GT Sport Impressions

  • Thread starter Corsa
Better than AC, where you never get to actually race, as all the rooms spend all night in practice :lol:

GT5P had all time best on-line racing. Pick a car/track combo (only a couple to choose from), press enter, and when the room was full, away you went. Brilliant racing if you coordinated start times with a few of your mates.

Definitely getting GT5P vibes from this demo. :)

Great to hear your report Stotty, thanks for that.

I've been waiting to return to the GT5P days. It was the absolute best online racing, such fond memories of this era. GT6's shuffle was OK, and I'd been doing Quick Match racing over the last few months just to keep in touch with the game, but it wasn't the same.

Looking forward to this!
They need to work on 3'rd Camera Sound. Asap.

The 3'rd camera sounds like ****. Even the crackers on exhaust can easily could heard when you go bumper cam, but you dont hear it in 3'rd cam. (it must be the opposite way)
Impressions after an evening with GT Sport. We will start with the positive stuff:

- Graphics are a bliss, pure racing game porn. Especially the material and the athmosphere effects are phenomenal
- Performance is smooth and stable
- Menus are fast and slick
- Interlagos is amazing
- The marshals waving flags is a lovely detail and adds a lot of athmosphere

Uhm... Well, that was it, unfortunately. Now the negative:

- The abysmal track list. I am bored of the fictional tracks after one evening already, the ovals are Daytona USA grade arcade nonsense and the rally
tracks are traditionally useless
- Speaking of which, their sorry excuse for a rally mode still sucks big time, they havent tried to come up with something better or adressed none of its
its major flaws since GT5, sorry but that is beyond laughable
- FFB is rather basic and numb compared to the competition (T300)
- I cant hold a slide for the life of me in the level 6 Group B stadium challenge, car either stalls out when I floor it to induce oversteer or just does a 180
- Sounds are an improvement but in this day and age the competition doesnt sleep... Raceroom this aint, by a country mile
- The tire and crash sounds deserve a dishonorable mention
- AI is the same pathetic joke as it always was, I ran out of fuel at Interlagos and every last damn bob rammed into my rear end while overtaking me :crazy:
- Loading times for the challenges are rather long for 20 second bursts of action
- You can already see how the career mode is running thin after an evening, this will not keep you busy nearly as long as any of its predecessors
- Last and most important: Whoever came up with the idea that you shouldnt be able to save your progress when the servers are down needs to be
publically shamed and fired. This is by far the worst game design decision I have come across yet in 28 years of being a gamer.

The last point might be rectified with a patch, but the rest..? Sadly, not only is there a lot of huge problems, most of them are still legacy faults carried over from previous GT titles, so I m not optimistic they will ever be adressed. 20 years from now, GT titles will probably still have gameplay as if it was still 1997.

Therefor in conclusion, this is a title I might pick up for 20 quid some time down the line for sentimental reasons, depending on whether they fix the terrible tracklist with free additional tracks that are actually interesting.
Here's my impression of the demo so far.

I've been lucky enough to have played the closed beta a few months ago and I was already sold back then, had a lot of fun with the online races there. Even before the beta I was pretty sure I'd get it on release. But as always with GT games we learn to keep our expectations low. But now with this demo, it's just unbelievable what PD has achieved. While I've seen the graphics and most of the main features in the beta before I was still completely blown away today by pretty much everything in the demo.

Lets start with the graphics. I play it on a PS4 Pro on a 4K HDR screen and it really looks amazing, much better than in the beta. While there are some jaggies and texture pops sometimes this is definately the most beautiful racing game by far. And I'll go even further and say that the lighting is best of any game I've seen, not just racing game. Driving at Dragon Trail at dusk is the best way to see it, I just think it's magic, I don't know how else they did it.

Then on to the sounds, also much improved from the beta. For me, I'm already very happy with what I've heard so far. The engine sounds and all of the small details are very good, it's really great that they've finally listened to the fans and improved those sounds. That's what was holding back GT quite a bit, but not anymore now.

