GT4 General Discussion and Questions

  • Thread starter sn00pie
You've tried this method?

1. install
2. boot up hdloader and enable 3
3. eject (dont swap!) and insert original
4. start game,
You've tried this method?

1. install
2. boot up hdloader and enable 3
3. eject (dont swap!) and insert original
4. start game,

I cannot install it putting the original DVD into the PC drive and copying to the PS2 HD...
i am waiting for my GT4 copy to test out on my US PS2 what the guy said. if it works ill let you know. prob will be over a week though.

EDIT: according to what the guy said this should be what you have to do. You should not require a Japanese PS2 according to him.

1: get the game image (warez or legit rip from the original disc)
2: put image on HD (over network, or winhiip or whatever)
3: boot up ps2 hdloader
4: swap hdloader cd with REAL gt4 dvd (use flip top or slider card)
5: boot GT4 from hdloader menu

this seems right, but the part about the swap. i believe he said "eject (don't swap)"

i haven't used DVDdecryptor before, but how does it deal with a dual layer dvd when making an .iso?
do you have to have 2 .iso files, & if so, how would you make them work as one when transferring them to the HDD?

i can get my head around it, but i just don't know alot of the details.
this seems right, but the part about the swap. i believe he said "eject (don't swap)"

i haven't used DVDdecryptor before, but how does it deal with a dual layer dvd when making an .iso?
do you have to have 2 .iso files, & if so, how would you make them work as one when transferring them to the HDD?

i can get my head around it, but i just don't know alot of the details.

my mistake, yea he said eject, dont swap
this seems right, but the part about the swap. i believe he said "eject (don't swap)"

i haven't used DVDdecryptor before, but how does it deal with a dual layer dvd when making an .iso?
do you have to have 2 .iso files, & if so, how would you make them work as one when transferring them to the HDD?

i can get my head around it, but i just don't know alot of the details.

I think that dvddecryptor will make a whole iso also from DVD9 game i read it on some forum but never used it :/

check this link:
I had used DVD decryptor and HDHandiness to transfer to HD. Decryptor created a 6.5 GB image. I use Decryptor all the time and it never fails.
I think that dvddecryptor will make a whole iso also from DVD9 game i read it on some forum but never used it :/

check this link:

yeah, thats a good link. this part seems pretty informative:

leftler wrote:
DVD9 to HDL tutorial

I desided to put this in a new topic so it does not get lost in the discussion of the other topic. also i would like to thank alachest for all of his help.

What you will need:
Apache and if you don't already have them in your system32 folder the apache dlls
Sony CD/DVD generator and the patch

1. make a iso image with dvddecrpyter
2. open apache and open the iso you made
3. go to file/extract/all
4. wait a while, it will look like it froze, it dident, you can go to the extracted folder and see the files being created.
5. once it says its done go to file/create file list and save to somewhere convenent
6. click on the red/blue arrow, you will see the files change
7. go to file/extract/all again, put in the same folder as other extracton.
8. go to file/create file list again name it a diffrent name in the same convenynet place
8. open sony CD/DVD creator, make a new dvd project, make new DVD-rom master disk, NOT master disk dual layer , copy the whole directory where you extracted to the directory page (you will have to go up one level from where you extracted and copy the files, not the single directory)
9. go to the layout page and orgnise the files to the order that they where in on the file lists you created, first layer first, then the second layer
11. go to volume fill in the informaton on top, the disk name is the same as the slus file, slus in the first part, the number without the period in the second. for the other informaton just be logical, read the box(Xenosaga was copyrighted by namco, no publisher)
12. go to file/export iml and save the iml in the directory where you extracted
13. open iml2iso and slect the iml file, then create the iso.
14. send the iso to winHIIP.


i havent tested the winHIIP part beacuse my ps2 is in for repairs and wont be back till tue. but this method should work with any dvd9
yeah, thats a good link. this part seems pretty informative:

leftler wrote:
DVD9 to HDL tutorial

I desided to put this in a new topic so it does not get lost in the discussion of the other topic. also i would like to thank alachest for all of his help.

