Forza Motorsport 7: General Pre-Release Discussion

  • Thread starter PJTierney
I would imagine as more people come online, the drivatars should get worse, after replacing the default drivatars :lol:
Thanks @PJTierney, a shame they've not included them as time deltas between cars is a fairly major part of most forms of motorsport. Personally I find it much more quantifiable to know I am pulling away at say 1s a lap rather than say 250ft per lap - not a game changer but seems strange it's been overlooked again
I will be playing the original Forza Motorsports on mixer tonight until FM7 is officially release at 9pm PST. You guys are welcome to stop by and watch. I'm fogboundturtle on mixer.
I have a small crisis trying to convince myself to bite the early access bullet.


Early access
Cheaper Car Pass


Short-lived early access
VIP membership I don't need
Two car packs I don't need
Game purchase tied to account (unlike physical)

It was easier for me to go digital ultimate for FM6. I have decided to skip Project CARS 2, which obviously saved me some cash, but at the same time I'm not happy to overspend on the relatively expensive and somewhat lazy Forza franchise. Decisions... :ill:
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Personally I think the VIP is very good to have or at least it was in FM6 as you got quite a bit of bonus XP every race and allowed you to build your credits and garage faster. Of course if you have no interest if collecting a bunch of cars and do not care if you level up slower then it would be of little value.

Anyone know if they are going to allow us to start with bonus credits based on garage counts in prior Forza titles like they did in FM6? Or any details on whatever startup bonus they may give if any?
Normally I tend to agree with you, but as today's T10 livestream showed, you can literally get a McLaren F1 or a Ferrari F50 as your very first car in career mode... If you can actually sell one of those back for any amount of credits, you're golden for quite a while.

Any of those cars, sold for credits, won't get you very far. Maybe five cheap cars or so.

Yeah, you can pick an early supercar, for free, off the bat. I did — but that's because I was being pragmatic, and figured getting the most valuable car for free was the most beneficial in terms of car collecting. :P

But it doesn't actually help you much in terms of the career. The Open series in each level can take that supercar, but outside of that, it's mostly yours for non-career things.

The showcases do give you some big names a little early, but on first impressions, this won't be quite the cake-walk FM6 was, where it positively threw money at you. XP level prizes have been fairly pedestrian; quite similar to old GT games actually. I mean, you're given the choice of car (discounted, not always free), cash, or suit, but I can't think of a reason to pick the others unless you can't afford the car. Or hate it.

Our full review will be on Monday. 👍
I have a small crisis trying to convince myself to bite the early access bullet.


Early access
Cheaper Car Pass


Short-lived early access
VIP membership I don't need
Two car packs I don't need
Game purchase tied to account (unlike physical)

It was easier for me to go digital ultimate for FM6. I have decided to skip Project CARS 2, which obviously saved me some cash, but at the same time I'm not happy to overspend on the relatively expensive and somewhat lazy Forza franchise. Decisions... :ill:
  • Look at the Forza Motorsport 6 Car Pass
  • Count up how many of those cars you took an interest in driving.
  • If it's above 70%, go with the Ultimate Edition.
Another thing to think about is if the cost of the discounted Car Pass + VIP + Hoonigan packs is greater than the full cost of the Car Pass on its own. Since you don't want those 2 packs you may be better off with Standard Edition + Car Pass.

Also, the Car Pass will almost certainly get discounted in the future so you can wait if you like and enjoy the 700 standard cars in the game instead until then. Even if you only drove 2 different cars a day that's a year of content ;)
Anyone know if they are going to allow us to start with bonus credits based on garage counts in prior Forza titles like they did in FM6? Or any details on whatever startup bonus they may give if any?

Based on videos I've seen of the career mode, all you start with are crates and driver suits based on what tier you're in. And if you're a VIP, you get mods that let you earn up to 300% more credits per race if you choose, but they're temporary.
Anyone know if they are going to allow us to start with bonus credits based on garage counts in prior Forza titles like they did in FM6? Or any details on whatever startup bonus they may give if any?

Suits and crates, based on Forza Rewards. No loyalty system in place for garage count or things like that this time.

You're right about VIP helping with career credits — mostly because of the FE cars. Permanent credit bonuses with those.

And if you're a VIP, you get mods that let you earn up to 300% more credits per race if you choose, but they're temporary.