Physics and force feedback have also improved greatly. On the G29 I can really feel the weight transfer, suspension and when you lose grip. The wheel also feels heavier than before, had to reduce that a little bit. But it improved only on the normal tracks, here comes my only negative point so far. On the dirt/rally track it's absolutely rubbish. You constantly have to deal with gear rattle, on the straights and even worse in the corners. I understand they're really trying to make you feel the road surface but I think this is a bit too much. It's not enjoyable at all and it's the reason I avoided rally in GT5 and GT6 as well. They really have to look into that and improve the force feedback on dirt/rally tracks because for me, and I'm sure many others with a G29, it's unplayable.

Driving School and Missions are really fun, I've done most of them and while the Driving School is easy, the Missions definately are not. :) The AI in the missions is quite fast and doesn't hesitate to overtake or block you. They also drive defensive lines sometimes when you're close to them. I really loved the Interlagos mission. The track itself already looks amazing (much better than in F1 2017), it was also quite challenging with the car's handling and ofcourse the cool looking pitstop.

As for arcade though, I think the AI is a bit too easy there still. Which seems weird cause if they can make them fast in the missions, why not in arcade as well? Doesn't make sense to me.

Scapes and livery editor I still haven't really spent much time on so can't say anything about that yet. I did take some race photos already though and I like how many options you have with the camera. Already have some great photos. :) And I also did already see some great liveries being shared so it seems that it's quite capable.

But yeah, overall this demo has already far exceeded my expectations for GT Sport. I'm really looking forward to playing to full game next week. :D
Nice to see so many positive opinions about our beloved franchise!

I haven't had much seat time with GT Sport, but one thing seems very clear:

GT Sport drives the way we all expected it to drive - like a Gran Turismo game. It's sort of like an old family chair; there's something special about the familiar that sits right with people. I still have to put more hours into it, but little things like some inconsistencies with understeer, the 'driving on clouds' sense of traction, and the lack of any real torque steer from FWD cars are all very GT-ish. This title doesn't seem like an evolution, but more like an affirmation of the series' roots.

While I personally prefer the driving in AC, there's no doubt that there's a distinct difference between how cars drive and how cars drive in Gran Turismo; and I'm glad this title retains its identity in that aspect whereas many other titles are constantly altering their driving experience.
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Is the demo crashing for everyone else when you try to enter the options menu (standard PS4)? It stays there for a second or two for me and then it goes down with an error code.

Edit: Seems to be working now after I finished a race.
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I started playing at around 6:30pm yesterday and i love it. I played the Beta and was quite happy with it but this has improved in a lot of areas for me. I like the fact that the car will bite you if not driven accordingly, this adds a great sense of achievement and satisfaction if you are able to post times with the front runners.

I have completed almost all of the available campaign (gold medals whoooo) bar two. Having done every licence test in every GT game so these weren't far from the norm but i can definitely see how the campaign will allow people to become familiar with the handling and driving technique required for different circuits and cars. Anyone jumping into a racing game for the first time can definitely hone their driving abilities with the campaign by pushing for Gold. The issue is they more teach you how to be fast and not so much on how to drive clean around other cars.

I also jumped into sport mode. I do enjoy the driver rating system, it does a fairly good job of matching you with drivers of similar ability. However i feel they should have a campaign mode that really allows drivers to be levelled appropriately from the beginning of the game instead of everyone starting at the same level. Faster guys don't want to work their way through slower guys and vice versa, it can really take away from the experience.

My first 4-5 sport mode races, except one which i didn't get time to qualify, i would qualify at least a few seconds over the competition, winning all my races so far with a minimum of 14 seconds over 2nd place. I enjoyed these races so far but i definitely hope this improves a bit. My mate who is on a controller and is still learning the new handling was chucked in rooms with cars that qualified with times that matched or were faster than mine, i feel this can leave new drivers with a "why bother" attitude sometimes. Lets see if this works itself out over another day.

The Miata caught me a few times (me expecting it to be an easy car to drive), had a great race with another Aussie guy last night and we were giving each other plenty of racing room which brings me onto my last point.

Penalties. The penalty system really needs some work. It does not adjust SR accordingly to the incident. I have found too many times that a lot of the fastest drivers have no idea on how to RACE. They simply believe the race is another qualifying session and if you are making a perfectly clean pass they push their car into you trying to take the racing line. This generally results in you losing SR without having done anything wrong. I have been playing sims (Rfactor, GTR, GTR2, Rfactor 2) since 2005, and having raced in plenty of championships i am very used to seeing someone making a pass on me and i leave room to avoid a collision. I really do hope that the etiquette side of the game comes into play here. I'd hate to see this at level S.

