GT Sport big disappointment

  • Thread starter Brriskk
You have a very biased view toward GT:S. This is Gtplanet after all. There is a lot more content in both Pcars2 and Forza 7 compare to GT:S. When I said that it doesn't mean GT:S is bad. I think it does a lot of thing right but there is quite a few annoyance that I am having a hard time getting around. Just ask yourself, if this title was not called Gran Turismo, would you have the same opinion ? I don't think so. Nostalgia is a huge factor in this.
I have no Nostalgia on anything. The only thing I care is whether I enjoy the game. I did so with GTS, certainly did so with PCARS2, not so with FZ7.

Aaaand I don't think GT is the only game featured in this forum.
By cost comparison, $60 bucks would last about 20 minutes at a strip club, while the GT sport game is hours of enjoyment!
Plus driving games don't leave you smelling funny, covered in glitter.
GTS its not hrs of enjoyment . its days and days it will be weeks and months of enjoyment for me.
For now just loving my mustang . made it n300 and tryed there then back to n400 and race against mclarens and porsches is crazy . like those cars are 6 to 10x cost .
The 2 and a half star rating on Amazon says it all... the game sucks. Heck, even the art book on the limited edition sucks big time compared to the thick Apex books that came with GT5 and GT6.

They also need to change that riduculous network error pop up notification. Have it pop on the corner of the screen instead of blocking the middle of the screen and ruining your race.
sad to say its been super glitchy with duplicate cars from the pre order bonus messing up the garage..lost my save and my demo progress when i got home doing events and now the server goes offline in the middle of an awesome licence test run... not a very good start
It still baffles me to no end the amount of people still saying things like "well it doesn't have this legendary classic car like prior games" or "well it's not the classic model that the last six tried to emulate and expand on each iteration". Of course it's neither of these things, because PD themselves said it wouldn't be, they said this was a gaming/esport centered game that at first would have a line up representative of that and then later on expand on the car list. The goal is to be a fully encompassed driver that can win races or compete at a high level.

I'm just curious, for those who bought the game and were disappointed, did you A. read what was being said by PD and play it down, B. not read what was said and just ride the hype of a new GT to release, C. Read what they said, somewhat understood it but some how felt you were still going to get what you wanted? Or the last two options being Other or a mixture of A-C. Because honestly, I don't know how anyone who was paying attention and even played one of the two betas could be all that surprised with the current product. If you're simply disappointed that the game wasn't a traditional GT as seen prior, I can understand that as said, what I can't understand is knowing that, and then still buying it and expressing said expected disappointment.

I feel some of the things too be actually disappointed about are bugs that have yet to be fixed from the betas, missing content that was suppose to be given through pre-orders and other issues like that so far. The design of the game and perspective from which it was to be intended was well known for the past year and a half if not more.
It still baffles me to no end the amount of people still saying things like "well it doesn't have this legendary classic car like prior games" or "well it's not the classic model that the last six tried to emulate and expand on each iteration". Of course it's neither of these things, because PD themselves said it wouldn't be, they said this was a gaming/esport centered game that at first would have a line up representative of that and then later on expand on the car list. The goal is to be a fully encompassed driver that can win races or compete at a high level.

I'm just curious, for those who bought the game and were disappointed, did you A. read what was being said by PD and play it down, B. not read what was said and just ride the hype of a new GT to release, C. Read what they said, somewhat understood it but some how felt you were still going to get what you wanted? Or the last two options being Other or a mixture of A-C. Because honestly, I don't know how anyone who was paying attention and even played one of the two betas could be all that surprised with the current product. If you're simply disappointed that the game wasn't a traditional GT as seen prior, I can understand that as said, what I can't understand is knowing that, and then still buying it and expressing said expected disappointment.

I feel some of the things too be actually disappointed about are bugs that have yet to be fixed from the betas, missing content that was suppose to be given through pre-orders and other issues like that so far. The design of the game and perspective from which it was to be intended was well known for the past year and a half if not more.

