Elite: Dangerous

  • Thread starter marky5244
I hope the upgrades are worth it when the bug is fixed, that is far! I'm not sure if I will ever be doing that. Speaking of Jump range, I wonder what the maximum jump range is in the game (without Engineer mods). My Asp has 28.somthing ly (unladen).
I hope the upgrades are worth it when the bug is fixed, that is far! I'm not sure if I will ever be doing that. Speaking of Jump range, I wonder what the maximum jump range is in the game (without Engineer mods). My Asp has 28.somthing ly (unladen).

I think you can get an unmodded asp to 35 or so with all D parts(except FSD) and no weapons or shields. And anaconda will go upper thirties with same kind of setup. I've seen a couple people saying with a great FSD mod on their anaconda, it's over 50.

Edit: I just tried a build on Ed shipyard, you can get an asp explorer to over 36ly without weapons or shields, that's even with a 6a fuel scoop.
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Huge update today:


Around 1.2 GBS. Has a lot of fixes in there. Fixes locking up when going to refuel, some graphical improvements for planet surfaces, permit bugs are now fixed, another AI tone down.
Good stuff.

They now have "favors" for engineers. Before it was super rare to get a special effect on your weapon. Now you can spend reputation to get the effect you want. It in no way affects the stat outcome of the weapon, you'll just be guaranteed the special effect you want on your weapon(incendiary, corrosive on MC's, Thermal on lasers Etc). You have to use engineer reputation to "force" the effect, I think it takes 2 reputation levels. So if you had an engineer maxed at level 5, it will take his level back down to 3, and you'll have to craft modules again to get him back up to level 5.

I don't know if that's worth it or not, for me anyways. I haven't decided if I'll even mess with that. I don't really need it at all, I'm OP the way it is, even before they nerfed the AI again with today's patch. I had two different anacondas interdict me last night, one was deadly and one was dangerous. The deadly one didn't even drop my shields, and the dangerous one got my hull to 80% before I ended him, and most that damage was done by myself, ramming him. :)

I think they released 2.1 update a little early, there was way too many bugs in it, it was basically BeTa quality, if that. One thing about it, they at least waste no time getting patches and updates out, to fix those problems.
- Ensure we have up-to-date data when opening the workshop so that we correctly show 'alternative' progress-

I don't even see Alternative progress at an Engineer's base, never have lol, I've turned in Exploration data at Farseer and Bonuties at Todd 'Blaster' something's base and it appeared to take no effect. I'm leveling them up strictly with having them craft mods.

Sounds like this is a great patch, lot's of fixes for many small issues.
- Ensure we have up-to-date data when opening the workshop so that we correctly show 'alternative' progress-

I don't even see Alternative progress at an Engineer's base, never have lol, I've turned in Exploration data at Farseer and Bonuties at Todd 'Blaster' something's base and it appeared to take no effect. I'm leveling them up strictly with having them craft mods.

Sounds like this is a great patch, lot's of fixes for many small issues.
The Todd guy, it's not any old alliance bounties, apparently there's special bounties that can just be redeemed with him. They are rare. I turned in 500k of normal alliance bounties at his station and it didn't do anything.

The exploration data does advance Felicity, but once you get to level 4-5 it takes a bunch of it, your better off just crafting modules.
The Todd guy, it's not any old alliance bounties, apparently there's special bounties that can just be redeemed with him. They are rare. I turned in 500k of normal alliance bounties at his station and it didn't do anything.

The exploration data does advance Felicity, but once you get to level 4-5 it takes a bunch of it, your better off just crafting modules.

Maybe it did do something with Felicity, I never did finish that story about when I flew to Maia to grab the Meta Alloys. I took my time exploring on the way back to Deciat, really took my time. I thought, oh hey I should have about 350k in exploration data by now, maybe even 500K if I'm lucky. Well after turning it in I was shocked to see I had over 800K in data! Pretty sure I can craft up to rank 3 mods with Felicity because of it but I never saw an indication confirming it. on the menu screens.