All in all i am very happy with the game, i am loving it. I can't wait to try VR but without that so far my only faults are the server not allowing me to save sometimes, so i worry about turning off my console as i don't want to lose my stats i got since the last save. The other issue is the game sometimes crashing in the options menu but i have sent reports when this happens so i hope this also gets rectified.

I hope this gives a slight glimpse into my thoughts on the demo and the key areas i feel it could improve the end user experience.
As someone who has played nearly every sim under the sun, I have to give GTS a pat on the back for it's movement of weight when driving.

No sim I have ever played has gotten the weight movement feeling as good as this game has.

The biggest problem for me is the Numb FFB, it's not a deal breaker but you think they would of solved this by now.
Initial impressions.

Looks great and sounds are certainly improved over past titles. Overall a polished product, but the constant server downtime today I fear may put some off (first impressions and all that).

The physics thankfully have moved back to something closer to the Copper Box set-up, rather than the closed beta (which was not good), as such they are reasonable. They are not up to PC or AC level, but are enjoyable enough and an improvement over past GT titles. FFB is also behind PC and AC, with wheel weight the dominant factor rather than actual surface detail and its all a bit numb and simple, however its functional enough for what its aiming at.

Scapes and photo mode is as good as I expected it to be, which is great news, however I'm still not convinced that enough exists off-line to draw in and keep those with no interest in on-line.

I also hope that the servers settle down quickly as a launch next week without it resolved will be a major downer, the driving standards on-line are also bloody appalling from a lot of people. Getting used as a braking aid and constant pitt maneuvers if you try and overtake cleanly is a pain, particulrly when you then get your DR downrated for being on the receiving end.

Overall its closer to a return to form for the series than I had expected, which is good, and while its not going to shift my two go-to track based titles, it will get enough attention.

Oh apart from the loose surface stuff, which again is just wrong on so many levels, and it gets marked down for the daft 'reset to track' and the fact that my clutch and shifter don't work. Come on PD sort these out, not supporting the clutch and shifter is just plain silly.
To those with a wheel that has a clutch: has the clutch simulation improved? In previous GTs it would act more like an on off switch. I'm hoping it functions like a real clutch now.
Wow. Pre-ordered.

I had rather low expectations - haven't played a GT since GT5, which was enjoyable enough but horrible sound and AI on rails (both much improved from my samplings of this demo so far) - but I'm really impressed so far.

I just can't be bothered to take out and set up my wheel anymore for every racing game session and much to my surprise I find GTS offering both motion control steering and right stick for accelerate/brake.
I've had lots of motion control practice with DriveClub (it does take a little while to get used to) and it's even smoother here in GTS because it's much more of a sim, so not as many quick and abrupt maneuvers required as in an arcade racer. It just controls fantastically - it's likely I won't even bother trying with left stick steering instead (although I might give it a try with my Thrustmaster T150 wheel tomorrow, or after release).

While it lacks the dynamic time of day and weather of Project Cars 2, the visuals are in most situations much crisper on a standard PS4. I actually thought PC2 looked worse than PC1 in some lighting conditions with horrendous pixelation.
Good car sounds from the handful I've tried so far, although still lacking some of the grunt and savageness as in some other racers (but they are probably a little overdone in eg. Project Cars).

I never cared much for the menus in previous Gran Turismos, but while they are still easily recognizable here I feel they are much more efficient to navigate and everything is just very polished.
Better than AC, where you never get to actually race, as all the rooms spend all night in practice :lol:

GT5P had all time best on-line racing. Pick a car/track combo (only a couple to choose from), press enter, and when the room was full, away you went. Brilliant racing if you coordinated start times with a few of your mates.
Yeah, I love AC but you get so little racing done as all rooms are practice sessions and the same cars.

It's actually novel to get stuck into some real racing without the need to plan well ahead.
Initial impressions.

Looks great and sounds are certainly improved over past titles. Overall a polished product, but the constant server downtime today I fear may put some off (first impressions and all that).

