GT5 Master Track List (NOT a wishlist)

  • Thread starter CyborgGT
I realize that, but I don't have it in Photo Travel mode?

It gets unlocked once you completed a part of the tour event in special events. I not near the game at the moment, so I can't remember the exact name of it.

The thing that I was commenting on was the fact that PD apparently went through the trouble to remove the flags, so why isn't the track accessible to race on as we seen in early videos with karts & small cars?.
Yamauchi in one of his latest tweets confirmed that the Cape Ring scenery is based on the Izu peninsula area of Japan, so even if it's an original track in a made-up environment, I guess that instead of the "GT" country, we can say it's located in Japan?
Hasn't anybody noticed that License test IB-1 is on a wet version of the Top Gear Test Track (and apparently on a different time of the day) ? Definitely proof that it's in, although I still can't select this version in particular in the track selection screen.
That's also confirmation that the volcano visible in the background you can see Mt.Fuji.
By taking into account the North orientation and the rest of the scenery, I believe the track would be located in the northwest corner of the Izu peninsula, not very close to the real spiral bridge.
Does anybody found this location ?

They were screens in comercials, but i can't find this place on any track !?!


So, Technically, only the nurburgring and Top Gear track are the locked tracks that you have to unlock them through the special events. Right?
We found out a few months ago that it's located in the Eiger area.
However it's not in the final retail build of GT5.
It could be a yet undisclosed/unreleased track or course maker location.
We found out a few months ago that it's located in the Eiger area.
However it's not in the final retail build of GT5.
It could be a yet undisclosed/unreleased track or course maker location.

Any chance you could ask Kazunori on Twitter what happened to the track? Just a simple "The track in the FT-68 video looked really good, why isn't it in GT5?" or something? There is a chance that it could be a finished track or whatever and he just didn't think it was worth putting in GT5, and might include it in an update if he knew people thought it looked cool.
To get the top gear track you need gold in the FIRST top gear challenge, the hardest race of the whole game i think!!! LOL the one with the samba buses... You remember they said there would be bikes if there was a public outcry? I think this forum, if we want them, should send them a letter saying we officially cry out for motorbikes. Next december, let them deal with some problems first... And what is peoples problems with the online system??? I like its simplicity more than the insane overcomplicated mess of most racing games, where you 'search' for rooms.
You know, I look at GT5's track list & I look at Forza 3's track list and I can't help but think that Turn 10 had made some really nice selections.
I don't know if its the same for B-Spec, the the track choice for A-Spec events is really limited.

I haven't seen Indianapolis Road Course, SSR7, a lot of the Cape Ring variations and a lot of the reverse versions at all.

It makes it quite boring doing a lot of the same tracks over and over again.
Possibly because some of the different layouts of the Cape Ring course run in the opposite direction.
Why aren't there reverse modes for the Cape Ring courses?
My idea is that the official track list is not the final one, and that some weird things (for example no reverse versions for Cape Ring) are there because in its current form the list is the shortest which allows PD to state that there are "over 70 variations", since there are 71 (including reverse versions).
Anyone here trying to quantify the amount of options you can get on the course maker. I was just wondering. I think with all the options and the daylight changes in most, that the GIS work on those courses are great. I hope we could put up replay cameras and versions at some point, but I suppose this all has to do with RAM and shadow encroachments as well.

Some of my courses are stellar, but you often get the most out of it with replays, and the angles are minimal. Alaska snow is amazing the variations you can get.

Hope we get a few new tracks over the months as well. In the end I think for this game, if they just update the track maker that would be all that I need. Bringing back the old GT tracks would be good as well. The other real life locations can be saved for GT6 in my mind so that PD doesn't have to worry about loads of contractual rights of names and views.
To get the top gear track you need gold in the FIRST top gear challenge, the hardest race of the whole game i think!!! LOL the one with the samba buses...

Wait until you get to the Sebastian Vettel challenge, you will be playing the Top Gear one for some R&R :scared:
Yes should be more city tracks and special route, i missed the one from GT3 i think, was preety long and nice on endurance.
Just curious but are all tracks available in arcade and practice?
Do you have to unlock them to play them in arcade?

And since there is a car prize unlock list can someone that knows what unlocks the tracks for said modes post a new thread and make it a sticky so we all can know how to play said tracks without fishing through the forum?
I don't know! At the start, your driving on the old prologue asphalt track then when you go on the dirt about a few corners in there is this speed bump thing that launches your car up, explain this please.

You mean the railroad leading into a left hairpin?
I was running a while ago the Monza race in the Dream Car Championship from the Extreme events in B-spec mode, and I noticed that in the last 1-2 laps it looked as if some time passed and the sun set down a bit. Before starting the race I didn't notice any "time change" or "weather change" icon (there was only the sun icon). Did anybody else notice this?
Well why not fire up the game and have a look for yourself?

Or be satisfied by knowing that its probably either:

A: A collapsed Easter Island Statue.
B: Buried boxes of used notepads from Translator-San's basement.
C: Part of the plane from Lost.