I pretty much 100% agree with you. I knew what i was getting, i just didn't know how little i would be getting of what i knew i was getting.
I think they struggled so much with PS3 development it just wasn't an option. With the whole Esports thing, i can just almost smell the stench of paid DLC coming.

Probably, also PS3 wasn't the issue, they could have made a limited content game like GTS back then with an Esports label, that is esports in general where you get a campaign mode of some kind but limited in content. This is because the general focus is that you'll be online trying to rank up and get a global status. When you look at all major esport games no matter the genre that's the same concept as well.
I get more then i thought really. Better arcade mode then i expected.
Just they must make it work offline too why garage and other menus cant work offline i dont understand. They should work.
Oh didn't you hear? Since Forza Horizon every racing game has to be "car-pokemon" or it automatically sucks according to IGN.

You mad? You seem mad. You don't have to listen to IGN you know. Many people don't, for reasons both good and bad.

I've only played the demo and beta (thanks to lasts nights fun), it seemed pretty fully featured, compared to what I remembered from GT6 anyway.

It's not.

Maybe I'm the exception to the rule, but it seemed pretty clear to me a year or two ago that GT Sport wasn't GT7 and wasn't trying to be.

That's actually kind of contrary to what Kaz has said a few times; that GTS could have been called GT7.

I know what you mean, but everything we do in life we pay for it somehow, We are literally paying to be alive anyway, so why not pay to play too.

Why not just throw all your money into a drum and set it on fire? Paying for online simply adds another value question to the equation; since you require online to get pretty much any value out of GTS whatsoever, the question is then is the cost of PS+ worth the value that it provides? For some the answer will be yes, for others no.

Meanwhile, on PC people just play the game as long as they pay their ISP bill. Personally, I think the paid online thing on consoles is a scam, and I find it very hard to justify the value. I don't feel like paying for internet twice, and if I'm going to pay a $60 a year subscription for a racing game then it becomes a lot easier to compare GTS to iRacing.

To evaluate this game as if it's locked down from day one on is absurd, it's certainly not the attitude I've been reading in the PCars2 thread. Lots of patience over there, faith in the developers to get the issues sorted, it's just that they had to release it before GTS or it's dead in the water, etc.

On the other hand, Polyphony is one of the few racing developers that has a poor reputation of communicating with their fan base and following through on their commitments.

It's not hard to see why faith in other devs would be higher than for GTS. Especially fresh off the back of GT6, the game they sold largely on the promise of future updates and support and then promptly went quiet. I'm sure glad all the new VGTs are in GTS instead of in GT6 where I paid for them.

Its best gt so far

Actually, so far it's the worst reviewed Gran Turismo game ever by a significant margin.

That's exactly the reason why there is no game that has the map and freedom of GTA5, career mode of TDU2, physics and online of iRacing, graphics and modelling of GTS, sound effects of RRRE and car count of Forza 7. It is SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE for $60, unless you want to spend $300 for a game, which you won't.

No, the reason is that all those things don't appeal to the same audience. A game with all those things would be a hot mess with no direction, flinging money at excelling in all areas for no clear purpose.

Imo, this is the best GT I have played since gt3/4.

That's not a high bar.

Forza 7 is not GT at all. NONE of it gives me the GT vibe, whereas GTS gives me a ton of those.

Forza 7 is the sole remaining game with the "traditional" GT structure and gameplay. You may not like that, but that's how it is. Forza Motorsport is the only place to get traditional Gran Turismo style gameplay.

No way is this game a $40 title. Especially if you can live with Forza 7, which is mostly recycled really, being $60 with microtransactions written all over your face. When I play FM7, the feel of cheapness of the developers constantly rub on my face.

Yes, well, some of us didn't buy FM5 or 6, and so FM7 looks like fairly reasonable value for money. If the FM7 had run properly on my PC, I'd certainly have bought it by now.
I think they struggled so much with PS3 development it just wasn't an option. With the whole Esports thing, i can just almost smell the stench of paid DLC coming.

Oh, it's here for sure. Microtransactions incoming. The whole game is conditioning players for it.

