GT Sport to not feature single player 'career' events/races?

  • Thread starter Samus

How would you feel if there was no traditional single player 'career' in GT Sport?

  • Not happy and I won't buy a GT game without one

    Votes: 199 43.7%
  • Not happy but i'll still buy a GT game without one

    Votes: 181 39.8%
  • I don't mind, if one is there I'll play it but prefer online

    Votes: 50 11.0%
  • I don't care at all, I don't want/need a single player career, will play online

    Votes: 25 5.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It's GTS, it's not a main stream title it's an eSports spinoff mainly focused on online racing, why you expect a career mode is beyond me.
7 months ago we were led to believe that we would have a "Campaign Mode". What does that not suggest if not an offline career? Yes we all understood the focus would be online racing but we weren't lead to believe it would be almost exclusively online.
Probably because Kaz said he could call this GT7 if he wanted to.
Key word Could off but he didn't it's called GTSports instead.

7 months ago we were led to believe that we would have a "Campaign Mode". What does that not suggest if not an offline career? Yes we all understood the focus would be online racing but we weren't lead to believe it would be almost exclusively online.
There is 117 events offline so that's the career. It won't be like previous GTs.
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Key word Could off but he didn't it's called GTSports instead.

You really don't understand the point do you?

If Kaz considered GTSport to be good enough to be called GT7 then it's extremely reasonable to expect what you would get from a mainline game and not a spin-off.

This is a $60 game.

There is 117 events offline so that's the career. It won't be like previous GTs.

Someone missed the entire point of the thread.
Why, I'll just line right up to pay full price for half of a game. And in, say, 3-4 years, I bet it won't at all be completely useless as anything more than a drink coaster.
Let me be clear, being a spin off is not an excuse for releasing a content deprived version of a game.

Forza Horizon is a spin off too but it was able to create a $60 experience that was worth buying.

Did it match the car list of Forza Motorsport? No it didn't, but it also didn't release 3 years after the last game and have to step in as the main Forza title for the foreseeable future on a next-gen platform.
Personally I am a wee bit bummed about lack of an offline racing career mode, but then again, if the AI that people reported at the event is in any way representative of the AI in the final game, then frankly I won't really care. I'm more concerned about offline time trials, as that was something that kept me coming back in GT5 and GT6.
It's not a career, there doesn't appear to be any racing. It's a series of license tests, training and etiquette videos and instruction. What part of that involves a campaign?
Did you even read the OP?
i did but I don't care for single player events because this title was never about that and anyone who thought it was going to have a career were foolish.
How do you know that this game was never about having an offline career mode?

How did you assume there was an offline career mode?

The initial announcement only really talked about the FIA partnership and the online championship associated with it.

There may be more to come. PD aren't a company to throw out all the info before the release. We don't know what hasn't been said, and what else is to come.
How did you assume there was an offline career mode?

The initial announcement only really talked about the FIA partnership and the online championship associated with it.

There may be more to come. PD aren't a company to throw out all the info before the release. We don't know what hasn't been said, and what else is to come.

Probably the fact that Kaz said he could have called this GT7 and that it's a Gran Turismo game.
GTS has been ever so slightly been growing on me with the videos and such. I was considering maybe buying it just to see what's going on with GT. Without a proper offline single player mode, it's goodbye to Gran Turismo for good.
There is 117 events offline so that's the career. It won't be like previous GTs.
Again, 7 months ago we were led to believe that we would have a "Campaign Mode". What does that suggest if not an offline career? Yes we all understood the focus would be online racing but we weren't lead to believe it would be almost exclusively online.
GT Sport will do what it has always set out to do.
Racing GT cars online.

I don't understand how or why some of you are expecting a full, offline GT experience.

GTS IS and has always been aimed at an online racing game.
GT Sport will do what it has always set out to do.
Racing GT cars online.

I don't understand how or why some of you are expecting a full, offline GT experience.

GTS IS and has always been aimed at an online racing game.
7 months ago we were led to believe that we would have a "Campaign Mode". What does that suggest if not an offline career? Yes we all understood the focus would be online racing but we weren't lead to believe it would be almost exclusively online.
Well, guys, after I preordered it and started reading here, I'm starting to get the impression that if you do not have a wheel/pedal/whatever setup then you are toast with this game. Is this thing gonna be fine for us controller only folks or should I have have just waited till GT7?
Campaign mode to me is this
You start in beginner races, say MX5 or Clio Cup, with other beginners and you have to complete/win a certain number of them to progress to the next class.
Possibly using events like the seasonal time trials/ super laps as we know them to earn points aswell.
Remember GT4 career... :(
GT5,6 had good and diverse career modes too, but they hadn't lots of races compare to GT4. and now after waiting for 3 years we have this...
There may be more to come. PD aren't a company to throw out all the info before the release. We don't know what hasn't been said, and what else is to come.
But like others, let's wait for more concrete info to come out to see a clearer picture.
What they said. This game has just had its reveal. We didn't even know that we'd be buying used cars in GT5 till a little over a month before the game's release.

Sport also still has four months or so of probably feverish work being done on it if there's no delay. That's also four months of news drabble.
Thing is, as I've said before in another thread, we don't have any clue just what else PD have up their sleeves for GTS. What they brought to the event, I'm quite positive wasn't their complete code - just what was needed for that event. Many functions were disabled and I'm also certain that wasn't because they haven't coded it yet but they wanted everyone focused only on what they were revealing at the time.
The esports and to some extent the scapes seemed to be the focus there with a few other features announced such as the livery editor which apart from showing us that there is one was otherwise not talked about in any detail at all by Kaz which leads me to believe he's saving the details of that for a later marketing opportunity.
I think they have held back on more than we know in order to divulge later in the lead up to release. So it is entirely possible that an offline career mode is there that hasn't been revealed yet, of course it's also equally possible that there isn't, we just don't know enough yet to say either way.
Well if it's online only, then they are potentially cutting off a large pool of the player base which has potato internet.

But like others, let's wait for more concrete info to come out to see a clearer picture.

I said it months ago, GTS is a gap filler, racing platform and GTx beta for the PS4 until GT7 arrives.
What they said. This game has just had its reveal. We didn't even know that we'd be buying used cars in GT5 till a little over a month before the game's release.

Sport also still has four months or so of probably feverish work being done on it if there's no delay. That's also four months of news drabble.
If this game is releasing in the fall it's likely feature complete right now. It's far too close to the release date to be introducing major features into the game.
If this remains somewhat hidden in promotion of the game I think there are going to be a lot of disappointed people come release day.
I've been thinking about this. We are supposed to be the well informed racing game fans visiting the GT forum, so by the time this game hits the stores we will know what it is about.

The biggest part of their consumer base however, are the casual gamers that know the GT series from the PS1/PS2 era and just want a car game on their console. I'm pretty sure the boxart will have fancy pictures from the photo mode, and it will mention there's an offline campaign mode which will trick a lot of people into thinking they will find the GT career mode of old, and they can grind and buy cars with credits.

They will be very surprised when they find out that they just have to do driving tests, and everything is based online where most of the hardcore folk linger, whilst they were used to being able to win races easily with the lame duck AI of before. No credits, no filling the garage with cars they won, no mental reward process.

This might be their final nail in the coffin, because by the time GT7 is released a lot of the regulars are going to be very wary into purchasing another GT and making the same mistake again, whilst they used to buy this game with their eyes closed.