GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
When I'm QTing I chase the fastest ghost for the car I'm in. I set it with 0.3s lap with reset for each sector. I do NOT run my ghost. If I'm running faster, then my ghost overlaps, distracts me and then I invariably crash out. I figure I'll never catch the world's fastest ghost so that is okay to run close, but it is a sweet feeling for those times where you're keeping pace and even, occasionally, catch up. That's rare, but when it happens I know I'm on for a top 750 global time..
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When I'm QTing I chase the fastest ghost for the car I'm in. I set it with 0.3s lap with reset for each sector. I do NOT run my ghost. If I'm running faster, then my ghost overlaps, distracts me and then I invariably crash out. I figure I'll never catch the world's fastest ghost so that is okay to run close, but it is a sweet feeling for those times where you're keeping pace and even, occasionally, catch up. That's rare, but when it happens I know I'm on for a top 750 global time..
Exactly the same but I don't reset my ghosts anymore and I usually chase Hencsei now.

But all top advice
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Exactly the same but I don't reset my ghosts anymore and I usually chase Hencsei now.

But all top advice
How is your non ghost chasing compare to ghost? At LM my non-ghost times are about a second slower than ghost. The rabbit chasing just helps focus the better lines, braking points, and more importantly when to get on power coming out for corners. This is something I am still trying to improve upon.

In race can be A+ pace (unless they're true alien), if I'm chasing a A+ car in front but as soon as I'm out front, I'm running low A/high B pace. I'm sorry to say, I'm your archetypical can't race at QT pace racer. :banghead:

That I what separates the A+ from the mid/low As. I may be able to QT at their pace but they can run that same pace lap after lap. I cannot.
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How is your non ghost chasing compare to ghost? At LM my non-ghost times are about a second slower than ghost. The rabbit chasing just helps focus the better lines, braking points, and more importantly when to get on power coming out for corners. This is something I am still trying to improve upon.

In race can be A+ pace (unless they're true alien), if I'm chasing a A+ car in front but as soon as I'm out front, I'm running low A/high B pace. I'm sorry to say, I'm your archetypical can't race at QT pace racer. :banghead:

That I what separates the A+ from the mid/low As. I may be able to QT at their pace but they can run that same pace lap after lap. I cannot.
I work better with a ghost, both lap time (qt) and race wise, it's why I throw away so many pole positions.

I can do laps without a ghost but because I lose the comparative performance I over brake usually or am too conservative on the throttle.

In the A lobbies I do ok, aliens aside and a few of the really consistent fast guys I hold my own. But it's a small pool for A lobbies in Europe at least and there is no hope in hell I'm gonna catch world tour drivers or pro streamers.

Ghosts are a weird thing, for a long time I raced myself (my own ghost) but that's just reinforcing my bad habits.

I moved to top or "slow" top ghosts but with no reset. I'm ok judging my pace on the gap to them. Is it optimal, I don't know but it's fast enough at the pace I "can" run.

Time is my limiting factor at the moment.

I'd always use a ghost, you can position them or reset them to a comfortable place to avoid some of the comments people make about them.

And being honest to all the ghost haters, you can hide them with a single press, also if you struggle to race a car you can go through how do you really do against the solid ones?
@GrumpyOldMan have you tried turning the ghosts off? I don't run ghosts because I find them distracting/deflating when I can't keep up. Invariably, if I do try to chase one, button-smashing and teeth grinding soon follow. May be a great reset tool and allow you to get to know the track on your terms versus forcing yourself into someone else's lines. Turn the racing line on and let it happ'n, Cap'n.👍
When I'm chasing my ghost, I always leave it off, and use a button to turn it on briefly to see how I'm doing. When I'm using someone else's ghost, I usually leave it on to see where I'm losing time.
You can also toggle the option to reset the ghost at each sector so you can still learn and chase them without them driving off in to the sunset.
I was thrilled when they finally fixed the bug that caused this not to work. I'll use it when it's a ghost I can't keep in sight.

Thanks for the suggestions, guys. I'm pretty sure I know what the real problem is, but I'm too stubborn to take the time to fix it.

It's because I'm using assists (on Gr.3 cars) - TCS, and the bottom two whose names I can't remember right now. Mind you, it's not that the assists slow me down much - it's that they allow me to use lines that aren't conducive to good times. I see it anytime I turn them off. I try to drive the same lines and spin out instantly. So it's obvious the assists are training wheels that allow me to practice bad habits.

But it's so damn frustrating to not use them. With that said, it's no fun right now with them. Sigh.
Ghosts are a weird thing, for a long time I raced myself (my own ghost) but that's just reinforcing my bad habits.
This is very true. It the main reason I stopped chasing my ghosts. I would find I would be quick on Monday/Tuesday and then just not progress as I had reinforced whatever muscle memory I needed for that combo that week. Good or bad. Switching to chasing various top 20 ghosts stops me reinforcing those bad habbits.

