CSR Elite Beta Testing Poll

  • Thread starter sandboxgod

Which candidate

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Crispy if you make it in I think I will reward you with a "years premium".
It will be a superb personal effort on your part to come from so far back.

Its about time you joined team red...

mikemav, dont give up its all so close.
I realized I never linked any of my "work". My most recent example is a casual writeup about the PWT: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?p=5619538#post5619538

As an example of the detail I'm willing to go into when trying to appear more professional, here's something from way back in 2005. Racing software and hardware has advanced so far since then, so it's fun to see how quaint some of my impressions are now, but still, I think it's a worthwhile example of my writing: http://www.epinions.com/review/pr-Gran_Turismo_4_for_PlayStation_2/content_176030846596

This is my last lobbying effort. Probably for naught though. And the top three front-runners are certainly very deserving. I'm very glad Sonac is leading the way. I love his videos.
Yeah Crispy has really stepped it up. This poll is moving along at a fast rate!

12thgear let me know if you want me to update the original post with new info.

(You know exactly what to post)
Yeah Crispy has really stepped it up. This poll is moving along at a fast rate!

12thgear let me know if you want me to update the original post with new info.

(You know exactly what to post)

If you want to add those links, it's appreciated. Though I think things are looking pretty decisive.
That Sonac guy, he gets around! :P Thanks again for your advice and a big applause to AGP5000 for your help :bowdown:

Put a little review of the MS Wireless Speed Wheel up. Of course I will put more time and effort into the review of the CSW, as there is a lot more to say about it I reckon. Besides, I have to answer a lot of questions too due to immense interest I think. So being thorough is needed. :P
Crispy, your dam close with the vote getting thrown out by AMs97F1 you are only one vote out.

Good luck!

Came back to a little surprise when I got home from school, thanks guys!

Crispy if you make it in I think I will reward you with a "years premium".
It will be a superb personal effort on your part to come from so far back.

Its about time you joined team red...

mikemav, dont give up its all so close.

Haha, thanks Mr Latte! I'm really surprised I have gotten the votes I have, really came home to a surprise this afternoon. I guess it shows how much I'm willing to work to get the chance to test this! Thank you for everyone on all the votes so far, and as well, good luck to everyone!

mikemav, don't worry, there's a good chance you can make a comeback. That goes for everyone who's given up, you may never know!
Put a little review of the MS Wireless Speed Wheel up. Of course I will put more time and effort into the review of the CSW, as there is a lot more to say about it I reckon. Besides, I have to answer a lot of questions too due to immense interest I think. So being thorough is needed. :P

Awesome, link added!
mikemav, don't worry, there's a good chance you can make a comeback. That goes for everyone who's given up, you may never know!

Thanks Crispy. We'll see, I think it's a long way back. That's okay, if I don't make it I'll be very interested in testing the CSW if that's possible in the future. Either will be great wheels (but it'd be great to try the Elite too, don't get me wrong.) If only cash was flowing like it was in 2009...

I should have maybe mentioned (for political "pull", lol) that my videos were featured on VirtualR and Thomas' Blog once upon a time, like this:
But it's the same video/tutorial series linked here already, so nothing different, just some added exposure when they came out I forgot about. Besides, I soon will have something to add regardless. Now that racing season is done and "silly season" has begun for pro drivers, I can't wait to have the Grand Am driver who lives/works nearby try out my setup. If I don't get an Elite I'll invite him to try the GT2 and 3D rig and post or film his comments. He's already an iRacing member and partially sponsored by Playseat, so I can't wait to hear his reaction to better wheels, a solid 80/20 aluminum cockpit and 3D displays.

Anyway, I appreciate all the votes and anyone who benefited from my documenting tearing into those two original Fanatec wheels. It was a fun (but nerve-wracking) project. PS_ If I don't make it here and anyone wants one of those two "star" wheels from the vids, I might be selling them to buy an Elite or CSW :-)
To logiforce and scoddee, I am sorry that my actions have upset you. I am the type of guy that does not like to upset people... however, I have also learned that you rarely get anything in life without trying a little harder than you initially think you should.....

My problem is not with you or your ilk. You know, the kind that trample on their fellow man and then trumpet it as a virtue. Your numbers are legion and that's an unfortunate fact of life that the rest of us deal with on a daily basis.

No, my problem is with the process that let you in and the decisions people with authority and influence made that allowed it to occur.

Thomas wants beta testers and offered a big discount; nice decision.

OP consults and sets up fair process for lucky 3 selection; nice decision.

A member (you) wants to circumvent the process; there's always one.

Thomas weighs in as a forum member with an "opinion" that favors circumventing the process. Because he is who he is and the process had already started; bad decision.

Jordan is held blameless but won't escape unscathed, his website could take an integrity hit.

