Assetto corsa coming to PS4 and Xbox one

  • Thread starter hennessey86
Great video, and @Donnced every time i see you have posted a comment here, i expect it to be news about this damn console update lol!!

On another note, the video again shows how simple the menus still are in the console version. I really hope this changes with the next, coming update, the console version almost looks like a demo version of the game compared to PC! :P

Alright need some opinions here. Getting a quicker pc than I'm used to, I want to know what great racing Sims I should try out THAT ARE EASY TO RUN. I'm talking stuff from the mid 2000s that don't have to look great, but I just want to know what's a good place to start.

You can get all the old SimBin titles, like GTR, GTL, Race07, for super cheap on Steam and I'd bet most of those would run fairly well on a modest PC.
Other video with quite some information about assetto corsa.

For those that don't understand a word of Italian...
A user from support forum made a resumed translation form things said in the conference about assetto and the difficulties they've encountered with the consoles.

For those that don't can enter this section of the assetto support forum i let the text below:

"Codemotion" conference (March 22-25th), Italian audio.
A couple of weeks ago, two Kunos' developers (Alessandro Piva and Fabrizio Brugnaro) revealed a few interesting things about the console porting and development challenges.
Key points (no full transcript, sorry) were:

1) First (working) console version was already running in December 2014. It was a very basic port: no audio, no GUI, low framerate: 10/15 FPS even with just four cars around the track.

2) Main performance challenge was related to consoles' CPUs. Much less power compared to PC, due to lower clock speeds and mobile architecture. -50% performance compared to same-clock desktop CPUs.

3) Console hardware: 6 CPU cores available: 3 used for the physics, 2 for the graphics and 1 for sound. Multi-threading was essential to bump the performance.

4) Assets' differences:
Some assets (models, textures, sounds etc.) needed to be converted or pre-processed for console builds due to different formats (DDS textures on PC, GNF on PS4, for example).
Sony and Microsoft offer devs their SDKs, with built-in tools and assets to improve optimization from this POV. Kunos created an automatic conversion process. No extra work for 3D artists and possibility to "clean" and regenerate assets if found glitched during the conversion process.

5) Software:
Assetto Corsa on consoles uses three middlewares: Scaleform for GUI, FMOD for audio, Yebis for post-processing. Middlewares can be useful (many features available) and problematic at the same times (high number of bugs that require some time before being fixed by software companies). This further complicates the whole development process.

6) TRC (Technical Requirements Checklist) by Sony and Microsoft.
There's a ton of stuff that Kunos needs to take care of because of Sony's and Microsoft's functional and technical rules (pretty much for everything).
All of them need to be in place and working as intended or you're back to the drawing board.
Kunos needed someone to deal with this time-consuming and complex submission process.

7) GUI porting:
On PC, the UI was meant to be used with a mouse and not ready for a console port.
Many UI things needed to be completely rebuilt and/or adapted where possible. Took lots of time and efforts.
The save systems are also much different between PC (very simple) and consoles (replay, setups, ghost treated differently compared to PC).

8) QA tests:
On PC, there's a small group of expert players/enthusiasts who performs specific gameplay tests. On consoles, the long list of TRC required an external QA team, which didn't really focus on gameplay aspects. Some bugs and glitches were not spotted due to this reason.

All in all, I think there's lots of behind-the-scenes work going on that we, console players, are unaware of, especially on the TRC sides. Anyway, I hope some of you may find those things interesting. Thanks for reading.
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You understand Italian?
Hi mate...

Here's a link with some translation of the video :

For those that can't open the link i let the text below :

"Codemotion" conference (March 22-25th), Italian audio.
A couple of weeks ago, two Kunos' developers (Alessandro Piva and Fabrizio Brugnaro) revealed a few interesting things about the console porting and development challenges.
Key points (no full transcript, sorry) were:

1) First (working) console version was already running in December 2014. It was a very basic port: no audio, no GUI, low framerate: 10/15 FPS even with just four cars around the track.

2) Main performance challenge was related to consoles' CPUs. Much less power compared to PC, due to lower clock speeds and mobile architecture. -50% performance compared to same-clock desktop CPUs.

3) Console hardware: 6 CPU cores available: 3 used for the physics, 2 for the graphics and 1 for sound. Multi-threading was essential to bump the performance.

