GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
Anyone can guess what is wrong with this picture? And also enlighten me why I was put into the same bag as some of them? Was lucky to not end up in a virtual hospital and avoid the mayhem and attempts on my life! Also notice that the main perpetrators finished in the top 3 due to crappy penalty logic...

I've got a theory about this... after being bumped down to B earlier in the week I was still in lobbies with the same A/S grids from before the downgrade, briefly. I also saw other players whom were dropped. So maybe the game recognises you were recently S rank and doesn't relegate you immediately. Just a theory.
I've got a theory about this... after being bumped down to B earlier in the week I was still in lobbies with the same A/S grids from before the downgrade, briefly. I also saw other players whom were dropped. So maybe the game recognises you were recently S rank and doesn't relegate you immediately. Just a theory.
I'd imagine the servers struggling to match make means the cross over grids are a lot more prevalent just because the number of players not playing and those that do get in have less of a pool to be matched with.


Regionally there isn't millions of players so the match making rules keep slackening until it can fill a grid.
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Typical! I finally get my wheel and cockpit set up and lo and behold PD have poo'd the bed and my driver and sportsman ranks are on an express elevator to Z 😭
I assume there are still issues, as of now?
I took one for the team. Yep, still broken. Too bad, too, because I was in the middle of a bunch of A's, and (as a B) I stood a decent chance of gaining DR. Oh well.
Typical! I finally get my wheel and cockpit set up and lo and behold PD have poo'd the bed and my driver and sportsman ranks are on an express elevator to Z 😭
So YOU'RE the one who triggered the curse! :lol:
I took one for the team. Yep, still broken. Too bad, too, because I was in the middle of a bunch of A's, and (as a B) I stood a decent chance of gaining DR. Oh well.

So YOU'RE the one who triggered the curse! :lol:
Did 5 races today, 5 loaded 3 perfectly 2 I waited it out to shallow lobbies.

Its slowly resolving its self, so tomorrow should be better I hope.
European servers were quite stable, at least for me. Still some issues, most noteworthy more cars are lagging as usual. Jumping 2 car lengths back and forth happens quite often. In combination with ghosting it's really dangerous but somehow also funny. I don't care about my ratings anymore as I don't understand them. I was down from A+|S to A|B, then back up to A|S but driver rating didn't go up to A+. Now at A|A but with all the shennannigans at Le Mans it's maybe 1 of 10 with CRB.
European servers were quite stable, at least for me. Still some issues, most noteworthy more cars are lagging as usual. Jumping 2 car lengths back and forth happens quite often. In combination with ghosting it's really dangerous but somehow also funny. I don't care about my ratings anymore as I don't understand them. I was down from A+|S to A|B, then back up to A|S but driver rating didn't go up to A+. Now at A|A but with all the shennannigans at Le Mans it's maybe 1 of 10 with CRB.
That sucks a bit, I don't care either about the ratings more the quality of racing that comes with them.
That sucks a bit, I don't care either about the ratings more the quality of racing that comes with them.
Fully agree! Until last week SR coincided with quality but this week with all the issues combined with Le Mans in the rain there are no guarantees anymore. I wanna see heavy damage in Race C for the people to get their acts together. Really appaling driving standards in the rain, as if all rules were waived.
Clearing Web data: excuse me for being a doofus, but what is the process?

I had multiple disconnects in Race C, but only when it was raining. Kie said on his stream it had affected him, too, and put it down to PD's servers not able to handle the heavier data load that comes with rain.

This sound right to you?

2 attempts at racing today, 2 disconnects.
Just had a no-timeout issue race. I know the steps I'm about to outline can't possibly be the reason, but I've tried it twice, and it worked both times. Why didn't I try it more than twice? Because it seems silly. But like I said, it worked twice, on my PS5. And I know the fact it worked twice is isn't proof - not even close. But still...

1. Shut down (not sleep) the PS5.
2. Start it up, and go into "Sport".
3. Click on "Test Connectivity Quality":

I had to do it twice before I got a successful result:

4. Then jump into the race.

I'm well aware that it doesn't really make any sense that this would do anything, considering the other people in the race surely didn't do it.

But hey - what do you have to lose, except DR, SR, self-respect...
Well, I picked a lousy week to start playing GT7 again.

I've successfully connected to 3 race B's this weekend. (I'm only playing Race B so it isn’t an issue of loading the rain.) All the other times it will load the lobby but hang on loading the track after the warmup session. The only times I've successfully loaded a race was after closing out the app and restarting it. Clearing the web cache has done nothing to help connectivity.

Edit: Well, i just proved myself wrong. As I wrote that I left the game open on the loading screen. After about 10 min it loaded and I raced myself to a triple crown victory.
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Just had a no-timeout issue race. I know the steps I'm about to outline can't possibly be the reason, but I've tried it twice, and it worked both times. Why didn't I try it more than twice? Because it seems silly. But like I said, it worked twice, on my PS5. And I know the fact it worked twice is isn't proof - not even close. But still...

1. Shut down (not sleep) the PS5.
2. Start it up, and go into "Sport".
3. Click on "Test Connectivity Quality":
View attachment 1291863
I had to do it twice before I got a successful result:
View attachment 1291864
4. Then jump into the race.

I'm well aware that it doesn't really make any sense that this would do anything, considering the other people in the race surely didn't do it.

But hey - what do you have to lose, except DR, SR, self-respect...
Interesting, but it's almost certainly just coincidence (except for one very specific and unlikely scenario).

