GT Sport Bug Report Thread

  • Thread starter VBR
Short/Long race video's no longer seem to play when the game is idle and not on the scapes/museum info selection.

Screen shows the name of the track and the borders for the race but no video is showing on screen or sounds, seems to be introduced since the update.

Also Friend list and followers pictures appear to be reorganised randomly for no reason...
Anyone having fuel issues since the update? Just finished a league race at Le Mans with BMW gr4's and for the majority of the race the fuel was ok. But the end of the last stage, 15 laps, it seemed many of us had an insane fuel problem. Taking 2 or 3 laps extra still wasn't enough to make it the final few laps.

Our room was set to tire wear x4 and fuel x3 and those are the usual setting every week. Never had issues like this.

It almost seems as though the fuel burns normally until you're around 3 laps from being empty and then it's like there's a hole in the gas tank.
It appears that the game isn't letting me sign a contract with a manufacturer for this season? I can enter both Nations Cup and the GR Supra Cup no problem but when I try to click on driver contract the button is greyed out. Any solutions?
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Apparently it's just my latest FIA replay. I can ffwd other replays just fine but that one's crashed the app 3 times now. If I just let it play, it's fine.

Edit: Nevermind, that replay only runs for about a minute and half. Something's definitely weird.
Apparently it's just my latest FIA replay. I can ffwd other replays just fine but that one's crashed the app 3 times now. If I just let it play, it's fine.

Edit: Nevermind, that replay only runs for about a minute and half. Something's definitely weird.
The replay probably didn't save fully as you didn't have enough replay space left on the game. You won't be able to recover it (maybe if someone else has it saved they could share it) and you'd have to delete other replays or photos to make space for more
I just finished a Manufacturers race in Gran Turismo Sport. It was second to the last of four times that it was put on. I think entering it, it was the race at 1700 hours.i quickly took lead as I began in 3rd slot.i led all the race. At the end, when it finished I showed 1st as I should. But when it went to confirm, a guy's name popped up in first that I never recalled even in the top three finishes. I can provide their name and no, there was no penalty on me so it could have only been that they somehow cheated the win from me! What can be done?
Hi just bought this game. Currently my ek9 minimum top speed level(autoset) is 180km/h whereas my friend and all other videos ive seen was 160km/h . Why is this so?
Im new in all of this, even though online races, sorry if I enter in your thread but i dont now how to open a new one.
listen I was on a online race, the championship of brands, and i qualify in first, all the race i keep the first place, i didnt get any penalitation, actually i won for 19 second from the second, at the end i finished in second, i dont know why, i think it was my best race ever and the took it from me
I just finished a Manufacturers race in Gran Turismo Sport. It was second to the last of four times that it was put on. I think entering it, it was the race at 1700 hours.i quickly took lead as I began in 3rd slot.i led all the race. At the end, when it finished I showed 1st as I should. But when it went to confirm, a guy's name popped up in first that I never recalled even in the top three finishes. I can provide their name and no, there was no penalty on me so it could have only been that they somehow cheated the win from me! What can be done?

Im new in all of this, even though online races, sorry if I enter in your thread but i dont now how to open a new one.
listen I was on a online race, the championship of brands, and i qualify in first, all the race i keep the first place, i didnt get any penalitation, actually i won for 19 second from the second, at the end i finished in second, i dont know why, i think it was my best race ever and the took it from me

Most likely you got hit by the penalty for not using all required tires. It's 60 seconds in FIA.
All three tires where mandatory in the race, if you didn't use them all this is what happens.
It was listed in the news on the fron page of the game, on Gran Turismo's web page and in the race details + on the screen before qualify
Since the update, I have been having an issue with pausing and continuing races. I play with a controller, and whenever I hit Continue, the X button input is carried over. Since I have X set to Shift Up, everytime I continue I shift gears. I've tested this with other things mapped to X, and the issue remains (i.e. if change view is set to X, view will be changed upon continue).

This happens to me too. Happens also when entering track from the lobby.
Don’t know if it’s a bug... but there are loads of lobbies with just 1 person in it, and it could be just me, but I can’t join any lobby anymore... so not sure if it’s a bug or if there are server issues currently...?

*edit* I emptied the cache/temporary data, rebooted the game, even the console completely, no change... didn’t have these issues earlier today...

*edit2* seems like it fixed itself
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Don’t know if it’s a bug... but there are loads of lobbies with just 1 person in it, and it could be just me, but I can’t join any lobby anymore... so not sure if it’s a bug or if there are server issues currently...?

*edit* I emptied the cache/temporary data, rebooted the game, even the console completely, no change... didn’t have these issues earlier today...

*edit2* seems like it fixed itself
PSN has been going nuts today
Hi, just giving my input, don't know if anyone else gets this same problem. My issue is sometimes if not all the time, in the beginning of the replay I get black screen with sound for about 10-15secs, Wondering if its something I have to do or are others getting the same. I have others but let me know about this 1st. Thanks.
Sometimes it works well doing this :

The drivers with problems have to go out, go into another lobby and come back to the lobby.

