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Unclassified document on warp drive, manipulation of extra dimensions:

Advanced space propulsion based on vacuum (spacetime metric) engineering

...increasing evidence of deception and subterfuge by the UFO phenomenon in that multiple eyewitnesses co-located in the same vicinity frequently reported seeing widely different events. The evidence was multiplying that the UFO phenomenon was capable of manipulating and distorting human perception and therefore eyewitness testimony of UFO activity was becoming increasingly untrustworthy.

The BAASS approach was to view the human body as a readout system for UFO effects by utilizing forensic technology, the tools of immunology, cell biology, genomics and neuroanatomy for in depth study of the effects of UFOs on humans. This approach marked a dramatic shift away from the traditional norms of relying on eyewitness testimony as the central evidentiary arm in UFO investigations. The approach aimed to bypass UFO deception and manipulation of human perception by utilizing molecular forensics to decipher the biological consequences of the phenomenon.
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As I documented above, there is a 30,000,000 volts/meter charge exchange taking place across the cell membranes in your body.

Which sounds big until you realise that actually cell membranes are tiny.

The voltage from you dragging your feet across the carpet and zapping someone is actually usually in the tens of thousands of volts range. Which again, sounds high compared to 110/220V from the wall, but the actual energy transferred is incredibly low. Millijoules, generally. Unless you're working with sensitive electronics or sensitive pyrotechnics it's not really that big a deal.

It's true that we require electricity to function. But it's best not to overblow the scale of it. We require very small, very finely controlled amounts of electricity in the right places to function. We don't need lots of it, and messing up scales by extending cell wall voltages out to metres really is just misleading.
Which sounds big until you realise that actually cell membranes are tiny.

It's true that we require electricity to function. But it's best not to overblow the scale of it. We require very small, very finely controlled amounts of electricity in the right places to function. We don't need lots of it, and messing up scales by extending cell wall voltages out to metres really is just misleading.

But but but.... that's a whopping thirty billion volts per kilometer, that's a truly terrifying number! To place things perhaps in better perspective consider that electrical phenomena in the cell are more typically in the millivolt range. So now we can say it's a whopping thirty trillion millivolts per kilometer!!

As long as we're not being alarmist here...

(anybody for microvolts per parsec?)
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That quote of mine regarding volts/meter across the human cell membrane came from this source, about 2:40 into the vid.

Just because someone else also said it doesn't make it sensible. You're smart enough to not fall into the trap of posting clickbait facts. The universe is more than amazing enough as it is without inflating facts until they're nearly meaningless.

If you say that cell membranes tend to have a voltage potential across them of some tens of millivolts and that almost all human systems are in some way dependent on electrical potentials in order to operate that still supports your assertion that humans are electrical beings, and does it in a way that's far less misleading and might actually lead to someone learning something.

Or you can throw big numbers around and hope that people on the internet are impressed. It depends on what you're going for.

The connection between electricity and life - even alien life - is an interesting one.

Have We Found Alien Life?

Microbes that eat and breathe electricity have forced scientists to reimagine how life works—on this planet and others

By Corey S. Powell January 21, 2015

This feature was originally published in the February 2015 issue of Popular Science.

Kenneth Nealson is looking awfully sane for a man who’s basically just told me that he has a colony of aliens incubating in his laboratory.


Yuri Gorby, Rensselaer Polytechnic institute


Because Geobacter metallireducens can eat waste and produce electricity, the bacteria could prove useful in microbial fuel cells.
Science Photo Library/Corbis

"All life manipulates electrical energy. If the electric potential in the ground drops steadily with depth (as happens on Earth), that could indicate successive populations of microbes are pulling electrons from the environment. It would be a low-key First Contact, but revolutionary all the same."

source: imgur, text source: wikipedia
Location: Hessdalen valley in the municipality of Holtålen in Sør-Trøndelag county, Norway.
The Hessdalen light most often appears as a bright white or yellow light of unknown origin standing or floating above the ground level. Sometimes the light can be seen for more than one hour. There are several other types of unexplained lights observed in the Hessdalen valley. Unusual lights have been reported in the region since the 1940s or earlier. Especially high activity of Hessdalen lights took place from December 1981 until the summer of 1984 when lights were observed 15–20 times per week. The frequency of the lights caused a gathering of numerous tourists staying there overnight to see the phenomenon. Since then, the activity has decreased and now[when?] the lights are observed some 10–20 times per year. Several explanations have been put forward but none seem to provide a clear concept of the phenomenon.