This is a good tip for anyone trying to learn a combo who is relying on their own ghosts. Stop. If the top 20 are too fast, go to showcase and find a replay for the combo that is close to a goal target you have (say 1-2 seconds faster). Once you achieve that, find a new replay to chase that is a new target (say 1/2s quicker again). Through that you'll improve. I also recommend doing the TTs. While some may complain about grinding TTs or QTs, I find it very good for helping to learn tracks. For instance, I was terrible and hated Mount Panorama and would never try that in a daily race. Now having got gold in last weeks TT I feel I finally understand the track and next time it comes up in a daily I will be less hesitant to take it on.
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How is your non ghost chasing compare to ghost? At LM my non-ghost times are about a second slower than ghost. The rabbit chasing just helps focus the better lines, braking points, and more importantly when to get on power coming out for corners. This is something I am still trying to improve upon.

In race can be A+ pace (unless they're true alien), if I'm chasing a A+ car in front but as soon as I'm out front, I'm running low A/high B pace. I'm sorry to say, I'm your archetypical can't race at QT pace racer. :banghead:

That I what separates the A+ from the mid/low As. I may be able to QT at their pace but they can run that same pace lap after lap. I cannot.
My routine is as follows:

  1. Load up my best lap ghost (0.5s) ahead and get as close as I can to the time I had set
  2. Remove my ghost and just focus on the time
Reason being is if I focus on copying the ghost, I will never really find out if I can take a corner entry/ exit better, same as braking and accelerating points. I try to do something different than what I had previously done when setting my fastest lap and sometimes, my original line is best but most times, I find I can go faster than I had done by doing things different.

This week, my struggle hasn't been car setup but steering - same as I had mentioned before yesterday. Is there a way to literally copy a setup on the DD Pro and paste it into a new slot? I don't want to mess what with I have but would love to copy it and then mess about the copy rather than the original.

Did some laps at the RBR with the Subaru WRX and I managed to get within 0.2s comfortably than my best Mazda time. Might try something else later but I think for a race, I for sure prefer the WRX to the Mazda.
This week, my struggle hasn't been car setup but
But Glen is faster.

I know, I know it sucks. But here we are.

In all seriousness the RBR is diminishing returns.

The QT pace is dependant on not getting track penalties.

If you get lucky and if you can maximise every corner once in the same lap it's golden.

I did try a lot of cars, the WRX, Evo, obviously my BUG, the supra and they just can't do it in my hands :(
Is there a way to literally copy a setup on the DD Pro and paste it into a new slot? I don't want to mess what with I have but would love to copy it and then mess about the copy rather than the original.
No way to copy. I noted mine. This week I undertook a pretty significant change in GT DD Pro set up. I like a pretty constant weight to the wheel so that I don't over turn it with it being too light but I also don't want it where it feels nicely weighted for the sweeping corners but was then too heavy and tiring for slow corners. Base on a video I saw on set up of the new DD+ Extreme (from DigitGaming I think) I headed off on a complete different direction. I think I now have it where weight is balanced for car weight shift and cornering resistance without getting overly strong or too light. Whether it is the ultimate set up I doubt it, but without it I doubt I would have got my top 700 times this week. If you'd like I can share later over chat.
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In terms of DD pro set up, I prefer weight fractionally over damping so have mine set set to provide weight with less oscillation. Everyone's mileage varies on these things and I just adjust in game torque but leave the wheel with less damping.

It works for my driving style but again these things need to be tuned for your comfort or driving style.
@AdxRE 😀

Managed to break into the 1:34's but by the skin of my teeth! Optimal was 1:34:7 when taking the best sectors from about 20 practice laps. Extremely, super, incredibly impressed by your time mate, really!

Found (in my case) that the default settings are actually quite good - all I did was decrease the front anti-roll to 4 and increased rear to 7 and set the last 3 torque sense to 15, 12 and 12 + set the brake bias to +3 Front.

The main challenge was creating a new DD setting in the wheel, which I am still fine-tuning... Did one race and started last lol, was in P14 when I exited the pits on lap 4/5 but my tires completely died by lap 9 and tumbled back to the bottom. Guessing I should not have had the brakes set to 3 front for the race too lol..

Again mate, hats off this week!

And so my first stint at DR B is over. 😭 to be fair I’m not really at that level yet. After saying I was going to give racing at Maggiore a miss following some frustrating shunts, I couldn’t resist and got lured back in, big mistake. 3 races, got punted every time. Once into the sand at T11 (the hairpin after the esses), once at turn 2 on lap one, and once into the red zone at turn 14, where I was additionally penalised for going off track. 🙄
Does anyone know any good clean leagues that race on weekends in the afternoons UK time?
Same for me in the A lobbies. I broke my one rule: don’t race Friday night or Saturday afternoon and I paid the price! I was getting shoved all over the place by people who should know better, and I lost half my SR S rating in two races! I’m trying to give a little space in the backed up turn 1&2 and 3&4 combos but these maniacs take that as in invitation to point me off the track!