Finally the OP, I'm immediately reminded of the old adage "No good deed goes unpunished". He's in an impossible position; does he wield his authority and keep the process on track or fold under the pressure of Thomas and his ambiguous post ? I say ambiguous because it looks like a simple expression of opinion while in fact it was marching orders for the OP. The OP could have resisted and stuck to the process without suffering recrimination but from his position that outcome was not so clear. The OP's decision was bad but understandable after getting his legs cut out from underneath him.

Nobody is perfect. Thomas remains a thoughtful, pleasant innovator. I applaud Sandboxgod's efforts and posts and he received my sole vote.

Yeah to be perfectly honest I do feel I should have stuck to the "10 member" only poll. I didn't want to be mean to anyone though. But yeah I tried to stall as long as I could before starting up the poll just in case someone wanted to drop out or someone wanted to come in late in the process. Going forward though I will not personally approve any late entries. It is not fair to the late comer nor to the people that voted in my opinion.

I never really excelled at 'government' class in school but I can tell scoddee has a very good knack for this sort of thing 👍

edit: Plus I wanted to give everyone time to get together their 'sales pitch', etc haha. Thank you everyone for your vote!
Well gentlemen the tornado seems to of downgraded and the path is perhaps becoming more clear now.
Possibly more will come?

How lucky the three of you will be to get an early hands on experience with this wheel.
The Elite seems to of been overshadowed by the CSW and I personally dont see why.

Lots of the additional features on the CSW including real rim are perhaps more than what's necessary or would add less to a console game than of course PC titles. GTP is very fornuate to have the range of members we do and multiple users getting these. Double thanks to Thomas in advance for what should bring some really interesting findings and excellent reading on the forums.

June - November has been a long time to wait for real detailed information on this product and proper comparisons to other wheels on the market. Their are so many burning questions and the answers soon within your grasp.

Soon your mission awaits.
Whos getting hyped already?
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Well gentlemen the tornado seems to of downgraded and the path is perhaps becoming more clear now.
Possibly more will come?

How lucky the three of you will be to get an early hands on experience with this wheel.
The Elite seems to of been overshadowed by the CSW and I personally dont see why.

Lots of the additional features on the CSW including real rim are perhaps more than what's necessary or would add less to a console game than of course PC titles. GTP is very fornuate to have the range of members we do and multiple users getting these. Double thanks to Thomas in advance for what should bring some really interesting findings and excellent reading on the forums.

June - November has been a long time to wait for real detailed information on this product and proper comparisons to other wheels on the market. Their are so many burning questions and the answers soon within your grasp.

Soon your mission awaits.
Whos getting hyped already?

I'm with you on this Latte, can't see the REAL advantages of CSW (apart from quick release and 111 buttons which I wouldn't use anyway) over the CSRE which has an advantage of being XBOX compatible.

I can't wait to get the chance to order this wheel but I expect it to be out with the CSS and the CSH. I hope Thomas can manage to have them released by the end of this year.

Thomas, could you please enlighten us and let us know whether the CSS and the CSH will be released this year?
I personally think it will be closer to the end of Q1 2012 to be honest, at earliest. Since Thomas seems to be putting most of his attention into the wheels for now, which he hopes to ship in December according to the BMW rim video.

But feel free to answer yourself, Thomas. Since they are highly anticipated products as well for all of us here.
One question from me though. Do you reckon to be the CSS to be better or equal to the TH8 RS? Or better said in which quality range should we put it in our minds for now?
30 days...

and I have free internet in my hotel latte.. Everyone is sleeping so i have a spae 10 mins :)

Anyway well done to the 3 that are likely to get it now. Hopefully Fanatec will send me one before release to review although review units tend to be scarce from what Darin has said and I was extremely luck to get the CSR :D

Again well done to you 3 althogh I don´t know how many of you have used freinds.

Cya soon guys :D
Enjoy the sunshine you lucky man, (kid) amf. Not sure what age you are.
I just thought it funny an impression in my head of some "cove" wrecking up an internet caffe going ballistic.

All a bit of fun, youve done really well regardless and I think its just others have more history here or more toys/goodies to test against swings it in their favour.
So how long after the poll ends do the people who won get the wheel? About, two weeks I'm guessing?

So far it looks like 2 of you have it in the bag. Looking forward to both the reviews.

Sonac, you convinced me to buy the GT3 RS when you made your review. I haven't ever been disappointed!

Sandboxgod, I've seen you post in the T500RS thread, and understand you own one, so I'm looking forward to your comparison on these wheels. Plus you've helped out my thread a whole bunch recently, and I thank you for that!