On another note, the long grind to Chief Petty Officer is over, I will be buying and FAS tonight! Then I really need to get back on the Engineer's stuff, haven't done anything with them in about a week now.
Maybe it did do something with Felicity, I never did finish that story about when I flew to Maia to grab the Meta Alloys. I took my time exploring on the way back to Deciat, really took my time. I thought, oh hey I should have about 350k in exploration data by now, maybe even 500K if I'm lucky. Well after turning it in I was shocked to see I had over 800K in data! Pretty sure I can craft up to rank 3 mods with Felicity because of it but I never saw an indication confirming it. on the menu screens.

On another note, the long grind to Chief Petty Officer is over, I will be buying and FAS tonight! Then I really need to get back on the Engineer's stuff, haven't done anything with them in about a week now.
No that's what your exploration data did. It never gave me any indication or anything either, but once I turned it in she was already at level 3. I think I turned in 500-600 k.

Cool your getting you're FAS. :)
I would like to maybe get one someday. I've been doing federation missions because the next ship I really want to buy is the federal corvette. It's slow going though, I'm at 33% ensign, the missions don't progress you very much.

Edit: oh yeah quick heads up, this update made the docking computer screwy when landing in indoor stations. It sits you to the right of the pad. So if your not paying attention, go to auto dock, and leave for a bit, you will get blown up after 6-7 minutes, whatever the time is. It's fine on all outside pads(outposts,planetary)
Someone at the forums posted that, maybe false alarm? people are complaining the buzz crash is still there, how is it playing for you today?


2nd update confirmed:

That second update was earlier this morning, they took the servers down for a couple minutes.

I've only had one buzz crash today, so it's getting better for me anyways. I'm glad they fixed the refueling crash too, that was annoying.
I love that the people at Frontier have such a great sense of humor. I saw a mission last night, "take down the Pirate Lord, Picard", I found Wozniak station one night, also cruised through a system called "70 Virginis" :lol:
I don't understand how I can find 20 modular terminals in 1.5 hours on the mission boards, and not find any in the last 3? RNG at its best I guess. :lol:
I just put a level 5 increased range FSD on my cobra mkIII. I'm just doing some mods on it, because I need to get the dirty drive engineer to level 4, I already have level 3 on my pythons, so I figure I'll rank up the first few levels with my cobra. Anyways I got a great roll on my FSD, my cobra can now jump 27.55 lys. I can't wait until I put a level 5 dirty drive on it, after I first do my python. The cobra should be able to boost well over 500. :)
I just put a level 5 increased range FSD on my cobra mkIII. I'm just doing some mods on it, because I need to get the dirty drive engineer to level 4, I already have level 3 on my pythons, so I figure I'll rank up the first few levels with my cobra. Anyways I got a great roll on my FSD, my cobra can now jump 27.55 lys. I can't wait until I put a level 5 dirty drive on it, after I first do my python. The cobra should be able to boost well over 500. :)

I want to do this so bad lol, I really need to get back on the Engineers stuff. After buying the FAS and moderately equipping it, I'm down to 30 million, so I'm back to grinding $$$ to buy a FDL, maybe tonight I'll take a break from the grind and make a trip out to the engineers to see what I can upgrade. I still have a crap ton of materials to use. I haven't even visited Elvira yet and she's been unlocked for weeks.
I want to do this so bad lol, I really need to get back on the Engineers stuff. After buying the FAS and moderately equipping it, I'm down to 30 million, so I'm back to grinding $$$ to buy a FDL, maybe tonight I'll take a break from the grind and make a trip out to the engineers to see what I can upgrade. I still have a crap ton of materials to use. I haven't even visited Elvira yet and she's been unlocked for weeks.
I need 5 more specialized legacy firmwares, 3 parmasuetical isolators, and a modified consumer firmware to get the last engineer to level 5 dirty drive. That should be all he engineers I need then, I can do some re rolling to get a little better stats, or maybe try for some weapon special effects. I hate the idea of bringing an engineer down a couple levels, just to get an effect you want. I think I'll wait on it and maybe they'll change it.