I'm saving those for the endurance events...
I'm saving those for the endurance events...
Originally I thought about doing that myself in FM6 but then I ended up using them in free play where I set up a long race instead. Turned out I could get a bigger bonus with them that way and did not need to wait until I had unlocked the endurance race I wanted.
Waiting won't be difficult for and hasn't been to be honest. I'm too distracted with school work for anything else. Tonight for me is just studying for a quiz in my German class and more test drives in PC2. To wait for my game to install tomorrow, I'm going to do random things around the house.
A guy who has FM7 said that
-there's no practice mode to try setups on each track
-there are no classes for multiplayer lobbies just like we have in FM6
@PJTierney is this true?? If yes I'm gonna f:censored: lose my mind
  • Look at the Forza Motorsport 6 Car Pass
  • Count up how many of those cars you took an interest in driving.
  • If it's above 70%, go with the Ultimate Edition.
Another thing to think about is if the cost of the discounted Car Pass + VIP + Hoonigan packs is greater than the full cost of the Car Pass on its own. Since you don't want those 2 packs you may be better off with Standard Edition + Car Pass.

Also, the Car Pass will almost certainly get discounted in the future so you can wait if you like and enjoy the 700 standard cars in the game instead until then. Even if you only drove 2 different cars a day that's a year of content ;)

The FM6 Car Pass was pretty nice whereas the FH3 Car Pass was mediocre, in my opinion. So I'll rather not jump to conclusions on the quality of unannounced DLC. That said, it seems essential with so few new cars in the base game. As for discounted Car Pass, it normally applies to Gold subcribers only, which I'm not.

What I need is Standard Edition + Car Pass. I can import a physical copy (incl. shipping) from Amazon UK for less money than it's possible to obtain a physical copy in my home country, or digital copy for that matter. So when the Car Pass gets added on top, I'm still nowhere near the pricing of the digital Ultimate Edition. It really would be a no-brainer if the early access wasn't so tempting, but I think I'm going to resist and feed on the first impressions of others until October 3rd.

VIP is worth every penny. I buy it every year and never regretted it.

Forza VIP is perhaps the most expensive DLC I have ever come across in terms of the value one gets in return. In addition to that, the VIP car packs were far more interesting in previous Forza games and the double-up on in-game earnings is almost similar to buying virtual credits with real money. Nor do I think the VIP exclusive gifts have been worth it so far.
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A guy who has FM7 said that
-there's no practice mode to try setups on each track
-there are no classes for multiplayer lobbies just like we have in FM6
@PJTierney is this true?? If yes I'm gonna f:censored: lose my mind

There must be a practice mode akin to FM6 as there’s an achievement for taking a car to test drive. Test drive was the practice mode in FM6 which could test setups and even tweak from the pause menu.
There must be a practice mode akin to FM6 as there’s an achievement for taking a car to test drive. Test drive was the practice mode in FM6 which could test setups and even tweak from the pause menu.

Test drive an practice mode would be two different things. Test drive has been in all FM titles back to FM2 maybe in FM1 as well, can't say as I did not play that one. Practice mode would be to run a few laps on a specific track under the conditions of the race at hand. Freerun/freeplay are more like what I would consider practice but true practice would be done in a lobby or career race before the race as part of the event.
A guy who has FM7 said that
-there's no practice mode to try setups on each track
-there are no classes for multiplayer lobbies just like we have in FM6
@PJTierney is this true?? If yes I'm gonna f:censored: lose my mind

From the footage I saw last night you can do Test Drive on any track, and it's done via the pre-race screen.

Turn 10 is placing a heavy emphasis on Homologation (balanced car Divisions) in an attempt to eliminate the "leaderboard car" problem with traditional Classes. At launch the Hoppers will be exclusively Division-based although some Class Hoppers will show up based on player usage and demand. I believe the ABCS Hopper exists so you can use that for open-Division racing.
Normally I tend to agree with you, but as today's T10 livestream showed, you can literally get a McLaren F1 or a Ferrari F50 as your very first car in career mode... If you can actually sell one of those back for any amount of credits, you're golden for quite a while.
It was me on Forza 6. The wheelspin was far too generous, so I sell the reward car and buy lots of more affordable cars.
The arcade mode is perfect thanks to rent cars so I would like to see something more progressive in career mode.
Anyone know if I buy the disk version can I still play on my Win 10 computer? Or do I need to buy digital for cross platform play.
So,I'm guessing there's no way to download the the 50GB extension before midnight? that's a shame,was looking forward to play it straight away.:(