Expert Level: Ferrari Challenge @ Fuji Speedway F :00 :15 :30 :45

  • Thread starter Patrik
Sorry to hold up any drivers my California is untuned with S2 tyres (613PP), so it is way off pace, the last race I was so pressured at the start (613PP and can't see behind very well in the California) I ran wide at degner :indiff:
Who puts racing compound tires on street cars, even on track days? No one.

Why is banning "illegal" tires stupid?

??? 💡:dopey:For example many small racing teams which are racing the 24h Nürburgring Nordschleife race with their street cars like the VW Golf/Beetle...., old and new BMWs, Porsches, Opel Mantas, Corvettes and so on and so on. Much of them tune only the same things like you have in the GT5 "Quicktune", the only difference is that they have to use a rollover cage. So "illegall" tires?, that´s tuning man! For sure it´s a little bit poor tuning when you only put on some racing tires, but if you adjust the hide the springs/dampers the wheight ond so on, then it´s a real tuning i think and that you can do with every vehicle on a racetrack.

If you only want to "drive" with Sport tires, then is a racetrack like Suzuka the wrong place to do it, i think,because then it´s more like a sunday lap at the Nordschleife with your daily car.
Ok, i love driving with S tires and standard settings also very much because it´s a bigger challange, but then we need private rooms for it, because you destroy the total laptime for the other faster cars when you´re too slow and need the hole racetrack to keep it on the street. And I´m sure that you have much more closers races and cleaner fights(side by side through the esses, but still very fast) with R tire tuned cars.

I think it must be everybodys own choice which tires and which PP he want to drive until we´ll have private rooms, but remeber always that you slow down the fast cars in front when you´re sliding around the track with S tires!

Hey GTP_hyperuk, Close finish in one of the races, I was a bit sloppy through the last section.

Sorry if I rubbed anyone the wrong way during the races
L2PK...How frustrating was it being behind that Robert-Brazil guy!?!

He was quite fair, but very over-ambitious in his moves. Just needs to talk a cool shower and he'll be fine.
This new Ferrari feels great after few hours testing!

What I would like to know is, what kind of basic laptimes people do with it in free-run?

I have only done testing now with S-3 tyres, and seems to be somekind of average lap. Is it even near competitive...?
R1's on my F430 I can consistently do sub 2''s

P.s. in that last race, who was it on strike at Degner 2 ?

Came flying into there to see a red car parked directly on the racing line...I swear the driver had his arms crossed!
What kind of times are we all running free run? I'm only getting just under 2:07 and not
sure if thats good or bad
R1's on my F430 I can consistently do sub 2''s

P.s. in that last race, who was it on strike at Degner 2 ?

Came flying into there to see a red car parked directly on the racing line...I swear the driver had his arms crossed!

Was that on lap 1? Cause there were strange things going on there. Probably lots and lots of lag.

Anyway, nice 1-2 for Belgium at the finish :D. Good driving manuelos 👍
Sorry to everyone if I hit you (rpm, zabeu especially). I have such a huge lag in this event that I am a danger to everyone. I'll try next week, maybe things will improve...

@ AutoAki: In California on R1's I did high 2'07s in the free run - stock gears and a few suspension changes.
P.s. in that last race, who was it on strike at Degner 2 ?

Came flying into there to see a red car parked directly on the racing line...I swear the driver had his arms crossed!
I think that was me.:ouch:
I spun off there, when i came back on the track I tried stay as much to the right (I stayed half on the grass) trying to avoid you guys
Is zabeu on GTP? He sent me a PM saying I hit him, if I did I do apologise, it was probably as the result of being hit from behind myself somewhere.

In fact, as I type he sent me another refusing to believe it was a mistake... Contact couldn't really be helped in those races sometimes - the whole reason I was back in the pack was because I waited for someone else I accidentally nudged off.

EDIT: The PM was on PSN, but I don't want to seem like a berk so I'll confirm that it's all been cleared up. Anyone from here who's raced me will realise that I try and race cleanly 👍
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Is zabeu on GTP? He sent me a PM saying I hit him, if I did I do apologise, it was probably as the result of being hit from behind myself somewhere.

In fact, as I type he sent me another refusing to believe it was a mistake :rolleyes: Contact couldn't really be helped in those races sometimes - the whole reason I was back in the pack was because I waited for someone else I accidentally nudged off.
Only members can send PM's so zabeu is on GTP.
And PM's are personal messages,so why going public about it?
Send a PM back is better.
I think he means PM via Playstation network not GTP, though zabeu is a member here anyway.
What the hell just happened? I entered and everyone was so slow. I would have looked like a punter I was making up such distances unexpectedly fast it just wasn't funny. I ended up crashing alot trying to avoid people.:scared: I was using R3 tyres on the California, without any tuning except gears and front damper, and if Rudi got a 2'05 on S1s then I shouldn't be this fast.:odd:

Any ideas? Was it just a really bad crowd maybe?
Any ideas? Was it just a really bad crowd maybe?

Probably, in some of the races I've been in there have been a few cars at the front and then the rest of the field has been 10+ seconds behind. It could also mean they're spending so much time fighting amongst themselves they're making no progress.