Alien from the center of the Earth!
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Statement from a senior manager of the secretive Las Vegas aerospace company contracted to the Pentagon to study diverse activity that included bizarre creatures, poltergeist activity, invisible entities, orbs of light, animal and human injuries and much more.

Updated: May 09, 2018 10:05 AM PDT

LAS VEGAS - BAASS broke new ground in professionalism by hiring, training and deploying 50 full-time staff comprising retired military intelligence and law enforcement officers, PhD level scientists, engineers, technicians, analysts, translators, and project managers to create the largest multi-disciplinary full-time team in history to investigate the UFO topic.

The investigations by BAASS provided new lines of evidence showing that the UFO phenomenon was a lot more than nuts and bolts machines that interacted with military aircraft. The phenomenon also involved a whole panoply of diverse activity that included bizarre creatures, poltergeist activity, invisible entities, orbs of light, animal and human injuries and much more. The exclusive focus on nuts and bolts machines could be considered myopic and unproductive in solving the larger mystery of UFOs.

One of the major successes of BAASS was in adopting the novel approach of utilizing the human body as a readout system for dissecting interactions with the UFO phenomenon. This novel approach aimed to circumvent the increasing evidence of deception and subterfuge by the UFO phenomenon in that multiple eyewitnesses co-located in the same vicinity frequently reported seeing widely different events. The evidence was multiplying that the UFO phenomenon was capable of manipulating and distorting human perception and therefore eyewitness testimony of UFO activity was becoming increasingly untrustworthy.

The BAASS approach was to view the human body as a readout system for UFO effects by utilizing forensic technology, the tools of immunology, cell biology, genomics and neuroanatomy for in depth study of the effects of UFOs on humans. This approach marked a dramatic shift away from the traditional norms of relying on eyewitness testimony as the central evidentiary arm in UFO investigations. The approach aimed to bypass UFO deception and manipulation of human perception by utilizing molecular forensics to decipher the biological consequences of the phenomenon.

The result of applying this new approach was a revolution in delineating the threat level of UFOs.

Harry Reid on What the Government Knows About UFOs
By Eric BensonShare


Photo: Benjamin Bours

Yesterday, we outlined thirteen reasons to take recent reports of UFOs and extraterrestrial life seriously, including a chat with former Senate majority leader Harry Reid about the government’s research into the topic. Here, an extended version of that conversation.

Hi, this is Eric Benson from New York Magazine.
Hi, Eric. Why do you want to talk to me?

Well, because of the New York Times article and the program that you helped bring about.
Well, I’m happy to talk to you. Just let me preface this by saying this, if we’re here to talk about little green men or stuff that you want to look at that was found in New Mexico or something, I’m not interested. If you’re here to talk about science, I’m happy to do that. I’m really glad to do that. I’m glad somebody is interested, because it’s a subject that is being terribly neglected, so I’m happy to talk to you.

13 Reasons to Believe Aliens Are Real
Great. Well, I don’t want to talk to you about little green men.

One thing I am curious about, though, is just where your interest in this subject comes from.
That’s pretty easy. When I first got out of law school many, many years ago, in the mid-’60s, I worked with three other lawyers. A big case we had was a case involving a bunch of rich Las Vegas businessmen. They went into L.A. International Airport, tried to take off, and the plane crashed and killed them all. It was a very interesting case. It went to Supreme Court, a mistrial declared, hung jury, went on for years.

One of the people who was killed in that plane crash was a guy by the name of Bigelow. He was not as wealthy, but he was a wealthy man in Las Vegas who ran a carpet company, Bigelow Carpet. His son was 18 years old when that crash occurred. He’s a central figure in all this. I didn’t know him, but when he was a young man, he heard a story from his grandparents about driving down from Mt. Charleston — that’s a 12,000-foot mountain just ten miles out of Las Vegas — where they saw something in the air. This so-called flying saucer, for lack of a better description. It piqued his curiosity.

He became a very wealthy man. I mean extremely wealthy. During the time that he had some money, he said, “I would like to know more about this.” He would have, several times a year, at his big office here in Las Vegas — knew how to make money buying and selling real estate. He would pay for these seminars, these conferences, and he would bring in scientists, academics, and a few nut cases. That’s a bad way of talking about some people, but, you know — people who were really, in my opinion, kind of on the fringes.

