Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Played the Pac Standard with a group that were friends, from all setups and finale. Best run of a heist I've had since I came back, as only 1 person died, in the finale.

Then a griefer claimed I was a hacker, saying he has friends who work with Sony. He think I spawned myself with a hack, but all I did was join a random heist setup and quit. That took me out of my garage where he was camping to the middle of Los Santos. Then when he chased me again, I started a playlist, and quit. This took me off the map and allowed me to add ammo and armor.

This while he sent msg ingame calling me out for hiding, then of course he activated Ghost Organization.
Having just finished a Courier Service mission on GTA last night, I went to go get in my Comet Retro and saw quite possibly the greatest thing I'd ever seen in GTA. An AI driven Cavalcade had somehow ended up in the alleyway near Franklin's house (right next to the car wash) and was having "issues" getting back onto the road. He kept crashing into a wall, reversing, and then crashing again up until he got stuck between a lamppost and garage door, and just crashed inbetween the two until the car caught fire and blew up, taking the driver with it.
Played a couple of custom LTS. First sounds like a good idea. It was something like X-wings (really Hydras) vs. Star Killer Base. Someone created a faux starship above Sandy Shores airstrip and the idea was to attack it with hydras. I think it may have been more fun if: there were more players, and if the other team player wasn't 6 years old. Seriously he was singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the mic.

Next one was pretty fun, it was Bowling vs. RPG. One team on a huge ramp, the other at the bottom and the idea was to shoot down the ramp and flatten the opposition, or destroy the 'bowling balls' with RPG's. Played this 3 times in a row.

Now, is there a bug where you can't select your Saved Outfits? I went to Ponsobys to buy some clothes and tried to save the outfit. I managed to fumble the buttons somehow trying to select my Duffel outfit and accidently overwrote it with my new more Duffel :ouch:
Last night I witnessed a new personal record. I was in a lobby and noticed a large crew presence. I can't recall the crew tag but it was something like, kill, Rage, deth or some sort of try hard name.

Anyway, the whole lobby was under siege from one level 500+ in a Laser. His K/D ratio was something like 14+ and he was labeled a dodgy player so he obviously spends his entire GTA life going in and out of bad sport and spending millions on car insurance and of course, the constant cost of ghost organisation.

Anyway, he crashed his jet, I got mine and decided to give him a taste of hot jet Revenge. I could sense the whole lobby (apart from his own crew who didn't help him once) was rooting for me.

To cut a long story short I lost count at...........60+ sticky bomb suicides from him. Could have been 70+ and I didn't kill him once even though I'm a pretty good pilot and a good guesser of possible spawn locations (roughly)

After 10+ sticky deaths i was bored of him but I wondered how long he could keep it up. Turned out he kept it up longer than my brain would allow me to watch. I landed and drove around in my Infernus. He of course ghost organisation'd his way to the fort, got a jet and just carried on killing everyone he could.

Not me though because his crew who where all very high lvl players resorted to that tried and tested cringe tactic of vote to kick. So I was kicked about 20 minutes later.

The next lobby i went in was pretty empty, about 8 randoms. I had a bounty on me and was killed by another random with a bounty. I spawned, killed him and claimed his 7 grand bounty.....a few minutes later I was kicked from that lobby too. He messaged everyone in the lobby and asked them to kick me. So now I have realised that try hards can also be called cry hards.

In the midst of all that I would still randomly get 2 grand for good behaviour even though I was getting voted out.
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Last night I witnessed a new personal record. I was in a lobby and noticed a large crew presence. I can't recall the crew tag but it was something like, kill, Rage, deth or some sort of try hard name.

Anyway, the whole lobby was under siege from one level 500+ in a Laser. His K/D ratio was something like 14+ and he was labeled a dodgy player so he obviously spends his entire GTA life going in and out of bad sport and spending millions on car insurance and of course, the constant cost of ghost organisation.