4) Assets' differences:
Some assets (models, textures, sounds etc.) needed to be converted or pre-processed for console builds due to different formats (DDS textures on PC, GNF on PS4, for example).
Sony and Microsoft offer devs their SDKs, with built-in tools and assets to improve optimization from this POV. Kunos created an automatic conversion process. No extra work for 3D artists and possibility to "clean" and regenerate assets if found glitched during the conversion process.

5) Software:
Assetto Corsa on consoles uses three middlewares: Scaleform for GUI, FMOD for audio, Yebis for post-processing. Middlewares can be useful (many features available) and problematic at the same times (high number of bugs that require some time before being fixed by software companies). This further complicates the whole development process.

6) TRC (Technical Requirements Checklist) by Sony and Microsoft.
There's a ton of stuff that Kunos needs to take care of because of Sony's and Microsoft's functional and technical rules (pretty much for everything).
All of them need to be in place and working as intended or you're back to the drawing board.
Kunos needed someone to deal with this time-consuming and complex submission process.

7) GUI porting:
On PC, the UI was meant to be used with a mouse and not ready for a console port.
Many UI things needed to be completely rebuilt and/or adapted where possible. Took lots of time and efforts.
The save systems are also much different between PC (very simple) and consoles (replay, setups, ghost treated differently compared to PC).

8) QA tests:
On PC, there's a small group of expert players/enthusiasts who performs specific gameplay tests. On consoles, the long list of TRC required an external QA team, which didn't really focus on gameplay aspects. Some bugs and glitches were not spotted due to this reason.

All in all, I think there's lots of behind-the-scenes work going on that we, console players, are unaware of, especially on the TRC sides. Anyway, I hope some of you may find those things interesting. Thanks for reading.
Couldn't force myself to like this. Glad I play dark souls 3 lol

Well.... I Got a invite to the GT sport beta...

But PD is so smart that they have closed the "arcade mode" and Don't allow to play offline..
And to play online we have to wait until Saturday afternoon... :banghead::D

You can only view some of the IU pages..

What a smart idea to make a beta testing version that you can't play with :D

Glad i play assetto & pcars :D
Other video with quite some information about assetto corsa.

Thanks for posting that. I do note that there was a glaring omission as to why they couldn't include customisable lobbies from day one :-(

I would like to point out to Kunos that yes porting to console is hard and yes they had problems BUT no one forced them to do it. It was their idea, their choice. It is no excuse as to why console users get such a raw deal.

On this note I would also like to add we are nearly halfway through this month and where is update 1.14 and customisable lobbies? Still no word except this spiel about how hard it has been.

I am sorry to say to Kunos that the above "sob story" of their difficulties does not generate the slightest bit of sympathy from me (or probably any other console user).

All I can say is this is probably the prelude to another delay and we are just be warmed up for yet another disappointment >:-(
Thanks for posting that. I do note that there was a glaring omission as to why they couldn't include customisable lobbies from day one :-(

I would like to point out to Kunos that yes porting to console is hard and yes they had problems BUT no one forced them to do it. It was their idea, their choice. It is no excuse as to why console users get such a raw deal.

On this note I would also like to add we are nearly halfway through this month and where is update 1.14 and customisable lobbies? Still no word except this spiel about how hard it has been.

I am sorry to say to Kunos that the above "sob story" of their difficulties does not generate the slightest bit of sympathy from me (or probably any other console user).

All I can say is this is probably the prelude to another delay and we are just be warmed up for yet another disappointment >:-(
Well, hurry up and wait. Posting the same stuff over and over again is not going to make it appear any faster. No one forced you to buy the game either. Do your homework before your next purchase, then you won't be so disappointed when something isn't included or patched into a game. GT6, PCars and so many other games are still not fixed or finished to this day and have had countless patches, fixes and updates.
Well, hurry up and wait. Posting the same stuff over and over again is not going to make it appear any faster. No one forced you to buy the game either. Do your homework before your next purchase, then you won't be so disappointed when something isn't included or patched into a game. GT6, PCars and so many other games are still not fixed or finished to this day and have had countless patches, fixes and updates.

Just to be crystal clear on this point I had already purchased the game here in Australia when Kunos announced via Facebook (IIRC) that customisable lobbies were not included. I should also like to point out hat Kunos's Official web site *STILL* states that online is fully customisable for PS4.

So please explain to me where I failed in my due diligence before I parted with my hard earned cash?