I've been an interested (if not dispassionate) observer of these lobby hangs since day 1. It seems they're caused by an underlying flaw in the lobby model. What happens is that the game loses contact with one or more consoles, but it doesn't realise it's lost contact and so hangs waiting for a response. If the player(s) who've lost contact remain in the lobby, the game is stuck until a timer runs out. If the affected player(s) leave, the console seems somehow to send a message and the lobby loads. The worse the servers are performing, the more often these occur.

So unless YOU are the only one making your lobbies hang AND testing your network is somehow clearing that issue, then it's very unlikely this is a "fix".

The real fix would be for the lobby to kick unresponsive consoles after a short but reasonable time period. But I don't see that happening any time soon.
Given the silence from PD, is it possible all of the issues could be tied back to, say, prioritization of bandwidth? They had a huge event going on this weekend and, if it is using the same farm for resources, it is possible they 'throttled' the regular Sport traffic...see what I did there? 😁

Since some races start (eventually) and run to completion, and others are fine, this does feel like a potential bandwidth limitation, intentional or no. If it was a bug(s) you'd think there'd be more errors versus doom loading, plus a very low occurrence of successful races. Be interesting to see if things go back to normal starting this round.

Just random thoughts from random corners of the skull...:cheers:
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Late to the party and I see PD finally screwed the pooch with online dropouts costing players in the rankings. I hearken back to the days of Red Alert 2 wash games.
Some things never change.
A bit late, but……

Shouldn’t this be available to the many and not just the few? A common complaint in these forums is that there is zero customer interaction by PD or Sony regarding this and previous GT products.

Surely this weeks events indicate that this apparent lack of concern needs to be addressed, and in a timely fashion.

Then again, why change the habit of a lifetime….shrug.
It's not just to a few though it's a decent group, and that group has reported bugs / issues not even stated anywhere else. I have openly said many times and many people have done this as well if there's an issue feel free to let me know and I'll forward it on but to report an issue there has to be full evidence of it for me to pass it. So replays, VoDs etc. In that group it's a few into 1 who passes it on, although there's a few members of PD in that group. My report was done on the first race, that's all I did, report it that there's a potential issue (As I'd never seen it before) and then it's upto them.

If they just had an open group of 1,000 / 10,000 or millions I'm pretty sure nothing would get clearly reported as even on the facebook group that I'm in (It's a fan page) people shout about a lot of very random things and I suspect it would all just become noise (In my opinion). It's not like they don't visit these forums either (Not sure where else they visit) so they will know a problem quite quickly.

The communication back yes could be better but I'm sure there's a reason behind it.
ARB and Dampers are both changeable for this next Race C. That's going to make a significant difference to the pecking order, very interesting.
Not sure how much racing I’ll get in this week, but I like it. IMO, I don’t think they should get any more complicated than this. If you’re good with dampers, you can mimic different spring rates - and depending how accurately PD modeled the effects of damping adjustments….different ride heights as well. With the addition of ARB adjustments, you’ll be able to mimic different toe angle adjustments, and to an extent, how messing with the differential torque sensitivity can change your handling. Between the (now 3) different parameters we can mess with, there’s a lot that can be changed with the handling of a car. Pretty cool 😎
It's not just to a few though it's a decent group, and that group has reported bugs / issues not even stated anywhere else. I have openly said many times and many people have done this as well if there's an issue feel free to let me know and I'll forward it on but to report an issue there has to be full evidence of it for me to pass it. So replays, VoDs etc. In that group it's a few into 1 who passes it on, although there's a few members of PD in that group. My report was done on the first race, that's all I did, report it that there's a potential issue (As I'd never seen it before) and then it's upto them.

If they just had an open group of 1,000 / 10,000 or millions I'm pretty sure nothing would get clearly reported as even on the facebook group that I'm in (It's a fan page) people shout about a lot of very random things and I suspect it would all just become noise (In my opinion). It's not like they don't visit these forums either (Not sure where else they visit) so they will know a problem quite quickly.

The communication back yes could be better but I'm sure there's a reason behind it.
How about I mail them my PS5 and they can see the bugs for themselves?
I'm dead serious. I have the cash to buy a second one and the collector in me wants a digital only version to eventually display next to my 45 other consoles.
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I was just talking about this with my wife yesterday... except I am the tool. I was trying to understand why I get offended sometimes when someone passes me.

There are plenty of times I'm happy to let someone go by me because they're obviously faster than me, and letting them pass is the best thing for both of us - unless it's late in the final lap, of course.

And if I mess up and people pass me, that's on me and the only person I get upset with is myself.

But sometimes, when someone passes me just because they're better/faster/whatever than me, and I didn't intentionally let them pass, it seems to trigger something inside me. The vast vast vast majority of the time I shake it off. But every once in a while, I just become the utter tool.

Like I said, I don't know why, and I'm much better, but it still happens and I have no clue why. I should probably see a therapist about this (seriously). ... time passes ... Actually, now that I about it, I think I know why it happens. Ah, a moment of clarity! I hope I can incorporate this into overcoming my toolish responses.

Sorry, everyone, for subjecting you all to my "therapy session". :lol:
Every single person does something out of character. But for some people it's normal.
After watching my 2 Race C replays I think no stop is faster. You lose about 20 seconds per pit stop. Tyres are dead by lap 12-14 depending on driving style with the Porsche 911, maybe even later but as a controller guy that's impossible for me :lol: Haven't tried altering the settings though.
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This is the discussion thread for an article on GTPlanet:

Gran Turismo 7 Daily Races: Civic Pride

A new set of Gran Turismo 7’s Daily Races is now available to cover the next seven days, with a little shake up to the track list and a couple of tweaks to the regulations to catch out the unwary this week...