As for me, well I'm third place, which means I'm first to go if someone pulls a magic hat trick. :lol:
Yeah Sonac is well respected by all of us for real. Back during my initial wheel search I discovered his site and films. But at the time I could not get the Fanatec GT2 due to them being so popular and out of stock. Still he had helped persuade me as well so I had to toss him a vote. I also found his site very useful as it gave additional information about Fanatec's shipping situation, etc

Yep we still have a few hours left and Crispy and I are making a close race for 2nd. This is so awesome though. I can't help but check this poll every few hours if not almost every hour while I'm awake. I am so glad to see all this participation

Honestly I was very worried Sonac would steal all the votes. So glad Thomas decided to pick the first 3 to give all of us a better fighting chance lol

Lmao, Latte. I could continue with those insinuations...

So to the lucky fella who gets a date with the beautiful red dress. What are you going to do with er, eh? Oh...! I know what you're thinking, I know it! I bet you're going to take her out for a walk first, then when the time is right... BAM! You take a good look when she doesn't notice, right right? You know what I am getting at? *nudge nudge* *wink wink*
Then you'll sweet talking her about how gorgueas she looks, right right? I bet you will... *wink wink*
Of course you're the kind of man that never talks purely about how a lady looks to you on the outside, you'll also talk about her character to her. You know! Right? *nudge*
Oh? You don't? I bet you're just pretending, eh? Yeah that's right, I thought you would. You want to take a good look in between... right... eh? *nudge nudge* *wink wink*

(now someone else may continue this for the sake of laughs if they wish... :P )

If I were to get the opportunity to test the CSR Elite wheel my 1st order of business would be to inform my wife of my impending new purchase (no way do I intend to send back this wheel!). I already have all these Forza series games and even a Kinect so of course I will be taking some cars for a spin in Forza 4. The first order of business would be to do some rigorous testing though and discover any bugs. As you guys know I love to write these long posts so I have no doubt my gift for 'detail' can benefit Fanatec greatly. Granted, I do not consider myself as dedicated of a Forza fan as some of the other members even though I've had it since Forza 2. But they simply have more hours clocked in while myself, I try to play everything. This is what you want in a tester though I'd imagine. I think it's very important if we can find issues before it hits the consumer.

I am in the fortunate position to own all of the big 3: Xbox, PS3, & PC and I adore all the major racing titles for the unique features they bring to the table. So I will be racing in all of them as much as I can. GT5 has a special place in my heart so I am eager to see what I can find there too.

Lastly but not least- I have the goal to compare both these wheels (T500RS & CSR Elite) and give them a fair shake. It will not be just 'impressions' but hard data using software to analyze precision and comparisons with my racing times.

Anyway you probably were not looking for such a serious answer haha. But as you guys know I am very passionate about these racing games and sim equipment. Austin Texas, where I live, still has no official race track quite yet (won't be here til 2013) and the nearest drag race track is quite a distance away. Sims is the thing that makes me the closest to the real thing. Because otherwise I would just go get another Mustang GT and who knows what will happen. I was quite reckless back in my days. I can tell you this- sim racing is much cheaper, safer, and makes the wife a lot more happy :D
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Sandboxgod, did you quote the wrong guy? lmao
You quoted me but rambled on with a sales pitch :P
It is kind of odd that a very few voters have not posted. Not odd in a somethings up kind of way. I wouldve liked to have heard some people stance on their voting choice(s).

I like this poll idea and hope thomas continues this throughout the new product ranges launch. I also find it nice that this chance has actually brought us together rather than divide us because we all want in.

Edit: spaghetti, i am surprised you didnt jump in here. You contribute alot to this section of the forums.
Edit: spaghetti, i am surprised you didnt jump in here. You contribute alot to this section of the forums.

A couple of reasons really mate.

1. I don't own a T500.
A lot of people want a comparison with that brand and unfortunately I don't own one. I could only compare with real life lol.

2 I'm due some surgery and that would throw a spanner in the works.

3 not really a PC gamer. I've installed Rfactor on my laptop and live for speed but that's about it.

I do have nearly every Xbox and PS racing title though. Plus wireless wheel, DFGT, G27 and GT2.

Would loved to have contributed but feel others qualify ahead of me.

I'll still chip in with any help anyone needs and offer any support.

Thanks for thinking of me mate.
No worries my friend. Very solid reasoning, and many of the same on why i was hesitant to jump on board. But my gear geek took over ;)
Plenty of votes.

No voters posting in here though?

what do we voters need to post? I will reread the OP.

my criteria for voting was to make sure all of my selections for the CSRE review would test the wheel on the PS3, Xbox360, and PC. Other than that I do not have anything else to say. I am looking forward to seeing the review from 3 different players!
what do we voters need to post? I will reread the OP.

my criteria for voting was to make sure all of my selections for the CSRE review would test the wheel on the PS3, Xbox360, and PC. Other than that I do not have anything else to say. I am looking forward to seeing the review from 3 different players!

Oh ok sorry to bother you.