I was just reading, they are going to make a change where the surface scanner on your ship will tell you which minerals are on the surface of each planet, so that's pretty cool, I know a lot of people were asking for that.

It's pretty easy to make great money on the mission boards now, which is cool. I'm allied to a bunch of different factions in stations all over, so that's gets me great paying missions. I'm just hunting for materials now though, but I'll keep that in mind, I could make 3-4 million credits pretty quick in my cutter if I took a few of those 1million+ credit payout delivery missions at once.
I need 5 more specialized legacy firmwares, 3 parmasuetical isolators, and a modified consumer firmware to get the last engineer to level 5 dirty drive. That should be all he engineers I need then, I can do some re rolling to get a little better stats, or maybe try for some weapon special effects. I hate the idea of bringing an engineer down a couple levels, just to get an effect you want. I think I'll wait on it and maybe they'll change it.

I was just reading, they are going to make a change where the surface scanner on your ship will tell you which minerals are on the surface of each planet, so that's pretty cool, I know a lot of people were asking for that.

It's pretty easy to make great money on the mission boards now, which is cool. I'm allied to a bunch of different factions in stations all over, so that's gets me great paying missions. I'm just hunting for materials now though, but I'll keep that in mind, I could make 3-4 million credits pretty quick in my cutter if I took a few of those 1million+ credit payout delivery missions at once.

That surface scanner change will definitely help save time while on the hunt. I don't think I have found even one Legacy firmware yet, I need one to complete a mod too. My guess is it's a rare commodity awarded by completing a mission, the other one I haven't found yet is the Micro-weave Cooling Hoses, I need one of those too. I spent last night mostly goofing around in the FAS, testing it's metal in combat, which I am not done equipping it by a long shot. It's good so far other than the 13.3 ly jump range (and that's with a good 5A FSD installed LOL) but it has great load out options so I can see a lot of potential with this ship as a sort range assault vessel, I did equip it with a FSD interdiction too so I might end up using it on the 'Kill the pirate' missions.
That surface scanner change will definitely help save time while on the hunt. I don't think I have found even one Legacy firmware yet, I need one to complete a mod too. My guess is it's a rare commodity awarded by completing a mission, the other one I haven't found yet is the Micro-weave Cooling Hoses, I need one of those too. I spent last night mostly goofing around in the FAS, testing it's metal in combat, which I am not done equipping it by a long shot. It's good so far other than the 13.3 ly jump range (and that's with a good 5A FSD installed LOL) but it has great load out options so I can see a lot of potential with this ship as a sort range assault vessel, I did equip it with a FSD interdiction too so I might end up using it on the 'Kill the pirate' missions.
Micro weave cooling hoses are pretty common commodity rewards for missions. The specialized legacy firmware, I've found quite a few already on misisons, but they can also be found scanning data beacons in undiscovered signal sources, either embedded emissions detected or encoded emissions detected, when either of those pop up they are worth checking out. Some of them don't have squat, but some have rare materials you need and stay beacons you can scan. Modified embedded firmware is super rare, I've only found one of those so far on a mission, you're supposed to be able to find them in USS too, or on data points on planets.
Micro weave cooling hoses are pretty common commodity rewards for missions. The specialized legacy firmware, I've found quite a few already on misisons, but they can also be found scanning data beacons in undiscovered signal sources, either embedded emissions detected or encoded emissions detected, when either of those pop up they are worth checking out. Some of them don't have squat, but some have rare materials you need and stay beacons you can scan. Modified embedded firmware is super rare, I've only found one of those so far on a mission, you're supposed to be able to find them in USS too, or on data points on planets.