What you will need:
Apache and if you don't already have them in your system32 folder the apache dlls
Sony CD/DVD generator and the patch

1. make a iso image with dvddecrpyter
2. open apache and open the iso you made
3. go to file/extract/all
4. wait a while, it will look like it froze, it dident, you can go to the extracted folder and see the files being created.
5. once it says its done go to file/create file list and save to somewhere convenent
6. click on the red/blue arrow, you will see the files change
7. go to file/extract/all again, put in the same folder as other extracton.
8. go to file/create file list again name it a diffrent name in the same convenynet place
8. open sony CD/DVD creator, make a new dvd project, make new DVD-rom master disk, NOT master disk dual layer , copy the whole directory where you extracted to the directory page (you will have to go up one level from where you extracted and copy the files, not the single directory)
9. go to the layout page and orgnise the files to the order that they where in on the file lists you created, first layer first, then the second layer
11. go to volume fill in the informaton on top, the disk name is the same as the slus file, slus in the first part, the number without the period in the second. for the other informaton just be logical, read the box(Xenosaga was copyrighted by namco, no publisher)
12. go to file/export iml and save the iml in the directory where you extracted
13. open iml2iso and slect the iml file, then create the iso.
14. send the iso to winHIIP.


i havent tested the winHIIP part beacuse my ps2 is in for repairs and wont be back till tue. but this method should work with any dvd9

it doesnt work
I've been trying all evening and no go. I have a messiah machine and it wont run, put an iso on HDD and then original in drive and still no go. :(
thats interesting, cause on another board someone with a Messiah 2 chip machine DID get it to work. In mode 3 that is. But the thing is will it work with an unmodded PS2.
well I have been trying all evening (using mode 3). One time it did boot but froze as the intro started, the other times it either did nothing or it hung on the first disclaimer screen.
well I have been trying all evening (using mode 3). One time it did boot but froze as the intro started, the other times it either did nothing or it hung on the first disclaimer screen.

if you got to the intro then it worked for you, it sounds like you have other problems though.
I would guess it's to do with the dual layer issues. My understanding was that the game can boot from the HDloader but needs the original for second layer info etc, so perhaps it will always be hit n miss doing it this way.
Anyway, I've just bought a new Japanese PSTwo now so will have that Thursday..I just wanna play (without the messin around) :)
I've tried this a few times with no luck.

Ripped the image using DVDDecrypter
Copied to hard drive using HDHandiness
Booted to HDLoader
Set Mode3
Ejected HDLoader disc and put in GT4
Dies after disclaimer.

Any other ways? I can't believe after a week no one has been consistently successful.
maybe you should try doing the procedure to "flatten" the dvd9 as stated a few posts above (post #128), than load that to hdloader, then try mode 3. i'd say if that doesn't work it'll never work.
maybe you should try doing the procedure to "flatten" the dvd9 as stated a few posts above (post #128), than load that to hdloader, then try mode 3. i'd say if that doesn't work it'll never work.

I think so! Unfortunately I cannot try because my PC DVD gives me a reading error when I try to make the ISO from the original!!! 👎 :ouch: :scared:
well it is confirmed it works perfectly on a Me**iah modded PS2 so I have another one coming tonight lol (aswell as a PS Two tomorrow).. seems my PS2 didn;t like the dual layered games..
Just so I'm clear, you did that procedure on your Mes modded PS2 and it works no problem now? Everytime? Can you play GT4 straight from that PS2 like a normal game in that same PS2?

Is there anyway you can take your HDD out and try that exact setup in a unmodded PS2 (a friends or something).
i wanna ask something: is it possible to go under 5min on Nurb? i mean, that flinx guy did 5:25 with sauber s16 and i don't think sauber
is the fastest car,F1 should go a lot faster....

and is it possible to go 400km/h (250mph) or more on Nurb or LeMans straight? which is the longest straight in the game (ignoring test course..)?
It should be possibe to reach 400Kph on the Ring and LeSarth yes but gearing your car to do that may harm the lap times by reducing acceleration.
The F1 car imo will be able to beat 5 mins with a top class driver, although somethings telling me we'll know pretty soon now some people are starting to win the F1 car.
I've been searching for ages and ploughed through a lot of threads and other sites, but just asking, is there any news on if the Jaguar XJR9 LM is in the game. I know someone said they'd asked Jaguar and they said PD had taken and tested the car but, I've seen nothing of it yet and I would of thought if it was in we would of seen something.
Also I remember I saw once it said somewhere that there would be a TVR T400R Typhoon in so just wandering if anyones seen any racing TVR's?
Just curoious.
Hi, does anyone know if the pal version will have the 2-player tuned car option back in. I've got the Japanese copy and it seems to be missing!!! help!!
Also ive only managed to tune a R34 GTR to 863Bhp in GT4 but in GT3 you can tune it to 1050+Bhp does anyone know why??

Does this mean that tuning does not lead to the insane hp figures you can obtain in GT3.This is more realistic but is it true for other cars as well?
Why is it more realistic only being able to get 863Bhp out of a Skyline, I've seen loads of tuned street Skylines with over 1000Bhp, I've seen 1200Bhp ones too.
You can probaly gain alot higher HP levels with Nitrous, which, by the way, has anyone tried out the Nitrous yet? If so, how is it? I think it's sort of a cool thing to have in the game, but I dont think it belongs in the game. Maybe only for drag racing, not for regular road races. Anyone Agree?