Anyway, he crashed his jet, I got mine and decided to give him a taste of hot jet Revenge. I could sense the whole lobby (apart from his own crew who didn't help him once) was rooting for me.

To cut a long story short I lost count at...........60+ sticky bomb suicides from him. Could have been 70+ and I didn't kill him once even though I'm a pretty good pilot and a good guesser of possible spawn locations (roughly)

After 10+ sticky deaths i was bored of him but I wondered how long he could keep it up. Turned out he kept it up longer than my brain would allow me to watch. I landed and drove around in my Infernus. He of course ghost organisation'd his way to the fort, got a jet and just carried on killing everyone he could.

Not me though because his crew who where all very high lvl players resorted to that tried and tested cringe tactic of vote to kick. So I was kicked about 20 minutes later.

The next lobby i went in was pretty empty, about 8 randoms. I had a bounty on me and was killed by another random with a bounty. I spawned, killed him and claimed his 7 grand bounty.....a few minutes later I was kicked from that lobby too. He messaged everyone in the lobby and asked them to kick me. So now I have realised that try hards can also be called cry hards.

In the midst of all the I would still randomly get 2 grand for good behaviour even though I was getting voted out.

I wish that I had thought of calling them cry hards now. :lol: Those are the type of players that try to vote me out of lobbies as well. They wind up being the biggest 🤬 talkers too and complain when people use douche tactics they've used against them. It's even worse on the 3 now with the transfer window being long gone, but then again, I usually don't have many things to worry about since my crew leader is a modder and I pay attention to the lobby list.
I do tend to get voted out a lot. I think it must be being level 300 odd cause I rarely interact with other people but yet somehow I end up with the "people are voting to kick you" message rather often.
The other day I witnessed someone landing a Mallard on a flatbed truck, not sure how that happened, but the player turned it into a suicide bomb mission as a few tank trucks were passing by including one being driven by another player. The bomber set off a huge explosion that actually lagged the game for a few seconds. I ended up getting a face full of flaming truck and dying. :lol::lol::lol:
I just spawned and a scrub in a DoD ran me over. So...called my Buzzard and fired at him until he ran into a tunnel. Caught up to him, and killed him a few times. Damn scrub voted to kick me AFTER running me over for no reason.

When you complete a Pac Standard and get reinvited *The lobby you're trying to join is full, blah blah blah*
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Oh yes, the "kill upon spawn" kills (and deaths too). The other day I joined a session and immediately got suicide bombed by a player in a nosediving Luxor. Then later in the same session I got mowed over and killed by several speeding NPCs after a player fired off some grenades in the middle of the road.
Here's a recent one when I was breaking in the Dukes O Death.

After finishing it in bright orange and completed it with the Dixie Horn, I took it for a spin and tested its metal (Pun very much intended. :D)

After body slamming some unfortunate LS citizens in their cars, I first went after someone delivering a car to Martins actual house, but was unable to catch up to them before they delivered it.

Undeterred, I parked up in the driveway and the guy came round front and ducked behind a tree, we both were expecting the other to start shooting so it was pretty tense for a moment until he walked past and got into his 811 and this is where it got fun. :)

After he got in and I tested the DOD's ramming power on player vehicles, he must of clicked on to what I was trying to do which was wreck his car and yet not kill him, so we holstered our weapons and had a back to basics car chase across downtown LS. :cheers:

He had outright speed and handling, but a loose set of hands to tame it whilst I had stability, pushing power and a steady set of hands to launch the DOD at him every time he made a mistake.

After battering seven bells out of his car, we ended up near where the cheapest CEO office is and were pretty much calling it a draw when 2 players came in our direction, A CEO with a bodyguard delivering a Cheetah with the bodyguard driving a modified 9F, the 811 tears out of there while I decided to put the DOD's armour to the test. :cool:

They were heading for the cheapest vehicle warehouse and had no intentions of letting me get near the Cheetah so out came the stickies, first one launches me up but doesn't kill me, second one blows the hood off my car.