I almost always get rewarded with Power Converters or Mounting plates and occasionally a Magnetic coil from doing missions but I could be better at scouring ALL of the missions on the boards for rewards. I tend to just do the Federation ones because I was grinding ranks. I'll make it a point to check the undiscovered signal sources more often, I haven't touched one of those in a long time now, thank you.
I almost always get rewarded with Power Converters or Mounting plates and occasionally a Magnetic coil from doing missions but I could be better at scouring ALL of the missions on the boards for rewards. I tend to just do the Federation ones because I was grinding ranks. I'll make it a point to check the undiscovered signal sources more often, I haven't touched one of those in a long time now, thank you.
Be sure to use that Inara website for the blueprints, it tells you what ships drop what materials and where to find the certain items you need, a lot of the commodities you need can be bought(magnetic emmiter coils, heat sink interlinks, emergency power cells etc) there's only a few commodities you need for blueprints that you have to find on mission boards( micro weave cooling hoses, articulation motors).
The ones you can buy, just use eddb, go to commodities and pick the one you need, enter the system you're in, and it will give you the closest places to buy that commodity.

You'll need a lot of things that only drop from transport ships,(chemical manipulators, heat conduction wiring, mechanical components, conductive components etc there's a ton). Best thing to do there is go to an anarchy system, and either go to a Nav beacon or just fly around and interdict any transport ships. Everyone is lawless in an anarchy, so you can kill any transport ship you see. Type 7's I find to drop the best variety, type 9's are good too and asp explorers. Haulers, adders type 6's, they all have a chance to drop that stuff, if Inara says a transport ship drops it, go to an anarchy system. Just be sure not to be carrying any cargo if you go to a Nav beacon, or have a bounty, as they will attack you then.

Some items only security ships or combat ships drop, (hybrid capacitors etc) You'll have to go to a combat zone then, and do some fighting.

All these materials can also be found on mission boards, but the ones ships drop are a lot faster to get by destroying ships, once you know the best places to go for them.
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Be sure to use that Inara website for the blueprints, it tells you what ships drop what materials and where to find the certain items you need, a lot of the commodities you need can be bought(magnetic emmiter coils, heat sink interlinks, emergency power cells etc) there's only a few commodities you need for blueprints that you have to find on mission boards( micro weave cooling hoses, articulation motors).
The ones you can buy, just use eddb, go to commodities and pick the one you need, enter the system you're in, and it will give you the closest places to buy that commodity.

You'll need a lot of things that only drop from transport ships,(chemical manipulators, heat conduction wiring, mechanical components, conductive components etc there's a ton). .

I have plenty of the heat conduction wiring, Phase Alloys, Shield Emitters, Worn shield transmitters, mechanical components, conductive components and Chemical Processors and so on (not sure if I have chemical manipulators or not) because I do a lot of bounty hunting at nav beacons. And I have plenty of Material gained from hunting planetside in the SRV, Phosphate, Iron, Tin etc, it's just the rare commodities that you can't find in the markets that I need the most. I will definitely check out that Inara website more often, and I did not know that about the Security ships, I never fight them but now it sounds like may need to. Thanks for all the help! So much to learn about the Engineer's stuff still lol
I have plenty of the heat conduction wiring, Phase Alloys, Shield Emitters, Worn shield transmitters, mechanical components, conductive components and Chemical Processors and so on (not sure if I have chemical manipulators or not) because I do a lot of bounty hunting at nav beacons. And I have plenty of Material gained from hunting planetside in the SRV, Phosphate, Iron, Tin etc, it's just the rare commodities that you can't find in the markets that I need the most. I will definitely check out that Inara website more often, and I did not know that about the Security ships, I never fight them but now it sounds like may need to. Thanks for all the help! So much to learn about the Engineer's stuff still lol


There you go, I think I put that on here awhile ago, I use the at all the time. Just click on engineer, and then you can click on the blueprint you want, it will show the sets of materials you need for the level you want, and how to find them.

I try to collect everything until I have 10-15 of them. There's certain rare materials, that even if you don't need it for the mod your doing, if you see a mission for it, take it. Off the top of my head these would be polonium, yttrium, antimony, exquisite focus crystals, modified embedded firmware, cracked industrial firmware, specialized legacy firmware etc. There's a few more in there I'm missing I'm sure.