While we are at it, why not take your same sarcasm and post on the official forums how you are sick and tired of hearing how hard it is for Kunos to port the game to console?

Also I am not the one that has over promised, under delivered and is now trying to make excuses either!
I've been playing the GTS beta exclusively for past 3 weeks.

I took a Huayra out onto Nords in AC last night.

I couldn't keep it on the road, gave up.

Maybe I should have eased back into it with a more tame vehicle.

The same thing happened to me on the first lap out of the pits in the "Moby Dick" the other day, and i've been playing AC every day practically since launch day! :lol:

I was proud of myself for keeping her out of those barriers though! :D
I think console users are not aware of the fact that PC users don't have custom lobbies either. Not from the UI at least. You need to set up your server almost manually, or rent an external server and configure it.

I'm sure Sony and MS don't allow this, or you would have had the same "custom lobbies" we have from day one.

All this custom lobbies stuff is being developed just for the console guys.
Well.... I Got a invite to the GT sport beta...
View attachment 640789 View attachment 640790 View attachment 640791

But PD is so smart that they have closed the "arcade mode" and Don't allow to play offline..
And to play online we have to wait until Saturday afternoon... :banghead::D

You can only view some of the IU pages..

What a smart idea to make a beta testing version that you can't play with :D

Glad i play assetto & pcars :D

Let us know if it is any good.

I think console users are not aware of the fact that PC users don't have custom lobbies either. Not from the UI at least. You need to set up your server almost manually, or rent an external server and configure it.

I'm sure Sony and MS don't allow this, or you would have had the same "custom lobbies" we have from day one.

All this custom lobbies stuff is being developed just for the console guys.
Well pc has custom servers making up for that.
Well pc has custom servers making up for that.

That was his point though, it's not something built into the game or something that everyone can do. It requires a separate app, port forwarding of your router, plugging in a bunch of weird numbers into the correct boxes, and a fairly fast internet connection (if you want to allow more than a handful of people in the room). I'd say the majority of PC players do not know how to get it setup or don't have good enough internet speed to host a sizeable server so they are dependent on other people to setup servers that they can join. Not that that makes the lack of private lobbies on console any easier to accept, he was just pointing out that hosting any kind of server (private or otherwise) is an option the majority of PC players don't really have access to.
Is that car as terrible on the console as it is on PC? I find it to be practically undriveable, it goes great but it absolutely refuses to turn or stop. I was really looking forward to it but it probably gets my vote for worst car in the game. :crazy:

It does turn like a bus but I can enjoy it after a few laps of adapting to it.
It does turn like a bus but I can enjoy it after a few laps of adapting to it.

I wish I could. I've only driven it two or three times but I doubt I'll ever touch it again. Sucks, that was one of the cars I was looking forward to the most of all the Porsches but I was not aware that it had the cornering performance of a hovercraft. :lol:
I wish I could. I've only driven it two or three times but I doubt I'll ever touch it again. Sucks, that was one of the cars I was looking forward to the most of all the Porsches but I was not aware that it had the cornering performance of a hovercraft. :lol:

Let's not forget it's named after a whale. Not exactly the most agile creature around.

I'd say it helps driving it on circuits with decent flow through the bends, thus steering the thing becomes less demanding. It almost makes sense that it only won the 6 Hours of Silverstone. The 1960s layout in AC shouldn't be too different from the 1978 track after all. I've read that someone had the balls to enter the car on the Norisring, but it had trouble navigating the tight corners and eventually retired. No wonder if AC's Moby Dick is anything to go by.
That was his point though, it's not something built into the game or something that everyone can do. It requires a separate app, port forwarding of your router, plugging in a bunch of weird numbers into the correct boxes, and a fairly fast internet connection (if you want to allow more than a handful of people in the room). I'd say the majority of PC players do not know how to get it setup or don't have good enough internet speed to host a sizeable server so they are dependent on other people to setup servers that they can join. Not that that makes the lack of private lobbies on console any easier to accept, he was just pointing out that hosting any kind of server (private or otherwise) is an option the majority of PC players don't really have access to.

What is fairly fast?
What is fairly fast?

What Wiz said. In my area 4mb upload generally requires you to pay extra for one of the mid-level packages, I think the normal packages a lot of people have are maybe 1-2mb upload which would really limit the number of people you can have in a server. I have the package that's just above the mid-level package and I get about 5mb upload which is probably enough to host closer to 20.