Just after this I rammed the 9F into a building and started to fire AP pistol rounds into the Cheetah, about a minute later we were approaching the Industrial area where the warehouse is and I knew I had to take him out then and there so when he slowed down to turn right, I didn't flinch. :mischievous:

Because the junction had a small, sharp incline on it when I hit him, it launched him quite high, like I just did the automotive equivalent of an uppercut. :D

After he crashed back down to earth and taking a 3rd sticky bomb, I shot the driver, rilddled the Cheetah with bullets, turned round to ram it again and got blown up by a 4th sticky bomb. :ouch:

All wasn't in vain though, either the DOD blew up the Cheetah or I had done enough damage to it to make them decide it wasn't worth fixing and they torched it, plus they also paid for the DOD to get replaced. :P

CEO left a few minutes later and I was back in my DOD like nothing happened. :lol:

So in summary,

Strong points of the DOD: Pretty quick, can tank a few sticky bombs with upgraded armour and does a better job at bulldozing other cars than the Karuma.

Weak points: Drivers not as protected as in the Karuma, only seats two and if you're not a returning player, more expensive than the Karuma.

Still give it a 9/10 even if you just use it to bully NPC's off the road. ;)👍
Oh boy. I need details. :lol:
Typical players who think it's a good idea to drive a Duke o' Death into a corner at full throttle in the rain, and then failing to realize what they're doing wrong and complaining about how it isn't a supercar race.

That, and the Sabre Custom is offensively overpowered. :P
Typical players who think it's a good idea to drive a Duke o' Death into a corner at full throttle in the rain, and then failing to realize what they're doing wrong and complaining about how it isn't a supercar race.

That, and the Sabre Custom is offensively overpowered. :P

Forget the DoD- just rain races in general trigger the hell out of people that can't drive. Rain races are the most entertaining because of both the chaos that occurs (especially with traffic) and the crying from people who can't drive in the rain. :lol:
Another day, another session of Duke O Duke testing/shenanigans. :P

This time it was a CEO in an Insurgent that caught my attention and I proceeded to have a heavy metal battle with him across the city ( again not trying to actively kill him.)

The DOD did well in actually affecting the Insurgent with hits, but what I didn't count on were his two associates showing up in some more high tech heavy metal.

Not one, but TWO Runier 2000's showed up to unlevel the playing field in their favour, :scared: Good thing that half the time I could just avoid about the incoming heat seekers, but the DOD could tank the missiles and the odd sticky thrown.

After they blew up my car, they would try and use their strength in numbers and armour to try and kill me more, granted they did get some kills, but I killed them even more to compensate. :D

Then I call for the DOD again and round 2 would begin, this time a Ramp Buggy replaced one of the Ruiners which launched me a few times and then hilariously getting blown up by friendly fire from the Ruiner 2000. :lol:

Everytime I got blown up, I racked up kills on them trying to beat me down again, ironically they were safer from me when I was in my Dukes. :sly:

Eventually after 2 of them went and hid on a train and me wrecking the CEO who hid at the front of it, I came across two randoms in armoured cars, a Karuma and LWB Baller who actually cruised with me around LS for a while, ending with me racing the Baller to Paleto Bay which I won, but sank the DOD after crossing the line. :(

Guy in the Baller was sporting enough to give me a lift back to LS. ;)👍

All in all, Great day of chaos and fun. :)
The joy of Contact Missions where some people won't finish the objective for 15+ minutes.

Then joining a random Los Santos Connection, and end up playing 5-6 missions in a row.

Also.... Hurry up and allow us to rearrange our garages again. Damn dupers.
The joy of Contact Missions where some people won't finish the objective for 15+ minutes.

Then joining a random Los Santos Connection, and end up playing 5-6 missions in a row.

Also.... Hurry up and allow us to rearrange our garages again.
Damn dupers.

You can! I just did it 👍
Thought I was done with the Duke O Death? Guess again. :P

But this time it was another DOD I was against and I'll tell ya, this guy was persistent in chasing me.