Probably the No. 1 TV journalist in Nevada was a guy by the name of George Knapp. He and I were friends. He had known me for years. He said to me one day, “Hey, I know this guy Bigelow, he’s interested in a subject, I don’t know if you have any interest in it all, but you should get to know him. He’s got a lot of money. He’s kind of an interesting guy. I’ll introduce you. You’ll go to one of those little deals and spend a few hours with him.”

I did that. It was really fascinating quite frankly because there were people trying to figure out what all this aerial phenomenon was. Bigelow knew I was interested.

I’ve always been a voracious reader. I blinded myself in one eye — I used to read really, really fast, and I can still read fairly fast with only one eye; not nearly as fast as I used to. Just a little side note: I took the Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics course here in Las Vegas, and I was told I was the fastest reader they ever had in Nevada. I can read so fast.

How fast are you? Is there a number that represents —
I don’t know. I don’t know. But anyway, to make a long story short, he started sending me tons of stuff. I mean tons of stuff. I read it. A lot of it was nothing that interested me. It was, they reexamined and examined and reexamined the crash in New Mexico that happened down there that everybody knows about that knows anything about this subject. It was repetitive, and I didn’t care. But there was some stuff that interested me. Mainly what interested me is so many people had seen these strange things in the air. That was interesting to me.

I’m in the Senate now and one day was joined by John Glenn, who I thought was just such a wonderful human being. I said to John, “Hey John, I’ve been reading all this stuff, do you have any interest in it?” He said, “I’ve always had an interest in it.” You get the picture so far, right?

I’m in Washington in the Senate and Bob Bigelow called me — I kept in touch with him over the years. He called me and he said, “I got the strangest letter here. Could I have a courier bring it to you?” I said, “Sure.” He didn’t want to send it to me over the lines for obvious reasons.

I read the letter. The letter was from a federal national-security agency. Okay? The letter said, “I am a senior, longtime member of this security agency, and I have a Ph.D.” — I can’t remember in what, in physics for sure, maybe math also. “And,” the letter said, “I’m interested. I’m interested in talking to you, Mr. Bigelow. I have an interest in what you’ve been working on. I want to go to your ranch in Utah.”

Bigelow had bought a great big ranch, a 70-, 100-acre ranch in Utah that was in a basin for more than a century.

Was that the Skinwalker Ranch?
Yeah, that’s it. I called Bigelow back and said, “Hey, I’ll meet with the guy.” I called the guy. He said, “I don’t want to meet at my office, I don’t want to meet at your office. Where can we meet?” I said, “Come to my home.” The two of us met and I was terribly impressed with him. Very low-key scientist. He told me of his interest. I called Bigelow and I said, “This guy, I’ve checked him out and he seems like a pretty nice guy and his credentials are as he says.”

He went, met Bigelow, and after I don’t know how much time went by, he came to me and said, “Something should be done about this.
Somebody should study it.” I was convinced he was right. I said, “Well, if you were me, what would you say to people in power in the United States Senate who have huge control over the spending of defense money?” And here’s what he said: “What I will do is prepare something for you that anyone can look at it that wants to, it’s strictly science.” He put it in scientific language — what the study should consist of.

I, at the time, was the leader of the Senate, and I called two of my friends who for many, many years were like brothers. One a Democrat, one a Republican. They controlled for quite a number of years the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. It was Stevens and Inouye.

As I said in the New York Times article, it was the easiest meeting I ever had. I walked in and I knew so much and Ted Stevens interrupted me and said, “I’ve heard enough.” He said, “Since I was a pilot in World War II, I’ve been tremendously curious, concerned about stuff that we don’t know anything about.” He said, “I was in my airplane alone and off to my left was an object. I could see it. It was so close to me. I would veer up, down, sideways. Wherever I went, it was there. I was starting to get low on fuel, went and landed, and went to the air-traffic controller. I said, ‘Was there anybody up in the air with me?’ The guy said, ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’”

That’s why it was an easy sell for him. He, Ted Stevens, when he was in the military, didn’t go to his superior and say, “I saw the damnedest thing in the air.” Why? Because the work we did, pilots would almost refuse to report this stuff. Why? Because it would hurt them in their promotions and make them look like goofballs.

What we decided to do — it would be black money, we wouldn’t have a big debate on the Senate floor over it. They would put in their defense appropriation bill, 11 million bucks. The purpose of it was to study aerial phenomena. The money was given, a directive was given to the Pentagon, to put this out to bid, which they did.

