G29 Settings Thread

  • Thread starter Sisco360
I'm a A+/S driver with 80k km in this game, all on G29 (I tried TGT for 5 hours on my friend rig one time which means I have some comparison)

7/4/10 is the best for me (that first value do nothing with wheel, isn't it?)
G29 overally has really "weak" ffb in terms of power and 4/10 is the strongest value which you can set without noticeable clipping
difference in smoothness between 4 and 5 is the biggest between 1 value on scale - above 4 it clipping HARD and deadzone starts be really noticeable, but 4 is smooth enough, which means it's not needed to go lower

overally I think G29 is really good in price/quality value, but there are few problems which you just can't jump over
e.g. front tires wear is much smaller on TGT (I drove same car, with same tune, on same track, with same wear value and with same pace over 30 laps on both wheels), which is little mystery for me - personally I think the main reason is that on stronger and more constant ffb you can do a lot less unnecessary micro moves which helps in that aspect
that better feeling also helps in fast curves like corner on top of Mount Panorama or that fast corner before carousel on Nordschleife

and one more advice from me, not entirely related to the settings themselves
swap of springs between clutch (which isn't needed in GT at all) and throttle helps a lot with more precise control of the car - clutch spring is much stiffer, when I swapped them my feet hurt for the first few days :lol: but at the end of the day my muscles adapted and it helps me a lot
and one more thing, you can turn "overlay" of the throttle pedal 180 degree to have wider part on top, which is just more comfortable if you drive without boots
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I've had this wheel for about a year. I bought it on sale last christmas for about $200 and $60 for the shifter.
So far, my initials impressions were sub-par due to the fact that the lack of FFB on the road sensitivity was noticeable.
I remember not having this issue with the Logitech DFP. Playing Gran Turismo 4, I could feel everything on the track.
I see this as Polyphony Digital's fault rather than Logitech (the whole Thrustmaster deal).

Anyways, I've been using this wheel a lot more often and have come to get used to its shortcomings.

Yes, the lack of FFB is apparent in GTSport but it more than does the job with other games.

On Dirt Rally for example, I can feel when I am about to lose "grip", while at Assetto Corsa, the FFB is stronger and the wheel transition more defined. The only game that gave me a subpar experience was Project Cars 2 (the wheel rumble is too strong, almost to the point of being grotesque). Changing the settings to Immersive gave me the impression that the wheel was about to break.

Anyways, the wheel quality is decent, the button placement can be a bit confusing at first, but once you get accustomed to it, it sort of makes sense. One thing I don't like is the fact that they put a controller layout inside the wheel. They could've just gone the minimalistic way and just put a few buttons on it, while you could use your controller for navigating.

Regarding the shifter, I think it does the job, while being a bit flimsy. Could've used a bit of higher quality plastic, but that would've raised the price as wheel. I think the shifter uses more plastic parts than metal.

The pedals are decent too. Resistance is ok, but because it's an entry wheel, not much of thought was put there. I would have liked to put some sort of FFB motors there as wheel, but like I said before, price would've increased.

For the total price of $260 that I paid for this, I think it's a decent wheel.
However, If I had had the chance to try it beforehand, I would have not bought it.

Overall rating 6.5/10
After several monthes using my G29 at 2/2/2. I don't feel i need to use another setting. Everytime i try to move up or down , even just a few up , i don't feel comfortable anymore. It just add torque and wrong ffb anyway. This is my final setting ... Till PD offer us a better ffb at least.
Anything below 7, I can't feel the road.
I am using 6/7/7
I like to feel the road so I can make better judgement with my steering.

EDIT: After reading what clipping is, I am going to try lowering force feedback torque.
Even though by itself, the G29 has poor ffb.
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The G29's not the strongest wheel and too high a setting for torque removes a hell of a lot of feedback when you need it most.

I found my torque by throwing car's around to overwhelm the physics then dialling it back till the feedback became more consistent without clipping. Easy to induce clipping at 4 so I had to settle on 3. Even though 4 feels 'better', I have to play to the wheel's strength rather than mine.

Can you please name everything you are referring to (steering sensitivity, max. torque and ffb sensitivity)?

Or just n-n-n
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Can you please name everything you are referring to (steering sensitivity, max. torque and ffb sensitivity)?

Or just n-n-n
Steering sensitivy is for the Dualshock 4 only. It won't have any effect.
I mad max torque and ffb sensitivity on high settings but after reading about clipping, I might have to lower it to 3/4/4
Can you please name everything you are referring to (steering sensitivity, max. torque and ffb sensitivity)?

Or just n-n-n

3 torque and 8 sensitivity most of the time but if I'm planning on a longer session or just hot lapping, I'll drop it to 2-8.
Anything below 7, I can't feel the road.
I am using 6/7/7
I like to feel the road so I can make better judgement with my steering.

