CLASSIC RACING - Sundays 17:00-19:00 BST - CONGRATULATIONS CHAMPIONS Flaco & Lex LathorFinished 

Important Notice for Racers

Change of Track - There are still problems with Mount Panorama (not completely fixed by recent updates) therefore on Sunday we will use Red Bull Ring Mini - apologies for late notice, but I could not risk the online problems which some people are still experiencing at that track.

Deputy Hosts - with the current absence of IfAndOr for a couple of weeks due to PS3 problems - it is important to have a Deputy Host in case I get disconnection problems. I am therefore asking Lex Lathor and Emotional Rekz to be Deputy Hosts - they both have microphones and are very experienced and good racers who know how the meeting runs.

You may have noticed that our rooms are now labelled full. With immediate effect we are now implementing a regular and reserve driver system - to avoid disappointment through over filling or under filling the room it is now important that people let me know about absence / attendance.

With regular drivers I will assume that they are attending unless notified otherwise.

With reserve drivers I will assume that they are Not attending unless they indicate otherwise.

Regular Drivers
1 Sick Cylinder
2 IfAndOr - Currently absent
3 Harsk - Currently absent
4 Lex Lathor
5 Flaco
6 Emotional Rekz
7 SmileyWRX
8 Bergele/Cu3e
9 Racercad/TheJohnG - absence notified
10 Maximusmonster
11 BTHPimiki
12 Kisko
13 HVainOla
14 Tony Lomas

Reserve Drivers
Whispercrew/Jbaffoh - attending Sunday
UKmalB - attending Sunday
Danielsspel - attending Sunday
Emjayel - unsure of attendance
EdenKnight - unsure of attendance
Bic44/Benny44 - unsure of attendance
S Bridge - unsure of attendance

This Sunday 14 racers expected therefore 2 spare grid slots available.

A reserve driver can become a regular driver by attending regularly i.e. 3 out of 4 Sundays or higher.
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Racercad is out for the Red Bull Ring. Just a notice for the reserve drivers out there.
Have a great race everybody.
Racercad is out for the Red Bull Ring. Just a notice for the reserve drivers out there.
Have a great race everybody.

Thanks Racercad and see you next week - I have amended the driver list above accordingly and will notify Emjayel and EdenKnight that there are vacant slots first as they were the most recent attendees.
I haven't been able to log on to PSN for the last 4 hours (currently almost 14:00 BST) - I keep getting error message 80710092

If I cannot get on by 17:00, the Deputy Hosts Lex Lathor or Emotional Rekz will need to set up the room and run the meeting.

I am expecting 2 new racers today - UKMalB and Danielsspel.(Danielsspel has also been experiencing trouble logging on).

I hope the connection problems are resolved in time, but if not good luck to everyone and I hope it is a good meeting!
I too am having trouble with the PSN today although my internet connection seems fine. So if I still can't get on at 5pm just start without me.
P.S. I know emjayel can't race today.
I can't log on to PSN again

I have reset my modem as advised and switched off and restarted PS3, but can't log in - error 80710092 again. before that I had lobby error 400 again.

If we get started late we will scrub the Senna 97T race. If Lex Lathor or Emotional Rekz are able to get online they will run the meeting without me.

Apparently this is all the work of a few spotty teenagers called the "Lizard Club" whose idea of weekend entertainment is to disrupt the gaming servers with a DDOS attack which overloads the systems.

Edit - now logged on, but lobby error 400.

Now error 295
Ok, I may have some more local issues. Restarted everything still cant login. Also forum is sluggish...

If this does not get better soon, I will skip todays races :(
Oh my god... I don't want to be in same situation like 3 years ago: PSN was attacked and went on maintenance during a lot of weeks... In that time I was playing GT5... In that day that I noticed, I was going to borrow the Ferrari F40 from my other account to compete in Festa Cavallino. But when I logged into PSN, I didn't want to believe: "An error has ocurred. You have signed out of PSN." But few days later, I knew that it was down for maintenance and because of that, I got bored...
Oh my god... I don't want to be in same situation like 3 years ago: PSN was attacked and went on maintenance during a lot of weeks... In that time I was playing GT5... In that day that I noticed, I was going to borrow the Ferrari F40 from my other account to compete in Festa Cavallino. But when I logged into PSN, I didn't want to believe: "An error has ocurred. You have signed out of PSN." But few days later, I knew that it was down for maintenance and because of that, I got bored...

this is not the same sort of hack - when the Play Station network was down for a long time it was because the personal details of thousands of people were stolen by commercial (mafia) hackers who sell them on to criminal gangs. This attack is apparently a DDOS attack by a small group of bored teenagers who use multiple computers to overwhelm the servers by creating a false peak in demand.
this is not the same sort of hack - when the Play Station network was down for a long time it was because the personal details of thousands of people were stolen by commercial (mafia) hackers who sell them on to criminal gangs. This attack is apparently a DDOS attack by a small group of bored teenagers who use multiple computers to overwhelm the servers by creating a false peak in demand.
OK. Due the problem of server, is the meeting postponed?
Now I'm on PSN and I can see you all in my friends list--but GT6 can't establish a connection to the server--ID=2:6399