Every time I'd kill him, he'll jump back in his car and get back after me again.

It was quite tense too, at one point I lost one of my doors and I had drive more smartly to avoid him getting a clean shot.

And since you can't shoot out the back window, I had to get ballsy in how I fought back, something like this..

And that wasn't the only time I had to go backwards to take him out either. :sly:

But each time I took him out I left his car in one piece, He takes me out once and then blows up my car afterwards. :rolleyes:

Ah well, his money's paying for it and not mine. :D
Here we see the host of the Prison Break face planting, and failing the heist. This was the restart after he died in the prison.
I imagine that the person who coded those aimbots that come after you in Source Vehicle Missions is an utter piece of crap. There is no way a human could keep their aim on a point if they're in a chopper that's constantly pitching back and forth. :mad:
I imagine that the person who coded those aimbots that come after you in Source Vehicle Missions is an utter piece of crap. There is no way a human could keep their aim on a point if they're in a chopper that's constantly pitching back and forth. :mad:

How about the bots chasing you in Grangers during Mixed Up With Coke? I can't suspend my disbelief when they're hitting me and my Buzzard with frickin' Micro SMGs!
I imagine that the person who coded those aimbots that come after you in Source Vehicle Missions is an utter piece of crap. There is no way a human could keep their aim on a point if they're in a chopper that's constantly pitching back and forth. :mad:
Exactly. That Armored Schafter + SuperVolito combo is deadly. Not only can the Schafters tank a rocket so my Buzzard support, if I have any, isn't that effective, but as you said they have over 9000% accuracy and can constantly hit me through the back window with an Uzi... One mistake, which is very easy thanks to the traffic that was surely scripted to screw you over (really R*? Switching into the opposite lane just to crash head-on into me?) means they're all over you and the repair cost will soar.

The blue Sultans in export missions are just as bad too, somehow they have this rubber banding effect similar to cops and can use their Rocket Voltic-like acceleration to crash into me and launch me all the way to Liberty City... RIP my commission.
Are there any effective means for dealing with the choppers when sourcing a vehicle? I can relate.
I guess if you have someone as air support in a Hydra, Buzzard or Savage you can deal with them effectively. If you're solo, the only thing you can do is stop every time a chopper shows up and shoot it down with the homing launcher. Otherwise simply drive as fast as you can and take the damage, though that's easier said than done when driving a Z-Type from Paleto Bay to El Burro Heights... :scared:
Are there any effective means for dealing with the choppers when sourcing a vehicle? I can relate.

If it's safe to do so (as in, no other hostile players around), get out of your car and just shoot them down. You'll only ever see four waves of enemies (aside from police) in any sourcing mission, including the AI crew that attacks you when you try to deliver a car in an empty public lobby. It takes longer, but it's generally cheaper than taking the damage on its own.
I imagine that the person who coded those aimbots that come after you in Source Vehicle Missions is an utter piece of crap. There is no way a human could keep their aim on a point if they're in a chopper that's constantly pitching back and forth. :mad:
You know what's worse than getting chased by aimbots coded by the sort of person who unironically uses "snowflake" as an insult? Doing it with a horrendous hangover.
So I decided to play some GTA Online again yesterday, and was driving around in my F40 when some idiot on a Bati 801 decided to sneak up and blow it up with a sticky bomb. So, after reclaiming my car I then saw he was heading towards the RR LSC and thought I'd park outside, plant a sticky bomb where he would spawn out and wait. He then walks out, I blow him up and then I drive off.

Several (in-game) hours later, I pick up someone in a police shootout and we end up getting into a 10-15 minute police chase in my F40. A few minutes after we lose the cops I stop to drop him off when I hear a distant jet engine. He then tried to frantically shoot my F40 with his explosive cannon, missing every shot, before slamming into a street light in a bid to close the distance, leaving my F40 completely unscathed, which resulted in his Hydra blowing up. He then rage quit after that.