Forza 7 is the sole remaining game with the "traditional" GT structure and gameplay. You may not like that, but that's how it is. Forza Motorsport is the only place to get traditional Gran Turismo style gameplay.

Eww. Forza and GT lost their way many years ago. Forza 7 isn't a traditional GT game, it's a slot machine and car collection game. I mean, who really wants to start the game with 500,000cr? No one.
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Eww. Forza and GT lost their way many years ago. Forza 7 isn't a traditional GT game, it's a slot machine and car collection game. I mean, who really wants to start the game with 500,000cr? No one.

You'll notice that Gran Turismo has had credit bonuses with it's pre-orders for several years now. No one may want them, but they've been available in both Forza and Gran Turismo for years.

But it's not like Gran Turismo has been starting you with nothing anyway, we all know that you do the licenses first to get prize cars and then it doesn't matter what 1.2L econobox you buy with your first 15,000Cr.
You'll notice that Gran Turismo has had credit bonuses with it's pre-orders for several years now. No one may want them, but they've been available in both Forza and Gran Turismo for years.

But it's not like Gran Turismo has been starting you with nothing anyway, we all know that you do the licenses first to get prize cars and then it doesn't matter what 1.2L econobox you buy with your first 15,000Cr.

Yeah, but I just like the old way :(
Wow, @Imari is on fire today!

Yeah, but I just like the old way :(

I personally think the old GT format is probably way too inaccessible for casual/mainstream fans, and I remember Kaz saying in interviews that doing something like GT Sport was like the 'end goal' or something. Either way, I don't think we will see what we call a "true GT" again, I don't even think there will be another Gran Turismo after this.
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Yeah, but I just like the old way :(

So do I. When these games give me large amounts of credits or free cars I tend to give myself an arbitrarily small amount plus my winnings that I use until the point where I've won enough money that I'm not restricted any more. It's a fun part of the game, working your way up from the bottom.
It's not.
That's actually kind of contrary to what Kaz has said a few times; that GTS could have been called GT7.

I've been thinking about your reply to my posts while I got ready for work today and I don't agree with the 'It's not' but given that you chose not to elaborate I can't really assume why you think that, so I'll elaborate as to why I think it is pretty well featured;
It has most of the races and challenges of the previous numbered game, only instead of them being gated behind owning certain cars and or licences, they are pretty much only locked behind linear progression though the game. You have the races with arcade mode (which nets you rewards) and circuit challenges. You have licence stuff and time trails mixed in too (I forget all the names).
The basics are there, I think what is lacking, is the number of tracks.
I think it should be said though, that the GT mode staples had worn thin on me; 'racing' from last to first over a handful of laps around cars that have little to no AI and that acted as a mere mobile chicane... I don't really morn that loss

Regarding the name, Kaz could have called it (assuming he got the licence) Sponge Bob's Wacky Adventures Under the Sea Vol.1. Clearly, it is not GT7, in either name, concept or goals. If you look at all of the numbered Gran Turismo games, they all follow pretty much the same formula... loads of cars, from race cars to road cars to concept cars to cars that are designed for the Moon.
It's about collecting cars and giving you lots of tracks to drive them around on. GT Sport isn't about that, really at all. That was something that, like I said, was clearly obvious, at least to me, from the early parts of GT Sports
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Actually GTS has changed from a car based collecting and modding game to a class based racing game. I for one do not miss having to race a VW mini bus with 40 hp to pass a license test.

People complain because GTS is not enough of a racing game, then complain because it is made into a racing game where the cars are more class based from the start and you cannot bolt on a blower or change the exhaust.

A racing game should focus on racing not washing your ride and GTS is attempting it seems to make that change. Some people like it some do not. I think the platform has a lot of potential.

Granted the server save issue needs to be fixed but if they get the bugs out of the online system they could possibly host online racing seasons that are game based and have point seasons and a circuit trail to follow. The possibilities are endless but we must give it a chance.
You can create your own event in arcade mode. Wouldn't that be fun? Also, campaign also has some great events. Dont think offline content is any less this time.

This is Classic GT.

As for cars its subjective. They can add it as a DLC which you are looking for.