And my DDPro suddenly decided to disconnect twice in one race! Hard to stay on the track when the wheel won’t work!!!!
When I'm chasing my ghost, I always leave it off, and use a button to turn it on briefly to see how I'm doing.
Which button is that? I can never remember!
28 laps in next months race....
Gonna be fun :)

Which button is that? I can never remember!
On the DDPro, it's up on the stick on the lower left (the one that's for looking left/right/behind). I think that's the default location. I have the ghost offset 0.3 seconds so I leave it on, but will turn it off if I'm making gains and I get close enough that it becomes hard to drive my own lines without following the ghost.
One more race, he says, what could go wrong he says . . . I start P5, I'll just stay clean and finish ok.

I got in a mixed A/B lobby and every single B driver behind me used me for their brakes. Zero race craft, zero guilt! I found myself in a red mist, punting people who I even suspected of thinking about touching me! Geez. I deserve to lose every bit of DR and SR I have.

I can't stand people who just want to ruin races, or don't know the difference of good aggressive racing vs. ruining races. And the more it happens to me, the worse drivers I get stuck with next race. I HATE THIS!!!!!!

And now I remember why I quit last year. Nothing's gonna change, and I'm too stupid to act differently. I wish we had the option of leaving a lobby when we see who's in it, without penalty. I know why they can't do that, but I hate getting stuck with people who I know are going to be dirty.

Oh well. It's off to do several Races A to get my SR back I guess.
I don't know if I'll make it into the cool kidz zone @ 56's. Ran some laps trying to find my tune again but did not succeed...we'll see what tomorrow holds. BUT, it got dumber (gif was a pre-cursor, who knew??). Knowing I'm a second or so off my pace, somehow I managed to craft-up arithmetic that made going racing sound like a great idea.🤣

Didn't expect much but was at least fresh off laps, even if they did suck. First race has me sitting P2, much to my surprise. P1 overshot T5 on L1 and I was able to capitalize, leaving them and the rest of the pack in the rearview for the rest of the race. Second race has me sitting P3, and I struggled to find my groove the first lap. Luckily qt'd almost a second faster than P4 so had breathing room. Looked down to realize I was a dumbass, BB was set wrong.🤬 Gathered myself up and finished where I started. Cool by me.😁

Thanks to @sturk0167, @TheNormsk, @TechnoIsLove and the rest of y'all here...wouldn't drive so hard if you weren't so damn fast.👍

One more race, he says, what could go wrong he says . . . I start P5, I'll just stay clean and finish ok.

I got in a mixed A/B lobby and every single B driver behind me used me for their brakes. Zero race craft, zero guilt! I found myself in a red mist, punting people who I even suspected of thinking about touching me! Geez. I deserve to lose every bit of DR and SR I have.

I can't stand people who just want to ruin races, or don't know the difference of good aggressive racing vs. ruining races. And the more it happens to me, the worse drivers I get stuck with next race. I HATE THIS!!!!!!

And now I remember why I quit last year. Nothing's gonna change, and I'm too stupid to act differently. I wish we had the option of leaving a lobby when we see who's in it, without penalty. I know why they can't do that, but I hate getting stuck with people who I know are going to be dirty.

Oh well. It's off to do several Races A to get my SR back I guess.
I haven't been doing any Daily Races for months now and spending a lot less time pissed off at people that I'll never meet. It's been a good trade off.
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I haven't been doing any Daily Races for months now and spending a lot less time pissed off at people that I'll never meet. It's been a good trade off.
I am quite happy to be a D DR racer if it means not constantly being aggravated by people who are unwilling to even attempt to "play" this "game" with equal respect. There are many things to work on offline that keeps the game interesting for me.
Phew, I just got a QT time of 1'40.999, let's see if I can lower it even more! I like the Mazda RX car, it's comfortable to drive around the track.
Not really having a great week in terms of race - I just could not find the race pace or consistancy (Espeically on the esses) of the GTRs or Mercs. Will have a net loss in DR this week for the first time since I setup this new account!

This is one of the better races I did, both GTRs in front and behind raced clean and the entire race was nerve wrecking! Tried a few moves at T5 but did not pay off (and fortunately did not end in disaster either).

P.S. I still have no answer to your QT lap @TheNormsk :indiff:
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Logging in this morning to an SR B that I'm guessing came from Monday evening's loss of all cool and composure at Maggiore!

Yep I went ape after being slammed into one too many times and turned it into a roaming bomb much to my regret afterwards.

It's amazing how fast it drops though, I do think that's right in the end. Got what I deserved and it's not the way I want to race at all.

A lesson in avoiding evening races again, I'm not in the right headspace for it after a long shift, and it seems neither is anyone else by that time of day. The annoying part is I knew that!! before I even started.
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