People may be inquisitive: “How did Bigelow win that bid? Why?” Because he had spent his own money first. For two years, the federal government helped him. Thousands of pages were gathered, just like I told you, of things that had happened. There was no central location where all this stuff was gathered — that’s what he did. He built his building for it. For two years, when we got financial help — but there was a change in leadership and it didn’t work. So the federal government dropped out of the project.

As you’ve heard from a few people since this story came out, Luis Elizondo, for example, he quit, because they wouldn’t do anything seriously. He was terribly interested in this. They’re all mad because the federal government has done nothing. The guy that came to me, his job was in jeopardy because he tried to do something he felt was appropriate. He said to me first time we met, “I don’t know why we’re not doing anything.” He said, “I’ll bet the Chinese are.” He said, “I’ll bet the Russians are. I’ll bet the Japanese are. Why aren’t we doing anything?”

That’s the story. You’ve got in a nutshell, that’s how I got involved in this.

A Sociologist Unpacks Our Fixation With Aliens
This Computer Scientist Thinks He’s Figured Out How to Talk to Aliens
Great. I’m curious: Before you met Bigelow and went to his conferences, probably in the 1990s, were you a science buff? Were you just interested in things like space and aeronautics?
Zero. I’ll give you a couple of facts to support that. I took a math class in high school, geometry. I had to go beg the teacher to give me a D so I could play football. That’s not my strong suit, math and science. But that doesn’t take away the fact that I’m terribly interested. Some of my friends were really interested in science fiction. It bores me. I was never interested in it. Just didn’t care.

Not even the Mercury program, Apollo program? Was that something —
Zero. I mean I read the news. I saw it. That was nice, but it never piqued my curiosity about how they got a rocket into space, that kind of stuff. That was never my interest.

After it became something you were interested in and you got to Congress and the Senate, was it something you discussed with other members, other than Senator Glenn?
No, no, no. Because, Eric, you have to understand, this is a subject people are interested in, but they’re all … how to say this … they’re all afraid of the issue just like the pilots who won’t report these strange things. They’re afraid somebody will think they’re some kind of a wacko. With me, everybody always knew I was a wacko anyway. I didn’t care. I felt everybody knew who I was and it was something I was interested in. If you, or members of the press, want to criticize me, I didn’t care. I found this true because I felt I was doing something for our country.

What was different about talking with Senator Glenn about it?
Hey, listen, this is an ace in World War II and Korea. He’d already been into space, was a wonderful human being. I just cared so much about him. He was truly an American hero.

I traveled with him when I was a relatively new senator. Take, for example, we had to go over the Iron Curtain to Czechoslovakia, and the train stops at the border, and we get out of the train, the whole delegation. They have dogs, and they search us. With Glenn, two of the Russians, or they were Czechs or whatever they were, asked if they could have his autograph. He was a world-famous man.

I felt totally at ease, and he was interested. Did he say to me, “Let’s sit down sometime and have a long talk about this?” Neither of us had time to do that. But he was interested, and that was good enough for me. It helped me not feel like I was some kind of a goofball.

Yeah. Did he recount anything from his astronaut career?
No, he did not go into detail like Stevens did.

You know something interesting? Here in Las Vegas is an Air Force pilot — Joe Biden mentions him in his book, his name is Flynn. He was a colonel in the Air Force. I had gotten to know him. He’s a super-nice guy. I said, “Hey, you ever seen any of these things?” He said, “Of course.” You know, people just don’t talk about them.

I read somewhere, and I don’t know if this is really true at all, that you talked to President Clinton about aerial phenomenon and UFOs during his presidency.
Yes, I did. I did do that. Of course, you could talk to Bill Clinton about oranges. He had such an overwhelming curiosity that he would talk to you about oranges. This was a very passing conversation, but he was interested, of course. That’s just who he was. As you know, one of his No. 1 staffers, John Podesta, who worked for him at Walmart, has publicly supported all this stuff.

Have you talked with John Podesta about this?
Oh sure, he’s called me. Of course he has. He’s glad I did it.

Yeah. Just since the Times article publicized it, or was this something you talked about before?
We had talked about it before.

Why, if you want these things to be more public and more accepted now, why did you feel the need [for it] to be kept secret then?
Because I wanted to get something done. I didn’t want a debate that no one knew what the hell they were talking about on the Senate floor.

Makes sense. When the program was running, was this something that you would be briefed on frequently? Were you briefed on it ever?
No, I left everybody alone. Nope.