EDIT: After reading what clipping is, I am going to try lowering force feedback torque.
Even though by itself, the G29 has poor ffb.
I don't know about others wheels but ffb of my g29 (was the same with g27) is so so unreal that i don't think it can give me any usefull driving information through the torque only .
Also i drive better with very light smooth inputs. Perhaps just a personal preference. Since this post , i use now 3 / 3 .
I went through the thread and wrote down everyone's settings to compile a GTPlanet user average and median.
Average setting: 3.7 / 6
Median setting: 4 / 7

Here is the shared sheet.

Special award to @kilesa4568 for changing his settings the most out of all users

Feel free to link this in the OP or not :) I will try and update it from time to time but I think that's a good base (27 users).
I've recently been messing with 4-4 in the DLC too so I guess it's an ongoing thing.:lol:
I also changed my settings to 4-4 :cheers:
I did it mostly because I read about ffb clipping and I didn't want to burn out the motors.
Anyways, the issue with the Logitech G29 is that it has weak ffb.
I was worried that lowering values would not let me feel anything but contrary to what I thought, I was still able to feel the rumble strips on the road and the sudden elevation change on the eau rouge. :D
I also changed my settings to 4-4 :cheers:

I've only used it for the DLC so far as running it on 8 with all the under steer had me guessing a lot when it kicked it. The majority of my time is spent in road cars though and 3-8 is the sweet spot for me in them.

Anyways, the issue with the Logitech G29 is that it has weak ffb.

In GTS it does but it's not really the wheel's fault as it feels a fair bit better in GT6, AC and Dirt Rally.
I've only used it for the DLC so far as running it on 8 with all the under steer had me guessing a lot when it kicked it. The majority of my time is spent in road cars though and 3-8 is the sweet spot for me in them.

In GTS it does but it's not really the wheel's fault as it feels a fair bit better in GT6, AC and Dirt Rally.
I think Assetto Corsa nails it pretty much.
Dirty Rally does an amazing job. I am able to feel the front wheel losing grip.
I was disappointed with Project Cars 2 though. Really bad FFB.
Steering sensitivy is for the Dualshock 4 only. It won't have any effect.
I mad max torque and ffb sensitivity on high settings but after reading about clipping, I might have to lower it to 3/4/4

Then why are people posting 3 numbers, like 5-7-7?

Still fighting with good setup, can't belive I'm not able to enoy in my most dear Spa...
Race B, Gr.4
Then why are people posting 3 numbers, like 5-7-7?

We were talking about steering sensitivity earlier in the thread and whether it has an effect or not. I'm too ape like to notice a difference when I change it yet other people swear it works on wheels too.

The GTS manual states that it's for the pad and there's a big difference between -2 and 7 on it but for the life of me, I can't spot a difference on a wheel.

Still fighting with good setup, can't belive I'm not able to enoy in my most dear Spa...

Do you use rest mode for the console? That can screw up the FFB but a reboot or unplugging/plugging the USB in again can get it back to normal.
I've had my G29 for a little less than a month and I quickly settled on Strength at 2 and Sensitivity at 4. I might increase the Sensitivity at some point, but the Strength already feels ridiculously high at 2; anything more than that and the car feels like it's driving through molasses. It feels like my ideal Strength setting would be between 1 and 2, as 1 feels like the wheel is unplugged and offers no feedback, while 2 is already so strong that it overpowers any useful information coming from the game and drowns it in a sea of understeer.
Just sharing my settings:

FFB torque: 3
FFB sensitivity: 10

I leave the controller sensitivity at maximum even though it doesn't make much difference I think. In the end it all comes to personal preference.
Btw, I feel that G29's FBB is way better on GT6 than GTS.
Reading on this and the weaknesses of the g29 makes me ponder on getting a belt drive wheel for ps5 gen. Probably a thrustmaster is the reasonnable cost choice, like a 300 or 500 model.
I don't want to be prevented from enjoying what's possible to get from the game, especially the next gt on ps5.
Although I'm really satisfied with it in DR2 and Ac.
Don't you guys find the throttle and brake inputs way sensitive in gts?
Reading on this and the weaknesses of the g29 makes me ponder on getting a belt drive wheel for ps5 gen. Probably a thrustmaster is the reasonnable cost choice, like a 300 or 500 model.
I don't want to be prevented from enjoying what's possible to get from the game, especially the next gt on ps5.
Although I'm really satisfied with it in DR2 and Ac.
Don't you guys find the throttle and brake inputs way sensitive in gts?

The problem is the Non-linear throttle
in GTSport especially with the G29;
so it is very difficult to fine throttle
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The problem is the Non-linear throttle
in GTSport especially with the G29;
so it is very difficult to fine throttle
Thanks, well it's also with the ds4 same problem almost. I wonder if thrustmaster users get same problem? And do they have good ffb in gts?

How can they not fix this, i don't get it.
Also the clutch is pretty abrupt.
And there is no setup for the wheel and pedals at all, calibration..

It's a little baffling that even on both ds4 and pedals it's same problem. Makes me wonder like someone said maybe it's on purpose to make it more lively and challenging, less sterile.
Or because of a deal with thrustmaster, they focused on that, although i don't see them making it worse on ds4 for a mainstream simlike ps4 exclusive game, it be hard to imagine them doing that.
Also this being a mainstream light sim it probably is focused on ds4 users. Makes me wonder why their competitions are based on wheel users it seems.
And you get a better 1st impression i think with the ds4 than with a wheel.