There you go, I think I put that on here awhile ago, I use the at all the time. Just click on engineer, and then you can click on the blueprint you want, it will show the sets of materials you need for the level you want, and how to find them.

I try to collect everything until I have 10-15 of them. There's certain rare materials, that even if you don't need it for the mod your doing, if you see a mission for it, take it. Off the top of my head these would be polonium, yttrium, antimony, exquisite focus crystals, modified embedded firmware, cracked industrial firmware, specialized legacy firmware etc. There's a few more in there I'm missing I'm sure.

I did a mission where I found the Cracked industrial Firmware but I went the whole weekend without finding any of the Specialized Legacy Firmware or the Micro-weave Hoses lol. I checked Unidentified Signal sources, did mission after mission but did not find it or the Micro-Weave Cooling hoses. Last night right before I was ready to switch off, I saw a mission for the Hoses, it was a short little jump, Data mission, easy as pie; so now I have 4 of the Hoses at least. I need those for a weapon mod at Todd ' The Blaster' Mcquinn so I'll be able to do that now. I do like that website, it came in handy. I also made time to visit Elvira out in Khun, dropped off the Relics and had her craft me about 4 mods, and I leveled her up to level 2. I don't see a shortcut to leveling her up like turning in exploration data at Felicity's place, so I'll keep crafting mods there.

I mainly flew the Asp Explorer this weekend rounding up a lot of data for Felicty and the Type 7 to make some money. Since I don't typically fight in those ships, it got me to thinking about the Eagle. Here is a ship I bought, flew a few times and parked. Since then it has gathered dust. Well this weekend I made some time to pull it out and tinker with it. This is a fickle ship mainly because the Power generator even when maxed out, A- rated with the best Distributor isn't enough to power all of the systems; you have to make sacrifices. What that meant for me was downgrading my 3A Thrusters to 2A and downgrading my life support to a D rated one, so in other words I have 5 minutes to make it to a station; so don't die, got it. That made enough room to run a Fixed Beam Laser on top of the ship and two multi cannons underneath, and yes I can fire all 3 at once which packs quite a punch for a small ship. It also has an impressive 17ly jump range too.

So I took it out to the local nav-beacon and laid-waste to a Federal Assault ship with it, security showed up towards the end but I already had him mostly beaten. I could stay behind the FAS almost the whole time, even downgraded to the 2a Thrusters the Eagle is more than capable of outmaneuvering, well, basically everything else in the game. The FAS did manage to get my shields down to one Ring but that was the worst of it., I love this Eagle now, I'll definitely be flying it more at local nav beacons, I easily made 300K in about 20 minutes with it. I think it's also one of the best looking ships in the game. Since the paint job's were on sale, I decided to buy this one :D



I did a mission where I found the Cracked industrial Firmware but I went the whole weekend without finding any of the Specialized Legacy Firmware or the Micro-weave Hoses lol. I checked Unidentified Signal sources, did mission after mission but did not find it or the Micro-Weave Cooling hoses. Last night right before I was ready to switch off, I saw a mission for the Hoses, it was a short little jump, Data mission, easy as pie; so now I have 4 of the Hoses at least. I need those for a weapon mod at Todd ' The Blaster' Mcquinn so I'll be able to do that now. I do like that website, it came in handy. I also made time to visit Elvira out in Khun, dropped off the Relics and had her craft me about 4 mods, and I leveled her up to level 2. I don't see a shortcut to leveling her up like turning in exploration data at Felicity's place, so I'll keep crafting mods there.

