Gran Turismo 7's Online Features Will Continue to Evolve, says Kazunori Yamauchi

  • Thread starter Famine
Now just make a game. I put in the answers for the free stuff but haven’t played.

Solo and multiplayer are not there. Daily driver cars are lacking.

If the goal is to make it more like sport I am out I bought that game and uninstalled shortly after, it was broken. Looks like the franchise has evolved and I haven’t. I like games that you site down and play.

Get off my lawn.

"Online Features Will Continue to Evolve"

Thats nice. So when will they start to evolve, to be able to continue to evolve at some later point?

"Now we have clean code that we can expand upon and add more features”

Uh, sorry boss, we dont have clean code. Its a mess. Aiuki wanted to send you an updated memo before this interview. But you were busy talking to the young hollywood actress and telling her, how you always were a great racing driver, even before she was born.

“We already have events like [the World Series] but I think there are more things that we can do on the code side to make it even better”.

Yea, the world series no one really cared about is a great example for the things you can do.

My goodness, this dude needs a reality check. His product is crap. Whos gonna break it to him?
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Mmm, wouldn't it have been nice to hear about this months ago without the need for an interview this far down the line. "Sorry everyone, we know the online racing isn't working as we would like, but we have had to totally re-write the code for online racing in this game, and are working to make it better as fast as we can." That was all it would have taken, you know, interacting with the people who buy and play your games, being honest, rather that appear as incompetent and ignorant. :irked:

Now if only more questions could have been asked about peoples problems with the game so far, and maybe gotten some honest answers in return, that could have cleared the air, and given reasons for the routes they have taken. Whether they consider people issues to be problems, and if so, what they plan to do in the future.

But, they may or may not be incompetent (imho before the defenders chime in 🙄), but they are definitely ignorant, and after so many years, it doesn't seem like that would be changing any time soon. :indiff: 🙄

"Online Features Will Continue to Evolve"

Thats nice. So when will the start to evolve, to be able to evolve at some later point?

"Now we have clean code that we can expand upon and add more features”

Uh, sorry boss, we dont have clean code. Its a mess. Aiuki wanted to send you an updated memo before this interview. But you were busy talking to the young hollywood actress and telling her, how you always were a great racing driver, even before she was born.

“We already have events like [the World Series] but I think there are more things that we can do on the code side to make it even better”.

Yea, the world series no one really cared about is a great example for the things you can do.

My goodness, this dude needs a reality check. His product is crap. Whos gonna break it to him?
And yet watching the GTWS was some of the most fun Gran Turismo content that I've experienced in the past few months. Just because it's something you don't click or engage with doesn't mean that it's all a pointless waste of time that nobody likes. The viewership numbers for the finals were climbing day by day, the Nations final was full of drama and was an insanely fun watch. The rewards were a fun incentive and I know for a fact it got people watching the events that ended up watching for the racing, not for the answers.

I've had great times watching these events with friends online and talking to some of the people who are involved in them like Danny Solis or Mikail Hizal, all of which are amazing people. They're all part of the same community as we both are.

I'd recommend you try it for yourself instead of sitting alone tapping away at a keyboard slandering Kaz by making him seem like a creep for quite frankly no reason.
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My community is very thankful for this last update as it finally re-added Qualy mode and custom grids back to Online Lobbies, we now can organize our weekend events and Championships.
However, there are still plenty of things missing from the old games such as shuffle mode, arcade mode cars only (not that relevant as the list is prety much smaller, but rather a list of specific cars set by the host), specific drivetrain cars regulation etc. We really hope Online lobies keep improving.

"Online Features Will Continue to Evolve"

Thats nice. So when will the start to evolve, to be able to evolve at some later point?

"Now we have clean code that we can expand upon and add more features”

Uh, sorry boss, we dont have clean code. Its a mess. Aiuki wanted to send you an updated memo before this interview. But you were busy talking to the young hollywood actress and telling her, how you always were a great racing driver, even before she was born.

“We already have events like [the World Series] but I think there are more things that we can do on the code side to make it even better”.

Yea, the world series no one really cared about is a great example for the things you can do.

My goodness, this dude needs a reality check. His product is crap. Whos gonna break it to him?
Then don't play this community whines so much, apparently you have outgrown what GT has become,it's worldwide and is bigger than ever...they have given us plenty this week to be happy about but as usual haters gotta make their presence felt...
Doesn't really excuse why such simple common sense online features are missing after so long like telling us that a race is in progress from the lobby selection screen, allowing for the room name to be changed after creating it, and offering more filtering options. Host migration and stability experiencing some complications because of this code rewrite, I can understand a bit, although a company with 15 years of online experience (or longer if you count the online features GT3 and 4 had) and the budget they have struggling this much is a bit...sad.
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