Edit: i tried it again with the ds4 and yeah for sure its much better for throttle and brake smooth progressive input.
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Reading on this and the weaknesses of the g29 makes me ponder on getting a belt drive wheel for ps5 gen. Probably a thrustmaster is the reasonnable cost choice, like a 300 or 500 model.
I don't want to be prevented from enjoying what's possible to get from the game, especially the next gt on ps5.
Although I'm really satisfied with it in DR2 and Ac.
Don't you guys find the throttle and brake inputs way sensitive in gts?

what weaknesses? I found my G29 pretty much spot on straight out of the box ( you could say I found the G spot straight away ) ;)
I used to have a T500RS but sold it after not having used it for some time. That was before GT Sport. When GT Sport came out (or even a bit earlier) I got myself a G29. And to be fair I lack the direct comparability (due to the time in between) but don't think there's a big difference for the average gamer.

And BTW, my settings are 4 and 9.
what weaknesses? I found my G29 pretty much spot on straight out of the box ( you could say I found the G spot straight away ) ;)
Lol. Well i love the feel in ac and dr2 with it.

I used to have a T500RS but sold it after not having used it for some time. That was before GT Sport. When GT Sport came out (or even a bit earlier) I got myself a G29. And to be fair I lack the direct comparability (due to the time in between) but don't think there's a big difference for the average gamer.

And BTW, my settings are 4 and 9.
I see hmmm.. Well most often i read that belt driven t500 is smoother and stronger with more detail coming true with less clipping, i don't know.
It get's more expensive if you want the better pedals with it though, and the shifter too is a bit ridiculously overpriced it seems.
That's why i got the g29 with the reasonable shifter. And the reputation for better reliability. Plus it feels pretty good with the leather stitched wheel and shifter and brushed aluminum pedals and strong resistance on the brake. I like it alot for the cost, the g29 wheel, pedals and shifter with Ac and Dr2.
Yeah i settled for pretty much the same settings, ..you lowered the sensitivity, do you feel the ffb suffers from setting it at 10? Well i guess it's pretty much the same at 9.
I was using 2 and 10 but then you don't feel much the heft of the car so i upped it to 4 too.
Yeah i settled for pretty much the same settings, ..you lowered the sensitivity, do you feel the ffb suffers from setting it at 10? Well i guess it's pretty much the same at 9.
I was using 2 and 10 but then you don't feel much the heft of the car so i upped it to 4 too.
To be honest I don't know, I must've changed it when the game got out but don't know why. Haven't played around with the settings since then. But I'm quite happy now so don't think I'll fiddle around with it again
Well i just did a custom race at Nordchliffe with the ds4 and then with the g29 at 4 and 10 settings with the de tomaso.
Feels good with both. I do feel bumps which i didn't remember you could feel much since i had last tried gts. I just reinstalled it after many months.
Might lower to 3 10 or 4 9 or 3 9, maybe depends on the car and setup too.
Edit: i have to say i like how with the ds4 it feels more challenging when you brake and the car's weight wants to sway left and right and needing to adjust it stabilize it.
The deadzone or less fine input in the centre and general greater sensitiveness of the gyroscope on the ds4 i guess causes it.

It feels too easy and stable on a wheel it seems. Well compared to ac and dr2 at least.

Edit: i can see the throttle response wow in race info like when you are full throttle then just lift a little the throttle goes up and down almost all the way. Pretty bad, seems they just didn't take care much of g29 finishing the compatibility to a good degree. A little disappointing considering PD's reputation for polish.
Also considering they showed off dynamic tessalation to smooth out polygon edges when ps3 came out i think.
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Give this a quick try:

Pick a slow car, like a Porsche 911 95' or Mazda Roadster. On a long straight at high speed, sway the car from left to right several times and play with the weight transfer, at the limit but without dying. If you can feel the weight of the car, you got good settings. If the wheel is too light or too heavy and clipping, you won't feel the weight transfer and will probably crash.

When you find the right settings, cars with lift-off oversteer like Audi R8 gr.3 become really fun and fast. Otherwise it's just painful.

Also, it's really easy to feel understeer with the Audi TT in gr.4 with good settings. Otherwise you don't feel anything and smoke your tyres a third into the race.

I ended up with 4/1.
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My g29 is undrivable. When i start driving it turns by itself. Can someone tell me what is going on?
Most likely your wheel isn't plugged into a power source. It defaults to full left lock if that's the case. If your wheel is receiving power, it should do the full calibration motion (rotating full lock left, full lock right, centre) upon starting the PS4. Also, the wheel should have some resistance even when you're not driving it. If it's completely limp, that's another sign that your wheel isn't receiving power.
I don't use the shifter. But noticed the port is DB-9. Which was common in the age of Atari, C64.

I wish I had an old one to test it out. I'd like to maybe use it for hand brake. Has anyone tried?