Most important thing is driving is nailed by PD. Find a car and just drive man.

This exactly, you can literally set up any race you want with cars and length that you want. In Arcade mode, you can make your own career mode. Set-up things like endurance for all tracks or sprints for all tracks, or certain tracks based regionally or what have you. The single player part of this game is up to you playing against AI. I don't think it's as bad as it is different.
Actually GTS has changed from a car based collecting and modding game to a class based racing game. I for one do not miss having to race a VW mini bus with 40 hp to pass a license test.

People complain because GTS is not enough of a racing game, then complain because it is made into a racing game where the cars are more class based from the start and you cannot bolt on a blower or change the exhaust.

A racing game should focus on racing not washing your ride and GTS is attempting it seems to make that change. Some people like it some do not. I think the platform has a lot of potential.

Granted the server save issue needs to be fixed but if they get the bugs out of the online system they could possibly host online racing seasons that are game based and have point seasons and a circuit trail to follow. The possibilities are endless but we must give it a chance.

Someone get's it at last lol
Actually GTS has changed from a car based collecting and modding game to a class based racing game. I for one do not miss having to race a VW mini bus with 40 hp to pass a license test.

People complain because GTS is not enough of a racing game, then complain because it is made into a racing game where the cars are more class based from the start and you cannot bolt on a blower or change the exhaust.

A racing game should focus on racing not washing your ride and GTS is attempting it seems to make that change. Some people like it some do not. I think the platform has a lot of potential.

Granted the server save issue needs to be fixed but if they get the bugs out of the online system they could possibly host online racing seasons that are game based and have point seasons and a circuit trail to follow. The possibilities are endless but we must give it a chance.

You can achieve making a “racing game” without throwing out the career mode though, which is what a lot of people aren’t happy about.
Without the dynamic TOD/weather, I find the game too static... 90% of the flaws in GTSport are fixable: online save, car list, track list, offline events... Though the dynamic TOD/weather will probably never be implemented in a near future.
Do you think the graphics of GTSport worth the lack of dynamic TOD/weather?
Oh, it's here for sure. Microtransactions incoming. The whole game is conditioning players for it.
I doubt microtransactions are coming to GT Sport, it would entire defeat the purpose of the game which is to provide a level playing field for every player in each category.

And how is it 'conditioning' players for its implementation? Mileage points? Again why would PD ruin what is a good system of rewarding players for consistently putting miles on the game with microtransactions?
Guys look at fifa 18. Yes you can play online in weekend leagues, divisions. With loads of prizes.

If youvare sick of online you can play offline squad builder challenges again with prizes. Career mode. Ultimate team mode. Squad builder challenges. Thousands of players to buy/trade/sell/auction etc.

That's what keeps people playing. And they can play at their own pace on/offline. Collect, build.

GT used to offer this kind of solution. Now in its only ps4 iteration offers a fraction of this.
Guys look at fifa 18. Yes you can play online in weekend leagues, divisions. With loads of prizes.

If youvare sick of online you can play offline squad builder challenges again with prizes. Career mode. Ultimate team mode. Squad builder challenges. Thousands of players to buy/trade/sell/auction etc.

That's what keeps people playing. And they can play at their own pace on/offline. Collect, build.

GT used to offer this kind of solution. Now in its only ps4 iteration offers a fraction of this.

Open arcade mode and create whatever single player race you want. This arcade mode isn't the same arcade mode from the other GT titles. I think a fair few people are missing that.
Open arcade mode and create whatever single player race you want. This arcade mode isn't the same arcade mode from the other GT titles. I think a fair few people are missing that.

What's the reward and progression from it? Stand alone races are fine. If I'm racing or playing even if I'm offline if like to think I'm building towards something. That provides longevity.
What's the reward and progression from it? Stand alone races are fine. If I'm racing or playing even if I'm offline if like to think I'm building towards something. That provides longevity.

When I looked I didn't feel the rewards were amazing or amazingly terrible. I can't post them as I didn't record them, but I do know as you change the parameters for the race the rewards change. Check them out.