Unfortunately, no luck. It is still not working. A really desperate situation. And why do only these specific 2 persons have only that problem ? We have no issues if we play only with one of the 2 guys (the one AND the other). This is so strange
Yesterday I just did theee gr3 daily races and one daily race A with most people same rank but faster quals. Started mid pack. 3/4 I finished same as start position. 3rd I improved 5 positions and yet my DR tanked, went down each one. No change SR = S. Please advise/help.
Yesterday I just did theee gr3 daily races and one daily race A with most people same rank but faster quals. Started mid pack. 3/4 I finished same as start position. 3rd I improved 5 positions and yet my DR tanked, went down each one. No change SR = S. Please advise/help.
It doesn't matter if you improve your start position or not. All that matters is your finish position. You lose DR points to every driver that beats you (more if they have a lower DR score than you), and gain it from every driver you beat (more if they have a higher DR score than you).

Also, this is the Bug Report thread, and that's not a bug.
It doesn't matter if you improve your start position or not. All that matters is your finish position. You lose DR points to every driver that beats you (more if they have a lower DR score than you), and gain it from every driver you beat (more if they have a higher DR score than you).

Also, this is the Bug Report thread, and that's not a bug.

Sorry if I was unclear, I am talking about finish position improving from start by 5 positions in one race, and the other times finishing same position as started, within each race. Most races had all D/S, some had some C/S in there.
Sorry if I was unclear, I am talking about finish position improving from start by 5 positions in one race, and the other times finishing same position as started, within each race.
You were not unclear, and I'll requote my first sentence:
It doesn't matter if you improve your start position or not.
Finish position is what matters. If you finish 5th it doesn't matter if you started 12th or 1st.

You lose DR points to every driver that beats you (more if they have a lower DR score than you), and gain it from every driver you beat (more if they have a higher DR score than you).
You were not unclear, and I'll requote my first sentence:

Finish position is what matters. If you finish 5th it doesn't matter if you started 12th or 1st.

You lose DR points to every driver that beats you (more if they have a lower DR score than you), and gain it from every driver you beat (more if they have a higher DR score than you).

ok, got it, thanks. Must have been lower ranked folks in all these races then......
Hi, just giving my input, don't know if anyone else gets this same problem. My issue is sometimes if not all the time, in the beginning of the replay I get black screen with sound for about 10-15secs, Wondering if its something I have to do or are others getting the same. I have others but let me know about this 1st. Thanks.

Yes I have had that before but been a while, just took it as a bug
ok, got it, thanks. Must have been lower ranked folks in all these races then......
And you finished mid-pack...
Started mid pack. 3/4 I finished same as start position.
I don't know what your DR is, but you said most races were D (under 4,000) and some had some C (4,000-9,999) as well. So let's imagine all the Ds were at 1,000 (including you; can't be in an all-D lobby if you aren't also a D), and all the Cs were low-C at 4,500.

Here's a race where you finish 7th, behind the other Cs and four Ds:


You lose 66 DR. Here's the same race, but everyone's a D:


You'd lose 80 DR - it's worse because you lose less DR to people with a higher DR than yours, so being beaten by a C doesn't sting as much as being beaten by a D.

Do that a couple of times and you're down 15% of your DR. Even if you have a fourth place in there somewhere and gain some of it back, you won't be gaining as much because matchmaking will put you with people with as close to the same DR as you as possible (it matches by SR first, then fills the lobbies in descending DR order; that first example I gave is unlikely to happen - it's more likely to be low C ~4,500 and high D at ~3,500, with outliers) and you won't gain as much as if you're racing against - and beating - people with higher DR scores.

At D, the range of possible DR scores (with exceptions caused by having an SR of E or D) is just 3,999pt (there's no zero). That's the smallest range of any DR rank, so you are likely to be with players very close to you in DR score. If you're finishing lower than the top half more than you are in the top half, you'll be losing DR. Aim for the top half as a minimum, and podium as a preference.
Since the update when looking in my garage or when choosing a car to enter a race, none of he car images show. All my cars are there (I think) but only half (at most) of the images of the cars load. Never had this before.
Since the update when looking in my garage or when choosing a car to enter a race, none of he car images show. All my cars are there (I think) but only half (at most) of the images of the cars load. Never had this before.
Clear your network cache, go to your garage overview page, and wait.

Like, really wait.

For a while.

A really, really long while.
does anyone else have the problem that the Porsche 911 Gr3 leaves the pits on RBR in the wrong gear?
it leaves in 2nd (like most cars) but it really should be leaving in first gear, since Porsche Gearbox.

I don't think that this is a bug, but hey... where to ask?! :)
I've been having these more after the update. In fact I can't remember if I ever had it before the update.
My provider has CGNAT but I get NAT2 and all green in the connection test in GT Sport.
This one happened after winning the race, waiting for the other racers. I did not get the points, and my DR dropped.
Any tips? I already tried cleaning the cache. Do I need to do it very often?

Thanks in advance
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I have lost all the on screen ata when in time trial or racing online . i have nothing but the track ,
no lap time no dash ,mao or start when the race is about to begin or finish when cross line is this a bug ?