You were never briefed?
That’s not my style, nope.

You just weren’t, in terms of reading the reports that they compiled or visiting the facilities?
Let me give you something that the press has totally failed and conjured. We have hundreds and hundreds of papers, pages of paper, that have been available since this was completed. Most all of it, 80 percent at least, is public. You know something? The press has never even looked at it. Not once. That’s where we are. I wanted it public, it was made public, and you guys have not even looked at it.

So, in short, it’s my belief you guys kind of want to be spoon-fed. You don’t want to do any work on your own. I’ve been around you guys my whole adult life, and on something this big, it’s too bad that the press has been so hammered and don’t have the staff they once had that somebody can be assigned to this. If they give you six months to work this, come back with some work on it. Nobody does anymore. They don’t have the resources, I think.

If the press did read those reports … Let me put it this way, I saw you tweeted “we don’t know the answers but we have plenty of evidence to support asking the questions.” To you, what’s the most compelling evidence to support asking a question?
Read the reports. Read the reports. We have hundreds. Eric; two, three weeks ago, maybe a month now, up in Montana, they had another strange deal at a missile base up there. It goes on all the time.

The sightings, those —
There are reports that are in writing that talk about all of this.

Do you know things about this program that you can’t discuss publicly?
Yeah, but there’s plenty that can be discussed publicly, and I’ve tried to do that. I’m interested only in research. I’m interested in science, and in helping the American public understand what the hell is going on. You know at this stage in the reports, we have thousands of people who have seen this stuff. Not hundreds — thousands.
@Dotini I'm confused. Do you or don't you believe in intelligent alien life:
  1. visiting the earth?
  2. highly advanced civilations on other planets or from other dimensions?
  3. USOs
  4. future earthlings coming to our past in UFOs?
@Dotini I'm confused. Do you or don't you believe in intelligent alien life:
  1. visiting the earth?
  2. highly advanced civilations on other planets or from other dimensions?
  3. USOs
  4. future earthlings coming to our past in UFOs?

Since he'll probably be long winded about it, the short answer from my debates with him on it, is no. He seems to be more accustomed to other theories like those from a parallel time line, or simple time travelers. Or those who are similar to us but cross dimensional.
Since he'll probably be long winded about it, the short answer from my debates with him on it, is no. He seems to be more accustomed to other theories like those from a parallel time line, or simple time travelers. Or those who are similar to us but cross dimensional.

I don't think it's fair to call people who can time travel; simple... :lol:
@Dotini I'm confused. Do you or don't you believe in intelligent alien life:
  1. visiting the earth?
  2. highly advanced civilations on other planets or from other dimensions?
  3. USOs
  4. future earthlings coming to our past in UFOs?
Thank you for your questions. I don't know that I "believe in" is exactly the best phrase. I "consider" or "evaluate the possibilities" may be a better way to put it.

Anyway, as to your questions.
1. I do not believe that intelligent extraterrestrial biological alien life is currently visiting Earth. Sometimes it might seem that way, but that is a deception.
2. I do not believe there are highly highly advanced extraterrestrial biological alien civilizations on other planets or from other dimensions. I admit this is a possibility, but I see no good evidence or firm requirement for it to be true.
3. USOs and UFOs I consider to be of the same nature, the same thing. UFOs can travel through space, air, water and maybe even earth and rock.
4. I do not believe future Earthlings are coming to Earth in UFOs.

What I do believe is that consciousness, a higher and more developed form of consciousness than our own, underlies all the mysteries you refer to. I believe that at least some UFOs are conscious (but not living in the biological sense) and can change shape, size, color, and other physical characteristics. I believe this phenomena can temporarily take the form of objects or beings imagined in the human consciousness. I believe this phenomena predates human civilization but is concerned, even bound, with humanity, particularly our nuclear technology.
Thank you for your questions. I don't know that I "believe in" is exactly the best phrase. I "consider" or "evaluate the possibilities" may be a better way to put it.

Anyway, as to your questions.
1. I do not believe that intelligent extraterrestrial biological alien life is currently visiting Earth. Sometimes it might seem that way, but that is a deception.
2. I do not believe there are highly highly advanced extraterrestrial biological alien civilizations on other planets or from other dimensions. I admit this is a possibility, but I see no good evidence or firm requirement for it to be true.
3. USOs and UFOs I consider to be of the same nature, the same thing. UFOs can travel through space, air, water and maybe even earth and rock.
4. I do not believe future Earthlings are coming to Earth in UFOs.