The physics thankfully have moved back to something closer to the Copper Box set-up, rather than the closed beta (which was not good), as such they are reasonable. They are not up to PC or AC level, but are enjoyable enough and an improvement over past GT titles. FFB is also behind PC and AC, with wheel weight the dominant factor rather than actual surface detail and its all a bit numb and simple, however its functional enough for what its aiming at.

Scapes and photo mode is as good as I expected it to be, which is great news, however I'm still not convinced that enough exists off-line to draw in and keep those with no interest in on-line.

I also hope that the servers settle down quickly as a launch next week without it resolved will be a major downer, the driving standards on-line are also bloody appalling from a lot of people. Getting used as a braking aid and constant pitt maneuvers if you try and overtake cleanly is a pain, particulrly when you then get your DR downrated for being on the receiving end.

Overall its closer to a return to form for the series than I had expected, which is good, and while its not going to shift my two go-to track based titles, it will get enough attention.

Oh apart from the loose surface stuff, which again is just wrong on so many levels, and it gets marked down for the daft 'reset to track' and the fact that my clutch and shifter don't work. Come on PD sort these out, not supporting the clutch and shifter is just plain silly.

Spent a couple of hours last night and was pleasantly surprised at how PD took bit's n piece's from previous iterations of GT :gtpflag:It was great to see GTS in all its glory albeit a closed demo @43GB.

Rally mode gave me awful reminders of GT5 and even GT2 &3 FFS at least make it rallycross.

I also had the WTF moment when overshooting a corner 'reset to track' .... LUL

No damage and robotic AI 👎
Okay, so can someone quickly fill me in on a few things here, since I haven't really been checking up on car lists etc.

I'm looking through all the show rooms now and I can see that aside from vision cars (very surprised to see there's one for nearly every brand) and rally cars, the game focuses on various power categories of road cars and - here comes the question - Gr. 4 and Gr. 3, which appears to mirror real world GT4 and GT3, but is it correct that many of the cars in these Gr. 4 and Gr. 3 (primarily Gr. 4) do not actually race in the real GT4 and GT3 series but are created for this game from relevant road cars that are also in the game?
Eg. Jaguar F-Type Gr. 4, Volkswagen Scirocco Gr. 4 and many, many others.

I have to say that since GT3 and the newer GT4 series are often my favourites in sims I'm very pleased to see so many choices, even if a good chunk of them - or maybe the majority for Gr. 4 - are fictional in their race car versions.

Edit: ... Okay, with a Veyron Gr. 4 car I think it's safe to say that my question was answered :).
Yea they made up a bunch of crap because they're a game, not a simulator. I'm not part of the "simcade" argument but that part of GT remains in the gaming world. Just have to live with it. They used to be racing modifications or "Base Models" in GT6 but now with the FIA License I bet PD has to replicate the GT3 and GT4 categories in-game.
I have heard a few people say that online-only games can be very polarizing. After playing the demo, I can see what they mean by that. I've made a fair bit of progress, completing all of the available license tests (forget what they are called at the moment) and getting bonus cars for both that and completing the Daily workout quota, but every now and then I have to wrestle with the servers for minutes on end just to save my progress. Going into this, I didn't think that would be a big issue, but it really is a nuisance. I hope the servers can improve as the demo and the game progress.
My impressions? I'm Sold.

Coming from the Beta to here. I felt there was a big improvement on way things felt when driving the N300 cars. the Focus didn't feel as B----y to drive like in the beta... and as it stands Gr4 may be my goto class for racing.
Menus? Need i say anymore?
The livery editor was a lot more robust than I initially anticipated. There are some things however that need to be added (like the Ability to select more then one layer and duplicate more then one layer at a time) for it to be 100% better then Forza's editor.
As for scapes...I love it. I was able to fool a number of my friends with this pic i took:


Overall pretty good experience.
Oh apart from the loose surface stuff, which again is just wrong on so many levels, and it gets marked down for the daft 'reset to track' and the fact that my clutch and shifter don't work. Come on PD sort these out, not supporting the clutch and shifter is just plain silly.