I mainly flew the Asp Explorer this weekend rounding up a lot of data for Felicty and the Type 7 to make some money. Since I don't typically fight in those ships, it got me to thinking about the Eagle. Here is a ship I bought, flew a few times and parked. Since then it has gathered dust. Well this weekend I made some time to pull it out and tinker with it. This is a fickle ship mainly because the Power generator even when maxed out, A- rated with the best Distributor isn't enough to power all of the systems; you have to make sacrifices. What that meant for me was downgrading my 3A Thrusters to 2A and downgrading my life support to a D rated one, so in other words I have 5 minutes to make it to a station; so don't die, got it. That made enough room to run a Fixed Beam Laser on top of the ship and two multi cannons underneath, and yes I can fire all 3 at once which packs quite a punch for a small ship. It also has an impressive 17ly jump range too.

So I took it out to the local nav-beacon and laid-waste to a Federal Assault ship with it, security showed up towards the end but I already had him mostly beaten. I could stay behind the FAS almost the whole time, even downgraded to the 2a Thrusters the Eagle is more than capable of outmaneuvering, well, basically everything else in the game. The FAS did manage to get my shields down to one Ring but that was the worst of it., I love this Eagle now, I'll definitely be flying it more at local nav beacons, I easily made 300K in about 20 minutes with it. I think it's also one of the best looking ships in the game. Since the paint job's were on sale, I decided to buy this one :D



You can turn in exploration data for Elvira too. I think engineer Palin as well. Elvira you should just have to get halfway leveled through level 3, to unlock the next engineer.
I just found out recently about "Jacques station". It's apparently a traveling space station that went missing. Awhile back there was an event where explorers went out to Beagle Point, and Jacques Station was suppose to go with them, it never made it.

Well some guy found it, 22,000 LY from the bubble. It's pretty amazing how he found it, he used the map filters and was screening far away Nebulas and found a system with a government. It wasn't meant to be found yet, but this guy found it. It was carrying "unknown artifacts" (which are basically aliens), and apparently they had something to do with its disappearance. I think it was meant to be part of a storyline later down the road. The odds of him finding it are pretty astronomical. I think it's 400 billion systems(maybe it's million) in Elite Dangerous. If anyone has went far out and use the map to filter, it's a daunting task to find something like that, it really is a needle in a haystack, there's systems everyhwere.

The station has a commodity market, but no cartographer. The system has a population of 750. There's a bunch of people headed out that way, to start mining and get the systems economy going, maybe try to start another bubble. Apparently that's how Maia got its bubble. I'm not going out there yet, that's a lot of jumps unless you have a conda or a asp modded, still a bunch of jumps. Some are taking corvettes at 19ly a jump, one guy figured it would take him around 1500 jumps. :)

Here's the thread, if anyone cares to read it.

Man that is far, and then you have to eventually make the journey back, great find for him though, "singing artifacts", sounds ultra-creepy in a cool way.
You'll have to get 25 unknown fragments to unlock engineer Palin. You get those fragments by running into or shooting unknown artifacts. They make creepy noises if you listen, and they scan you when you first drop out of super cruise. They are in USS that say "Anomaly detected".

I found all mine in a matter of a few hours in HIP 14479. The only thing in that system is a white star, you just fly around and wait for the "anomaly detected" to pop up on a USS. So it's kind of creepy, no other ships around and they just pop up. You can go there at anytime, once you blow up the unknown fragments just use a limpet to collect the unknown artifacts, they are materials so they don't take up cargo.

Edit: also if you go out to Jacques station, they don't have the repair option yet in the station, so you'd have to bring auto field maintence units, and you'd be screwed if you get hull damage.
That sounds awesome, should be fun when I unlock Palin. I'm still working on the first 3 engineers, (and looking for hard to find Specialty Legacy Firmware). I'm finding other things along the way, did a mission last night and was rewarded with a Security Firmware Patch, I need that for one of Todd the Blasters mods, I'm also stashing away rare materials for later.

I haven't equipped Limpets at all yet on any of my ships, I really need to get familiar with them. One of these days lol, I know their are different kinds for different uses, mining, fuel transfer etc. Right now I use the cargo scoop for everything. I really need to change that. I do have 2 unused hardpoints on the ASP...