What I do believe is that consciousness, a higher and more developed form of consciousness than our own, underlies all the mysteries you refer to. I believe that at least some UFOs are conscious (but not living in the biological sense) and can change shape, size, color, and other physical characteristics. I believe this phenomena can temporarily take the form of objects or beings imagined in the human consciousness. I believe this phenomena predates human civilization but is concerned, even bound, with humanity, particularly our nuclear technology.
So you believe UFO's are manifestations of god?
I don't think it's fair to call people who can time travel; simple... :lol:

Well simple is to basically put it in a sense of people traverse time as most casual viewers perceive it. In reality I could make it more difficult, but instead decided to make it simplified for those that don't understand. Simple being that a casual person who thinks of time travel usually tends to see people going forward in time or backward.

Anyways your joke is noted, so thanks for that.
So you believe UFO's are manifestations of god?
Thank you for your question!

But No. I do not believe in God and I have never been a member of any religion. I believe only in nature, and not anything supernatural. That said, there is nothing preventing the UFO phenomena from masquerading as somebody's idea of a god.
Thank you for your question!

But No. I do not believe in God and I have never been a member of any religion. I believe only in nature, and not anything supernatural. That said, there is nothing preventing the UFO phenomena from masquerading as somebody's idea of a god.

But you just described UFO's as possibly being, essentially supernatural...
But you just described UFO's as possibly being, essentially supernatural...

It might seem that way, since our current science and its philosophy of strict materialism do not currently explain the phenomena encountered. However, I have every confidence that physics will evolve over time to explain the phenomena. But first it must remove the fetters of materialism and get a grip on consciousness!
It might seem that way, since our current science and its philosophy of strict materialism do not currently explain the phenomena encountered. However, I have every confidence that physics will evolve over time to explain the phenomena. But first it must remove the fetters of materialism and get a grip on consciousness!

So, wouldn't it be more accurate to say that you don't know what UFO's are? Rather than just making random stuff up?

I don't mean to be rude or anything, just seems a bit needless :P
So, wouldn't it be more accurate to say that you don't know what UFO's are? Rather than just making random stuff up?

I don't mean to be rude or anything, just seems a bit needless :P
Sorry sir, but I'm not making anything up. Everything I have said has a provenance in the literature. Of primary interest to you may be the (many) works of Jacques Vallee. There are others.
Sorry sir, but I'm not making anything up. Everything I have said has a provenance in the literature. Of primary interest to you may be the (many) works of Jacques Vallee. There are others.

What I do believe is that consciousness, a higher and more developed form of consciousness than our own, underlies all the mysteries you refer to. I believe that at least some UFOs are conscious (but not living in the biological sense) and can change shape, size, color, and other physical characteristics. I believe this phenomena can temporarily take the form of objects or beings imagined in the human consciousness. I believe this phenomena predates human civilization but is concerned, even bound, with humanity, particularly our nuclear technology.

Maybe 'made up' is the wrong term of phrase, but you're belief in the possible cause(s) of UFO's has no factual basis. You use the word 'believe' many times in that post, why the need to believe in anything? I'm just curious as you seem to be pretty interested in the subject
Maybe 'made up' is the wrong term of phrase, but you're belief in the possible cause(s) of UFO's has no factual basis. You use the word 'believe' many times in that post, why the need to believe in anything? I'm just curious as you seem to be pretty interested in the subject
Please reman calm, polite and respectful, and I will continue to work with you. Thank you.

Firstly, I never claimed anything I stated as fact. Secondly, I qualified the use of the term "belief" in post #2151 above. Above all, the UFO question is a great mystery. After decades of denial and obfuscation, the US government has recently acknowledged the UFO phenomena as a reality, worth taxpayer money to study, but has offered no explanation. Finally, I do not feel a need to "believe", but I do feel a need to understand and explain what is going on. I, my family, and a whole bunch of other people, all encountered a spectacular manifestation of UFOs exhibiting bizarre shapeshifting characteristics near a US Navy submarine base (and my fishing cabin) back in the mid-1960's. I've been curious about the phenomena ever since.

I am not the only one interested in the phenomena. Many Americans are interested. However, here in this forum, there are only a very few. It's easy to get led astray, make absurd sounding claims and be labelled a nut. That's the price I pay for being open about my experience and my curiosity.