Idk how but MotogamesTV manage to use shifter in GTS. However, they didn't show to us if they using clutch or not. Here is the proof :

Better than AC, where you never get to actually race, as all the rooms spend all night in practice :lol:

GT5P had all time best on-line racing. Pick a car/track combo (only a couple to choose from), press enter, and when the room was full, away you went. Brilliant racing if you coordinated start times with a few of your mates.

Truer words have never been spoken on this forum. To think it's been almost 10 years.

The physics thankfully have moved back to something closer to the Copper Box set-up, rather than the closed beta (which was not good), as such they are reasonable. They are not up to PC or AC level, but are enjoyable enough and an improvement over past GT titles. FFB is also behind PC and AC, with wheel weight the dominant factor rather than actual surface detail and its all a bit numb and simple, however its functional enough for what its aiming at.

Scapes and photo mode is as good as I expected it to be, which is great news, however I'm still not convinced that enough exists off-line to draw in and keep those with no interest in on-line.

I also hope that the servers settle down quickly as a launch next week without it resolved will be a major downer, the driving standards on-line are also bloody appalling from a lot of people. Getting used as a braking aid and constant pitt maneuvers if you try and overtake cleanly is a pain, particulrly when you then get your DR downrated for being on the receiving end.

Overall its closer to a return to form for the series than I had expected, which is good, and while its not going to shift my two go-to track based titles, it will get enough attention.

Oh apart from the loose surface stuff, which again is just wrong on so many levels, and it gets marked down for the daft 'reset to track' and the fact that my clutch and shifter don't work. Come on PD sort these out, not supporting the clutch and shifter is just plain silly.
My initial impressions after 45 minutes and completing all the license tests before work.

1. I was really surprised the physics seem completely unchanged from GT5 which is the last GT I played.

Now I never found them bad, just a bit bland and missing some detail. It was great at the time of GT5 but for so many years later it should have been at least tweaked a bit. But after being gutted over the FM7 demo physics, maybe less is more and in this case, nothing at all.

For a title that's poised to make a grand entrance in the esports world, I'm wondering if this is the physics model they're shooting for or whether they'll just continue to bury their heads in the sand with regards to what the competition is doing. I mean with the numbers this game does, they can can afford to, but the slogan "The real driving simulator" just annoys me more with every iteration of GT while the competition keeps doing so much more in the physics department.

I'm really looking forward to this game, but it's gonna be a complete turn off for me if it feels just like GT5/6 on the limit.
Very unfortunate you can't COMPLETELY customize your controller settings. For example, I don't use exactly any of the 3 pre-set acceleration and braking kills the game for me. The closest option is the right stick for accel/braking...but I do not use right stick down for braking.....but silly PD likes to do silly I can't put the brake option anywhere else...

All I want is FULL customization of the controller. Disappointed highly.
Well, i´ll have to give it another go once i finally upgrade to a working PS4 wheel, but playing this with a DS4 is horrible.

I just can´t take this level of fantasy in some parts of the game, it just doesn´t make any sense. Starting the game i was greeted with an NSX RALLY car?

Then you find out all the cars have the same downshift noise, you can only adjust the cockpit view two inches, there´s no way to get rid of the stupid tire screeching and collision noise, the game is filled with fantasy cars racing in fantasy tracks in fantasy scenarios, the setup options are the same as is GT2, rally is still a joke like it was in every GT game the driving challenges are now the career, car performances are all over the place, like they don´t even have an aero model, it´s just...

It´s hard to believe because in real life we are known as "the GT guy", but i don´t know how to take a positive with this one. What was passable 10 years ago just doesn´t cut it anymore.

Maybe with the future Fanatec set i can have some enjoyment out of the driving model, but this series is not what it used to be...

I´ll have to settle down and organize the thoughts to make some sense, but first day impressions are the worst possible, and i wasn´t expecting much this time. I just wanted some mindless fun and a driving model that made sense.

I´m just sad for the franchise because i wanted something good enough like GT5 Prologue or GT5, but it´s like they are stuck in 2004 making the same game.
well I discovered how to turn off TC... so now it feels a bit better than when I first tried it this morning. If anyone figures out how to use the TH8A and clutch please make this well known :) ! I still feel my t300 is too heavy and I set the torque at 1